‘Captain’ Lou Albano peed on a man in a restaurant for saying wrestling isn’t real

Larry Zbyszko shares some of his fondest memories with the late 'Captain' Lou Albano

Photo Courtesy: WWE

Manager, talent and WWE Hall Of Famer ‘Captain’ Lou Albano spent over three decades in the sport of pro wrestling. Albano passed away in 2009 at age 76. For a good portion of his career, he was affiliated with the McMahon family.

An individual who Albano spent time with in the WWWF/WWF was fellow Hall Of Famer and former two-time NWA National Heavyweight Champion Larry Zbyszko. The Alliance Pro Wrestling Network recorded an interview with Larry and he shared some of his favorite memories with Albano.

Zbyszko recounted a time when himself, Lou, Tony Garea and Tony Altomare were in a restaurant in New York and Albano peed on someone in the restaurant for making light of pro wrestling and saying it’s not real.

[Lou] Albano was kind of crazy in a loveable way for us but, I mean, we were in a restaurant one time where me and [Tony] Garea are at one table eating and a couple tables away was Captain Lou and [Tony] Altomare eating and it’s a nice restaurant in New York, and all of a sudden, you see Altomare saying something to Lou and pointing to people at the table next to them, saying stuff like, ‘Hey, I think those people are knocking you Lou and saying wrestling’s not real and all that crap.’ Albano now is getting — you could see him. Me and Tony are looking at each other going, ‘Oh God, oh no.’ Sure enough so Albano gets up, walks over to the other table with the guy, zips down his pants and pees on him in the restaurant. I mean that’s the kind of stuff that no one else would ever even think of doing that the Captain Albano would do and somehow get away with it. They would politely ask him to leave, you know, the guy’s getting peed on in the restaurant and oh my God, me and Garea are just shaking our heads. He was a character.

Also during the interview, Zbyszko stated that he believes Vince McMahon Jr. will go down as the greatest wrestling promoter for the way he changed the business.

Vince McMahon kicked off the most recent episode of Friday Night SmackDown on FOX. POST Wrestling broke that show down on Rewind-A-SmackDown.

If the quote in this article is used, please credit the Alliance Pro Wrestling Network with an H/T to POST Wrestling for the transcription. 

About Andrew Thompson 8840 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.