AEW Dynamite Report: FTR vs. Young Bucks II, Samoa Joe debuts, Tables Match

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Dynamite

April 6th, 2022

By: John Siino

Agganis Arena in Boston, MA

Commentary: Jim Ross, Excalibur & Tony Schiavone

Adam Cole vs. Christian Cage

As the bell rings, the crowd gets real rowdy chanting for both men. We see giant ‘Wardlow is banned’ signs on the barricades. Cage corners Cole to start the match, before taking it to the mat. Cage takes Cole down with a shoulder block, as Cole tries to regroup himself. Cole takes over and keeps Cage in the corner with stomps before showboating to the crowd. Cage tries the Unprettier, but Cole escapes and goes to the outside before getting on the apron and spitting on Cage. Cage goes and chases Cole on the outside and knocks him down with a clothesline before chopping him on the barricades. They go back inside and go to the top rope, but Cole escapes out and stomps on Cage while he’s in the Tree of Woe, followed by a superkick. They take it back outside, where Cole tosses Cage into the barricade and up and over the steel steps as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, we see Cage diving onto Cole on the outside but doesn’t seem to get all of it. Back inside, Cole jumps off the top rope, but Cage puts his legs up before doing the ten punches in the corner, followed by a sunset flip for a two-count. Cage hits a swinging DDT for a two-count. Cole comes back with a backstabber for two of his own. Cage hits a reverse DDT, then heads to the top rope and misses a diving headbutt. Cole comes back with a pair of superkicks, followed by The Boom but with the knee pad still on, thus getting a two count. Cage comes back with an uppercut off the ropes, but Cole stops him with a superkick for a two. Cole goes for the Panama Sunrise, but Cage stops him and hits a hurricanrana for a two count. Cage goes for a spear but gets stopped with a superkick as Cole goes for the Panama Sunrise again. Cage gets out, tries another spear and gets stopped again. Cole lowers the knee pad, but misses The Boom and gets hit with a spear for a two. Cage goes for the Killswitch, but Cole hooks his foot on the rope, rakes the eye, and hits The Boom for the pin.

Winner: Adam Cole by pinfall at 14:55

Getting Affairs in Order

reDRagon comes out to attack Cage, but Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus run out for the save and fight all the way to the back. As Cole is trying to leave the ring, Adam Page’s music plays and he starts coming to the ring. Cole tells them to stop the music and says he won’t fight Page until the World Title is on the line. Page gets in Cole’s face and pushes him and says he will give Cole another title and let it serve as his punishment at next week’s live Rampage in Texas and it’ll be in a Texas Deathmatch. Page tells Cole he has a week to get his affairs in order.

They show highlights of the ending of ROH Supercard of Honor with Samoa Joe’s debut.

The Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Qualifying Match: Samoa Joe vs. Max Caster (w/ Anthony Bowens)

Max Caster’s freestyle mentions sex positions & X-Division, calls Joe injury-prone, makes fun of Joe’s towel, and how Joe was the NXT Champion when they were beating them in the ratings. Right away, Caster gets in Joe’s face and puts his hands on him, but Joe headbutts him down and does a little dance. Joe stays in control hitting his kicks and a running elbow drop as Caster goes to Bowens on the outside to gather himself but Joe meets him out there with a tope suicida. Back inside, Joe goes right after Caster and hits him with the Muscle Buster for the win.

Winner: Samoa Joe by pinfall at 2:51, to advance

The Samoan Gold Digger

We cut to Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt backstage where Lethal said for four months he was trying to call Joe for some advice and he never answered his phone. The problem is Joe only answers his phone for billionaires and his first shirt should say ‘The Samoan Gold Digger’. Lethal says next week they will give Joe a present that he will never forget.

Blackpool Combat Club

Tony Schiavone is backstage with the Blackpool Combat Club and announces that Bryan Danielson will take on Trent Beretta while Jon Moxley will take on Wheeler Yuta, with both matches on this upcoming Rampage. William Regal said Yuta proved himself to him, but now he has to prove himself to Moxley. Moxley mentions the forecast will be raining blood.

Shawn Spears vs. Shawn Dean

Commentary mentions how the monitor backstage was broken, and it has to do with Eddie Kingston. MJF joins commentary for this match and they get on him right away about how one of Dean’s wins was against MJF. MJF gets pissed off that they always advertise ‘Rat in the Kitchen’, wherever he is on commentary. Spears takes control right away and tosses Dean to the outside. Spears puts his boot against a Wardlow banned sign as the crowd chants for Wardlow. Dean is able to get a couple of chops in, before Spears hits him with a pump handle into a neckbreaker but pulls him up before the three-count can be done. Spears picks Dean up, as we cut to the back where we see security has been laid out. Spears drops Dean, as we see Wardlow running through security in the back and making his way to the ring while still taking out security. Security is finally able to hold Wardlow back as Dean rolls up the distracted Spears for the pin.

