Marc Raimondi talks Cain Velasquez debut, SummerSlam Preview | Café Hangout

Marc Raimondi talks Cain Velasquez debut, SummerSlam Preview | Café Hangout


On this week’s Café Hangout, John Pollock and Wai Ting are joined by ESPN’s Marc Raimondi to discuss his recent trip to Mexico to follow Cain Velasquez ahead of his pro wrestling debut at AAA TripleMania. Marc also discusses his experience covering wrestling for ESPN.

We also share our live experiences at OWE and Smash Vs. Progress wrestling events in Toronto. Finally, we preview this weekend’s WWE SummerSlam 2019. [PREVIEW AT 01:13:33]

NOTE: Apologies for the Skype/phone connection issues affecting our calls on this show. This issue should be fixed for future episodes.


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Music: “Down In New Orleans” by Giorgio Di Campo for Freesound Music

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