Dragon Gate’s Ben-K tests positive for COVID-19

Dragon Gate announces that Ben-K tested positive for COVID-19. His symptoms are mild as of this writing

Photo Credit: Dragon Gate

Dragon Gate’s Ben-K has been pulled from the promotion’s 5/19, 5/22, 5/24 and 5/29 shows after testing positive for COVID-19. He took a PCR test after coming down with a fever on the 15th of May. Dragon Gate added that he is experiencing mild symptoms and is currently being taken care of by local doctors.

Naruki Doi wrestled Ben-K on 5/14. He was not in action the following night and although Doi is not experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, he is being kept off shows as a precaution.

Ben-K, the former Open The Dream Gate Champion defeated PAC to win that title in 2019.

Ben-K made headlines in late 2020 when he suffered a mild concussion in a title match against Shun Skywalker.

About Andrew Thompson 9131 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.