POST NEWS UPDATE: Kenny Omega feels that The Lucha Brothers are “underrepresented” in AEW

Kenny Omega feels that The Lucha Bros. are underrepresented in AEW, New Jack shares his thoughts on New Day, Michael Elgin checking into rehab, update on the NWA Powerrr program, Miro discusses WWE's "erectile dysfunction" pitch and more.

Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

If any of the quotes from the following podcasts or video interviews are used, please credit those sources and provide an H/T and link back to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions.

** Kenny Omega was a guest on the Wrestle Buddies podcast and discussed All Elite Wrestling and video games among other topics. Omega talked about some of the rising stars in AEW but mentioned that he feels Pentagon Jr. and Fenix could be doing more and added that they are “underrepresented”.

“I feel like maybe two guys that could be doing more than what they are doing, even larger and more popular, could sell more merchandise, could bring more eyeballs to our product are The Lucha Brothers, I think. Not that they’re underutilized per say, but I do think with how great they are, they’re perhaps underrepresented right now and I would love to see more of them on every episode, but that’s just me speaking as a fan.”

Omega commented on the idea of possibly working with The New Day again to follow up on what New Day and The Elite were able to do in 2018 on the gaming front. Kenny says he hopes they are able to come together and looked at the positives of their last get-together as a reason to link up once more.

“I absolutely do think that it’s a possibility. I mean we have G4 coming back, we have VENN TV as well. We’re kinda throwing their names in the hat so there’s gonna be these platforms for these shows to exist to have opportunities for guests to show up, opportunities for guests to compete against each other and I think they’re gonna wanna do whatever it takes to have as many viewers as possible and I think it goes for both companies, I guess all three companies involved, wherever the platform may be, and I think what we had proven at E3 was that when you marry these two brands together, there’s nothing but positivity to come from it and we broke all kinds of real cool little records with our little stream and no one had anything bad to say about it, no one company looked weaker than another. It was just a celebration of video games between people that love video games and I think it’s easy to do that again and I think, as long as the opportunity is there and the forum is there, we will absolutely do it again and I hope we do.”

On the topic of the All Elite Wrestling video game, Omega said that it’s in development. He added that he has been working with the team who is putting the game together and the game is in good hands.

“Well, I don’t believe this is breaking too much news but the status of the AEW video game is that it’s currently in development. So, right now the game is in development. I can’t say too much more other than that I am working very closely, creatively with the team and every few weeks there are — they have very new, exciting things to show us and I believe we’re on the right track because we have a good team backing us with a lot of very good hands that are very capable and when I can announce more, I certainly will and I’m really excited to show the first little bit of footage that we have and again, it’s a little ways away. We’re not gonna be competing head-to-head against WWE Battlegrounds anytime soon, but when the game is ready and will release, I think it has a very good chance at standing alone as probably the best wrestling product, as a video game that you could probably find on the market. That’s the hope anyway.”

** NWA President Billy Corgan took to his Instagram and provided an update on the status of NWA Powerrr. Corgan noted that that he and his team are currently discussing bringing back Powerrr even if fans won’t be in attendance.

“One year ago, we shot out first episode of NWA POWERRR; suffice to say it’s been a crazy ride ever since. From trending #1 world wide on our debut to successful PPV’s to having to stop many plans (including the Crockett Cup) due to the plague, to Rosa appearing with the NWA Women’s Championship on AEW to now adding our voice to the collective that is Prime Time Live on the UWN, I can only say to our great fans ‘hang in there.’ We are currently talking about bringing back POWERRR very soon, even if it means we can’t have fans in the stands because we just want to get back to work. But it’s nice to see our friend and former champion Tim Storm here. If anyone can lead us out of this, it’s a man or woman like him: who gives it all he or she’s got even when the chips are down. That sounds more grim than I mean it, case yeah: still here, still kicking, and ready to get ready to rock.”

** Miro, the former Rusev was the most recent guest on the AEW Unrestricted podcast. Miro discussed the storyline he was a part of in WWE where Lana constantly referred to him as a sex addict. Miro revealed that originally, the plan was to play up that he had erectile dysfunction.

