IMPACT TURNING POINT: New tag champions, Joe Doering, Knockouts Brackets

John Siino's review of IMPACT's Turning Point special featuring Rich Swann vs. Sami Callihan, new tag champions, and Joe Doering appears.

Photo courtesy: IMPACT Wrestling

Impact Wrestling Turning Point 2020

By: John Siino

Exclusively on Impact+

November 14, 2020

Skyway Studios in Nashville, Tennessee

Commentary: Josh Mathews & Madison Rayne

Eddie Edwards vs. Shawn Daivari

Shawn Daivari is coming off his return at Bound for Glory as well as getting eliminated in the United Wrestling Network World Title Tournament by Mike Bennett on Primetime Live. The match starts with hip tosses and arm holds before Edwards hits a suplex for a 2 count. After missing Daivari in the corner, he goes shoulder-first into the post, falling to the outside. Daivari capitalizes by slamming his arm down on the steel stairs as well as slamming it against the barricade. They go back into the ring as Daivari holds Edwards down with another arm hold, before hitting a back elbow for a 2 count. They eventually go outside and Daivari throws Edwards shoulder first into the post twice. The slow-paced match continues until Edwards hits a Backpack Stunner for a two, he tries to go for a Tiger Driver but Daivari reverses and rams Edwards into the corners before running into a boot from Edwards. As Edwards goes to the top, Daivari follows up but gets knocked down by a headbutt, Daivari gets back up and hits the ropes, and runs up to hit a Hurricanrana on Edwards. Ten minutes in they both get into second gear and start smacking some energy into each other ending with a Tiger Driver by Edwards. Daivari dodges the Boston Knee Party and tries to get the pin with his feet on the ropes but the referee catches him. As he’s arguing with the ref, Edwards does hit the Boston Knee Party for the win.

Winner: Eddie Edwards by pinfall at 11:25

Siino Vision: Very slow moving match and wouldn’t have been my choice to start the show, but this not being your traditional pay per view as well as not being your opener on an episode of Impact, so I could see why they could have that chance. Once they hit the 10-minute mark though, the match did pick up for a fun ending.

Tenille Dashwood & Jordynne Grace vs. Rosemary & Taya Valkyrie

This is promoted as a preview of the upcoming Knockouts Tag Team Championship Tournament. Kaleb with a K does his usual introduction for Tenille, and Taya is being presented as one of Tommy Dreamer’s 10 suspects for the shooting of John E. Bravo, but Rosemary doesn’t seem too concerned about it. As Rosemary and Tenille start the match as Tenille poses for Kaleb with a K as he takes pictures until Rosemary photobombs her and attacks her. Taya quickly tags in as Tenille cowards out to tag Grace in. They both go back and forth both showing over their strength before Taya stomps on Grace’s head and tags Rosemary in as they start hitting double team moves to Grace in the corner. Rosemary runs the ropes to hit a beautiful looking bridged chin lock until Grace reaches the ropes. Grace and Taya go back to beating each other down but Tenille blindly tags herself in, to the dismay of Grace. As Grace is beating down by Rosemary, Tenille drops off the apron to take pictures and go over them with Kaleb with a K. They are chatting and smiling away as Rosemary puts on the Upside Down. Rosemary eventually hits a double hook DDT and gets the pin as Tenille and Kaleb walk away without any concern or even notion of it.

Winners: Rosemary & Taya Valkyrie by pinfall at 8:13

Siino Vision: Enjoyable tag team match that showcases this great Knockouts division and gets you amped up for the Knockouts Tag Team Tournament, tension continues between Tenille & Grace and the eerie ‘too friendly’ relationship between Rosemary & Valkyrie seems like a precursor to things to come.