Winner: Shawn Dean by pinfall at 3:50

MJF joins Spears in the ring who’s throwing a tantrum due to losing.

Scumbag & Traitor

We go to Tony Schiavone who is backstage with the Best Friends, Orange Cassidy and Wheeler Yuta. Chuck Taylor says that they love Yuta and helped him get here and even mentions how he bought him those tights. Beretta says he doesn’t love Yuta and calls him a scumbag and a traitor and for him to take some notes and learn something when he takes on Danielson on Rampage and learn something from the guys he’s trying to turn his back on.

Sweet Revenge

Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti come out with cue cards as they go picture-in-picture. They say ‘Hey ‘Flop’ team, you’ve got more excuses than wins, members, or fans. How about we change your name. How does American ‘Talk Team’ sound? That’s all you guys seem to do. Or the American ‘Walk Team’. After last week, I’m sure you’re doing a lot of that. By the way, I think we owe you some money.’  Conti takes out some money and tosses it. The cards continue about Guevara getting another title shot and wanting sweet revenge and not stopping until they get it. Until then, we will keep breaking your crap.

On Sight

We see footage from earlier tonight with Eddie Kingston, Santana, and Ortiz attacking the Jericho Appreciation Society including Kingston tossing a monitor at them and sending them to the outside. We go outside where Jake Hager picks them up as they drive off.

Kingston, Santana, and Ortiz make their way to the ring. Kingston calls Chris Jericho a two-faced coward and says his association is ‘on sight’. He can be with his wife or kids and he will attack them, and the same goes for the rest of the J.A.S. He says he knows where Daniel Garcia lives. Santana calls them the Jericho Bitch Society and scrubs and this is what they do, and they better bring the hardest fight. Ortiz says when they stop running they can see them next week in Louisiana for a six-man fight. Kingston says they will beat them up like Junkyard Dog and Butch Reed style.

We see a quick video about the recent actions between Hook and Danhausen, and his spell not working on Hook.

The Problem Solver

Tony Schiavone is on the stage and introduces Jade Cargill and Mark Sterling. Schiavone mentions her ‘Baddie Section’ and Jade tells him to cut the shit and tells the cameraman to cut to the section. Sterling said it was hard to find good-looking people in Boston, but Jade was able to do it and says Marina Shafir is not allowed in the Baddie Section. Jade calls her trash and calls her ‘Number 30’ and is tired of all these MMA losers coming into this business in her ring on her show. Jade talks about Marina’s nickname ‘The Problem’ and says thankfully she’s the Problem Solver.

We go to Alex Marvez who’s backstage with MJF and Shawn Spears and Spears says Wardlow is pissing him off. MJF says he prays for Wardlow to show his face next week as they’ll be twice the amount of security and twice the pain. MJF then challenges Shawn Dean next week to a match and says he will give him a purple heart and injure him more than he could have been in combat.

Tables Match: The Hardys (Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy) vs. The Butcher & The Blade

The Bunny comes out at first but then heads to the back before the match. They start fighting before the bell rings and fight inside and outside the ring. The Blade goes through the first table, as Jeff gets out of the way in the corner. Matt and Jeff go after the Butcher and take him down with a double DDT before putting him on a table. Jeff heads to the top rope, but Blade pulls on his boot and makes him fall. Blade follows with a neckbreaker on Matt, before heading to the top himself where they put Jeff through a table. Doesn’t look like it breaks, but commentary mentions that it did, and the match continues as they go picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Matt is attacking Butcher with a chair and commentary does say that Jeff was eliminated with that table spot before the break. Matt heads to the top and puts Butcher through a table with a leg drop as it’s now down to Matt and Butcher. Matt goes crashing through a table, but since it’s not offensive, the match continues. They take it to the outside where Blade is bleeding as him and Butcher set up another table. Blade and Butcher go and hit a suplex off the barricade to the floor, as we see Jeff move the table out of the way. Jeff hits a modified Twist of Fate on Butcher, as Matt hits one on Blade. The Hardys grab a ladder from under the ring and use it to attack. Matt sets up two tables next to each other, before placing Blade on them. Jeff goes to the top of the ladder and hits the Swanton Bomb on Blade, going through the tables to win the match.

Winners: The Hardy’s (Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy) at 11:54

Andrade El Idolo and the AFO come out on stage, before walking toward the ring. Before they can make it there, Sting’s music hits as he comes out with his bat and takes out Private Party before Jose the Assistant backs off. Sting goes towards Andrade, but he puts The Bunny in front of him and retreats to the back.

Dragons & Dinosaurs

We go backstage to Christian Cage and the Jurassic Express. Christian doesn’t say anything and throws his water bottle in anger and leaves. Jungle Boy says things around here are determined by the records and reDRagon isn’t good enough to challenge them, so instead they will challenge reDRagon next week on Dynamite and put the titles on the line.

We get a video hyping up the Thunder Rosa vs. Nyla Rose match and announce it for Battle of the Belts on Saturday fight night, on April 16th.

