AEW Dynamite Report: Coffin Match, Tony Khan’s announcement

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Dynamite

April 20th, 2022

By: John Siino

Petersen Events Center in Pittsburgh, PA

Commentary: Jim Ross, Excalibur & Tony Schiavone

CM Punk vs. Dustin Rhodes

This first time, one-on-one match starts with a staredown and a handshake. Dustin right away goes on the offense as they trade arm drags and a hip toss before having a standstill. Dustin holds Punk down with head scissors as the crowd is behind both men. Dustin keeps Punk in the corners, but Punk comes back with a boot and a GTS attempt that Dustin turns around for a two count before he holds him down with an arm drag. Punk ducks a cross body attempt and Dustin spills to the outside and clutches his left knee. Punk goes and brings him back inside and starts attacking the left knee before they head to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Punk knocks Dustin off the apron. Dustin comes back and knocks him down himself. They battle back inside with Dustin hitting a back body drop and a couple of clotheslines to get the crowd behind him before hitting ten punches in the corner, but ends up falling on his left knee and collapsing. Dustin comes back and hits a Code Red for a two count, followed by a power slam for another close one. Dustin goes for the Cross Rhodes, but Punk escapes and takes him down with a chop block, before putting on the figure four. Dustin reverses it until Punk grabs the bottom rope. Dustin blocks a springboard clothesline attempt and hits Cross Rhodes, before hitting a piledriver for a two.

Punk tries the GTS but ends up collapsing and rolling up Dustin for the pin.

Winner: CM Punk by pinfall at 17:26

As Punk is making his way up the aisle, he is met by ‘Hangman’ Adam Page. Page and Punk have a staredown before Punk walks away and Page raises his title.

Oink Oink, Bitch

We see footage from earlier today of Wardlow making his way into the arena and getting stopped by security and Mark Sterling. Sterling says security will escort him to the locker room, to the ring, and then out of the arena from now on before saying he has to wear handcuffs for the night and says MJF has a message for him, with ‘Eat Pig’. Wardlow ends it by saying ‘Oink oink, bitch’

Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson, Wheeler Yuta & Jon Moxley) vs. Dante Martin, Lee Moriarty & Brock Anderson (w/ Arn Anderson)

William Regal joins commentary for this match and is in a very happy mood. All six men start brawling before Yuta and Dante start the match, followed quickly by Danielson coming in. Regal talks about being on a three-day bender with Arn Anderson in Las Vegas once and is still looking for his liver. Moxley and Brock go at it before they head to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Brock and Moxley are still going at it as Moriarty is trying to make his way into the ring. Brock hits a spine buster before tagging Moriarty in with a hot tag. Moriarty kicks Yuta from the apron and hits a springboard clothesline on Danielson as the crowd gets behind him. Danielson and Moriarty go at it with Moriarty hitting a capture-back suplex for a two-count into the Border City Stretch. Danielson hits a suplex of his own, before getting drop-kicked by Dante. Moxley tags in and gets taken to the outside by Dante and hits with a dive. Dante goes for a nosedive but gets caught in a choke by Moxley. Yuta and Danielson hold off Brock and Moriarty as Moxley hits Dante with the Paradigm Shift for the pin and the win.

Winners: Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson, Wheeler Yuta & Jon Moxley) by pinfall at 8:08

The Elite in Undisputed

We go backstage to the Young Bucks, Adam Cole & reDRagon as Kyle O’Reilly asks the Young Bucks where their rompers are and says they have to turn it around and live up to the name of the Undisputed Elite, and tonight he will qualify in the Owen Hart Foundation tournament and beat Jungle Boy’s ass. Cole says they can’t be stopped and all of Matt Jackson’s friends are gone but they are still here. Cole has a little idea and next week they will have a 10-man tag open challenge. Cole says they can’t do it without them and they put the Elite in Undisputed and says he has to take care of something else and tells them to think about it. Kyle is then upset that they don’t say ‘cut it, Brandon’, and he does it himself.

One in a Billion

We get a promo with Samoa Joe going back and forth with Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt talking about what Satnam Singh did to Jonathan Gresham and Joe. They say that Satnam is one in a billion but Joe says he is coming for them.

AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door

Tony Schiavone announces Tony Khan for his huge announcement. Khan thanked Pittsburgh before announcing the president of New Japan Pro Wrestling, Takami Ohbari. Adam Cole interrupts them and says he’s the one that has to make the announcement and says on June 26th, they will have an event at the United Center in Chicago called Forbidden Door with AEW and NJPW. Cole says there will be a preview this Friday, between himself and Tomohiro Ishii in an Owen Hart Foundation qualifier and introduces his special friend Jay White. White says the last time NJPW had a large joint event, he single-handedly sold-out Madison Square Garden. White says it’s not about NJPW or AEW, it’s about the Undisputed Elite and Bullet Club and it’s still their era.

