AEW Dynamite Report: Scorpio Sky regains title, Dax Harwood qualifies

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Dynamite

April 27th, 2022

By: John Siino

Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, PA

Commentary: Jim Ross, Excalibur & Tony Schiavone

The Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Qualifier: Dax Harwood vs. Cash Wheeler

CM Punk joined commentary for this one-on-one battle between FTR. FTR are both wearing Hart Foundation-inspired gear as they lock up and the crowd chants ‘FTR’. Wheeler rolls out of a wrist lock and puts one on himself before they trade off a bit of offense for a good reaction from the crowd as they shake hands. Wheeler hits a couple of shoulder tackles before Harwood tries a sleeper hold before they go back and forth a bit more and Wheeler puts on an arm hold. Wheeler catches a thumb to the eye and starts pushing off Harwood. Harwood places Wheeler on the top rope and chops at him before hitting a superplex. Harwood follows that with a headbutt, but Wheeler dodges it and dropkicks Harwood off the apron to the outside as they go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Wheeler is delivering German Suplexes, but Harwood comes back and hits one himself before they end up taking each other out with a double crossbody. They trade pin attempts back and forth, followed by Harwood trying a powerbomb off the ropes just for Wheeler to turn it into a two-count. Harwood eventually hits the Slingshot Liger Bomb and gets a two himself. Wheeler comes back and hits a piledriver for two. Punk mentions how they are now damaging each other’s neck as the crowd chants ‘fight forever’. Wheeler goes to the top, but Harwood stops him. Wheeler slips out and tries a back body drop off the top, but Harwood lands on top for a two. They hit the ropes and end up spilling on the outside as Wheeler starts clutching his right knee before rolling back into the ring at the nine-count. Harwood teases going for the sharpshooter, and hesitates before Wheeler rolls him up for the pin attempt, but Harwood reverses it and gets the three count.

Winner: Dax Harwood by pinfall at 15:02, to advance

After the match, they embrace as the crowd chants ‘FTR’.

Always Bet on Punk

They show footage from last week with the staredown between Adam Page and CM Punk and announce that match is official for the AEW World Champion at Double or Nothing on May 29th in Las Vegas.

CM Punk grabs a mic and says he wants to keep this short but tells the audience to give it up for FTR. Punk mentions he’s never been in a locker room with as much talent as here in AEW. In 7 years he asked himself a question, which was if he can still do this and now he can stand here in Philadelphia, and say ‘hell yeah, I can still do this’. Punk knows that Page has fans just like he does, before throwing a dig at Eddie Kingston and saying everything up to now has been warming up. He said he can’t promise a win but that he’ll give 100% of himself to the fans because without them there is no him. Without them, he doesn’t make it to Double or Nothing and although he has never been a gambling man, he will always bet on himself. Win, lose or draw, Page will know he was in a fight with CM Punk and he will continue to fight until the wheels fall off.

The Face of TNT

We hear from Scorpio Sky and Dan Lambert where Lambert says Sky isn’t fighting for the TNT title by fluke or accident. Sky mentions all his accolades only to be screwed out of the TNT title in his second title defense. Sky didn’t ask Frankie Kazarian to step aside if he expected to lose. This Philly crowd is here to see Sky beat Sammy Guevara’s ass and take what’s his and there can only be one face of TNT and you’re looking at it.

Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson, Wheeler Yuta & Jon Moxley) vs. The Factory (QT Marshall, Aaron Solo & Nick Comoroto) (w/ Anthony Ogogo)

