NWA Power Report: Nick Aldis vs. Tim Storm for the NWA championship

John Pollock's report on the debut episode of NWA Power from last week's taping in Atlanta with Nick Aldis defending the NWA championship against Tim Storm.

The NWA launched its new series “Power” on Tuesday night through YouTube and Facebook from the GPB Studios in Atlanta, Georgia.

The show kicked off to the tune of “Into the Fire” by Dokken.

Joe Galli and Jim Cornette are calling the show. Cornette went through a quick history lesson accompanied by b-roll of archived photos.

David Marquez is handling the in-studio interviews and welcomed NWA champion Nick Aldis with Kamilla. It was such a throwback as Aldis cut his promo and it was met with applause at the big lines. He put over the champions in the company and complimenting the locker room. Aldis said he respects Tim Storm but has made his living through professional wrestling and set up the night’s main event.


It was an immediate cut to all four men already in the ring with the title card on the screen identifying the performers.

The Dawsons double-teamed Buck and sent Rinauro to the floor. Buck was lifted and took a double-team splash and powerslam as he was pinned.

WINNERS: The Dawsons in 1:44

They cut a promo about coming for all the tag teams and are the bullies of the division.

Austin Idol cut a promo for his Universal Wrestling College that took camp to a new level.

Galli interviewed Eli Drake on the set, Drake said there are a bunch of children running around this business, but the NWA has men. Drake is after the NWA title. His delivery is tremendous and is a perfect fit for what the NWA is promoting.


Drake attacked Konley with a swinging neck breaker and stomped him down as the audience chanted for Drake. Konley caught him with an enzuigiri from the apron and a tornillo splash into the ring.

Konley went for a springboard twisting moonsault, landing on Drake’s feet. Drake hit the Gravy Train for the win.

WINNER: Eli Drake at 4:25

Drake translates well to this environment and presentation with a promo, short match, and the audience saw him as a big deal.

Jocephus stormed the announcer’s area yelling that he wants Tim Storm and wouldn’t leave. Instead, James Storm came out telling him he’s the only Storm to worry about. Storm said he isn’t tough and is the problem with the business today because he can’t walk a mile in his shoes. Storm is a real star and Jocephus is a joke and had a pull apart.


Latimer speared Mims while Isaacs was the legal man. White was tagged in and double-teamed with a powerbomb from Latimer and elevated German suplex by Isaacs for the victory.

WINNERS: Thomas Latimer & Royce Isaacs in 2:08

They cut a promo with Marquez on the set and were interrupted by Eddie Kingston. He called him Bram and “Tommy Boy”. Kingston said they don’t speak for people like Kingston and the underdogs or outlaws of the world. Homicide joined Kingston as they cut to James Storm and Jocephus continuing their brawl. The idea was to convey how unpredictable it was and panning the camera from one conflict to the next.

James Storm chased after Jocephus in the small studio and it looked rather comical to watch this attempt at a chase. Jocephus would only accept the match if Storm put his hands behind his back.


Storm instantly hit the Last Call superkick and pinned him.

WINNER: James Storm in 0:18

He hit Jocephus with another Last Call after the match.

Throughout the show, they ran old clips from Ten Pounds of Gold building up the main event between Nick Aldis and Tim Storm, including Storm’s background as a schoolteacher and a grandfather. It cut to December 2017 when Aldis defeated Storm for the NWA championship.

Galli interviewed Storm before the match if Storm loses, he doesn’t receive another shot at the title. He spoke about his 94-year old mother, who doesn’t want to see him hurt. He said Nick Aldis is the best champion in the industry today. There is nothing more important to him than the NWA championship and then quoted Eminem’s “Lose Yourself”, which I wasn’t expecting. He ended by stating he can’t lose. This was a great promo to set up the match.

They announced that next week’s show will feature NWA women’s champion Allysin Kay in action.


They fought on the floor and saw Aldis reverse an Irish whip and send Storm into the post. Aldis attacked his lower back by driving it into the apron.

Storm drove Aldis into the turnbuckle and fought back. Storm applied the figure-four, Aldis got out of the hold and Storm landed a superplex for a two-count. Storm went to the top and hit a crossbody but didn’t get much height. Aldis regained control and returned to attacking the back with an elbow off the top and the King’s Lynn Cloverleaf that was stopped when Storm reached the rope.

Aldis was shoved at referee Brian Hebner and Storm took advantage and landed a low blow and hit the Perfect Storm for a near fall the audience bit on.

On the floor, Aldis missed Storm and clotheslined Kamille. Storm tried to capitalize in the ring with a suplex that was countered with a cradle as Aldis retained.

WINNER: Nick Aldis at 12:08 to retain the NWA heavyweight title

Cornette emphasized the stipulation that Storm will never receive another title shot.

Galli interviewed Aldis, he said NWA stands for “Never Without Authenticity” and put over Tim Storm and respects him. Galli asked how Kamilla feels and Aldis said she is fine and wouldn’t let her speak for herself. She would not say she was okay after the clothesline and teasing dissension between the two.


The 60-minute format works very well for what they are doing. This was conveyed with an easy-to-digest story throughout the show of Tim Storm’s final shot at the NWA title and a payoff at the end of the show where you got a winner and a loser.

For the first episode, the quick matches were designed to get the viewer familiar with key people and a large emphasis on promos either before or after the match to add a layer to their character.

The show moved well as there is zero downtime or parts that dragged.

The novelty of the retro set and the throwback presentation will help curiosity for those seeking out what this show is. There are parts that may go too far in that direction and it’s still a question if enough current fans will appreciate such a throwback when the modern promotions are all about big production, big arenas, and everything this show is running away from. To counter that, it’s impossible for the NWA to compete at that level, so it’s a worthy experiment to go all the way and make your lower budget your calling card rather than shoot television in front of 100 people and look like any other company at that level.

The commentary team of Joe Galli and Jim Cornette were also a great addition to getting this presentation across and they have strong chemistry together in the limited shows they have done together for the NWA.

I enjoyed the first show with the main event story carrying the episode and some great talkers mixed into the hour, especially Eli Drake. Both Nick Aldis and Tim Storm did excellent jobs setting the table for the title match and Aldis feels like a top champion in how he carries himself.

About John Pollock 5824 Articles
Born on a Friday, John Pollock is a reporter, editor & podcaster at POST Wrestling. He runs and owns POST Wrestling alongside Wai Ting.