“That’s when I came out and they wanted CJ to say that I’m a sex addict, but the original pitch was that I have erectile dysfunction. They really wanted to kill me like completely because I don’t think in anybody’s eyes [they] saw the babyface have erectile dysfunction, and he’s somewhat of a good guy. But you can’t prove that and there’s nothing wrong with people having erectile dysfunction. You know there’s the pills, you can take care of it. You can watch the commercials from Aubrey [Edwards] and you’ll find out. You can see what kind of pills you need to take. But that was not the case here and there’s no coming back from it. There’s absolutely no coming back from it and I told him, ‘Vince, this is gonna bury me completely. You already have the man that took my wife and now I have all this dysfunction then I’m gonna lose. I just don’t think’ — well I was not supposed to lose anyways, but that’s just changing time. I just told him, ‘No, I think it’s a bad idea if we do the sex addict thing,’ so he went for it right away. But thank God, thank God I did not have erectile dysfunction as a character. If you have one in real life, please see Aubrey.”

Chris Jericho stated during one of his Saturday Night Special streams that he came up with the “brass ring” line for Miro’s first promo in AEW. Miro confirmed that and added that he consulted with Jericho about a few lines to piece together.

“And when Chris told me about — again, about the first promo and I had an idea of what I wanted to say and Chris was there, Jericho, and Jericho is the best at that so I went, ‘Chris, do you mind?’ So I ran it by him and he just gave me the line about the brass ring and I was so shocked because never in my mind would I think I could say anything like it because I think the worst thing before that I said was ass and I felt like a bad boy for seven years because I said ass and I was like [to] my wife, ‘You see that? I said ass.’ But last night, last week or two weeks ago, it was a completely different thing but once again, it made sense. It was not forced. It wasn’t like, ‘Oh, you’re just saying something’ but it’s not. It’s making sense and it was not like the worst insult. Everything had to make sense and I think it did and as I said, now that we’re moving on and we’re going to bigger and better things.”

** IWTV is hosting a series called “The Masked Wrestler”. Eight masked talents will compete in a tournament to determine the next challenger to the IWTV Championship. As the tournament goes on, the losers will have to unmask themselves.

** Per PWInsider, former WWE Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy’s court appearance in North Carolina for his October (2019) arrest has been pushed back to 10/22 due to court closures via the COVID-19 pandemic. Hardy was arrested in the Fall of 2019 for driving while impaired.

** Michael Elgin made the announcement that he’s checking himself into rehab for painkiller addiction.

** Ahead of his NXT North American Title match at TakeOver 31, Johnny Gargano spoke with Daily Star for an exclusive interview. Gargano spoke highly of Chad Gable and feels that Gable deserves more than what he has been doing on WWE television.

“With what he’s shown people he’s capable of doing, I think he’s tremendous. I am in that camp of people who wants more for him because he has shown that, when you give him the ball, he can run with it further than anyone – he can go. Even Kurt Angle, one of the best of all time, says that Chad Gable is like a mini him – you’ve got a mini Kurt Angle on your hands! You’ve got to strike while the iron is hot and Chad, if he gets an opportunity, will make the most of it, and hopefully he’ll get that opportunity.

With what we do in wrestling, it is all about timing. You’ve got to be prepared, and just from seeing how hard that guy works, he is always prepared. So now it just comes down to timing. I do believe that if he keeps working hard, he’ll get the opportunities he deserves. I think Chad Gable will show the world… when the time comes, he’s gonna kill it.”

** Taylor Wilde welcomed IMPACT Wrestling’s Kiera Hogan onto her ‘Wilde On’ podcast. Kiera talked about what it meant to her to win the WOW Tag Team Championships with her significant other Diamante. Initially, the powers that be at WOW were not aware that Hogan and Diamante were in a relationship and once they found out, the decision was made to go all in with them.

“It’s a very interesting mix [of talents in WOW]. Getting through that experience, one, was an accomplishment but then for them to crown us the tag champions after they wanted to put me with one of their actress girls and then something happened and they wanted to find another partner for me and it just so happened — like nobody even knew at the time that-that was my girlfriend but they put us together because they thought we would be a good team and then they found out we were together and like I said, it’s the chemistry and then they wanted to crown us the tag champions and we were just like, ‘What!? Okay, that’s awesome.’ So I think being signed to IMPACT is definitely a highlight but winning those tag titles with my girlfriend, I will never forget.”

** On 9/27, Arn Anderson applied to trademark “The Four Horsemen”.

** Bleacher Report Live conducted an interview with AEW official Aubrey Edwards. Aubrey opened up about the importance of the Sonny Kiss/Cody match for the TNT Championship and how Sonny’s representation in that match meant a great deal to a lot of people.