William Regal comes out with Yuta, before joining the commentary table. All six men brawl to start the match with Moxley and Comoroto being the official men in the ring as the other four fight on the outside. Solo quickly tags in as Moxley tosses him down on the mat before delivering forearms with Solo against the ropes and hits a back body drop for a one-count. Yuta tags in and gets a big reaction in his hometown. Comoroto tags in but is hit with a dropkick right away before back body dropping Yuta as they go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Marshall tags in and tries to toss Yuta outside, but he holds on to the rope and comes back with a German Suplex before tagging in Danielson as Solo tags in as well. Danielson hits uppercuts, chops, and kicks while having Solo cornered. Danielson dodges Solo and takes out Marshall and Comoroto on the outside with a tope suicida before hitting a missile dropkick back inside to Solo. Danielson starts hitting his kicks, but Solo ducks it just to be put in the LeBell lock but Marshall breaks it up. Moxley comes in and takes out Marshall with a half-and-half suplex before they double team, Marshall and Solo, as Moxley and Marshall head to the outside. Danielson places Solo on the ropes but gets pushed off as Solo jumps off just to get met with a dropkick from Danielson. Yuta and Comoroto both tag in as Comoroto out-strengths him and tosses Yuta around. Yuta escapes out of a suplex attempt and puts on a sleeper hold before going to elbows taking Comoroto on his knees. Danielson and Moxley hold down Marshall and Solo as Solo puts on the Seatbelt pin on Comoroto for the pin.

Winners: Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson, Wheeler Yuta & Jon Moxley) by pinfall at 8:47

Enough is Enough

Tony Schiavone is backstage with Toni Storm, Dr. Britt Baker DMD, and Jamie Hayter and thanks them for no physicality. Baker tells Storm not to leave as they just want to talk. Storm says she’ll see Hayter in the first round before introducing her friend Ruby Soho who will also be in the first round. Soho calls Baker insecure for losing her title and says she always has something to say and quotes Owen Hart by saying ‘enough is enough, and it’s time for a change’ and suggests taking them both down now. Baker says not now and says they are going to catering.

Dinosaur Loser

After the commercials, Tony Schiavone is backstage with Jurassic Express and Christian Cage where Jungle Boy says last week he got carried away and could have won. Christian calls him a loser and now he’s acting like a sore loser but he needs to put the title on his shoulder and hold it proudly before challenging any top 5 team. Ricky Starks and Powerhouse Hobbs walk in as Starks challenges them anytime and anywhere before Luchasaurus does Luchasaurus things.

Lance Archer (w/ Jake Roberts) vs. Wardlow

Before Wardlow comes out, we go to MJF and Shawn Spears in the crowd eating popcorn who tells them to ‘bring out the pig’ to music and tells the crowd to keep their mouth shut. Security escorts Wardlow out and as they are taking off his handcuffs, Archer dives onto them. They head inside to start the match where Wardlow hits a hurricanrana before he starts tackling Archer in the corner before slamming him down. Wardlow goes for the powerbomb, but Archer gets out and tries a chokeslam and the claw. Wardlow gets out as they take each other down with a double clothesline. They start exchanging strikes before Wardlow takes Archer back into the corner. Archer starts doing Old School before hitting a moonsault followed by a chokeslam for a two count. Archer hits the Blackout, but Wardlow kicks out and puts on a crucifix pin for a two count. Archer goes for another Blackout, but Wardlow punches his way out and headbutts Archer off to the mat before Wardlow hits a Senton for a two count. Wardlow goes for the Power Bomb Symphony, hitting one as the crowd chants for more and MJF tells them to stop. Wardlow hits four powerbombs in total before going for the pin and the win.

Winner: Wardlow by pinfall at 5:30

Do You Know What a Hit Means?

The Jericho Appreciation Society come down to the ring to call out Eddie Kingston, Santana, and Ortiz as Excalibur says if there is any physicality there will be fines and suspensions. Angelo Parker gets on the mic first and says that Tony Khan knows that sports entertainers are best for business and says they gave their word to Tony Khan and the ‘AEW Galaxy’ that there will be no physicality in the ring tonight agreed by both parties. Kingston, Santana, and Ortiz head to the ring and start tossing out all the chairs that were set up with a table in the middle of the ring. Chris Jericho tells the crowd to shut up with the Eddie chants and tells the crowd to be lucky enough to be living in the Chris Jericho Era before demanding an apology for not allowing them into the arena last week in Pittsburgh. Ortiz and Santana instead give middle fingers. Santana says Jericho’s problem is that he turned his back on them before Daniel Garcia cuts him off and starts talking about Kingston’s eyebrows and says their threats don’t mean a thing because they can’t hit them before trying to provoke them.

