Hikaru Shida vs. KiLynn King among fourteen matches for AEW Dark

All Elite Wrestling has released this Tuesday’s line-up for AEW Dark that will stream at 7 pm Eastern on AEW’s YouTube channel.

Photo courtesy: All Elite Wrestling

All Elite Wrestling has released this Tuesday’s line-up for AEW Dark that will stream at 7 pm Eastern on AEW’s YouTube channel.

This week’s episode will feature the following matches:
*The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) vs. Mike Magnum & Louie Valle
*Anna “99” Jay vs. Dani Jordyn
*Baron Black vs. Brandon Cutler
*Brian Cage vs. VSK
*Luther & Serpentico vs. Best Friends
*Ricky Starks vs. Sotheara Chhun
*Evil Uno & Stu Grayson vs. Bear Country
*Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy vs. Shawn Dean & Fuego Del Sol
*Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss vs. Sean Maluta & Ryzin
*Ivelisse vs. Kaci Lennox
*Matt Sydal vs. Danny Limelight
*Hikaru Shida vs. KiLynn King
*Leva Bates vs. Skyler Moore
*Tay Conti vs. Freya States

About John Pollock 6009 Articles
Born on a Friday, John Pollock is a reporter, editor & podcaster at POST Wrestling. He runs and owns POST Wrestling alongside Wai Ting.