GCW Don’t Tell Me What To Do: H8 Club vs. The Rejects, Janela teams with Marko Stunt

Photo Courtesy: GCW

GCW: Don’t Tell Me What To Do
Sunday, February 20, 2022, Showboat Hotel, Atlantic City, New Jersey

By Jon Pine

GCW put on another incredible set of shows with a diverse card of styles, ages, and genders. Every single match on this card told a different story and had a different style or pacing. No match had the opportunity to overstay their welcome as the show went by very quickly. The story of the night was the star-making performance from Cole Radrick, the incredible lucha matches, and the main event tag team match.  GCW continues to highlight and elevate their younger talent and prospects. This weekend alone we saw Nick Wayne and Billie Starkz collect their first wins in GCW, as well as Drago Kid, ASF, Jack Cartwheel, the debut of Alec Price, the elevation of Hoodfoot and the return of Marko Stunt.  Each show this weekend had a perfectly balanced card and there wasn’t a match that truly bombed, the crowds were hot both nights.

Last night’s show was notable for a couple of reasons; first, GCW continued the trend of putting on incredible Lucha matches, every Deathmatch delivered, and:

Spoiler Free Recommendation:

Cole Radrick vs. Orin Veidt

Drago Kid vs. ASF

Joey Janela and Marko Stunt vs. Second Gear Crew

H8 Club (Nick Gage and Matt Tremont) vs. The Rejects (John Wayne Murdoch and Reed Bentley)

Believe Me, February, 19, 2022 Results:

The Briscoe Brothers Defeated The S.A.T, Blake Christain Defeated Jimmy Lloyd, Nick Wayne Defeated Jordan Oliver, The Second Gear Crew Defeated ASF, Gringo Loco, Jack Cartwheel and Ninja Mack, The Rejects (JWM and Reed Bentley) Defeated G-Raver and Orin Veidt in a tag team Deathmatch, Billie Starkz Defeated Cole Radrick, Mascara Dorada Defeated Joey Janela, Hoodfoot Defeated Matt Tremont in a Deathmatch.

H20 Wrestling: Barbed Wire City Showdown, February 20, 2022 Results:

Drew Blood, Devon Moore, and Louie Ramos Defeated Jess Moss, Chuck Payne and Deklan Grant, H20 Tag Team Champions Chris Bradley and Kristian Ross vs. The Storm of Entrails (SHLAK and Dan O’hare) was declared a No Contest, Adonis Valerio Defeated Reid Walker and Colby Corino, Nicholas Grande Defeated Darien Hardway, Lucky 13 Retained the Danny Havoc Hardcore Championship defeating JImmy Lloyd, Bam Sullivan, and Kit Osbourne, B-Boy Defeated Ryan Redfield, Ducan Aleem, Leroy Robinson, Marc Angel, Austin Luke and Brandon Kirk Defeated Marcus Mathers, Jimmy Lyon and Kennedi Copeland, Matt Tremont Defeated Atticus Cogar in a No Rope Barbed Wire Deathmatch

The Collective 2022 Update:

Following their confrontation last night at Believe Me, Joey Janela made it official on Twitter that the Main Event of Joey Janela’s Spring Break 6 Night 1 will be John Wayne Murdoch vs. Alex Colon (Champion) for the GCW Ultraviolent Championship

Atticus Cogar News:

On February 15, 2022, Atticus Cogar released a video on his Twitter page announcing a Cogar booked Wrestling show titled ‘Skewered.’ The event will be taking place on March 19, 2022, at 1720 Warehouse in Los Angeles, California.

Rickey Shane Page has been announced for this event.

GCW Astronaut, March 12, 2022, Atlanta Georgia Update:
Singles Match: Jonathan Gresham vs. Blake Christian
Singles Match: AR Fox vs. Nick Wayne

Talent Announced: Joey Janela, Extreme Champion AJ Gray, NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion Matt Cardona, Allie Katch, Effy, Gringo Loco, AR Fox

Looking Ahead:

GCW returns to the Harpo’s Theater in Detroit, MI on Saturday, April 23rd, next time they will be in Atlantic City will be the weekend of April 30 and May 1.

Fundraiser for Masashi Takeda:

Following the unexpected passing of his wife, Yuka, Masashi Takeda announced that he will be stepping away from pro wrestling for the foreseeable future. Alex Colon has organized an auction and fundraiser, #ForCrazyKid, on behalf of Takeda. Various wrestlers are auctioning off different ring worn items, wrestling memorabilia and a lot more.

Participants so far announced: Alex Colon, members of 440H!, John Wayne Murdoch and Reed Bentley, Chris Dickinson, Matt Tremont and more.

