Blake Christian was ready to embrace his new character in NXT 2.0, talks Cora Jade’s success

Before his release, a new character had been worked on for Blake Christian and he was ready to embrace that character

Photo Courtesy: WWE

Before his exit from WWE, Blake Christian was going to introduce a new character.

Blake Christian is now back on the independent scene after spending eight months of his 2021 with WWE. Christian regularly competes for Game Changer Wrestling and had a singles match against Lio Rush at the promotion’s event at Hammerstein Ballroom.

The four-year veteran wrestled in a total of five matches for the NXT brand throughout his run. When the transition into NXT 2.0 was made, he was set to undergo a character change and was ready to embrace the new presentation. He shared that information during his appearance on the Swerve City Podcast.

So I actually had a — they [WWE] gave me this new character that they were going to do, that I was going to go full-on into it, was ready to make that transition. But obviously I got released so they scrapped it I guess. But I was very much ready to make that transition and adapt to that, just to see how it goes, you know? If I don’t like it, then obviously my time will come to where I can go or do something else. Very much [ready to accept the change]. But I was definitely willing to try it out, but I never obviously got the chance so, but I mean, I was very much — I don’t wanna say I was happy to go, but at the same time I was. 50 percent of me was happy.

The chains were off, I could do what I was doing before and elevate that so, yeah. It’s a weird feeling but yeah, I was 50 percent happy and 50 percent like, ‘Okay.’

When the shift in NXT’s product occurred, Christian had a feeling he was going to go down on the proverbial totem pole. He was aware that what he does best is perform in the ring and did not have an over-the-top attraction type of character.

So, I think when this NXT made the transition into what it is now, before, it was focused on wrestling. Like people who are good wrestlers: Johnny Gargano, Tommaso [Ciampa], KUSHIDA, you [Shane Strickland]. I mean it was very much a very wrestling-focused product, but still being WWE TV. But then I think when it transitioned into NXT 2.0, it became more characters. So I don’t know. I was always more of a wrestler I felt like. I felt like that’s where I shined more. I felt like that’s what I worked for on the indies so much for is to be a good, great wrestler and I would add the character spice here and there but I feel like now, it’s very much a character-based product, which is fine, you know. It’s a TV product, it’s entertainment. That’s what’s working so they’re gonna do that so, but yeah, I just felt like when it made that transition into more characters, I was like, ‘Okay, I’m kind of gonna do down the totem pole here’ because my character is not this over-the-top attraction. I’m a very good — my attraction is based off my wrestling. So, that’s how I felt.

Blake’s significant other, Cora Jade is still with NXT and is going to be a part of the women’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic which begins in several weeks. He’s happy to see Cora living out her dreams and added that she knows he has more fun on the independents.

I think it’s really cool because yeah, my time wasn’t great there [WWE], you know? I had a great time there but obviously it’s not what I wanted, and she [Cora Jade] knows that I have more fun out here. But being able to see her live her dream because that’s all she ever wanted to be was a WWE superstar. So to see her be able to live her dream and me being able to be a part of it and watch it and know the stuff that she’s doing, it’s like an unreal feeling, you know? Watching someone that you love do the stuff that they love and exceed their own expectations. So I mean, it’s kind of just an unexplainable, unreal feeling I feel like.

On February 20th at GCW ‘Don’t Tell Me What To Do’, Christian is going one-on-one with Ninja Mack. He is also scheduled for the promotion’s February 26th event as well.

If the quotes in this article are used, please credit the Swerve City Podcast with an H/T to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions. 

About Andrew Thompson 8840 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.