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John Pollock and Wai Ting review WCW Monday Nitro from Kitchener, Ontario held on September 18, 2000 featuring a… uh… the booking of this show is so difficult to describe in one paragraph you’ll really just need to listen to find out.
Appearances by Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, Jeff Jarrett, Booker T, Sting, The Natural Born Thrillers, Kwee-Wee, That 70’s Guy Mike Awesome, David Flair, KroniK and lots and lots and lots of Vince Russo.
This edition of the Rewind-A-Wai is presented by Espresso Executive Producer, Edward Archer.
Watch this event on the WWE Network (account required): https://watch.wwe.com/episode/WCW-Monday-Nitro-2615
WCW Monday Nitro
September 18, 2000
Kitchener, Ontario
*Sean O’Haire, Mark Jindrak, Chuck Palumbo & Mike Sanders vs. Rey Mysterio & Tygress
*Shane Douglas & Torrie Wilson vs. Kwee Wee & Paisley
*Ernest Miller vs. Disqo
*WCW Title: Booker T vs Sting
*Lance Storm, Elix Skipper & Jim Duggan vs. General Rection, Lt. Loco & Cpl. Cajun
*Hardcore Match: Vampiro vs. Mike Awesome
*Winner Receives a WCW Title Shot: Booker T & Sting vs. Scott Steiner & Jeff Jarrett
Photo Courtesy: WWE
Next time on Rewind-A-Wai: WWE WrestleMania 31
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