AEW Dynamite Report: Danielson vs. Fish, New AAA Tag Champions

John Siino reviews Saturday Night Dynamite with Bryan Danielson meeting Bobby Fish, the World Title Eliminator brackets, and new AAA tag champs.

Photo Courtesy: All Elite Wrestling

AEW Dynamite

October 16th, 2021

By: John Siino

James L. Knight Center in Miami, FL

Commentary: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur & CM Punk

Malakai Black vs. Dante Martin (w/ Lio Rush)

CM Punk made his big entrance before this match, and someone tried to offer him a beer again as JR said it’s ‘clubbering’ time. Mr. T’s mama must be proud somewhere. Lio Rush comes out with Martin as Punk asks what that’s all about. Black starts with a couple of arm drags as the crowd starts chanting for both these guys. Martin bounces off the rope to hit a shotgun dropkick to knock Black to the outside, but as he’s about to dive, Black comes back in to stop him. Martin springboards off the ropes, but Black stops him with a powerbomb and into a half-crab. JR is upset that Lio Rush is wearing sunglasses inside. They start trading uppercuts, but Black stops Martin with a knee breaker into a kneebar. Martin tries to springboard off the ropes again, but Black stops him only to get rolled up for a two count before Martin jumps on Black for a reverse hurricanrana. Black retreats to the stage and gets a diving Martin who springboards off the ropes to Black followed by a springboard moonsault attempt inside that Black dodges. They start trading strikes and kicks until Martin stuns Black with an Enziguri. Black comes back with a Meteora, roundhouse kick, and a German suplex for a two. Black pulls Martin onto the top rope, but Martin stops him with a super hurricanrana but falls on top of his left knee showing a bit of an injury. Martin goes for the springboard moonsault again and can graze Black this time for a two count. Black turns it into a half-crab, but Black lets go of it showing signs of his ribs being hurt. Martin tries to springboard again, but Black dodges it and hits him with the Black Mass kick, as Rush looks disappointed. Black staggers over and gets the pin.

Winner: Malakai Black by pinfall at 9:38

As Malakai is leaving, he stops at the entranceway and gives an approving nod to Dante Martin, leaving him with a confused look.

Super Elite Powerbomb

Tony Schiavone is backstage with Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus and they say they are banged up from the 8-man match and Jungle Boy starts making fun of that botched powerbomb from the Super Elite, which prompts Kenny Omega, Adam Cole, and The Young Bucks to jump them as Brandon Cutler takes over the camera and they powerbomb Luchasaurus through a table. CM Punk makes fun of them overpaying for fake Jordans, and he wears real ones.

The Inner Circle Reunites

Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, Jake Hager, Santana, and Ortiz are reunited in the ring as this Miami crowd sings along to ‘Judas’.  Santana starts off getting this crowd behind him and says this is one of the only cities they can count on bringing the same energy two nights in a row. He continues by saying he and Ortiz have been noticing the rest of the Inner Circle has been dealing with the American Top Team, which prompts them to come out along with Dan Lambert, Paige VanZant, Junior dos Santos, Austin Vanderford, Dalton Rosta, and the Men of the Year. Lambert is screaming about how many championships ATT has brought to Miami, but the crowd is talking over him. Jericho tells Miami to welcome Dan Lambert, the fat-faced dipshit. Jericho asks Paige if she is obsessed with him and if she will slide into his DM’s but says he wouldn’t touch her with her husband’s genitalia and asks what kind of filters she uses on Instagram. Jericho then challenges ATT to a 5 on 5 tag team match and says nobody is crazier than the Inner Circle. Lambert says it’s not up to them and the Men of the Year have bigger plans like championship gold and starts talking down on all the members of Inner Circle including saying Hager has one of the biggest heads he’s ever seen and calls Guevara ‘Tiny Tim’ and he should have the stroke to get Men of the Year a title shot. Lambert says he isn’t wasting another breath on this city. Scorpio Sky gets on the mic and tells Jericho not to forget that he pinned him twice. Guevara doesn’t care who he has to fight, he’ll beat their ass and he’s the TNT Champion and says he’ll see them all next week and kick all their asses.

