AEW DOUBLE OR NOTHING: Inner Circle wins, Mark Henry arrives, Jungle Boy earns shot, Baker new champion

Welcome to POST Wrestling’s coverage of AEW Double or Nothing from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, Florida.

Immediately after the pay-per-view, we will be LIVE with our Double or Nothing POST Show for Double Double, Iced Capp & Espresso members of the POST Wrestling Café.


*Stadium Stampede: The Inner Circle (Chris Jericho, Santana, Ortiz, Jake Hager & Sammy Guevara) def. The Pinnacle (MJF, FTR, Shawn Spears & Wardlow) in 31:17
*AEW Championship: Kenny Omega (champion) def. Orange Cassidy and PAC in 27:01
*Sting & Darby Allin def. Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky in 12:27
*AEW Women’s Championship: Dr. Britt Baker def. Hikaru Shida (champion) in 17:18
*TNT Championship: Miro (champion) def. Lance Archer in 9:49
*Cody Rhodes def. Anthony Ogogo in 10:55
*Casino Battle Royale – Jungle Boy wins in 23:29 eliminating Christian Cage last
*AEW Tag Team Championship: The Young Bucks (champions) def. Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston in 21:01
*Hangman Page def. Brian Cage in 12:03
*NWA Women’s Championship: Serena Deeb (champion) def. Riho in 14:05


The crowd was super hot from the get-go. They kept identifying Deeb as ‘The Woman of 1,000 Holds’.

It was mentioned that Riho is making the full-time move to the U.S.

Deeb established herself as the heel in the match through her antics, facial expressions, and cocky demeanor.

Deeb tried for the Serenity Lock without success and used a dragon screw on Riho to injure the knee. Riho hit a double foot stomp while selling the knee and a Tiger Feint kick. Deeb applied a front chancery and it was countered with a Northern Lights by Riho. Riho missed a double foot stomp landing on the edge of the apron, Deeb hit another dragon screw and hit a twisting neck breaker for a two-count.

Deeb hit a double dragon screw out of the corner grabbing both knees. Riho hit a Dragon Suplex out of desperation, ran into a half-crab and Riho reached the rope. Deeb used an Inverted Dragon Screw leg-whip and Riho executed a European Clutch for a near-fall. Deeb got control of the knee, drilled it into the mat and applied the Serenity Lock for the submission.

WINNER: Serena Deeb to retain the NWA Women’s Championship

This was an outstanding opening match with Deeb further establishing herself among the very best female performers in the world in 2021. It was a tremendous match all centered around Deeb’s work on Riho’s knee with a continual attack setting up the end.

Onto the pay-per-view portion with Jim Ross joining Tony Schiavone and Excalibur.


Taz joined commentary for this match. Cage was out by himself after Friday’s episode where Cage agreed to leave Team Taz in the back. It was a thunderous reception when Page entered the arena. This crowd is incredible.

It was all Cage from the start as he sent Page’s back into the barricade and worked him over. Page stopped the momentum with a crucifix bomb. Page followed with a moonsault to the floor taking Cage down.

Page finished a ‘rana off the top after Cage tried to block it with a powerbomb, this looked incredible.

Cage used a deadlift vertical suplex to drop Page on the ramp. From the turnbuckle, Cage his version of the F-5 for a two-count. Cage went for his own Buckshot Lariat, stumbled and Page hit the F-5 for a two-count. Page kicked out from a spinning Liger Bomb.

Ricky Starks and Hook came down. Starks passed the FTW title to Cage and he tossed it back to the floor to cheers. Cage was distracted by Hook, turned around, and was hit with the Buckshot Lariat and Page won the match. Taz yelled, “Son of a Bitch”.

WINNER: Hangman Page in 12 minutes and 3 seconds

This was a great style of match for this hot crowd with lots of near-falls, power moves from Cage, each using the other’s finisher, and the babyface win. The story is Page has only lost one match this year and now he’s avenged that loss and should be back on track for an AEW title match.