The fundraiser will be taking place on February 22, 2022, 8pm on Facebook (link bellow)

#4CrazyKid Wrestling Auction: Benefit to help raise money for Masashi Takeda and his family

Next Weekend’s Shows:

Welcome To Heartbreak, February 25, 2022, Los Angeles, CA

Tag Team Match:
X-Pac and Joey Janela vs. Brian Myers and Matt Cardona
Singles Match: Atticus Cogar vs. Kevin Blackwood
Dream Match: Dr. Wagner Jr. vs. Homicide
Singles Match: Blake Christian vs. Nick Wayne
GCW Extreme Title Match: AJ Gray(champion) vs. Lio Rush

LA Fights Vol. 3, February 26, 2022, Los Angeles, CA

Singles Match: Peter Avalon vs. Dark Sheik
Singles Match: Kevin Blackwood vs. Jai Vidal
Singles Match: Tyler Bateman vs. Bad Dude Tito

The Coldest Winter, February 26, 2022, Los Angeles, CA

Singles Match: Atticus Cogar vs. Dark Sheik
Singles Match: Tony Deppen vs. Thunder Rosa
Singles Match: Mike Bailey vs. Blake Christian
Dream Match: Mascara Dorada vs. Gringo Loco

Last time in Atlantic City:

Die For This, January 1, 2022, Atlantic City, New Jersey

Pro Wrestling Cinema presents: Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Joey Janela (GCW Die 4 This 2022)

The Briscoe Brothers Retained the GCW Tag Team Championships Defeating Alex Zayne and Blake Christian, Calvin Tankman Defeated Yoya, Joey Janela Defeated Scotty 2 Hotty, Homicide Won the #1 Contendership Do or Die Battle Royal, Alex Colon Retained the GCW Ultraviolent Title Defeating John Wayne Murdoch

Pro Wrestling Cinema presents: Alex Colon vs. John Wayne Murdoch – GCW Die 4 This (2022)

Commentary: Dave Prazak and Kevin Gill

Don’t Tell Me What To Do Results:
Singles Match: Jordan Oliver vs. Alec Price

After his loss last night against Nick Wayne, Oliver is once again is taking on another up and coming star in Alec Price. It speaks to the trust that GCW management has in Jordan Oliver that he can work with these younger talents during some of the early moments on this level of stage. Plus he’s been presented strongly in recent weeks so at this point losing doesn’t hurt Oliver.

The ‘East Coast Ace’ sends Alec Price to the floor and goes for a crossbody, Price evades for a second but catches a big boot from Oliver sending him flying into the first row. Price is able to showcase some of his offense but his momentum keeps getting stifled by the much bigger Jordan Oliver; despite that Price was able to set Jordan Oliver up for an inverted DVD sending Oliver face first into the turnbuckle for a 2 count. They each lock in Boston Crabs, Price was able to stack Oliver up, like Wayne did last night, but he was unsuccessful in the pin attempt. Later on, Price hits the Gotcha buster, into an air raid crash for a two count but his advantage doesn’t last long as Price gets tombstoned for another nearfall. Price goes for an Ax Kick but Oliver evades and hits the Orange Crush to capture the victory.

Jordan Oliver defeated Alec Price

Singles Match: Dragon Kid vs. ASF

The lucha movement continues in GCW as these two very young stars face off in the famed Carousel Room. The crowd knows that they are about to see something insane but no one knows at what level. The match starts at a furious pace with each man trying to one up the other wrestling to a stalemate to the delight of the crowd. Drago goes to the floor and ASF hits a soaring plancha to the floor taking out Drago Kid; Drago goes for a Rana but ASF is able to slink away and hit a release german suplex. ASF shoots Drago into the corner, but his momentum is cut off by Drago who places him on the top rope and sets him up for a muscle buster position, that was explained on commentary that is actually a lucha submission maneuver. Drago hits a picture perfect Asashi moonsault to the floor taking out ASF, and Drago soaks in the adulation of the crowd. Back in the ring ASF takes off his top as they start to trade forearm strikes in the center of the ring, Drago hits a Dragon kick for a two count. He is displeased with the refs counting. Both men climb to the top rope trading some fists and they attempt a spanish fly but they land on their feet and they each hit a pair of superkicks. ASF bails to the floor but he is unable to escape the onslaught as he’s taken out with a beautiful tornillo. ASF traps Drago on the top rope, tears at his mask and attempts a splash mountain but turns it into a powerbomb followed by a butterfly piledriver for the victory.

