AEW Dynamite
December 8th, 2021
UBS Arena in Elmont, NY
Commentary: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone & Taz
A Punk on an Island
Show starts with MJF’s music, but instead of him, CM Punk comes out to a mixed reaction that transitions more into boos as he heads to the ring as it is MJF’s hometown of Long Island. Punk gets on the mic and questions if that’s all he’s got as Chicago is so much louder and says this is why the New York Islanders have yet to win a game in this building. Punk mentions MJF as ‘your guy’ and takes off his hoodie to show the ‘Four Pillars of AEW’ t-shirt but it’s Britt Baker replacing MJF and mentions how he could mention a female and her accomplishments without it being about T&A. Punk mentions MJF mentioning being better than Roddy Piper in Portland when he’s not even better than Piper in ‘Hell Comes to Frogtown’. The crowd starts chanting ‘fuck your pizza’, as Punk makes more jokes about the Islanders not being able to put the puck in the net and them beating Ottawa is the same as him beating QT Marshall. Punk says he wanted to see how this crowd would react to him and mentions how when he was young, he hated Dennis Rodman when he played for the Detroit Pistons but then cheered him when he was on the Chicago Bulls and says ‘MJF is their worm’ and next week he has his eyes on the Hangman Adam Page vs. Bryan Danielson World Championship match and he wants next, just like MJF does. Punk mentions that twice he tried to get MJF in the ring and MJF keeps running away and to outsiders, they look like ‘two idiots’, mentions wanting to fight MJF without any of The Pinnacle getting involved and mentioning his dog Larry, having more balls than MJF. Punk says he’s having fun and if MJF is his hero, he understands seeing as the Islanders haven’t won anything since 1984. Punk issues a one-on-one challenge, and not runs away like they do in Long Island but a fight like they do in Chicago. Punk mentions the gauntlet being thrown and he’ll agree to it tonight, but he doesn’t think MJF or any man in this building tonight and if that’s the man they back everybody here is chicken shit.
The Salt of the Earth
We see a white Ferrari driving in with narration talking about the comparisons between a hero and a villain as MJF comes out and goes into a football field as his statistics and resume are listed from the narrator including being part of the Acafellas, his chugging record and how many chicks he’s gotten. He might not be your cup of tea but to Long Island, he’s the salt of the earth.
Diamond Battle Royale
MJF comes out first to from his video package to a huge reaction embracing with the crowd and meeting up with Shawn Spears as everybody else gets in the ring as the match starts including Wardlow, Matt Hardy, Lio Rush, Lee Moriarty, Matt Sydal, Lee Johnson, Powerhouse Hobbs, Ricky Starks, Jay Lethal, Dante Martin and Frankie Kazarian, with Moriarty being the first one eliminated followed by Sydal. The Bunny passes Matt Hardy the brass knuckles that he uses to eliminate Lethal. As Matt Hardy is celebrating, Dante Martin eliminates him. Martin and Rush go face to face, but Wardlow and Hobbs break them up. Wardlow and Hobbs square up, Hobbs ends up on the apron, and Rush kicks and eliminates him. Starks and Rush fight on the apron as they go to commercial.
When we come back, MJF is on the top rope getting a big reaction as he’s letting Wardlow do all the work for him as Kazarian, Johnson, Rush, Martin, and Starks are all laid out. Wardlow goes to chokeslam Rush and Johnson, but everybody gangs up on Wardlow, including MJF who eliminates Wardlow along with Rush and Johnson, followed by MJF ducking and eliminating Kazarian in the process as it’s down to him, Ricky Starks, and Dante Martin. As Starks and Martin are about to gang up on MJF, Martin eliminates Starks as Martin and MJF are the last two people and will face each other next week for the Diamond ring.
Winners: MJF and Dante Martin at 8:24
Martin tears off the Team Taz armband and he and MJF embrace. Starks runs in and takes out Martin, MJF leaves and teases a couple of times helping out Martin. MJF finally does and runs in but starts attacking Martin along with Starks until CM Punk runs out chasing MJF out. Martin attacks Starks from behind right into the GTS by Punk.
Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus) & The Varsity Blonds (Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrison) (w/ Christian Cage & Julia Hart) vs. The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) & 2point0 (Jeff Parker & Matt Lee) (w/ Daniel Garcia)
Taz is on commentary livid saying his lawyers suck and he’ll have big news later on that has to do with Rampage. Max Caster’s freestyle mentions being an Island boy and says they are bigger than New York and says Jungle Boy still can’t cut a promo. Pretty soft bars from Caster this week. Jungle Boy & Anthony Bowens start the match. Jungle Boy single-handedly takes out all four opponents to the outside where they get met with a dropkick from Pillman and a dive from Garrison. They brawl in and out of the ring for a bit until Bowens and Pillman end up in the ring. Matt Lee comes in as they keep Pillman close to their corner taking turns tagging in and out. The Acclaimed try to suplex Pillman, but he breaks out and makes the hot tag to Luchasaurus who takes out all four opponents one by one. Luchasaurus goes to chokeslam 2point0 but gets stopped by Caster, so Luchasaurus ends up choke slamming Bowens onto Caster instead. Pillman and Bowens go at it, but Caster stops him before he gets DDT’d by Jungle Boy and put into the Snare Trap. As Garcia gets on the apron to distract him, Eddie Kingston runs out and takes him out. Caster uses this advantage and goes for the Mic Drop but misses. Jungle Boy puts on the Snare Trap again as Caster submits.
Winners: Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus) & The Varsity Blonds (Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrison) by pinfall at 8:51
Eddie Kingston grabs the cameraman and takes him backstage, where he tries to be stopped by Ortiz. Kingston starts yelling into the camera, but no audio is being picked up. 2point0 and Garcia run back there and attack Kingston and Ortiz.
Top Guys, Two Time
FTR and Tully Blanchard are backstage where Tully says they will be AEW Tag Team Champions again as they have beat Lucha Brothers three times, including their home country. There will be no more fun and games and FTR are the absolute best and the torch bearers of tag team wrestling and this Friday on Rampage they will become the first-ever 2-time AEW Tag Team Champions.
The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (w/ Adam Cole & Brandon Cutler) vs. CHAOS (Chuck Taylor & Rocky Romero) (w/ Orange Cassidy)
Rocky Romero and Matt Jackson start the match with them dodging and ducking each other until Romero keeps Matt down with an arm drag. Taylor comes and keeps Matt down with a pin attempt and another arm drag. Romero comes in and takes out the Bucks, hitting a suicide dive to Nick outside but hit with a dropkick by Matt. The Young Bucks take control and keep Romero in their corner while teasing the crowd and Cutler sprays Romero down. Romero eventually tags in Taylor who hits a tope con giro on the Bucks, has Cutler back up before getting super kicked by the Bucks. They then go and superkick Romero, play with the crowd again and go and give Cole a kiss. The Bucks set Taylor on the apron and hit a senton before Nick went and put his hands in his pockets in front of Cassidy. Back inside, they hit another assisted senton to Taylor as they try and get the crowd back into this match with them going to commercial.
When we come back Orange is trying to distract Matt Jackson but gets taken down with a kick by Cole. Taylor, now wearing Orange’s shades, takes out the Bucks and tags in Romero who hits the Forever clotheslines on the Bucks. Romero flies off the steps and hits a hurricanrana on Nick Jackson, runs in and hits a running slice bread on Matt Jackson for a two count. Nick Jackson hits a face buster on Romero, but gets taken out by Taylor on the outside. Romero and Matt go at it, with Romero hitting a Tornado DDT. Cutler gets in the ring and starts spraying Matt with cold spray, which prompts Orange and Cole to get in the ring who get taken out as the referee is distracted by Cutler. Cutler sprays Matt in the eyes with the cold spray, causing a near fall. Romero and Matt go at it, but Matt reverses the Sliced Bread, into another reversal for a two count. Matt finally is able to put the Tombstone position for the Meltzer Driver and gets the pin on Romero.
Winners: The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) by pinfall at 15:41
There’s Trent
The Young Bucks, Cole and Cutler continue to attack Orange, Taylor, and Romero, until Wheeler Yuta runs out and gets taken out himself. Cole hits Orange with the Panama Sunrise, as they set him up for the BTE Trigger, the Best Friends music hits as we see Sue driving up and drops off her son Trent with a brand new shaved head look. Trent comes out and takes out Cole, Cutler, and the Bucks all on his own, with Sue and Kris Statlander looking on and Trent and the rest of the Best Friends hug it out before Roppongi Vice plays. Statlander and Sue go into the ring to hug it out also.
Ruby Solo
Alex Marvez is backstage with Ruby Soho as they ask her about being attacked by Nyla Rose, but The Bunny and Penelope Ford interrupt her and say that Rose told them when she wins the Women’s Championship, they will be the first for a title shot and on Rampage, it’ll be the two of them and Rose against Ruby Soho and two of her friends before questioning if she has friends and call her ‘Ruby Solo’. Nyla Rose blindsides Ruby and says ‘surprise, bitch!’ before knocking her down, before Tay Conti and Anna Jay run in to help Ruby while holding chairs setting up the six-woman match for Rampage.
From One Good Guy to Another
Tony Schiavone is on stage with Sammy Guevara, but they quickly get interrupted by Cody Rhodes who comes out to boos from the crowd and burn marks on his arm. Cody says, ‘pardon the interruption’ and doesn’t want Sammy to be blindsided and says from ‘one good guy to the next’, on Christmas Day, Sammy will be defending the TNT Championship against Cody as Cody leaves before teasing going into the heel tunnel, before going into the face one.
Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky are in the crowd as Page says of course Cody can just come in and get a title shot, as he had to go through hoops and hurdles, but Dan Lambert was able to get him a title shot and he’s coming back. Sky questions Sammy being a top champion except he’s not defending against people in the top five, like them and at some point, he needs to stop calling himself a champion and prove he is one. Sammy puts his title down and challenges them to come down.
We get a quick video from Jade Cargill about her upcoming tournament match against Thunder Rosa, and it will be That Bitch Show.
Jamie Hayter (w/ Dr. Britt Baker DMD & Rebel) vs. Riho
As the match starts, Baker grabs a sign from the crowd that says, ‘Be a Hayter’ as commentary mentions Baker never has pinned Riho before. Hayter starts the match in full control going for simple pins but Riho comes back with a pair of dropkicks, with the second one being blocked as Hayter hits a backbreaker and places Riho in the corner, where Baker goes to choke her out with Aubrey Edwards being distracted. Riho drops Hayter down and hits the 619, goes to the top rope, and hits a crossbody as Hayter retreats to the outside. Riho jumps to the outside where Hayter barely catches her from a crossbody and throws her back inside. Hayter stays in control as they go to picture-in-picture.
When we come back, Riho is trying to fight back but gets stopped with another backbreaker, but Riho comes back with a roll-up into a double stomp to the stomach of Hayter. Riho comes back with a couple more pin attempts, including hitting a Dragon Suplex for a two-count. Hayter comes back with a brainbuster and yet another backbreaker for two counts as she goes into a single-leg crab. They go back and forth a bit more, with Riho hitting the Code Red for a two followed by double stomp off the top rope for another two. Riho goes back to the top, but Hayter stops her. Riho knocks her down and gets her leg held by Rebel. Hayter goes back to the top where Riho hits her with a big crucifix bomb off the top rope followed by running knees to the face for the pin.
Winner: Riho by pinfall at 13:10
Baker and Rebel attack Riho right after, including putting on the Lockjaw and Baker telling Riho she will never be champion again.
Upcoming Matches
- Rampage – AEW World Tag Team Championship: Lucha Brothers (c) vs. FTR
- Rampage – Ruby Soho/Tay Conti/Anna Jay vs. Nyla Rose/The Bunny/Penelope Ford
- Rampage – Adam Cole vs. Wheeler Yuta
- Rampage – Hook vs. Fuego Del Sol
- Winter is Coming – Dynamite Diamond Final: MJF vs. Dante Martin
- Winter is Coming – Serena Deeb vs. Hikaru Shida
They also announce that AEW Revolution will be in Orlando, Florida on March 6th before showing a video package for Serena Deeb and Hikaru Shida for next week.
We go to Tony Schiavone who’s with the Varsity Blonds and Julia Hart, but the lights go off and on where Malakai Black is standing there and sprays his mist into the face of Julia Hart.
Bryan Danielson vs. John Silver
Silver gets the big hometown reaction and starts the first couple minutes in control and delivers kicks to Danielson, who quickly counters and starts attacking Silver on the apron with forearms and a diving knee drop to the back of the head, before asking the crowd ‘who’s the best’ as they go to the final commercial.
When we come back, Danielson goes for a shotgun dropkick but gets dropped with a powerbomb instead. Danielson and Silver start trading kicks back and forth, but Silver transitions it into an ankle lock. Danielson tries to break out of it by kicking Silver, who just laughs it off. Danielson finally grabs the rope and escapes to the outside where Silver meets him with a cannonball senton. Back inside, Danielson goes for a backslide, but Silver stops him with kicks, a German suplex attempt but Danielson lands on his feet and hits a roundhouse kick before giving the ‘no’ finger wag to the crowd. Danielson sets up for the running knee, but Silver reverses into a roll-up for a two, followed by a kick to the back of the head and German suplex bridge pin for a two. Silver goes for the Spin Doctor, but Danielson gauges the eyes, hits a rolling elbow strike, drops more elbow strikes, and hits the Gotch Style Piledriver, right into a Rings of Saturn-like attempt, but Silver is already knocked out as the referee calls off the match.
Winner: Bryan Danielson by referee stoppage at 10:46
Danielson mentions Evil Uno, Colt Cabana, Alan Angels, and John Silver all having their heads kicked in but stops short before Danielson and says he did promise to kick his head in as Silver is being attended to. Danielson pushes them off and starts stomping Silver’s head before Hangman Adam Page runs out and attacks Danielson who quickly runs away. Page gets on the mic and says next week he is going to stomp the cowboy shit out of Danielson.