“I’d say the other one is Sonny Kiss versus Cody for the TNT Title. That was really important to me because I’ve started talking a little bit more about being openly bisexual, so for Sonny Kiss to have the platform that she did to be able to have this match with Cody, in a title match, that was something she had earned. For me to officiate it, it meant a lot for what the LGBTQ+ community looked like in that moment and as I said before, representation matters. It was a really big deal and the match was really good too so that’s always a bonus.”

** JBL joined Corey Graves on the After The Bell podcast. JBL recalled working with Eddie Guerrero and doing the ‘heart attack’ angle with Eddie’s mother in El Paso, Texas. JBL says that was Eddie and Chavo Guerrero Sr.’s idea and detailed how things were coordinated as far as that playing out.

“After we did the heart attack angle with Eddie’s mom in El Paso when Chavo and Eddie came up with — we’re in the back of the dressing room and the JBL character wasn’t working at all. People still saw me as Bradshaw. ‘Oh this mid-card wrestler,’ whatever they saw me as. They didn’t see me as this main-event guy and Chavo and Eddie come up with this heart attack angle in El Paso on Mother’s Day weekend with this 74-year old mother, and the best part about it was, I’m listening to Chavo and Eddie talk and they almost get into a fist fight in the back as Guerreros tend to do, as they’re pitching this angle. So Chavo realizes he’s got the hook in Eddie and he goes, ‘And then, we’ll have JBL clothesline mom’ and Eddie gets up to fight Chavo, and Chavo’s just needling him, Chavo Sr., not Chavo the nephew, then they get up to fight. I’m in the back. I’m thinking, ‘Do I break them up or [is] this idea really good?’ Oh it was great.”

JBL also told the story of how he and Ron Simmons formed The APA. It derived from Vince McMahon seeing Bradshaw under the influence in a hotel and the next day, they had a conversation during-which Vince pitched the idea of Bradshaw and Simmons drinking on television.

“Godfather was riding with me, Teddy Long, Ron Simmons. It’s my birthday so they’re feeding me everything that I can ingest and so, by the time I get to Baltimore, Ron says, ‘I’m going to bed.’ Well I said, ‘Well I’m going to the bar, it’s my birthday.’ So I went down to the TV hotel which we never did but I knew there was gonna be people down there to talk to and have a few more drinks before I went to bed and I ran into Vince and [unable to make out name] and they bought me some drinks, they put me in their car and sent me back to the Red Roof. So, I get to the Red Roof, I open up the door, I’m stumbling in, Ron goes, ‘How’d you get back?’ I said, ‘Vince’s limo.’ He goes, ‘We’re f*cked. We’re f*cked.’ He goes, ‘You went to [the] TV hotel?’ I said yeah. He goes, ‘You still got connections in Japan?’ So the next day, Vince calls me and he says — let me correct a part of the story. He [saw me] earlier in the day with Ron, out having some drinks then I went to the TV hotel by myself so, I gotta correct part of that because Vince told me, he goes, ‘Vince wants to see you, next day at TV,’ and I said, ‘Okay’ so I went in there and I thought, ‘Okay, he’s gonna ring me out for being drunk at the TV hotel.’ He goes, ‘I wanna put that on television.’ I said, ‘Put what on television?’ And I’m still so hungover, I’m seeing triple and he goes, ‘You and Ron, sitting around bs’ing having beers.’ He goes, ‘That’s good stuff.’ He goes, ‘I like that.’ He goes, ‘That’s just guys’ and I said, ‘You want me and Ron to sit around and drink on television?’ He goes, ‘Yes!’ He goes, ‘I got it all figured out. The Acolytes Protection Agency, The APA, you’re gonna beat people up for money.’ Really? So I go back and tell Ron, Ron goes, ‘Yeah, when are we going to Japan?’ I said, ‘Ron, Vince wants us to drink beer on television.’ Ron goes, ‘That’s the best idea I’ve ever heard’ and that was it. That’s how The A.P.A. started was Vince seeing me and Ron just sitting around bs’ing and goes, ‘I just wanna put that on television. You guys be you guys,’ he thought that was entertaining and that’s how The A.P.A. as far as the backstage [stuff] started.”

** DDT Pro-Wrestling announced that Ladybeard’s contract has expired and they’ve chosen not to renew it. He’ll now be working with them as a freelancer.