Cage argued with Starks and Hook after the match, Starks pointed to his injured neck and Cage shoved Hook and stormed off.


Moxley and Kingston came out to “Wild Thing” and the audience is going wild while the two came through the people. They brought out the Nike Diors they stole.

Moxley wore a Trent Acid t-shirt to the ring.

Don Callis joined commentary after coming out with the Bucks.

Moxley and Kingston attacked during the Bucks’ entrance and began brawling all over the floor.

Moxley and Kingston hit Brandon Cutler with the Violent Crown.

Matt was working over Kingston, did his own mock hot tag, and began using Hogan’s mannerisms including cupping the ear for heat. Kingston caught Nick and landed an exploder, was selling the knee but made the tag to Moxley.

Karl Anderson came out to distract, Kingston spotted Doc Gallows and dove off the apron stopping him. Frankie Kazarian jumped Anderson and fought him to the back. With Rick Knox distracted, Matt Jackson used the aerosol spray into the eyes of Moxley leading to a two-count but Moxley was cut open.

They hit the Indie Taker to Moxley on the ramp. The Bucks cut the ring off as Moxley continued to bleed. The Bucks used strikes and then did The Shield fist bump and went for the Shield powerbomb but Moxley cut them off, fought to his corner and the place exploded for it.

Moxley returned, stopped More Bang for Your Buck applying a choke to Matt but it was broken by a 450 splash from Nick. Kingston yanked Nick to prevent the Meltzer Driver. Nick grabbed Moxley to stop the Violent Crown.

Diors-day Device by Moxley and Kingston with Moxley using the shoe for the clothesline off the top and Nick saved Matt from the cover.

Moxley hit a Paradigm Shift on Nick and Matt made the save.

Moxley ate two superkicks, bounced off the ropes with double lariats but was hit with another double superkick before kicking out at one.

The Bucks superkicked the injured knee of Kingston. It left Moxley on his own, set up for the BTE Trigger and then hit several more until Moxley stayed down with Matt pinning Moxley.

WINNERS: The Young Bucks in 21 minutes and 1 second to retain the AEW Tag Team Championship

This was unreal. I thought this was just outstanding and the crowd was phenomenal and is going to play a major factor in all these matches. This was serious among the best tag matches you’re going to see this year. I loved it.

The announcers explained Aaron Solow and Serpentico have replaced the injured QT Marshall and The Blade in the Casino Battle Royale.


Paul Wight came out for commentary on the match.

The “Clubs” began with Christian Cage, Matt Sydal, Powerhouse Hobbs, Dustin Rhodes, and Max Caster.

Caster rapped about Cage being cooler when he had an “Edge”, said he caught Sydal “slipping”, and told Rhodes he’s so ugly he should paint his WHOLE face.

Sydal was the first elimination by Caster. Cage threw Caster out and he landed awkwardly clutching his left leg as he left to the back, but he did walk.

The next suit featured Matt Hardy, Preston “10” Vance, Nick Comoroto, Serpentico, and Isiah Kassidy.

Vance eliminated Serpentico within seconds. Rhodes dumped Comoroto out from behind and sent Vance to the floor. Comoroto returned and nailed Rhodes with the cowbell leading to Hobbs eliminating him.

Hardy finally entered the ring and had a standoff with Cage but was thwarted when Kassidy attacked Cage.

The next suit featured Brian Pillman Jr., Griff Garrison, Colt Cabana (out in a Brodie Lee jacket), Anthony Bowens, and Penta El Zero Miedo (massive reaction).

Kassidy snuck up on Cabana and dumped him out. The Varsity Blonds double-teamed and eliminated Bowens. Hardy eliminated Garrison.

There was a big “Brian Pillman” chant.

The final suit featured Jungle Boy, Marq Quen, Aaron Solow, Evil Uno, and Lee Johnson.

Private Party eliminated Pillman. Solow and Johnson were gone immediately. Penta knocked Evil Uno out. Jungle Boy hit a flying ‘rana sending Penta out.