AAA World Tag Team Championship: The Lucha Brothers (c) (Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix) (w/ Alex Abrahantes) vs. “Las Super Ranas” (FTR) (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler)

Andrade El Idolo comes out with Jose the Assistant and introduces his luchador friends, who are a masked team in all green called Las Super Ranas (the Super Frogs). CM Punk says they are clearly FTR as Fenix starts with one of them. Super Rana #1 tries to take off Fenix’s mask, but Fenix and Penta go right away to try and take off the Ranas’ masks. Lucha Bros. take off their masks finally revealing they are indeed FTR as we go to the commercial.

When we come back FTR clotheslines Fenix out of the ring, as Penta calls for Fenix to run and jump off his brother back into the ring with a dropkick. Fenix holds FTR’s leg’s up as Penta drops down on their lower regions as they get a two count. Penta tosses Cash Wheeler to the outside before the Lucha Bros plancha to the outside. Penta and Dax Harwood are back in the ring and set up for the Fear Factor, but Wheeler stops Penta but gets super kicked on the outside, before being tossed into the timekeeper’s table. Wheeler tries to hit Fenix with the AAA title, but he dodges it and comes back with a roundhouse kick to Harwood as Tully Blanchard runs to the ring. Fenix goes for a moonsault, but Harwood hits him in the face with the title belt and hits the brainbuster to get the pin and the win.

Winners: FTR by pinfall at 8:11, to become NEW AAA World Tag Team Champions

Everything Will Be Money

Tony Schiavone is backstage with Dante Martin and Lio Rush and says it was a good effort for Martin. Rush says this was meant to happen and calls it growing pains and says Martin must fail before he succeeds, and Martin knows that. Rush tells Martin to listen to him and everything will be money and from this day forward Dante Martin will have a new tag team partner and his name is Lio Rush.

Check or Cash

Back from the commercial, Tony Schiavone stops FTR and says they have stolen the AAA titles as MJF stops and congratulates them. MJF stops Andrade and asks him for money, Andrade says check or cash, and MJF says both as Jose the Assistant hands him an envelope. MJF tells Andrade that this is just one night only.

Wheeler Yuta (w/ Orange Cassidy) vs. Jon Moxley

Moxley runs in and attacks Yuta right away with a clothesline and hits him with cross faces against the ropes and continues on the attack as Bryce Remsburg tries to stop him. Moxley hits the Paradigm Shift and gets the pin and quickly leaves right through the crowd again.

Winner: Jon Moxley by pinfall at 47 seconds

Cassidy and officials go to attend Yuta after the match.

Too Much Fun

Schiavone is backstage with Serena Deeb and congratulates her on beating Hikaru Shida and ending her winning streak but asks about her new mean streak. Deeb says during her sabbatical she sat back and saw the women’s division have way too much fun which prompts Shida to run in and attack her against the freight door.

SuperKliq (Adam Cole, Nick Jackson & Matt Jackson) (w/ Brandon Cutler & Don Callis) vs. Dark Order (Evil Uno, Alex Reynolds & John Silver)

SuperKliq goes to try and powerbomb Silver on the outside, but he reverses it as Reynolds hits a crossbody. Nick Jackson and Evil Uno start the match officially, as Dark Order starts taking turns hitting clotheslines in the corner to Nick before hitting a triple dropkick to Cole. Silver tosses Nick Jackson before taunting Cole saying he wants him and cheap shots him down. Silver goes on a rampage knocking everybody down before getting super kicked by Matt on the outside. Nick comes back and kicks Uno before getting tossed to the outside by Reynolds. Reynolds tries to dive but gets super kicked by Cole, then again by the Young Bucks. Bucks come in and hit Silver with a couple of double team moves as Matt gets a two-count before throwing Silver into Adam Cole’s boot. Cole tags in and starts stomping Silver in the corner, but Silver fights back and attacks all of SuperKliq before getting stopped by a swinging neckbreaker by Cole as they go to the commercial.