The Deaners Backstage

The Deaners are backstage as Jake tells Cody he has good news and an opportunity; Cody seems down and out and isn’t even excited. Jake asks him what’s going on as Cody gets angry and says how come Jake doesn’t have his back whenever he’s wrestling, and he ends up losing to Johnny Swinger. Jake admits to messing up and he apologizes, Cody apologizes as well and says he’s stressed because he’s being accused of murder. Jake says they can turn it around and fix it and suggest an idea. Jake says they must find Johnny Swinger and redeem the Deaner name. Cody seems excited as they go and hunt down Swinger to “Giver”.

Brian Myers vs. Swoggle

This match stems from them being close friends until Myers turned on Swoggle. Swoggle doesn’t want to fight and Myers tells him to lay down, Swoggle refuses so Myers goes to grab him before receiving a slap in the face. Swoggle hits a tilt-a-whirl followed by a suicide dive to the outside before slamming Myers face-first into the steel steps. Myers gets the comeback and gets in the ring calling this embarrassing asking the referee to start the count. Myers tells Swoggle to ‘don’t do it’ as Swoggle gets back in and receives stomps by Myers as he’s screaming at him “You’re not even a wrestler!” Myers continues to beat down on Swoggle saying “I actually do cardio”. Swoggle fires up with chops and a schoolboy but walks right into a big boot for a two count. Myers continues to beat him down saying “He’s going to end his career, just like he did to Tommy Dreamer”, but Swoggle counters with a nice-looking German Suplex. Swoggle struggles to get to the top rope as Myers kicks him right in the head. Myers says, “You think you’re back on the set of the Muppets, you think you’re a hotshot?” As Myers gets on the top, Swoggle bites Myers knocking him down to hit the Tadpole Splash for a close two count. After some back and forth, Myers does hit his signature clothesline to get the pin and the win.

Winner: Brian Myers by pinfall at 8:19

Siino Vision: It was refreshing to see Swoggle in a non-comedy match, and he did a great job showing emotion throughout the match. After the match, Myers continued to beat down on Swoggle before Crazzy Steve ran in for the save.

XXXL Interview

Gia Miller asks them about their match tonight. Acey Romero says James Storm and Chris Sabin were part of great teams but they aren’t XXXL. Larry D talks about dream teams but says this is a dream but reality will hit them and tonight they will make their own Turning Point. And after they are finished with them, they will wake up from their dreams and realize it’s a nightmare, XXXL is the team to talk about, and size matters.

XXXL vs. James Storm & Chris Sabin

The match starts as the TNA originals who I have dubbed the “Beer Guns” seem to be on the same page. Sabin and Larry D start the match as Larry challenges Sabin to take him down, to which he obliges. Storm gets tagged in as the Beer Guns hit beautiful double team moves. Storm and Larry end up outside as Storm throws Larry right into a kick by Sabin on the apron. Acey Romero who recently lost 100 pounds taunt Storm before Storm does a comeback and tag in Sabin as they continue to hit even more double team moves looking like a cohesive unit. Larry tags in and hits a sit-out suplex for the pin on Sabin that gets broken up by Storm. Sabin seems to be dazed a bit and goes to the wrong corner for the tag, as he comes to his senses and tries to tag out, Romero continues to hold him down until he throws him to the outside. XXXL continues to hold Sabin in the corner for minutes as Storm shows frustration. Sabin finally hits the hot tag as Storm unloads on Larry D.  Sabin hits a cross body on Romero before the Beer Guns hit stereo kicks to Larry and throw him out the ring. Sabin tosses Storm onto Romero before tossing himself onto Romero and then they do the same exact spots but to the opposite opponents. They hit a double suplex on Larry before yelling Beer Guns, glad to see they are on the same page as me. XXXL starts coming back as Romero hits a senton on Sabin for the 2. Sabin avoids an XXXL sandwich, as Romero walks into a code breaker by Storm, a step-up kick by Sabin and a superkick by Storm as Sabin covers him for the pinfall.

Winners: James Storm & Chris Sabin by pinfall at 11:34

Siino Vision: Great showing by both teams, I’m usually not a fan of new teams winning their first match against established tag teams, but this one makes sense as it’s two TNA originals who have known each other for a while and had that instant chemistry.