The Baddie Section

We go backstage to Jade Cardill, Mark Sterling, Red Velvet, and Kiera Hogan and Jade says she’s the Problem Solver and she’ll see Marina Shafir on Friday.

The Butcher vs. Wardlow

Before Wardlow comes out, they play MJF’s music as he and Shawn Spears are in the audience and say Wardlow is a nobody and will come out to no music. Wardlow comes out still in handcuffs but is let out of them before the bell rings. They start brawling right away before Wardlow hits a couple of shoulder tackles, sending Butcher to the outside. They start fighting on the outside where Butcher back body drops Wardlow on the apron. Back inside, Butcher hits a powerbomb but Wardlow kicks out at one. Wardlow comes back and hits four powerbombs for the pin and the win.

Winner: Wardlow by pinfall at 4:19

Right after the match, security puts handcuffs on Wardlow and escorts him to the back as MJF and Spears are still watching.

You Reap What You Sow

Eddie Kingston is backstage and talks about his upcoming Rampage match with Daniel Garcia and says nobody is allowed in the building and tells Chris Jericho to watch, as everything he is going to do to Garcia is meant for Jericho and when it’s all said and done all of Garcia’s friends and family in Buffalo won’t recognize him.

The Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Qualifier: Kyle O’Reilly vs. Jungle Boy

They go at it right away, with O’Reilly putting on a cross-arm breaker but Jungle Boy quickly grabbing the ropes. They start trading chops as someone in the crowd has a ‘Kyle Fears Wagner’ sign. Funny. O’Reilly hits a trio of Butterfly Suplexes and gets a two count as they go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Jungle fights off O’Reilly with chops and elbow strikes, but O’Reilly stops him with a kick to the back of the knee before getting knocked over to the outside where Jungle Boy meets him with a tope suicida. They fight on the outside where Jungle Boy takes him down with a lariat. Jungle Boy puts on a front chancery, that O’Reilly reverses into an exploder suplex, but Jungle Boy bounces off the ropes and hits a clothesline as both men are laid out. They start fighting in the corner before Jungle Boy puts O’Reilly in the Tree of Woe and hits him with punches, stomps and a sliding dropkick. They start trading kicks, before Jungle Boy rolls through for a two count followed by O’Reilly quickly putting on an ankle lock. Jungle Boy is able to get out and puts on the Snare Trap, but O’Reilly goes and grabs the bottom rope. They go to the top rope where O’Reilly hits a super plex, followed by a brainbuster and goes back to the top rope where he hits a top rope knee for the pin.

Winner: Kyle O’Reilly by pinfall at 13:02, to advance

They showed a graphic for Samoa Joe vs. Kyle O’Reilly but then commentary said they aren’t sure if that’ll be the match as the brackets haven’t been revealed yet. Christian Cage goes and meets Jungle Boy as they head to the back.

The Snake

We go to Alex Marvez who is backstage with MJF and Shawn Spears, where MJF calls Wardlow a snake before calling in Jake Roberts and handing him an envelope of money. Lance Archer comes into the picture and says he doesn’t want any money and just wants to fight before pushing away the camera.

Hook vs. Anthony Henry

We see Mark Sterling and Tony Nese watching on in the crowd. Hook starts right away with a suplex and a sliding lariat to the back of the head followed by crossfaces. Danhausen shows up and tries his curse on Hook but it has no effect. Hook puts on Redrum as Henry taps out right away.

Winner: Hook by submission at 1:21

Danhausen gets in the ring and is upset that Hook can’t be cursed so now he will fight Danhausen. Hook pushes his way through him and heads to the back.

One More Favor

Tony Schiavone is backstage with Frankie Kazarian who starts talking about Sammy Guevara before getting interrupted by Scorpio Sky. Sky says he’s had a hell of a run that wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for Kazarian. Sky says that needs one more favor and tells Kazarian to wait a little longer as he will go out there and challenge Guevara first and then give Kazarian the first shot. Kazarian says he always had Sky’s back and he always will.

Nobody’s Stepping Stone

We get a promo from Thunder Rosa who says Nyla Rose thought she was going to be a stepping stone but she was wrong and she is nobody’s stepping stone and she has shown over and over again that she is one of the best in the world and to continue to show that she has to face the most experienced and the best competitors that there is. With one defense down it’s time to go ‘Double or Nothing’.