ASF Defeated Drago Kid

Post Match: Fans throw money into the ring and chant ‘Both these guys’

Singles Match: Ninja Mack vs. Blake Christian

From one match with incredible athleticism to another, much like every time they enter the ring, Christian and Mack set out to steal the show. Kevin Gill calls it before the match starts “this is going to be the most gifable match” Ninja rushes in, Christian evades and Mack does a pair of backflips into a headstand; watching him live or at home he looks like he’s moving in slow motion. After Ninja Mack gloats/evades Blake Christian, he attempts the Ninja Mack Special but is caught off by Christian who hits a running knee. They battle on the apron and floor, each competitor was able to escape the other’s grasps by flying over each other. Mack marches Christian around the ring chopping him at every side until Christian fires back up and hits a massive tope taking out Mack on the floor. The action returns to the ring with Christian firmly in control of the match but it doesn’t last long as the spry Ninja Mack is able to evade, send Blake to the floor and hits a dive taking out Christian. The tired competitors start trading stiff forearm shots in the center of the ring, Christian gets the best of the exchange and hits a knee strike to Ninja Mack’s face. Christian hits a third straight knee strike followed by a release german suplex for a two count. The crowd gets to their feet as they are chanting ‘GCW’ at these two incredible athletes, incredible sequences that only a few people could even dream of pulling off. Ninja Mack hits a wheelbarrow suplex, climbs to the top rope, attempts his Phoenix 630, Christian gets up and hits another knee strike followed by his finishing maneuver and pins Ninja Mack. Both men displayed incredible athleticism and Christian is continued to be booked strong as he grinds his way to Atlanta where he takes on Ring of Honor World Champion Jonathan Gresham.

Blake Christian Defeats Ninja Mack

Emil J announces that it is February Fuckery Weekend and calls for weapons to be brought to the ring. He reminds the crowd that the next time Game Changer Wrestling will be back in Atlantic City is on Saturday April 30th and Sunday May 1st.

Multiple doors, a ladder, barbed wire boards, and boxes of lightubes are brought to the ring as the crowd eagerly awaits tonight’s first Deathmatch.

Deathmatch: Orin Veidt vs. Cole Radrick

Crowd favorite Cole Radrick comes to the ring with a bundle of tubes as tonight he is all business and is met with ‘Raddy Daddy’ chants. They start feeling each other, each man trying to show their wrestling prowess before the fuckery begins; Cole turns his back on Orin who hits him across the back with a lightube, he brings him in the corner and starts to carve away at Cole’s head. Cole is unphased as he breaks a tube on Orin and a tube assisted lariat to the back of Orin. Orin is able to turn the momentum of the match as they start battling on the floor exchanging a couple of lightube shots. Radrick is bleeding pretty heavily from his forehead and arm, he sits Orin in a chair, gives him a bundle of tubes and hits a running senton breaking the glass on both of them. Radrick is really stepping up tonight and showcasing his true versatility inside the wrestling ring. Cole sets up a couple chairs and a door and places a barbed wire board, he drags Orin over and starts piercing his forehead with the barbs. Cole goes for a senton through the door/barbed wire board but no one was home, Cole crashed and burned hard on the barbed wire. The action returns to the ring with Orin in control, Orin breaks a tube over Cole’s back and sets up a ladder in the corner and back body drops Cole through the ladder.  Orin gets drop toe holded into a chair and Radrick places tubes on his chest and hits a moonsault for a two count. Radrick is leaking from his back as the crowd wills him on, he brings in a giant ladder inside the ring, he hits the chandelier with the ladder, horrifying Brett Lauderdale.

Orin hits Cole with a tube and sets up the door bridge in front of the ladder. Someone hands Orin a weedwacker, Cole knocks it out of his hand, hits Orin with the wacker, climbs the giant ladder and hits a giant swanton through the door for only a two count.

Following that car crash, Cole took too much time and got set up for the assault driver and planted through a barbed wire door in the corner and then he is dumped onto an upside down chair for a two count. The crowd is going crazy as they rally behind the underdog hero, Cole Radrick, Orin is goading the crowd and is met with ‘Raddy Daddy’ chants. Cole breaks a tube over Orin’s head, and in an ode to Jun Kasai, Cole drags the broken tube over his own chest cutting himself open. Cole will be sporting a new War Emblem. Radrick gets thrown into a bundle of tubes but is able to roll Orin up and secure the victory, shocking the Deathmatch world in the best way possible.

Cole stepped up in a big way and had a star making performance today. The crowd also acknowledges that by chanting ‘TOS.’ Orin was a perfect person to be in there with Cole, a truly star making performance that also told a great story throughout.

Cole Radrick Defeated Orin Veidt

The first half of this show flew by, like every GCW show we got a fantastic mix of highflying athletes and Deathmatch warriors. The depth of talent that GCW has is really impressive, it doesn’t matter if there is a cancellation, injury or whatever, they always find a suitable or even better than announced replacement.

Six-Person Scramble Match: Jimmy Lloyd vs. Bryan Keith vs. Colby Corino vs. Jack Cartwheel vs. Marcus Mathers vs. Billie Starkz

Jimmy Lloyd comes to the ring with a notable limp from his match last night with Blake Christian and because he has competed in 6 matches since Thursday. Colby Corino made sure the camera noticed that there is a notable amount of blood on one of the bottom turnbuckles from the previous match. After her big victory last night over Cole Radrick, Billie Starkz returns tonight to take part in the 6 way scramble match. Before Emil can start his introduction Colby Corino hits her with a big boot, all of the competitors hit their offense as they try on Corino. Billie is working over Colby Corino on the floor with a sleeper hold which is broken up when he backs her against the ring apron. She attempts a tope but is caught by Corino and thrown into the first row. Cartwheel gets caught by Bryan Keith but is able to send him over the top rope, he hits a top rope cartwheel onto the competitors on the floor. Billie and Jack are back in the ring, Billie hits a dead eye on Jack Cartwheel but the pin is broken up by her boyfriend Marcus Mathers, while the couple has their backs turned, Colby Corino takes advantage and takes out Billie Starkz and tries to take out Mathers. Jimmy Lloyd hits a Tiger Driver on Keith but the pin attempt is broken up by Corino. Corino starts to beat up both Jimmy Lloyd and Jack Cartwheel but gets caught on the top rope by Bryan Keith who hits a superplex. Cartwheel hits a rolling death valley driver onto Keith, takes out the other competitors on the floor and hits a twisting shooting star press for the victory.

Jack Cartwheel wins the Scramble Match

Tag Team Match: Joey Janela and Marko Stunt vs. Second Gear Crew (GCW Extreme Champion AJ Gray and Matthew Justice)

It’s great to see Janela and Stunt back together in the carousel room, Janela has gotten himself into tremendous shape. SGC’s entrance is one of the highlights of any GCW show. Before SGC can get into the ring, Janela throws Marko Stunt onto them. They continue to battle on the floor with Janela using a fan in a wheelchair as a weapon, they start brawling near the commentary table, Joey gets a trash can and punts it at AJ Gray, Justice picks it up and starts beating Joey Janela with it. They are brawling pretty close to all of the production when Matthew Justice yells, ‘Lets go to that side away from the expensive shit.’

Janela sets up a door behind a merch table, he sets up Justice on the table, Janela gets a running start but no one is home, the table slides and opens a side door of the Carousel Room and Matthew Justice throws Janela out into the main hallway of the Showboat Hotel and locks the door. AJ Gray beats up Marko Stunt, grabs a bottle of hot sauce that is on sale and pours it into Stunt’s mouth. AJ Gray returns the action to the ring where he starts throwing chairs and doors into the ring, AJ Gray punches a chair into Stunts face. “You’ve never seen someone so happy to hurt people than Matthew Justice”-Kevin Gill  With Marko out on the floor and Janela still somewhere in the Hotel lobby, SGC take their time to set up various doors and chairs. Marko Stunt is able to fire up on Justice and Gray, he goes for a splash but is pushed off the top turnbuckle, Janela returns and hits a top rope leg drop onto AJ Gray through the door, Justice spears Joey through a door in the corner. Justice starts unloading on Janela’s back with a steel chair, he sets Joey up on the chair as he climbs to the top rope. Joey Sabu’s a chair into Justice’s head and hits a top rope DVD onto the open chair for a two count. Justice landed hard on that chair. SGC builds a door bridge consisting of multiple doors and chairs, Justice hits an implant DDT onto Janela and sets him up on the door stack; AJ Gray top rope powerbombs Marko Stunt onto Janela sending a rogue door slamming into his face. Janela briefly fires up but is met with multiple chairs thrown into his head, Justice goes coast to coast on Janela taking him out for the rest of the match. They pick up the broken Marko Stunt and hit a Doomsday device for the victory.

Second Gear Crew Defeated Joey Janela and Marko Stunt

This match was an expected car wreck that was fully delivered, all four of these men went all out and walked away pretty beat up.

Singles Match: 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Gringo Loco

The two men lock up and start going hold for hold in the early portion of the match, Scorpio is able to get the best of Gringo, sending him to the floor. Gringo hits a back elbow sending 2 Cold to the floor, he teases a dive but chooses to gloat in the ring instead. Scorpio returns to the ring and they start engaging in lucha sequences but neither of them seem to be able to gain the advantage, Scorpio gets pissed off and slaps Gringo in the face and kicks him low and starts to wear down Gringo with a head and arm choke. Scorpio places Gringo on the top turnbuckle but gets caught with a spinning DDT for a near fall. Gringo Loco hits a moonsault for a 2 count, he ruminates in the ring trying to figure out a way he can put the living legend down; he talks trash to Scorpio and hits a top rope cutter for another 2 count. Scorpio hits a moonsault leg drop for the victory.

Gringo did an excellent job selling and helping the much older Scorpio through this match.

Too Cold Scorpio Defeats Gringo Loco

GCW Tag Team Championship Deathmatch: H8 Club (Gage and Tremont) vs. The Rejects (Murdoch and Bentley) Tag Team Title Match

The weapons are brought to the ring and Emil J announces that it’s main event time. The Rejects enter first and JWM makes a B-line right to commentary to intimidate Kevin Gill after last night’s incident. This is Matt Tremont’s fourth deathmatch in as many days and his second one today, earlier in the afternoon he was victorious in a No Rope Barbed Wire match defeating Atticus Cogar. Nick Gage grabs the mic and asks “Where’s my fucking gang at?”

Nick Gage and John Wayne Murdoch start the match off going back and forth with forearms shots with Nick Gage getting the advantage over The Duke. Gage goes to hit the ropes but Bentley hits Gage over the back with a bundle of tubes. Tremont and Reed are going at it in the ring, trading some strikes, Gage gets hit with a bundle on the floor and Reed feels on in the ring. JWM returns to save his partner and blasts Tremont over the head with a bundle of his own. The former ICW American Deathmatch Champion sets up a pane of glass in the corner but gets speared by a bloody Nick Gage through the pane of glass. Gage picks up a bundle and plants it over the head of John Wayne Murdoch. Tremont sends Reed to the floor, as Gage starts to go to town on John Wayne Murdoch with broken glass and the pizza cutter. The crowd is going crazy for the pizza cutter as Gage carves away at JWM’s forehead. Reed is firmly in control of Matt Tremont outside of the ring, Gage sets up two chairs in the ring, they take a seat and start punching each other in the face and trade repeated headbutts. Reed Bentley is throwing a bunch of chairs onto Tremont on the outside of the ring. Reed returns to the ring as The Rejects hit a couple of double team maneuvers, breaking tubes over the legs and skull of Nick Gage. Gage is in trouble in the ring as Reed once again brings the fight to Tremont who is still recovering on the floor; both of The Rejects are carving away on the foreheads of their opponents with the shards of tubes. The Rejects have the H8 Club prone on the mat as they set up a pane of glass over Nick Gage’s face and they hit a double team drop kick shattering the glass onto Gage’s body. H8 Club fires up and hits a spinebuster and DVD respectively.

Dewy Donovan hands Gage a bundle of tubes who stomps them into Murdoch’s face. Gage sets up a pane of glass between two chairs and climbs the top rope with John Wayne Murdoch and hits a piledriver through the glass. Tremont chokeslams Reed onto the barbed wire boards, grabs a bag and dumps thousands of thumbtacks onto Reed’s chest followed by a top rope splash for the victory.

H8 Club Retain the GCW Tag Team Championships

Post Match: Gage grabs the mic

“Hey where you going, you guys got to listen to this before you leave please, listen I want to talk about the H8 CLub and the history of the H8 CLub, man I love you guys, I can’t stop smiling man. Listen (Nick Fucking Gage Chant) Thank you I love you guys, when my brother Chris passed away and my brother Nate passed away I thought the H8 Club was dead. I thought, you know what I’m going to do is represent them until I can’t do this shit no more or someone puts a bullet in my brain. But then I recognized that there was only one man (Tremont) that could fill that spot and that’s The Bulldozer Matt Tremont. I can’t hear you people (Tremont Chant) So I went over to the H20 Compound and I had a conversation with my boy and I said how about we tag together and bring back the H8 Club. And now we are tag team champs! You know what we’re going to do, I’m going to represent for my motherfucking gang and we are going to run through every tag team in the division in this company. 

*H8 Club and MDK call and response*

I swear to God I love you people man” 

About Jon Pine 170 Articles
Living in Providence, Rhode Island; when Jon isn’t watching AEW or GCW with his dogs Dakota and Aurora, he’s probably watching the CSPAN feed of the Senate floor or listening to Bennington on SiriusXM.