Fanny Packing Heat

The Deaners are shown searching for Johnny Swinger backstage yelling his name before they see Gia Miller screaming “You creep!” before leaving a locker room. Deaners assume it’s Swinger and they find some luggage with Swinger’s gear and fanny pack in it. They realize it’s heavy and check to see what’s in it to find a 9mm pistol and conclude they found out who shot John E. Bravo.

Defeat Rohit Challenge

Before the match Raju says “Nimrods watching at home, it is time for another Defeat Rohit Challenge brought to you by the Jaw Jacking, Tuesday Night Impacting, his mom calls him “son, because he shines like one” Desi Hitman, Rohit Raju. He brings up the fact that TJP can not get any more title shots as long as he’s champion, he says hit the music and knows it won’t be TJP’s. The Deaners music plays as it’s Cousin Jake accompanied by a paranoid Cody Deaner for what they just found.

X-Division Championship: Rohit Raju (c) vs. Cousin Jake

Jake uses his power and tries to hit a powerbomb, but Raju uses his speed to avoid that as well as Jake running into him in the corner. They go back and forth as Cody cheers his cousin on. Rohit looks impressive putting on a Crossface followed by a dropkick for a two count. They eventually both knock each other down before Raju dodges punches by Jake before Jake connects and then hits a clothesline and back elbow. Jake seems to have the match won before Raju escapes and hits a pump kick followed by a couple running forearms and boots to the corner. They both get on the top rope before Rohit knocks off Jake with chops to the throat. Rohit hits a pair of knees and gets the pinfall.

Winner: Rohit Raju by pinfall at 7:10 to retain

The Return of Joe Doering

As Cody is checking on Jake in the ring, we see Eric Young come out with a returning Joe Doering best known for spending the last decade in All Japan Pro Wrestling as a former two-time Triple Crown Heavyweight Champion and four-time World Tag Team Champion. Young and Doering destroy The Deaners with Doering hitting a sit-out powerbomb on Cody Deaner. Doering also spent 2005-2006 in TNA before and had a quick stay in Florida Championship Wrestling as Drake Brewer in between his AJPW run where he wrestled all the way up until December of 2019.

Siino Vision: Rohit continues to impress in his current run as X-Division champion, but this match was just an appetizer for the re-debut of Joe Doering. He looked impressive and intimidating for those who might not be too familiar with him and is a great addition to Eric Young, as he seemed to need a boost by his side.

The Good Brothers Interview

Gia Miller asks the Good Brothers about their upcoming Tag Team Championship match with The North. Karl Anderson has won titles all over the world, but the one they haven’t held yet are the Impact Tag Team Titles, and tonight that will change. Doc Gallows pretty much reinforces the same thing Anderson just said.

TNA World Championship: Moose (c) vs. Willie Mack

They do announce Moose’s TNA title being on the line in this match. As Moose beats down on Mack on the outside, he shouts at the camera to Rich Swann and this is what pain feels like and he hopes Swann is watching. Moose continues to annihilate Mack on the outside throwing him against the barricade. Mack has little to zero offense during this match as Moose continues to use underhand tactics like pulling on Mack’s nose. Mathews admits this is a new Moose, the Moose that would buy everybody Smoothies backstage is no more and even compares him to Brock Lesnar. Mack seems to show some life with some offense, but that seems to anger Moose up even more. Moose instructs Mack to get up just so he could punish him some more. Moose reminds Mack to remind Swann what pains feel like it, this seems to wake up Mack a bit and he has the most offense he’s had in the entire match but he fails on knocking Moose down running into a kick by Moose, who counters with a spinning kick of his own. Moose hits a devastating Superplex attempting a spear but Mack leapfrogs over it and hits a standing moonsault for a 2. Moose eventually does hit a spear but instead of going for the pin, he mounts Mack for some ground and pound as the referee stops the match. Moose continues after the bell and the referee reverses the decision as Moose grabs the belt not even caring about the decision and leaves

Winner: Willie Mack by Disqualification at 12:21

Siino Vision: I am loving this new menacing Moose; it sucks that Willie Mack is the sacrificial lamb, but it only solidifies Moose as a force to be reckoned with on his path to become Impact World Champion. The second half and the comeback of Mack plus that reverse decision that is rarely seen in wrestling nowadays made this a fun match for sure.