When we come back, the SuperKliq is continuing the attack on Silver as they did throughout the commercial, but Silver comes back with a double suplex on the Young Bucks before tagging in Uno. Uno catches Cole’s superkick, but puts his leg on Rick Knox and hits a neckbreaker. Uno takes off Nick Jackson’s sneaker before tossing Matt to the outside. Uno puts on Nick’s sock and hits Mr. Socko on him to a big pop as JR says that’s ‘Socko’s cousin’. The Bucks go to run the ropes but get taken to the outside, and Silver and Reynolds come in and do the double kiss spot on Cole before back body dropping him to the outside on the Bucks. The Dark Order now takes turns attacking Cole including Uno hitting Something Evil, but the Bucks stop the pin count. Uno and Silver get tossed to the outside where they get a dropkick from Matt and a dive from Nick. Cole and Reynolds fight inside, but Bucks give him a double superkick as Cole hits the Panama Sunrise. This is followed by the BTE Trigger and the Boom (Last Shot) by Cole for the pin.

Winners: SuperKliq (Adam Cole, Nick Jackson & Matt Jackson) by pinfall at 10:50

Jungle Boy runs in and goes right after Adam Cole, but the rest of the Elite tosses him to the outside. Jungle Boy grabs a chair from under the ring as the Elite run off except Cutler who tries to stop the chair with the cold spray before getting attacked with the chair and into the Snare Trap as Jungle Boy sprays Cutler in the face with the cold spray.

The Rhodes Wrestling Academy

We go to footage of Arn Anderson and Cody Rhodes going to the Rhodes Wrestling Academy where we see Dustin Rhodes, Lee Johnson, Brock Anderson, Red Velvet, and KiLynn King who all talk crap to Cody including Velvet smacking him calling him a piece of shit. We see footage of Cody training in the ring taking on all the students, but Cody is thrown off and gets smacked by KiLynn before asking what he’s doing here as he isn’t learning shit. Anderson shows a picture of Dusty Rhodes and Arn Anderson and says he never doubted what Dusty was doing because Arn had it coming and now Malakai Black has it coming as Cody seems to snap out of it a bit and fight off Lee Johnson.

MJF Calls Out Darby Allin

MJF comes to the ring and says it’s enough being in Miami where it reeks of hookers and gasoline and yells at Justin Roberts for not announcing him for his match against Darby Allin, so he’ll do it himself and goes through an over-the-top entrance. Commentary mentions that there is no match here as Darby isn’t here after being attacked last week. MJF says Darby no-showed like a gutless coward and he guesses he did break him mentally and yells at someone in the crowd to keep his mouth shut. MJF then acts surprised at the news of Darby being attacked last week but says it’s still unprofessional for Darby to not show up for his match and he’ll always be the #2 guy around here and just like Miami, Darby will always be mid. MJF says he will still give this match to everybody and calls out Wardlow.

Wardlow comes out dragging Bryce Remsburg. MJF tells Bryce to count to ten and if Darby doesn’t come out, he will have to raise his hand and declare him the winner. Bryce starts counting as MJF tells him to hurry up, as he gets to eight Sting’s music plays as he comes out with a bat. MJF throws Wardlow into Sting, who gets hit with the bat and MJF escapes out the ring. MJF teases going back into the ring but leaves instead.

Loser Friends

Tony Schiavone is in the back with Anna Jay and says it’s been a tough night for the Dark Order, but Britt Baker interrupts her and says the SuperKliq beat her loser friends the Dark Order, and since she’s with them she’s a loser and a follower as well. Anna Jay starts attacking her before they get split up by officials.

Kiera Hogan vs. Penelope Ford (w/ The Bunny)

As the match starts, CM Punk asks about Kiera Hogan, if there’s any relation and they mention Hogan’s Heroes, Ben Hogan, and Paul Hogan. Kiera attacks Ford in the corner with a clothesline but Ford comes back with a boot attempt but misses it as Kiera hits a neckbreaker for a two. Ford comes back and throws Kiera into the ropes and to the outside. Ford joins her where she attacks Kiera and throws her against the barricade and then back inside where she gets a two count. Kiera puts Ford on the top rope and hits a superplex. Kiera keeps Ford in the corner with a couple of dropkicks and gets another two-count. Ford comes back with her springboard cutter and the Muta Lock as Kiera taps out.

Winner: Penelope Ford by submission at 7:41

Ruby Soho runs out to the ring and attacks Ford, tossing her to the outside, but Ford gets assisted up by The Bunny.