Kingston says enough and tells them to back off before saying he hates all this crap and is not a fan of the sports entertainment crap and tells them to stop with it and just wants to fight, and doesn’t care if it’s 5 on 3. Jericho says that’s the problem, that it’s 5 on 3 and they are too stupid to realize it and they will take them out one-on-one and will put a hit on them. Kingston asks Jericho if he knows what a hit means, and in his world, that means to end things. Jericho says if Kingston hits him Tony Khan will kick him out and no other company wants him, so tells him to shut up and do nothing before calling him a bitch and sits on a chair. Kingston says he can smell the fear off of Jericho and they will put them in the ground and says they aren’t prepared.

We get a very heel-heavy promo from Sammy Guevera where he talks about the title and Tay Conti before making out with her.

Philly Street Fight: Serena Deeb vs. Hikaru Shida

Shida comes out with her kendo stick and right away they start brawling in the ring with Shida hitting a missile dropkick knocking Deeb to the outside. Shida joins her and grabs a chair that she sets up to jump off of, but Deeb goes back inside the ring. Shida puts Deeb on the turnbuckle and knees her off, sending her to the outside. Shida goes for a flying knee strike but Deeb blocks it with the steel chair before sending Shida back inside. Deeb drops Shida knee-first onto the chair as they go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Deeb is sitting on the chair as Shida is laid out on the apron. Deeb goes for another knee breaker, but Shida reverses it and sends Deeb into the chair. Deeb ends up on the outside where she finds a bag of white powder that tosses into Shida’s face. Deeb follows that with multiple shots from the kendo stick before trying the Detox, which Shida reverses. Shida goes to swing the stick, but her vision has been obstructed by the white powder and she misses. Shida goes to the outside and puts water in her face to clear up her face before going after Deeb with a missile dropkick off the stairs. Back inside the ring, Shida had a bunch of kendo shots as the crowd chanted for tables. Shida goes for the Katana but Deeb stops it with a chair shot, places Shida’s legs in between the chair, and heads to the top. Shida stops her with a chair shot and hits an avalanche Falcon Arrow but only gets a two count. Shida hits another kendo shot and starts choking out Deeb with it, but Deeb counters into a pin attempt. Shida comes back with another shot and tries a powerbomb but Deeb puts her thumb in Shida’s eye and hits the Detox on the chair but Shida is able to kick out. Deeb follows that with the Serenity Lock but instead starts slamming Shida’s knee on the chair and puts on the Texas Cloverleaf as Shida taps out.

Winner: Serena Deeb by submission at 11:40

We see AEW Women’s Champion Thunder Rosa watching backstage.

And You Can’t Teach That

Lexy Nair is backstage with MJF and Shawn Spears before MJF calls her ‘Leslie’ and screams at her to get out of the frame. MJF says he’s calm because he has a plan and grabs the phone and asks ‘big man’ on the phone if he would like to make 6 figures for a match before saying next week Wardlow will take on someone who is taller and smarter than him before saying ‘and you can’t teach that’, insinuating it could be W. Morrissey.

Death Triangle Reunites

We go to the House of Black entrance just to see Fuego Del Sol laid out. Malakai Black goes to take off Fuego’s mask before Alex Abrahantes is in the ring and tells them he’s been dressed like this because they have been waiting for the right moment to blindside them as Penta Oscuro makes his way out. He is quickly followed by PAC and Alex Abrahentes as it’s revealed the hooded figure inside the ring was not Alex, but Fenix as all six men start brawling including Fenix attacking Buddy Matthews taking him out with a double stomp. Death Triangle all end up taking out House of Black on the outside.

Darby’s House

Excalibur announces that Swerve Strickland will take on Darby Allin this Friday on Rampage in an Owen Hart Foundation qualifier before he goes backstage with Tony Schiavone. Swerve says they aren’t friends but rivals before saying he’s proud of Darby for growing up and saying Rampage is Swerve’s House and he’ll beat him on Friday. Darby says Swerve can’t keep coming to companies and saying it’s his house, as he’s been here since day one and it’s his house and this is his tournament.