Rich Swann & Eddie Edwards

Eddie Edwards greets Rich Swann backstage and asks him if he’s ready for his match, Swann says Edwards did great in his match earlier with Daivari. Edwards says he’s done for the night, but he has his back tonight in case Ken Shamrock tries to interfere on behalf of Sami Callihan.

Impact World Tag Team Championship: The North (c) vs. The Good Brothers

Ethan Page as Karate Man coming off Friday’s Talk N Shop A Mania 2 ending busting the balls of Sex Ferguson (Gallows) & Chad 2 Badd (Anderson). Mathews says he can’t get the image of that show out of his head. Neither can I, Josh, neither can I. Gallows dominates Page for the start of the match before eventually tagging in Anderson. Page takes it to Anderson on the outside of the ring, which is a theme that I feel like Impact uses too commonly, especially tonight. Without any fans there, something just feels off about it. Page eventually tags in Josh Alexander as he and Page keep tagging in and out as they work on Anderson. Anderson finally tags out to Doc Gallows. The Big LG is full of fire as he takes out Alexander & Page. The North does make a comeback before Anderson comes in to help Gallows hit a back suplex neck breaker for a two count. They go for the Magic Killer, but Page breaks it up. Anderson hits a gun stun on Page and they finally hit the Magic Killer as Gallows gets the pin and the win for the elusive Impact Tag Titles for the first time.

Winners: The Good Brothers by pinfall at 12:54 (New Impact World Tag Team Champions)

Siino Vision: A good weekend for the Good Brothers between Talk N Shop A Mania 2 and this title win. Commentary all night pretty much hit you over the head with the idea of them winning, so it would have been a surprise to me if they didn’t win. They celebrate with the titles swinging them where their balls used to be before they start the drinking early with their Talk N Shop Whiskey.

Jordynne Disgrace

Jordynne Grace is shown banging on Tenille’s door, but Kaleb and Tenille are behind her. Grace is upset, and Tenille said she should be upset because Grace lost the match and part of her weave. Grace leaves upset. Alisha Edwards walks in and says she doesn’t like Grace either and her name should be Jordynne Disgrace, Tenille suggests they should team up in the Knockouts Tag Team Tournament and Alisha agrees before singing and dancing away.

No Disqualification / Impact Knockouts Championship: Su Yung (c) vs. Deonna Purrazzo

Su Yung starts the match hot with a steel chair but they quickly get into the ring and start getting technical. Su Yung takes the mandible claw glove out, but Deonna counters it. Deonna ties Yung into the ropes with the Paradise Lock. Deonna starts throwing a sleuth of weapons including chairs, garbage can lids, and kendo sticks into the ring. They go on to use all of them, and at one point Deonna rubs Su Yung’s face into a painting canvas trying to make a work of art herself. Su Yung takes out some rope and begins choking out Deonna. Mathews questions why the baking sheets just don’t stay in catering. Deonna starts smacking Yung with the kendo stick before running into a chair in the corner that was set up earlier in the match. They continue to beat each other down with weapons before they take it to the entrance where Su Yung hits a pedigree on the stage. Yung argues the two-count after and gets in the referee’s face. Su Yung goes for the mist, but Deonna blocks it with the canvas before smashing it over Yung’s head. She wraps Su’s head in between the steel chair while applying the Venus De Milo. Su Yung cannot tap because of her arms being held as well as her mouth being muffled by the chair, Deonna gets off as Su has stopped moving. The referee raises Su’s hands for the count, but she keeps it up at the 3 and with that arms applies the Mandible Claw on Deonna and pushes her into the corner. She takes the rope again and chokes on Deonna while sitting on the top rope but Deonna counters it and hits the Cosa Nostra piledriver for the pin.

