IMPACT WRESTLING: Minoru Suzuki debuts, BFG fallout

John Siino reviews the post-BFG edition of IMPACT with the arrival of Minoru Suzuki, Moose addresses the audience and Sabin vs. Austin.

Photo Courtesy: IMPACT Wrestling

IMPACT! Wrestling

October 28th, 2021

By: John Siino

Sam’s Town in Las Vegas, NV

Commentary: Matt Striker & D’Lo Brown

Before the IMPACT! – VSK (w/ Brian Myers & Zicky Dice) def. Sam Beale by pinfall at 6:57. After the match, The Learning Tree kept attacking Beale until Willie Mack and Rich Swann came out to save him.

Moose vs. the Wrestling World + Minoru Suzuki Debuts

New IMPACT World Champion Moose comes to the ring to speak, but before he can speak Eddie Edwards comes out with a kendo stick to attack him, but Moose stops him and throws him out of the ring. When Moose goes out, Edwards hits him with the kendo stick, and they start brawling all up the entranceway until security comes out and breaks them up. Moose makes his way back to the ring. Moose says he knows he’s done a lot of bad things to get to where he is today, and he even tried to break the neck of a man he once called his best friend and at Bound for Glory he probably did the worst yet. He took away everything Josh Alexander worked his ass off to get right in front of his wife and child and he tells Alexander he has no sympathy. And now that he has the title, it makes him the greatest champion in professional wrestling and it doesn’t matter how ‘Elite’ you are, what ‘Tribe’ you’re chief too or if you’re the ‘boss’, the ‘man’, a woman, a king, the queen, or what day you hold the title. Doesn’t matter what day you hold the title; you can even add a ‘new day’ to the week. And if you think that things he’s done are vile, evil, despicable to get the title, just imagine what he’s capable of doing to keep it. This message is for all the guys in the locker room, but before he can continue talking Josh Alexander jumps him from behind and takes him out with a suplex, but Moose escapes out of the ring.

As Alexander is in the ring, we hear the music of Minoru Suzuki as he makes his way to the ring to Kaze Ni Nare to a huge reaction and gets in the face of Alexander. Alexander turns his back on Suzuki to call Moose back in, but Suzuki pulls him back in and Suzuki and Alexander start to strike back and forth. Suzuki tries a rear-naked chokehold, Alexander turns it into an ankle lock, but as Suzuki escapes, a whole bunch of security come out to split them up, as Alexander is busted open from this.

‘This Close’ Doesn’t Win Championships

Gia Miller stops Moose backstage and says now that he’s champion, he has the biggest target ever and if he’s prepared for it. Moose says he knows he’s pissed off a lot of people but there’s one man in this locker room that can handle it, and you are looking at him. Matt Cardona bumps into him, and congratulates him but says it wasn’t the most respectable way to win it. In the Gauntlet Battle Royal, he was close to beating him and next time they fight in the ring, it will be for that title. Moose says ‘this close’ doesn’t win championships and they start to brawl.

IMPACT X Division Championship: Trey Miguel (c) vs. Rocky Romero

The match starts fast, as both men are wearing black and gold for this title match and this being Romero’s first singles match for IMPACT Wrestling. They trade arm drags before Miguel hits a dropkick knocking Romero to the apron where Miguel drops Romero down and traps him up in a submission while Romero is in the ropes. Miguel tries to springboard off the ropes, but Romero snaps him on the ropes and knocks him to the outside where Romero tries a basement dropkick, but Miguel dodges it and jumps off the top rope for a moonsault to the outside as they go to commercial.

When we come back, Romero stops Miguel from running the ropes and we see Romero has stayed in control during the commercial. Miguel was trying to bounce back in the ropes but got drop kicked to the outside where Romero jumps off the steps and hits a hurricanrana. They go back inside, where Romero hits a running sliced bread for a two count. They go back and forth, and Romero puts Miguel in an armbar, but Miguel picks him up with one arm and powerbombs him down. They start trading strikes, but Miguel hits a jumping knee and a dropkick in the corner. Miguel goes to the top and hits the Meteora, but Romero quickly turns it into a Half Crab, but Miguel turns it into a two count. Romero hits a couple of Forever Clotheslines, but Miguel quickly hits a brainbuster and goes for another Meteora for the pin and the win, in a really good encounter.

Winner: Trey Miguel by pinfall at 12:45, to retain

As Miguel is on the top rope celebrating, Steve Maclin runs in and attacks him, putting him upside down to hit the Crosshairs.

