Progress Wrestling confirms Paul Robinson worked recent tapings

Progress Wrestling faced a weekend of scrutiny that led to the company issuing a statement Monday to confirm who worked the recent tapings.

Photo Courtesy: Progress Wrestling

With its recent return to taping shows, Progress Wrestling faced a weekend of scrutiny that led to the company issuing a statement Monday to confirm who worked the recent tapings.

At the center of the story was Paul Robinson, who was listed during last year’s Speaking Out movement.

A user on Twitter outlined allegations against several names in the U.K. scene – the person has since shut down their Twitter, but the screenshots can be viewed at The Twitter user stated the following about Robinson:

Whilst on a personal, emotional level I find this situation to be a lot less extreme or significant or malicious, it still wasn’t right. Relations with a minor are inexcusable.

Word had spread that Robinson worked behind the scenes as an agent at the recent Progress tapings. The company would not confirm this over the weekend until Monday’s announcement:

It was always our intent to name talent competing on each card, so that those who wish to watch can make a judgement for themselves. When a talent is working in a non-performing capacity, we require their permission to name them publically.

Paul Robinson has agreed that we can state that he was working as an agent on Chapter 104-108. Paul Robinson would have been an in ring competitor on this card, which changed only with conflicts of availability, and would have meant him being announced in the originally planned card.

To reiterate our statement from 20th February, all talent were aware who would be working backstage on the show, and no issues were raised. We are happy that everyone working on that show has passed all of our vetting procedures.

We ask if anyone has information about any of our talent or crew please get in contact via [email protected] and we will act on the information accordingly.

Progress aired its first show – Chapter 104 – this past Saturday on both Demand Progress and the WWE Network with Chapter 105 scheduled to air this weekend on the same platforms.

The tapings took place in late January at the Theatre Peckham in London, England.

About John Pollock 5668 Articles
Born on a Friday, John Pollock is a reporter, editor & podcaster at POST Wrestling. He runs and owns POST Wrestling alongside Wai Ting.