** On the latest episode of New Jack’s podcast, Mustafa Saed joined the show. During their conversation, New Jack shared his thoughts about New Day (Big E, Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) and what they’ve been doing in WWE.

“What’s those guys name on WCW? I mean WWE. The cereal… yeah New Day and I mean its f*cking r****ded but that’s the spot they’ve been given, so that’s what they take, and it’s just like, they come in the locker room, they sit in the corner and they wait for them to come in and bring them these dumb ass scripts and it’s f*cking r****ded, whereas me and Mustafa [Saed] was coming up, we did our own thing. They would give me the point and I would take the sh*t and run with it and that’s what we did. We didn’t go by what Paul E wanted to do or what [Jim] Cornette wanted to do. It was just like, ‘I need you to reach this point,’ and that’s what we would do, and we did our own thing.”

** Sugar Dunkerton chatted with Wrestling Inc. and one of the topics that came up was his recent cameo appearances on Monday Night RAW. Suge was recently featured in a video package to promote Bianca Belair. He spoke about what it was like to work with Belair and mentioned how there was a portion of that track scene that was not used which showed Belair’s athleticism at full power.

“There’s literally a cut of her from the very start, all the way down to the finish line and she’s booking and running and doing the hurdles and she’s got the braid in her hair and she knocked it out in one take and this is the girl who hasn’t done track in forever. She’s completely trained her body for a whole other sport and for her, she was getting frustrated because she couldn’t go faster or she wasn’t confident and she was killing it. She’s like, ‘I’m maybe 75 percent right now.’ So that’s scary, because that’s her 75 on camera and you’ve seen the videos I think of her back in the day when this was all she did. So, for her to come in that day and for her to knock all that out physically, still be a total peach to everybody when everything’s going on, just smiling, happy, telling jokes, all that other stuff. She’s a real one, she’s good. They got something super special in her and I think that was obvious even if you haven’t met her.”

Suge D, having been around both WWE and AEW, gave his thoughts about the cultures in both companies. Suge shared several differences but added that at the end of the day, it’s all still a TV wrestling product.

“I haven’t been back to WWE’s [locker room] in some time so they definitely loosened up on some stuff. Since returning, it’s just one of those cases where I’m looking at it and the atmosphere is just a little bit more — it’s hectic, don’t get me wrong. It’s always something going on, but it’s gotten a little bit more chill in just the way they’re dealing with extras and all that other stuff like that. It’s just chill man. Before, it kinda used to be one of those things where it was like, ‘Don’t talk to anybody. Just stay off to this little corner’ and everything like that but now everything is easy. You just be where you’re supposed to be and of course you show up in your suit, all the other good stuff like that. AEW is just casual. They do their thing. It’s just a bunch of dudes getting together to make some wrestling. At the end of the day, it’s all corporate wrestling though so, I don’t think anybody should get it twisted that it’s like, ‘Oh my God, it’s just so much more chill on this side.’ It’s chill, but it’s still a TV wrestling product. So there’s still stuff that goes on that’s high pressure and everything that’s going on and it’s the same thing over with that other side. So, it’s a little bit more hectic because they’ve been doing it longer, they got more people to answer to, etcetera, etcetera, but at the end of the day, it’s all TV wrestling. Coming from a guy that just had a match at a fair show last weekend and was at American Legion before that, it’s like, there’s differences. There’s always gonna be differences when it’s all said and done but when you’re in those positions, you just gotta be ready to work, you gotta be ready to show out, you gotta be ready to just take the little and make more of it because I think people notice that and I think people pay attention to that.”

Suge D, also known as “Pineapple Pete” competed for AEW for a number of months as the COVID-19 pandemic continued. He was featured on AEW Dark and eventually competed against Chris Jericho on Dynamite. Suge talked about no longer working with AEW for the time being and never getting too comfortable to think that his spot was permanent.

“But always in the back of my mind there were two thoughts that were always in the back of my mind, especially the last three months of it: It could end in one text message or one phone call, and every time that you go out there, you need to buy more time, every match. Make something, make a moment, make a face, make a sell, make a move. Do something so that it’s like, ‘You know what? Let’s keep him around just that one show longer just to see’ and that was always my feeling every time I went on there. I thought for the longest time for three months, like for three months I thought, ‘Okay, they’re done’ and then I got three months. So I got way more time than people probably even thought I had and there was just one day where I just got the message. Like times up. Okay.”