Powerhouse Hobbs and Cage returned after being on the floor. Cage sends Hobbs over the top to the floor.

The “Joker” was the final entrant and was Lio Rush.

Rush looked spectacular with Isiah Kassidy showcasing his unbelievable speed.

The final six are Rush, Matt Hardy, Private Party, Jungle Boy, and Christian Cage.

Rush tried to prevent Private Party from hitting Silly String but was caught and Rush was knocked out of the match by Hardy.

Jungle Boy and Cage worked together to eliminate Private Party.

Hardy tried to form an alliance with Cage against Jungle Boy. Instead, Cage tossed Hardy out.

They fought for several minutes and ended up on the edge of the apron. Jungle Boy missed a pump kick, Jungle Boy swung around the post and landed on the other side of the ring, Cage ran at him and was back body dropped to the floor.

WINNER: Jungle Boy in 23 minutes and 29 seconds

This was definitely a better version of the Casino Battle Royale than previous iterations mainly for the story at the end of Cage and Jungle Boy with a feel-good winner and a cool dynamic with Cage to end the match.

The work during the match showcased several talents including Lio Rush, although he was only there for a few minutes.

Cage congratulates Jungle Boy and told him to go out and win the AEW Championship.


Rhodes tried to take Ogogo’s arm but was hit with a body shot in the first minute followed by an Olympic Slam that Rhodes kicked out from.

Ogogo started selling his arm and shoulder.

Rhodes was sucker-punched by QT Marshall from the floor. This led to Arn Anderson going after Marshall with a chair.

Ogogo is cut on the forehead and gets hit by a Cody Cutter. Ogogo came back with a right hand and then hit a frog splash off the top for a two-count.

Rhodes tried for the Cross Rhodes, was stopped with a shot to the body and an uppercut but Rhodes landed underneath the bottom rope to prevent a pin attempt.

Ogogo attempted the Guv’nor’s Hammer and it was stopped by Rhodes attacking his shoulder and hitting Din’s Fire (Vertebreaker) for the win.

WINNER: Cody Rhodes in 10 minutes and 55 seconds

This was the least responsive the crowd had been so far on the show. If you’re looking at Ogogo, this was legitimately his fourth professional wrestling match and that’s astounding what he was able to do but the match was also average at best and didn’t click like the matches that preceded it. Technically, it was very good especially considering Ogogo’s experience.


This began as a big brawl with Archer putting Miro through a table on the floor with a spine buster. Miro grabbed Archer and sent him over the barricade with a belly-to-belly suplex, then sent him back to the floor over the rail.

Miro was setting up in the corner when Jake Roberts brought out a bag. Miro dragged Jake into the ring and threw the bag to the entrance, you were supposed to believe there was a snake inside. Miro went to take out Jake but was stopped by a chokeslam from Archer.

Miro stopped Blackout and attacked with leg kicks, they ran the ropes and Miro was hit with the shoulder block. Miro kicked the rope into Archer’s groin, hit the thrust kick and Game Over was applied, he landed knees to the spine and bent back with the hold for the submission.

WINNER: Miro in 9 minutes and 49 seconds to retain the TNT Championship

It was a dominant win for Miro and the announcers added the detail that Archer had back surgery several years ago and Miro exploited that weakness. The crowd has come down a bit as they were rabid during the first half but are still very audible. It was a good match and strong work from the two.

The announcement was made that ALL OUT will take place from Chicago on Sunday, September 5th.

The announcement was made that ALL OUT will take place from Chicago on Sunday, September 5th.


The Lockjaw and Tamashii were both attempted in the first minute. After the previous two matches, the crowd seemed to rebound at the start of this one chanting for both women.

Baker took over after hitting a curb stomp. Rebel passed the glove to Baker and Shida rolled away. Shida got on top and started throwing punches that weren’t coming anywhere close to Baker.