Winner: Deonna Purrazzo by pinfall at 14:46 (New Impact Knockouts Champion)

Siino Vision: My favorite match of the night so far, great usage of the weapons while still not making this match too violent. Innovative spot with the painting canvas and it comes in later in the match blocking the mist and having that wonderful visual of the mist splattered on the canvas. The story of Deonna attempting the Cosa Nostra time after time until she finally hit it when it matters tonight to win the title.

Knockouts Tag Team Title Tournament Brackets

– Tenille Dashwood & Alisha Edwards vs. Havok & Neveah

– Killer Kelly & Renee Michelle vs. Jordynne Grace & TBA

– Kiera Hogan & Tasha Steelz vs. Sea Stars (Ashley Vox & Delmi Exo)

– Deonna Purrazzo & Kimber Lee vs. Taya Valkyrie & Rosemary

A bunch of new and familiar names in this; most excited for Killer Kelly as she has been a highlight in wXw since leaving NXT UK as well as the Sea Stars tag team as they definitely left an impression on me from the time I saw them wrestle at SHINE events, and Vox shined in her short time in NWA Powerrr. This Knockouts division has taken it to the next level with these additions if they stick around. The tournament starts Tuesday, they also promoted the farewell to The Rascalz.

Impact World Championship: Rich Swann (c) vs. Sami Callihan

Slow but hard-hitting start to the match where Sami would take it to Swann to the outside. Sami asks Swann “Thank you, may I have another” of Swann’s kicks, Swann does it after saying that Sami didn’t say please. Sami applies a reverse figure four and transitions into an ankle lock while twerking Swann’s injured knee. Callihan keeps asking Swann for more before applying the choke and digs his fingers into Swann’s ribs. An unusual claw-like move that I can admit I’ve never seen, but the way Swann screamed in pain and his skin’s flesh looked discolored made it look impressive. Swann looks stunned after a two count from hitting a Rolling Thunder. He limps his way to the corner and attempts a moonsault but Callihan puts his knees up.

Callihan continues his insane persona by taking one of Swann’s dreadlocks and putting it above his mouth as if it’s a mustache. Swann finally hits his moonsault for a two count as the frustration starts to show up on his face. As he attempts the Phoenix Splash, Callihan knocks him down, counters a Sliced Bread #2 from Swann and hits a Tombstone style Piledriver for a two count. Callihan hits another piledriver on the apron, but Swann counters with a beautiful handspring cutter to Callihan as the referee starts the count. They both slowly get in at the nine-count as the idea of a double count-out crossed through my mind. Swann says Callihan is no longer a big brother to him, and now he’s the top dog. He attempts to turn him around but Sami acts like dead weight, comes as no surprise he was playing possum and hits a clothesline followed by a piledriver attempt that gets reversed for a two count. Swann hits a kick and goes to the top rope and as he is about to attempt a Phoenix Splash, Ken Shamrock comes out to distract him. Eddie Edwards stands by his promise and comes out and fights Shamrock to the back. Callihan takes advantage but Swann reverses with a kick followed by a pair of spinning boots. He hits one final kick to the head and gets the pin and the win

Winner: Rich Swann by pinfall at 21:10 to retain

Siino Vision: Great main event, as Swann shows exactly why he belongs in the main event and as the world champion in Impact. Swann is one of the best in Impact as far as showing pain in his face, voice, and movements.

Overall, this was a very noteworthy and impressive show with the title changes and the re-debut of Joe Doering. Will fill like a void for anybody who usually watches only on Tuesday’s on AXS and decides to not watch the monthly PPV’s. When they tune in next and see all the title changes, they might think twice next time Impact+ puts up a pay per view special. The last two matches are ones you should go out of your way to watch, and even Swoggle surprised me in his match. Can not say there was one match that disappointed or felt out of place.

8 mist painted canvases out of 10

About John Siino 424 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.