On tonight’s installment of AEW Dynamite, the company is paying tribute to the late Jon Huber, who wrestled under the name Brodie Lee for All Elite Wrestling and Luke Harper for WWE. In the days since his passing, there have been tributes and stories shared from those close to him such as Big E, Chris Harrington, Cesaro, Anna Jay, John Silver, Eddie Kingston, Seth Rollins, a Being The Elite episode dedicated to his life and tons more.
After Brodie’s passing, Jim Ross posted a photo of him and Jon Huber’s oldest son, Brodie Jr. at a Jacksonville Jaguars game. Fellow AEW announcer Tony Schiavone discussed the passing of Huber on his ‘What Happened When’ podcast with Conrad Thompson. Schiavone revealed the news that AEW signed Brodie Jr. to a contract and he’ll be joining the company when he becomes of age. He is currently eight-years old.
Well they had — knowing that Brodie was very sick and knowing it was holiday time and I guess knowing that for him to kick out it was gonna be — I don’t wanna say a miracle but it was gonna be very difficult for him to kick out. They had brought little Brodie to TV who is just — wrestling is his life and he’s eight-years old, he really is a great kid and they made him a member of The Dark Order, they put a mask on him, he came out with a kendo stick, he beat up a lot of people and this of course is a TV taping, nobody in the audience. They signed him to a contract. Legitimately signed him to a contract. When he gets of age, he’ll be with AEW and they’ve just taken care of him and he follows guys around all the time in the back and he becomes a part of us and Amanda’s back there and it’s funny because — not funny but in a way funny, when we do TV tapings now, we will have a live show or a taped show, Dynamite and then we will have sometimes 13 Dark matches. So we’re there until 2 AM sometimes, and Amanda, I was sitting back there with her when Dark was going on. She said, ‘You know what? I’m dead tired, I need to go back and get some sleep but he just loves us [AEW] so much, I’m just gonna wait’ and so she waits until it’s all over with and he gets involved with the guys and sits at the Gorilla Position and comes out sometime with the mask on and does some crazy things and it’s just — it just shows you how the roster loved Brodie and how we are family and not only that, our lawyer and our HR person, in charge of HR and Margaret [Stalvey] have absolutely taken care of the family. Absolutely been with Amanda this entire time, and Tony Khan has taken care of them too so… when Brodie was hired, we all said, ‘Man that’s a great hire’ because we knew he could work but then we got to know him, we thought, ‘Not only is this a great hire talent-wise, this is a great hire because he’s a great person backstage.’
Schiavone further discussed Huber’s passing and said that the day after he, Aubrey Edwards and Huber recorded the AEW Unrestricted podcast in October, Huber became ill. He was airlifted to the Mayo Clinic and his wife Amanda came and met with the AEW team. AEW held a company-wide Zoom call and they were all informed of Jon’s passing.
Unfortunately, the AEW [Unrestricted] podcast that we do, the one we did with Brodie [Lee], we did it a day before he got sick, and then we heard he had been airlifted to the Mayo Clinic and Amanda, his wife, came and met with the entire group and told us how bad of shape he was in and, ‘Please don’t say anything to anybody’ so I think everybody did a great job of just keeping it close to the vest as the old cliché goes and while we all knew that it didn’t look good, but we were all hoping that he would kick out and then the day that he passed away, we received an email that we’re gonna have a company-wide Zoom call in 30 minutes and I knew if we’re gonna have a Zoom call that quickly, something was bad and so, they told us about that so, I got to know his wife Amanda, his son Brodie has been backstage and we keep him backstage with us now. We take care of him…
The lineup for the Brodie Lee tribute episode of Dynamite has been announced and the card is listed as followed:
– Cody Rhodes, Orange Cassidy & 10 (Preston Vance) vs. Team Taz (Will Hobbs, Brian Cage & Ricky Starks)
– The Young Bucks & Colt Cabana vs. Matt Hardy & Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen)
– John Silver, Alex Reynolds & Hangman Adam Page vs. MJF, Santana & Ortiz
– Anna Jay & Tay Conti vs. Dr. Britt Baker & Penelope Ford
– Lance Archer, Evil Uno & Stu Grayson vs. Eddie Kingston, The Butcher & The Blade
If the quotes in this article are used, please credit the What Happened When podcast with an H/T to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions.