Control Your Narrative to reveal TV partner in March, EC3 discusses the deal, what he’s looking for in talents

EC3 provides more details about the Control Your Narrative promotion and what's to come in the future concerning their TV deal

Photo Courtesy: Control Your Narrative

EC3 dishes on Control Your Narrative and what’s to come in the future.

Last week, a press release was issued by Control Your Narrative, which is a group founded by EC3 and Jedediah Koszewski. Adam Scherr, the former ‘Braun Strowman’ and Killer Kross are affiliated with the group as well. They’ll be presenting live events on March 5th in Orlando and March 31st in Dallas, Texas. Control Your Narrative is going to be a live touring brand and within the press release, it was noted that a TV deal is imminent.

EC3 joined the MackMania Podcast on The Ringer and provided more details about all things Control Your Narrative. He stated that in March at the Texas show, they’ll announce their TV partner and the ‘high-level’ brands that are associated with that network.

The 3/5 Orlando show will feature a tag match as EC3 and Adam Scherr take on The Righteous (Vincent & Bill Carr).

Gilley’s, Dallas, Texas, we announce in a press conference our TV partner and not only that, the other high-level associated brands that will be with this television partner because this television channel will change how wrestling is consumed forever in our opinion. So that will be then. March 5th, Orlando, it’s kind of a scrimmage to see if our bullsh*t works in front of a live crowd and I think it will. It’ll be myself and Adam Scherr against Bill Carr and Vincent of The Righteous. You know, just a couple warm bodies we can beat the sh*t out of. I think I’m gonna announce Josh Woods versus Austin Aries, I’m gonna do that today. But I have a lot of surprises. Yeah, I have surprises that I don’t wanna give away until the live show because I like people not knowing and that might hurt you on ticket sales. But like, I want — the opening of this show, I’m going to rip somebody’s blindfold off and reveal them to the audience and I want the people to go, ‘Holy sh*t! He’s here?’ And I want that to start how that gets going and I wanna do that on every show. You never know who’s gonna be under that hood. When I pull their hood off and they’re in the middle of a fight and I want that to cause an excitement that translates throughout the entire show.

The 3/31 show in Dallas, Texas is going to see Scherr, EC3 and Killer Kross team up to take on a three-person team and those names will be revealed on March 5th.

He further spoke about the imminent TV deal and how they had to break out the announcement to gain some traction. He stated that he is looking forward to presenting live events outside of the ‘typical arena setting.’

There’s a TV network that was interested in what we were doing. We were able to parlay that into a grand vision, so, to get attention though, you have to hit ‘em with a broadsword. You have to to hit ‘em with a mallet. So I had to say, ‘Launching pro wrestling company. TV deal imminent,’ so people would be like, ‘Wait, what?’ They were expecting — I don’t know what they were expecting. But I’m telling you this is going to be something different and something unique. I also look forward [to going] into the world of live events because one thing that I [think we maximized] when we did these features is the atmosphere and the energy of the live crowd. So being able to combine these two things, which is something new, I think there’s a market for a traveling wrestling show. Ever since the pandemic, life’s getting back to normal. Something that’s quaint, intimate and [a place] where you’re into the action as opposed to the typical arena setting. I think there’s a market for that, especially [with] the array of talent that’s available. A lot of people not signing up for one thing, exploring different options and that forbidden door so to speak, it does not exist really. So there’s that, plus the — be able to create for television gives it a whole new form, new avenue. World’s changing, let’s change with it.

When it comes to what he’s looking for in talents, EC3 expressed that he’s focused on the basics; character development and psychology. He added that when he goes to independent shows and does seminars, he gets a good feel of who he’d like to bring into the fold.

He went on to state that before every Control Your Narrative show, there is going to be a seminar and while every talent may not be used on the actual show, they’ll be able to take something away from the seminar.

Great question. I’m glad you asked it because I have so much to delve into this. First off, I know as wrestling fans, you hear about people who get released and Talent Relations and creative and this. I see it on the other side now, dealing with talent. Some of these people are insane. Some of your favorites are so completely self-absorbed, it baffles me and I’m like — and then again, some of the people I know and I’m close with don’t know what I’m doing yet and are treating this like — are sending me resumes. Sending me a resume, ‘I think I’m good at this, this and this.’ Like dude, I know you. Yeah, you’re good. It works how it does. But what I’m looking for, first, the biggest thing I’m looking for is somebody that would get what I got out of what I did which is when I was released during the pandemic, life was crazy, nobody knew what was coming, I had 90 days. I mean in 90 days, we didn’t even know if wrestling was going to exist, we didn’t know if the world was existing. 90 days to create something new, unique on my own and that’s how the character transformation takes place and I had social media to promote it. To be able to create that and do that myself, openly and freely, it meant a lot to me and I wanted to give that to other people. So, bringing it along to the first feature, I thought Matt Cardona was a great person because we’re very like-minded but we’re very different. So using him, he took what we did and then by no means is it all part of his success but the success he made coming out of it, becoming who he is now, ‘King of the Indies’ and stuff like that was really rewarding seeing… and now he’s killing it. Same thing with Braun Strowman becoming Adam Scherr, rising of Titan. The guy was going through literal life crisis’ at the time and this process helped him come out of that so the big thing I’m looking for is a talent that wants to create and make something different and kind of think outside the wrestling bubble and still understand within it, at the basics, psychology, character developmental [still works] and how do we make it work in 2022. What I’m looking for in new people is engaging me in their story because, you know, a lot of people, ‘Oh, it’s a TV deal?’ I’m getting blown up, non-stop. Some people I know, some people I don’t and you know, they’re sending me their YouTube videos and their matches and their resumes and it’s like man, I can’t tell — okay, you can do the moves, cool. Okay, you look all right, cool. I’m not gonna know until I meet you and see you and kind of talk to you, what do you want out of this. So I discovered a lot of talent when I go to an independent show.

I’ll do seminars and kind of, instead of, ‘Okay, here’s how you wrestle.’ I kind of break ‘em down as a performer, then as a person and then trying to do different things and the ones that stand out, I’ve used constantly in my things and those are always the first people I’ll invite so discovering new people will be doing these seminars and if we’re taking the show live on the road, each time before a show, I’m in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, guess what? We’re gonna have a seminar, come by. You probably might get used, you might not. You’re gonna get something out of it, you’re gonna be a part of something.

Scherr and EC3 have teamed up on the independent scene for Northeast Wrestling. Scherr appeared at Ring of Honor’s Final Battle event and in December and assisted EC3 in taking out Brian Johnson, Eli Isom and Dak Draper.

If the quotes in this article are used, please credit the original source with an H/T to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions. 

About Andrew Thompson 9218 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.