Be Mad

Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti are in the ring and the crowd starts booing right away. Sammy talks about winning the TNT title for the third time and he loves Conti and each and every fan who cheers for them. He will give them his everything because they deserve it. As for the rest of them who turned their back on them because his girlfriend is hotter than theirs. They have one option and that is to ‘be mad’. Scorpio Sky interrupts and comes out with Dan Lambert and Ethan Page. Sky says the feeling in this room is not ‘screw them’, it’s ‘screw Sammy’. Page says there is not one single ass in this crowd that came here to hear Sammy talk on a microphone, and the only reason they aren’t kicking his ass is because Dan Lambert decided tonight is about business and hands it over to ‘Dynamite Dan’. Lambert says Sammy risks everything in that ring to earn the respect of those people and now he’s acting like a high school douchebag who can’t keep his tongue out of his girlfriend’s mouth. Lambert says Sammy either gives Sky his rematch or they will come and give Sammy the pounding his girlfriend wished she could get. Sammy says he doesn’t care about Dan’s dead grandpa and says he will give Sky the rematch next week if they agree to a mixed match. Lambert agrees as Sammy says next week it’ll be a ‘ladder match, bitch’.

The House of Black cut a promo and talked about the House being owed a debt, Icarus flew too close to the sun, so next week the ‘sun’ dies.

The Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Qualifier: Dr. Britt Baker DMD (w/ Najee Harris & Pat Feiermuth) vs. Danielle Kamela

Kamela comes out to a sea of boos as Baker is accompanied by members of the Pittsburgh Steelers. The crowd is fully behind Baker who takes Kamela down with a suplex as they quickly go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Kamela is smothering Baker with the ‘terrible towel’. Baker takes her down and punches her before hitting her with elbow strikes on the ropes. Baker hits a sling blade followed by a neck breaker. Baker hits the curb stomp and grabs a Steelers glove to apply the lockjaw for the win.

Winner: Dr. Britt Baker DMD by submission at 6:17, to advance

Baker gets on the mic and says finally they have a woman in the ring that can use it and says the women’s division has been horrible without her. Baker then starts talking trash about Ruby Soho calling her a runaway and tells Toni Storm that after she gets something worse than cake in the face she’ll run away from this company too. Baker then mentions how Jade Cargill called everybody in Pittsburgh ugly and says the only people that want to see her here are her Baddie Section, including Red Velvet.

How Long Are We Doing This?

We get a video of Hikaru Shida and Serena Deeb hyping up their Philadelphia Street Fight next week as Shida echoes what I’m thinking ‘How long are we doing this?’

Rampage Line-Up

  • Owen Hart Foundation Qualifier: Adam Cole vs. Tomohiro Ishii
  • Keith Lee & Swerve Strickland interview
  • Lance Archer vs. Serpentico
  • Eddie Kingston vs. Daniel Garcia
  • Tony Schiavone interviews Jamie Hayter, Toni Storm & Dr. Britt Baker
  • Jade Cargill vs. Marina Shafir

Dynamite Line-Up

  • Philadelphia Street Fight: Serena Deeb vs. Hikaru Shida
  • Wardlow vs. Lance Archer
  • Owen Hart Foundation Qualifier: Dax Harwood vs. Cash Wheeler
  • TNT Title Ladder Match: Sammy Guevara (c) vs. Scorpio Sky
  • Adam Cole/reDRagon/Young Bucks vs. Dante Martin/Lee Johnson/Brock Anderson/Varsity Blonds

Coffin Match: Andrade El Idolo vs. Darby Allin

Right away, The Blade and Marq Quen run in and start attacking Darby who’s trying to fight them off with his skateboard. They go to the outside where Andrade throws Darby through the barricade. We see Sting in disguise in the crowd who starts fighting off the AFO. They all start fighting through the crowd and up the stairs where Quen hits Sting in the back with a steel chair but he no-sells it and throws Quen onto Andrade and Blade. Sting then goes and jumps off the rail onto AFO as they go to picture-in-picture. Insanity.

When we come back, Darby and Andrade are back fighting ringside, where Andrade catches the Coffin Drop into a German Suplex on the outside. They fight a bit in the coffin before Andrade hits a suplex on the stage and starts dragging Darby back towards the ring. Andrade then goes and tries to tear the lid off the coffin before going on the apron with Darby. Darby knocks Andrade off and then hits a flying dive onto Andrade and tries to put him in the coffin. As Darby is trying to close the lid, Jose the Assistant runs out just to get taken out as Darby closes the lid and gets the win.

Winner: Darby Allin at 12:25

The Hardys come out and have a bit of a staredown with Sting and Darby Allin to close the show.

About John Siino 383 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.