** David LaGreca and Tommy Dreamer welcomed Vickie Guerrero onto Busted Open Radio. Vickie discussed she and Nyla Rose’s on-screen partnership in AEW and Vickie said that she knows that eventually, Nyla is going to turn on her but for now, she and Nyla are enjoying what they’re doing.

“Right now, we worked on AEW with some of the girls that aren’t signed and it’s just a lot of fun. We get to experiment and see how we kind of flow in the ring and she can do a promo and I do the promos and she’s like, ‘Let me wrestle, you do the promos’ and I’m like, ‘That’s what I’m here for’ and we just have a lot of fun and we just have a lot of backstage content that we’re working on and she’s gonna be great. There’s gonna be a day that I know she’s gonna turn on me and the sh*t’s gonna hit the fan, but you know what? That’s the nature of my character but, I think we’re just gonna tear it up and have fun and we’re gonna have a t-shirt together. I’m already on cloud nine there. I’ve never had a t-shirt that had my picture on it so it’s been pretty cool and it’s been a good experience.”

Vickie opened up about some of her early experiences in wrestling before she was clued in by Eddie Guerrero. Vickie stated that Eddie waited quite some time before he filled her in on the ins and outs of the business.

“It was such a respect and at first I was kind of getting mad at Eddie. I’d be like, ‘I wanna know. You bring me here every Thursday and Sunday. You want me to go watch you. If you [don’t] want me to have a nervous breakdown then you need to fill me in.’ He’d always be like, ‘Not yet’ and he waited a long time before he told me. I would see the cuts on his head and I would see him all banged up and then at the end of the night, he would go shake the guy’s hand. I’m like, ‘What are you shaking his hand for!? This is ridiculous. He’s such an asshole! He just hurt you!’ And he would just give me that look like, ‘Shut the hell up and we’re going home in a minute’ and I had a lot to learn, but little by little, just to get to know the respect the guys had backstage versus what was going on in the ring. I’m very grateful that Eddie took his time to introduce me and to be a part of this world is just, it’s my family. It’s what feeds me, my girls and my family and so, when people insult it, it hits hard to the heart.”

** Pro Wrestling Tees noted that several of Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae’s shirts are being pulled from the site at midnight tonight.

** Stephanie McMahon was listed at #2 on Forbes’ ‘Most Influential CMOs’ list.

** WrestleZone chatted with IMPACT X Division Champion and AAW Heritage Champion Hakim Zane (Rohit Raju). Zane expressed that winning the X Division Title is one of the best things that has ever happened to him professionally. He added that he “ate crap” in IMPACT Wrestling for quite some time but he always knew his worth.

“Winning the X-Division title is one of the best things, by far, for me that’s ever happened because for a while there, I was just eating crap, eating crap, eating crap in that company. And I knew my worth, and I knew what I could do. And it was funny because it was the direct opposite on the indies. I was collecting belts and getting mic time, and people were like, ‘This guy’s good, let’s do something with him.’ But it wasn’t happening on IMPACT. I was just pretty much a workhorse and working my butt off and putting on good matches with people, but that was it, just to put on good matches. And then finally, they threw me the bone. It was like, ‘Hey, okay you know, you worked hard. Let’s see what you got.’ And I think I stepped it up a lot. I’ve been doing a lot of stuff outside of the ring with the title, I totally changed the way I look as far as my body, I’ve gotten into better shape…..And then even my style, my style went from nobody to, ‘Hey you’re gonna notice me.’ I bought the flashy shirts, wore the shades, kinda had a nice little cocky walk, I got more pep in my step, so that’s Rohit: flashy, glitzy, uppity.”

** Daily DDT pushed out their interview with Candice LeRae. On the topic of possibly moving to RAW or SmackDown, LeRae is not in the know even if there are plans for her to make the move.

“I feel like there’s a lot of things that happen around me that I almost make myself ignorant to just because I never want to get my hopes up, I never want to assume something. Even going into the Battle Royal, I didn’t want to assume that I can be the person to win this because you just don’t know. I can honestly tell you that the Royal Rumbles that I’ve done and the WrestleMania that I was a part of, it wasn’t real until I was in it. I’m so thankful that there were people that reminded me that was a thing that was happening and to tell me to take a second to take it all in because it happens so fast. It’s like a wedding day. It goes by, happens, and then you’re like, ‘Oh wait, that really did happen?’ If something is in the works, then I’m not aware of it, but nothing’s real until it is.”