Enough Chit-Chat

Gia Miller is backstage with Rachael Ellering and the first-ever Digital Media Champion Jordynne Grace and asks her what it means to be the champion. Grace says with a big social media presence she’s the perfect person for it. Tasha Steelz and Savannah Evans interrupt and says Grace is so happy and she has her biggest cheerleader in Rachael Ellering and asks Ellering what it feels like to be the biggest loser as Tasha tossed her out in the Call Your Shot Battle Royal. Ellering says this feels familiar as she did it with her old partner, and it didn’t work then, and it won’t work now as her and Grace are on the same page. Ellering says enough chit-chatting and let’s go to the ring and do the damn thing.

Everybody Hates Moose

After the commercial, Steve Maclin says to the camera that Miguel hasn’t beaten him and nobody has and Miguel has what is owed to him, the X Division title. Scott D’Amore comes in and says he respects Maclin, but nobody in this business is owed anything. D’Amore says he will give Maclin the opportunity next week, but he’s busy right now. Matt Cardona and Eddie Edwards stop D’Amore and fight over who should get their hands on Moose first. D’Amore says Josh Alexander should be the first one to get his hands on Moose first, so what he will do is make a six-man match between Josh Alexander, Matt Cardona, Eddie Edwards vs. Moose, and two partners of his choosing. D’Amore then notices Josh Alexander putting his hands on Brian Hebner (the official from Bound for Glory’s main event), but D’Amore stops him and tells him to stay focused as he made the six-man match for next week, and on Bound for Glory he proved that he is the best and the face of the company so after he proved Christian Cage to not prove to him that his emotions can’t be controlled. D’Amore tells Alexander to stay focused, take care of business and do it for this company and his family.

Tasha Steelz (w/ Savannah Evans) vs. Rachael Ellering (w/ Jordynne Grace)

Ellering starts the match in control and stops a code breaker from Steelz, throwing her in the corner as Steelz escapes to the apron. Steelz snaps Ellering’s neck on the ropes, comes back in, and works on the back of Ellering, before chopping her in the corner. Steelz hits a tornado DDT and gets a two count before keeping her grounded with a chin lock. Steelz is able to connect the codebreaker, knocking Ellering to the outside where Grace stops Evans from getting involved. Ellering goes back in and hits a suplex for a two-count. They tussle back and forth until Ellering hits a backslide and gets the pin.

Winner: Rachael Ellering by pinfall at 5:10

Moose Gets Partner #1

We go to W. Morrissey who says when he came here, he didn’t come to make friends, but he did make an alliance with Moose. At Bound for Glory, Moose decided to end that alliance which is perfect for him as Moose is the World Champion. Before he can continue, Moose interrupts him and says he kept his word and said if he had a chance to turn on him, he would, and he screwed him before Morrissey could screw him. He’s a man of his world and says if Morrissey will help him take out Josh Alexander, Matt Cardona, and Eddie Edwards he’ll be the first to get a title shot, and Morrissey agrees and walks off.

The IInspiration is Here to Inspire

Gia Miller is backstage and tries to get an exclusive interview with the IInspiration, she goes into their locker room where they seem happy to see Miller. Miller says their win at Bound for Glory was ‘inspiring’ and asks what they will bring here to the Knockouts Division. They say they are at the point of their career where they want to give back and inspire. Miller asks them to expand on what they mean, and they say they are worldwide stars, Australian stars, and IInspiration elitists before rudely cutting off Miller and saying they are done with her and then go on to kick out the camera crew as well.

Joe Doering (w/ Eric Young & Deaner) vs. Heath (w/ Rhino)

They go at it fast to start the match with Doering hitting his low crossbody for a two count before choking out Heath in the corner with his boot. Heath fights back, but Doering stops him quickly with a shoulder block. Doering hits a big body slam followed by an elbow drop for a two count. Heather comes back with some jumping forearms and a jumping kick knocking Doering down. As Heath tries to run, Deaner trips him up prompting Rhino to attack Deaner. Rhino and Deaner end up in the ring as the referee calls off the match.

Winner: The match ends in a no contest at 3:16

Eric Young gets in the ring and tries to manipulate Rhino telling him he’s still injured. As Rhino is staring him down, Deaner distracts him, but Eric Young attacks Rhino and shows that he is not injured anymore as Violent by Design takes out Rhino and Heath, including Young hitting a flying elbow drop on Rhino. Young then takes out Heath with a piledriver.

Earn It, Nerds

The Good Brothers are backstage and call themselves tag team and bookers of the year, and they are still the IMPACT Tag Team Champions. Doc Gallows says it was their idea to go against both teams and they beat them. FinJuice walks in and Juice Robinson says they didn’t beat them, and they had the match won. David Finlay says he doesn’t recall a single time the Good Brothers beating them, and Karl Anderson says they can’t just come in here and challenge them whenever they want, they have to earn it.