The Undisputed Elite (Adam Cole, Kyle O’Reilly & Bobby Fish) & The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (w/ Brandon Cutler) vs. Dante Martin, Brock Anderson, Lee Johnson & Varsity Blonds (Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrison) (w/ Arn Anderson & Julia Hart)

They all start brawling right away before Dante and Kyle end up being the legal men. They all start coming in and exchanging moves including Johnson and Dante hitting dives on the outside as the babyface all stand tall in the ring before they go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Nick Jackson takes out Johnson before hitting a moonsault on the Blonds on the outside. Matt follows with a kick as Nick dives over him to the outside. Cole tags in as he follows a four-way BTE Trigger with the Boom on Lee Johnson for the pin.

Winners: The Undisputed Elite (Adam Cole, Kyle O’Reilly & Bobby Fish) & The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) by pinfall at 6:32

After the match, they hand the Young Bucks ‘Undisputed Elite’ shirts as they put them on to solidify the five-person union for this group.

We quickly cut to the parking lot, where the Jericho Appreciation Society is attacking Eddie Kingston, Santana, and Ortiz with Kingston getting a fireball into his face.

Rampage Line-Up

  • The Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Qualifier: Swerve Strickland vs. Darby Allin
  • Face to Face Confrontation between Hook & Danhausen
  • Jade Cargill, Red Velvet & Kiera Hogan vs. Willow Nightingale, Trish Adora & Skye Blue
  • Keith Lee vs. Colten Gunn
  • ROH Television Championship: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Trent Beretta

Dynamite Line-Up

  • ROH Women’s Championship: Deonna Purrazzo vs. Mercedes Martinez
  • Wardlow vs. MJF’s mystery opponent
  • The Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Qualifier: Bobby Fish vs. Jeff Hardy

AEW TNT Championship Ladder Match: Sammy Guevara (c) (w/ Tay Conti) vs. Scorpio Sky (w/ Dan Lambert)

As Guevara comes out he is met with boos, as he goes under the ladder Razor Ramon style then makes out with Tay. Before Guevara can make it to the ring, Sky attacks him as the bell rings. Sky starts tossing him against the barricades before he heads up and grabs the ladder from the top of the ramp. Guevara blocks a suplex attempt, and hits a German Suplex to Sky on the ramp as Tay cheers on. They head in the ring where Sky gets slingshot into the ladder and tries to run up before Guevara grabs him down and tosses him into it. Guevara goes for a twisting splash but totally misses it and crashes as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Guevara is on the outside getting checked on as Sky is climbing a ladder. Sammy jumps off another ladder, but Sky catches him and hits a cutter off the ladders. Sky goes and grabs another ladder from under the ring but this is wrapped with barbed wire as the crowd chants ECW. Sky goes for the TKO, but Guevara catches him for a standing Spanish Fly onto the barbed wire ladder. Dan Lambert gets in the ring, but Sammy stops him. Tay gets in the ring and kicks Lambert down low. Paige VanZant runs in and starts attacking Tay as Sky attacks Guevara. Sammy and Tay come back with kicks before they start making out. They go and grab the barbed wire ladder again and Sammy places it against the ropes but Sky hits him quickly with a Flatliner. Sky starts climbing the ladder, but Tay jumps on his back. Paige does the same to Sammy as both men start climbing the ladder with Tay and Paige on their backs. Tay falls off and Paige joins her as they start brawling and knock each other with roundhouse kicks. Sammy and Sky start fighting on the top, as Sammy gives a middle finger but Sky bites it. They continue punching, until Sammy punches Sky off, goes to grab the title but gets pushed off the ladder and goes back first into the barbed wire chair. Scorpio starts climbing the ladder, but Sammy quickly jumps up and meets him before getting pushed off. Sky grabs the title and wins the match.

Winner: Scorpio Sky at 14:08, to become NEW AEW TNT Champion

Ethan Page joins them in the ring, before Frankie Kazarian makes his way inside and Sky acknowledges him as it looks like he will get the first title shot, as promised.

About John Siino 404 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.