John Pollock & Wai Ting review WCW Starrcade 1997 featuring Hollywood Hogan vs. Sting in one of the most anticipated and disappointing matches in WCW history.
They discuss Nick Patrick’s not-so-fast count that totally screwed up the finish of the main event, Bret Hart’s fumbled arrival in WCW, Buff Bagwell vs. Lex Luger in one of the most boring matches we’ve seen in a long time, Eddie Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko and more.
Espresso Executive Producer Justin Killian sends us a message to discuss his selection.
WCW Starrcade
Sunday, December 28, 1997
Washington, DC at MCI Center
*WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Hollywood Hogan (c) vs. Sting
*Control for WCW Nitro: Larry Zbyszko vs. Eric Bischoff w/ Bret Hart as the special referee
*United States Championship: Curt Hennig (c) vs. Diamond Dallas Page
*Lex Luger vs. Buff Bagwell
*Chris Benoit vs. Perry Saturn
*No Disqualification Match: Bill Goldberg vs. Steve McMichael
*Randy Savage, Scott Norton & Vincent vs. The Steiner Brothers & Ray Traylor
*WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Eddy Guerrero (c) vs. Dean Malenko
Watch this show on WWE Network (Account Required): https://watch.wwe.com/episode/Starrcade-1997-9200
Next time on Rewind-A-Wai (returning in January)… Cause Stone Cold Said So (2004)
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