Body of Granite, Neck of Sand

We go to a video from Miro who he talks about Sammy Guevara and losing the title and how he can’t go home to his wife now that he lost the title and is talking to God about giving him a body made of granite but a neck of sand and questions where is he now and why has he forsaken his champion. Miro is done pleading with him and now he is telling him, his God made no mistake he will make him his champion, or he’ll make him his enemy. And if he stays silent over his head, he’ll snap necks under his foot. Everyone else will know pain until he becomes his favorite champion, so he can see ‘her’ once again.

What is Cowboy Shit?

Tony Schiavone is in the ring and introduces the man who earned himself a World Championship match at Full Gear, “Hangman” Adam Page. Schiavone talks about last year with Page and Kenny Omega meeting in the finals of the Eliminator Champion and Omega becoming champion and now it’s Page’s chance to become champion. Page says he’s excited about Full Gear and mentions how in 2019 he and his friends left ROH and NJPW to start AEW and he was excited because their vision was to change the world, but it feels like the world changed us and says it changed him. Hangman says he told them he’d be the first world champion and he failed, and he lost to Chris Jericho, Pac and then it felt like he lost more and lost his confidence, his friends and he lost himself. The one thing that it felt like he would never lose was the people chanting Cowboy Shit, which prompts a chant. Page says that was real and Cowboy Shit represents everything he’s done so far, and Cowboy Shit was taking his chance and putting it on the line and being there for the birth of his child. Page says when you fall off you get back on the horse, and that’s Cowboy Shit. Page says he feels like all the fans still believe in him and for the first time in his life, he does too. Page makes a promise that at Full Gear he will give his heart, his soul, and every fiber of his being, his blood, sweat, and his tears. The one thing he’s sure he will give at Full Gear is Cowboy Shit.

Next Week

·       Rampage: Britt Baker vs. Anna Jay

·       Rampage: Pac vs. Andrade El Idolo

·       Rampage: World Title Eliminator Tournament starts

·       Dynamite: Malakai Black vs. Cody Rhodes

·       Dynamite: Two World Title Eliminator Tournament matches

Bobby Fish vs. Bryan Danielson

They start the match locking up, but Fish fights out quickly with kicks as the story is Danielson is still recovering from his match last night against Minoru Suzuki. Danielson fights back and ties up Fish’s legs before stomping down on them. Fish fights back with kicks and punches in the corner, but Danielson moonsaults off the top rope only to be stopped with another kick as Fish gets a two-count. Punk stumbles over Danielson’s name a bit and decides to just call him American Dragon for now on and tells JR it’s not just him that does that, as Danielson back body drops to the outside and hits him with a tope suicida. They fight on the outside, with Danielson pushing Fish against the ring post but gets kicked off the apron by Fish as they take their final commercial break.

Danielson shows a bit of a leg injury but finally hobbles back in the ring where Fish goes right to work on his left leg. Fish works on Danielson’s leg against the ring post while taunting the fans ringside. When we come back from picture in picture, Danielson tries to fight out of the corner to no avail as Fish just punches Danielson right back down. Fish hits a sliding lariat for a two count before applying a half-crab. Danielson escapes out and applies an ankle lock right into a release German Suplex. They start trading strikes and kicks, but Danielson stops it with a pair of Dragonscrews. Danielson now starts attacking Fish’s leg on the ring post by smacking it against it. Danielson tries to go for his Yes Kick, but Fish stops it with a backdrop driver for a two count. Fish puts Danielson on the top rope and hits an avalanche Falcon Arrow for a two count, and transitions right into the kneebar. Danielson reverses it as they both try to keep it in and kick each other in the face as the ‘Si! No!’ chants come back. Danielson keeps the heel hook in as Fish taps out.

Winner: Bryan Danielson by submission at 11:29

World Title Eliminator Tournament Bracket

·       Dark Order’s 10 vs. Jon Moxley

·       Orange Cassidy vs. Powerhouse Hobbs – Next week on Rampage

·       Dustin Rhodes vs. Bryan Danielson – Next week on Dynamite

·       Lance Archer vs. Eddie Kingston – Next week on Dynamite

About John Siino 383 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.