Baker missed with a stomp and Shida attempted a stretch muffler as Baker got to the rope. Shida kicked out of an Air Raid Crash, so Baker tried for the Lockjaw and switches positions to apply it and prevent Shida from getting to the rope. Baker kicked off the rope and Shida escaped the hold.

Shida had Baker on her shoulders while climbing the turnbuckle and lost Baker and they had to readjust. Shida went for the stretch muffler and was distracted by Rebel on the apron with the title belt. Rebel missed with the crutch and hit Baker by mistake for a big near-fall.

Paul Turner ejected Rebel as Baker superkicked the title belt into Shida and curb-stomped Shida on the title for a massive near-fall. That lifted the crowd.

Shida hit the Tamashii and Baker kicked out. Baker transitioned from a crucifix to a Lockjaw and Shida tapped.

The arena exploded for the end.

WINNER: Dr. Britt Baker in 17 minutes and 18 seconds

It was a strong match and peaked for the closing minutes built around several very believable near-falls and an eruption by the crowd for the title change. It felt like a big moment with Baker winning the title and that is the goal.


A black and white video aired of Sting picking up Allin in a car and telling him, “It’s showtime”.

Darby’s brothers were seated in the front row.

Sting came out to a massive reaction. Allin immediately dove on Page on the floor and the four brawled on the floor before the bell rang.

Sky hit a vertical suplex to Sting at the entrance, but he popped up and stood behind Sky before sending him off the ramp. Sting dove off the poker chips with a high cross on Sky and Page and the audience went crazy.

It settled into a regular tag where they got the heat on Allin until making the tag, but Aubrey Edwards didn’t see it.

Excalibur went over the injuries Page gave Allin during their EVOLVE feud including the shovel attack. Just as he said this, Page military pressed Allin from the ring over the guardrail into the front row where his brothers were.

Allin blocked Ego’s Edge and applied a rear-naked choke while trapping Page’s arms and then rotated for a stunner and made the hot tag to Sting. This led to Stinger Splashes to Sky and Page. Sting hit a Code Red out of the corner to Page for a two-count.

Page flipped Allin off the top onto Sting, set up for Ego’s Edge and Sting came back and applied the Scorpion Deathlock while Sky applied the heel hook to Allin. Page and Allin gouged each other’s eyes until both submissions were broken.

It was Sting and Sky left in the ring, Sting fired up, missed a Stinger Splash, and then blocked Sky’s slingshot cutter with a Scorpion Death Drop and pinned Sky.

WINNERS: Sting & Darby Allin in 12 minutes and 27 seconds

Sting worked his ass off and was the most impressive performance you’ll see from a 62-year-old inside a wrestling ring this year. All four had a great match structured and it was Sting that had a lot of the big moments and had a lot on his plate to accomplish and he did. This worked very well.


Kenny Omega came out draped in all the championship titles of his.

Don Callis was back on commentary.

It was a methodical start with each having their moments of offense but the crowd is with it and it’s building the match.

The first big spot was Omega’s Terminator Dive on both men on the floor. Cassidy hit Omega with a stundog millionaire inside the ring and went for multiple covers, Omega tried a bridge as PAC hit a 450 splash on both.

Omega started hitting the snap dragon suplexes on both. He tried one off the top to Cassidy, but he fought it but getting his hands into the pockets to block Omega’s grip. Then, PAC scaled to the top and hit Omega with a release German off the top.

PAC was hit with Croyt’s Wrath for a two-count by Omega.

Omega set up for a V-Trigger to Cassidy, who placed his hands in his pockets and collapsed forward.

PAC stopped a One-Winged Angel off the turnbuckle with a sunset bomb. PAC hit an Avalanche Falcon Arrow to Omega, Cassidy tossed PAC to the floor and got the biggest near-fall of the match as the crowd bit on it.

After the limp kicks, PAC kicked Cassidy low and the Black Arrow before Omega saved.

PAC missed a Black Arrow to PAC, Omega went for the One-Winged Angel but it was countered with the Brutalizer, Cassidy used the Orange Punch to break it and followed with Beach Break for a two-count on Omega.