Candice also spoke about her friendship with Tegan Nox and Dakota Kai. LeRae explained how much their friendship means to her.

“Working with your friends is a lot more stressful than you would imagine and it’s only because you want to be able to give them your best. You want to be at your best, you want to give them your best, and you don’t want to disappoint them. They’re two of the better humans I’ve ever been in the ring with, inside and out. They’re so amazingly gifted. It makes me really stressed out because I’m thinking I can’t be the person to let this person down. I can’t do that for them. I have to be at my best. So, it’s stressful, but I love it so much. They really bring out the best in me.”

** NXT ring announcer Alicia Taylor was spotlighted by WWE with a profile on her journey to the company.



** Gangrel sat down with Chris Van Vliet for an exclusive interview at the Independent Wrestling Expo in Texas. Gangrel stated that prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the payout amount of bookings he had lined up would’ve overlapped his WWF base salary.

“Yeah I was scheduled up until this COVID situation in March to be like — to be honest and not even to sound cheeky or funny or anything, but I was gonna make more money than I did in my [WWF] base contract on the independent scene this year then COVID hit, boom, with a roaring elbow. A vicious KO.”

** Paul “Triple H” Levesque, Drew McIntyre, Zelina Vega and Charly Caruso are representing WWE at the virtual New York Comic Con as they’ll be hosting a panel about Monday Night RAW.

** The matches set for the 10/5 edition of the Pure Title tournament are Rust Taylor vs. Tracy Williams along with Tony Deppen vs. PJ Black

** WWE’s Paige tweeted out that she wants to be on an episode of the ITV show ‘Coronation Street’. The show’s Twitter account responded to Paige’s request and told her to send them a private message.

** WWE announced that the next season of ‘Story Time’ on the WWE Network premieres on October 9th. Jerry Lawler will be the host for the season.

** Liv Morgan was the latest guest on D-Von Dudley’s Table Talk podcast.

** Alicia Atout has an interview up with Mia Yim.

** Faye Jackson joined The Dead Ass Girls Podcast.



** AEW’s Will Hobbs can not make the GCW For The Culture show so filling in for him will be Jon Davis who’ll now be facing Calvin Tankman.

** Scheduled for next week’s NXT UK episode is the NXT UK Women’s Champion Kay Lee Ray addressing the women’s roster. The Heritage Cup continues as well as A-Kid takes on Flash Morgan Webster.

** Here’s the lineup for AAW’s return show tonight:
AAW Heavyweight Championship: Mance Warner (c) vs. Jake Crist
AAW Tag Team Championships: Besties In The World (Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett) (c) vs. Ace Austin & Madman Fulton
AAW Heritage Championship: Hakim Zane (c) vs. Travis Titan
– Ace Perry, Stephen Wolf & TBA vs. Gringo Loco, Air Wolf & Angel Dorado
– Hyan vs. Christi Jaynes
– Matthew Justice vs. Manders
– Skye Blue vs. Elayna Black

** NXT U.K. ring announcer Andy Shepard appeared on the Gorilla Position podcast. At the conclusion of the interview, Shepard was asked would he consider moving to the United States if he was called upon to ring announce for WWE’s RAW and/or SmackDown brands.

“I love WWE. If those opportunities come up, for sure. Whatever way that I can add to the company and develop myself. I’m at the infancy of my commentary career, of my hosting career with WWE. However I can help the company grow and myself grow in the company, for sure. It’s a great company. Everyone in that company is amazing. I’ve been treated fantastically since day one so, if opportunities were to come up here, the U.S, I’d love to do whatever is put to me. I would love to pursue.”

** Gabriel Kidd’s latest blog post for is up on the site.

** Keira Hogan chatted with Vickie Guerrero on her podcast.

** Here’s the latest upload to the UpUpDownDown YouTube channel:



** Natalya spotlighted WWE artist Rob Schamberger for her latest Calgary Sun article.

** Here’s a new video from Ronda Rousey’s YouTube channel:



** Recent MLW signee Kevin Ku chatted with 411 Mania.

** NXT’s Robert Stone turned 37-years old today.

If any of the quotes from the following podcasts or video interviews are used, please credit those sources and provide an H/T and link back to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions.

About Andrew Thompson 8840 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.