Tony Schiavone is backstage with Toni Storm and Jamie Hayter and says there’s no physicality and there’s a chance they will face each other. Hayter hopes they will and if there’s anyone who deserves to win this, it’s her. Toni says this has only just begun.

The Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Qualifying Match: Hikaru Shida vs. Julia Hart (w/ Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrison)

Julia Hart attacks Shida before the bell rings from the back and starts choking her with her jacket. Pillman and Garrison ask what’s going on as Julia tells them to go to the back. Tony Schiavone mentions how he’s never seen someone send their second to the back, clearly didn’t see ROH Supercard of Honor this past Saturday, where Bandido did the same exact thing with Chavo Guerrero Jr. On the outside, Shida uses a chair to jump off of and attack Julia, before they take it back inside and we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Shida is attacking Julia’s back with punches. Julia takes control and goes for her twisting moonsault off the top rope, but Shida gets out of the way and hits a diving elbow followed by her spinning knee strike and the Falcon Arrow for the pin.

Winner: Hikaru Shida by pinfall at 7:45

As Shida is celebrating, Serena Deeb’s music plays but she comes through the crowd with a chair. Shida catches on though and stops her as they go face to face with Deeb and her chair while Shida has her kendo stick. Deeb retreats and goes to the back.

Break the Walls Down

Alex Marvez is backstage with Swerve Strickland and mentions how he had a big night at the Grammys. Strickland said the week didn’t start great as he and Keith Lee got put through a table by Powerhouse Hobbs and Ricky Starks, before excusing himself to go get ready. Hobbs and Starks follow him into the locker room and attack him before Keith Lee joins in on the brawl. Keith Lee ends up putting Hobbs through a table.

Upcoming Rampage

  • Jon Moxley vs. Wheeler Yuta
  • Owen Hart Foundation Qualifier: Willow Nightingale vs. Red Velvet
  • Swerve Strickland vs. QT Marshall
  • Bryan Danielson vs. Trent Beretta

Next Week’s Dynamite

  • Eddie Kingston/Santana/Ortiz vs. Chris Jericho/Jake Hager/Daniel Garcia
  • AEW Tag Team Championship: Jurassic Express vs. reDRagon

ROH World Tag Team Championship/AAA World Tag Team Championship: FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) (c) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (w/ Brandon Cutler)

Bobby Cruise is out to do the introductions. Before the bell rings, both teams throw their jackets at each other. Wheeler and Matt Jackson start the match. The crowd is fully behind FTR at the start. Matt and Wheeler start pushing each other, with Wheeler getting the upper hand. Harwood and Nick both tag in as we see Harwood’s lower back is all taped up (along with Wheeler’s shoulders). Harwood takes the Young Bucks headband and puts it down his tights before tossing it back to them. All four men get in the ring and have a staredown, before it goes to being Harwood and Matt, with each person knocking Nick and Wheeler off the apron. Nick trips Harwood up, followed by Wheeler doing the same to Matt as all four go back in the ring and start brawling. The Young Bucks start double-teaming on FTR, but Wheeler comes back with a clothesline on both of them. Wheeler puts a sharpshooter on Matt, followed by Harwood doing the same to Nick, but Nick is able to rake the eyes of Wheeler and both get broken up as a result. Nick Jackson stays in control before they go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, we see Wheeler tosses both Jacksons to the outside. As Wheeler crawls to try and make the tag, Nick superkicks Harwood off the apron. Wheeler finally makes the hot tag to Harwood who takes both Jacksons out with suplexes, before clotheslining Nick to the outside. Harwood and Matt go back and forth with pin attempts, until Harwood hits a piledriver for a very close three count. The crowd starts a ‘this is awesome’ chant as Harwood puts Matt on the top rope, but gets pushed off as Wheeler back body drops Nick on the apron. Harwood drops Matt on the top rope and hits a superplex, as Nick hits a top rope hurricanrana to Wheeler. The Young Bucks take control now, as Nick tries a moonsault to Wheeler to the outside but gets caught and hits a brain buster. Back inside, Wheeler takes out Matt and gets a two count. FTR goes for the Big Rig, but Young Bucks reverse it as Matt hits a low blow on Wheeler as the referee is distracted and hits a Big Rig of their own on Wheeler as Matt gets a two count. Young Bucks hit More Bang for Your Buck, but Matt still only gets a two on Wheeler, before going for two more pin attempts. Nick Jackson grabs one of the ROH titles, but Harwood goes to take it away from him and hits Harwood with it, as Matt goes for the pin attempt while holding the tights, but Harwood breaks it up. The Young Bucks go for the BTE Trigger on Wheeler and hits it, but Wheeler puts his leg on the rope as Rick Knox makes the three count. He sees the foot though and lets the match continue. FTR hit a slingshot power bomb and Tombstone combo, before hitting the BTE Trigger on Matt, kiss him on the cheek and hit the Big Rig for the pin.

Winners: FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) by pinfall at 19:52, to retain

About John Siino 383 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.