Demons Are Welcome

Gia Miller is backstage and tries to get a word with The Demon, but Johnny Swinger interrupts him and is upset that he bet on the Buffalo Bills to win the Super Bowl and that Swinger’s Palace shut down. Swinger then complains of not winning the Call Your Shot Battle Royal and not getting a Gene Simmons autograph and tells Demon that he and his kind aren’t welcome here. Crazzy Steve and Black Taurus come in to give The Demon some backup, as he says he’s here because Demons are welcome.

Knockouts Pillars

New Knockouts Champion Mickie James makes her way to the ring to speak. James says she is still on cloud nine after Bound for Glory but says she has to be honest, when she came back, she didn’t have the Knockouts Championship on her mind but when an opportunity presented itself, Hardcore Country couldn’t turn it down. She says hats off to Deonna Purrazzo and she gave her quite possibly the best match of her life and knows Deonna has a rematch happening, but nobody has seen or heard from her since Bound for Glory. Mickie says she saw the competition at Knockouts Knockdown and knows there’s a long list of ladies who would want to wrestle her, so she just welcomes the opportunity and she’s excited about the future.

Before she can continue, she gets interrupted by Madison Rayne who comes to the ring with Kaleb with a K (still not Tenille Dashwood). Rayne welcome Mickie back and says Mickie just like that is champion and it makes sense because when everybody talks about the pillars of the Knockouts Division, they throw out names like Gail Kim, Awesome Kong, and Mickie James, and she’ll never get the credit that deserves for all the things that she has done for IMPACT and the Knockouts Division. Madison says she’s been there the entire time, but Mickie says except the three times she left and came back. Madison says she can add that zinger to her long list of accolades, but the accolade she’s wearing around her waist, to not get too used to wearing that because since she wants to be a fighting champion, she says next week Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne before saying she’s won the title 5 times, while Mickie has only won it 4. James, since she put it that way, says, yes, let’s go and tells Madison to bring her little photographer with her so that way he can get a good clear shot of her standing over Rayne as the Knockouts Champion. Kaleb chimes in and calls Mickie stupid and he has half a mind to knock her stupid smile off her face, which prompts Mickie to smack him.

Moose Finds Partner #2

Gia Miller is backstage and stops Moose and W. Morrissey and asks if they have their third partner yet, Moose says they are working on something and walks over to talk to Minoru Suzuki. Moose says they know he’s a very violent man and they like that, and they need him to help them. Suzuki gets up in their face, but Moose mentions Josh Alexander. Suzuki smiles and gives them both a fist pound.

Next Week

·       IMPACT Knockouts Championship: Mickie James (c) vs. Madison Rayne

·       IMPACT X Division Championship #1 Contenders Match: Rohit Raju vs. Steve Maclin vs. Laredo Kid vs. Black Taurus

·       IMPACT Digital Media Championship #1 Contenders Match: John Skyler vs. Chelsea Green (This match airs on Tuesday online)

·       Moose, W. Morrissey & Minoru Suzuki vs. Josh Alexander, Eddie Edwards & Matt Cardona

Ace Austin (w/ Madman Fulton) vs. Chris Sabin

This match stems from their eliminations in the Call Your Shot Battle Royal. They start the match trading leapfrogs and waist locks until Sabin locks in a Mouse Trap for a 2 count. After another roll-up, Austin retreats to the corner for a breather. Austin starts throwing Sabin into the turnbuckles until Sabin comes back with kicks and pin attempts. Sabin knocks Austin down and puts on a Surfboard but Austin reaches for the ropes to break it up. Austin tries to bounce off the ropes but shows a bit of an injury with his knee. Austin comes back and chokes Sabin on the ropes and gets a two-count. Austin hits his paper cut with his card and continues to work on the hand of Sabin. Austin stays in control and hits a leg drop for a 2 count as they go to commercial.

When we come back, Austin is in control, stomping Sabin out in the corner and sling shooting him under the ropes that causes Sabin to fall to the outside. Sabin goes back in and tries to fight off Austin, but gets knocked down quickly, and Austin misses a leg drop off the ropes. Sabin starts fighting back, knocking Austin down with a back body drop and a big boot in the corner. Sabin lifts Austin for a Cradle Shock, but Austin escapes, hits a kick but Sabin counters with a back elbow. Austin drops Sabin again and hits a kick, but Sabin comes right back by tripping Austin into the ropes. Austin hits a German Suplex, but they trade off kicks knocking each other down. Austin comes back with his jumping kick off the ropes for a two-count. Austin teases The Fold, but Sabin counters with a Cradle Shock attempt. Sabin comes back with a Tornado DDT off the second rope for a two-count as the crowd gets really into this match. Sabin goes to the top, but Austin stops him. As Austin falls down, he takes the referee, distracting him. Fulton tries to take down Sabin but fails too. As Austin is distracting the referee again, Fulton does indeed attack Sabin, which causes Austin to hit The Fold for the pin.

Winner: Ace Austin by pinfall at 17:47

About John Siino 404 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.