Cassidy hit both with the Orange Punch as Callis bolted from the desk. Cassidy hit another one to PAC and Callis pulled Bryce Remsburg to the floor. The entire arena chanted, “Fuck you, Don”.

PAC catches Cassidy in the Brutalizer, Omega stomps but he can’t break the hold, so instead, he attacks Remsburg. Omega nails PAC with all his belts with individual shots. Cassidy returns and hits Omega with the Orange Punch, he climbs on top as Aubrey Edwards enters and Omega kicks out with a crucifix cover and pins Cassidy.

WINNER: Kenny Omega in 27 minutes and 1 second to retain the AEW Championship

It was an excellent three-way by the time things got rolling and this audience was buying the Cassidy near-falls. The ending was a little cheap but it’s the entire story for Omega and the Bucks. Overall, it was a very strong match and all three were excellent.

They announced AEW Full Gear for Saturday, November 6th in St. Louis.

Tony Schiavone announces they have signed an analyst for the new ‘Rampage’ and will serve as a coach – Mark Henry.

– Dustin Rhodes vs. Nick Comoroto in a Bullrope Match
– The Young Bucks vs. Penta El Zero Miedo & PAC
– Cody Rhodes & Lee Johnson vs. QT Marshall & Anthony Ogogo
– Britt Baker’s championship celebration
– Mark Henry will speak

They promoted that Kenny Omega will defend the AEW Championship against Jungle Boy in two weeks.


The Inner Circle vs. The Pinnacle

The Pinnacle entered TIAA Bank Field in a limousine. MJF cut a promo on The Inner Circle when “Judas” began to play, and they repelled down the scoreboard onto the field.

MJF retreated to the limo and the rest of The Pinnacle entered the field in FTR’s truck and the fight began.

Jericho and MJF squared off by the limo with MJF blasting a fire extinguisher into Jericho’s face and ran away. MJF was caught but used hot coffee to burn him. Jericho screamed in a megaphone in MJF’s face. They entered the Jags’ office and coach Urban Meyer passed a laptop for Jericho to attack MJF with.

Wardlow and Hager were in a different part of the backstage area near a walk-in freezer. They went into the freezer, Hager stopped Wardlow from using an icicle. It ended with Wardlow tackling Hager through a wall into a kitchen.

The next chapter was Guevara and Spears. Spears was inside a dimly lit room full of hundreds of chairs. Guevara kicked off the wall and did a backflip and this became an incredible fight scene. Guevara took a lawn dart into a garage door. After using a ladder, Guevara was handcuffed and left alone but Guevara spotted bolt cutters.

Next, Santana & Ortiz found FTR at the bar. They attacked all the patrons. The four toasted and drank, before looking at the DJ, who was revealed as Konnan.

Tully Blanchard tried to use a weapon but was stopped by Konnan. The four continued to brawl in the nightclub.

Back to Hager and Wardlow, and Wardlow was choke slammed through a crate.

Jericho and MJF continued fighting through the office space. Jericho used a cardboard cut out of Shad Khan to attack with. Jericho stapled a ‘thank you’ card on MJF’s forehead and ripped it off. Into the boardroom, Jericho found “Floyd” the baseball bat and used it on MJF, and ran MJF through a glass window.

Spears was chased by a group of motorcycles and hid.

Jericho and MJF made their way into Daily’s Place.

Guevara drove into Daily’s Place on a golf cart and chase Spears before hitting him. Guevara and Spears entered the ring and Guevara was hit with a chair after a springboard attempt. Spears nailed him with a chair that hit the shoulder. Guevara kicked out.

Guevara connected with the GTH took Spears in the corner and curb-stomped him into the chair set up in the corner. Guevara ended with a 630 senton and pinned Spears.

WINNERS: The Inner Circle in 31 minutes and 17 seconds

About John Pollock 5668 Articles
Born on a Friday, John Pollock is a reporter, editor & podcaster at POST Wrestling. He runs and owns POST Wrestling alongside Wai Ting.