Bruce Prichard: We have a lot of female representation on the WWE writing team

Bruce Prichard comments on the diversity within WWE's writing team and provides an update on the book he's been putting together

Photo Courtesy: WWE

Bruce Prichard comments on the book he’s writing and representation within WWE’s writing staff.

During the 4/22 edition of Bruce Prichard’s Something to Wrestle with podcast, he was asked about women being a part of WWE’s writing staff.

Prichard stated that WWE currently has a lot of female representation on their team and it’s been that way since the early 2000s. He added that more women were included once the writing team expanded.

We have a lot of female representation on the writing team now and have since, God, early 2000s… It became a thing when the writing team expanded.

Prichard has been involved in the pro wrestling business for close to 50 years. He is planning to release a book and said it’s just a matter of piecing everything together. He clarified that his book is not a ‘tell-all’ or is not going to reveal any ‘dirt’, but instead will be about fun stories and lessons he’s been able to learn throughout his time in wrestling.

You will get it one day [Prichard’s book] and it’s just a matter of, man, putting it all together. I write it in sections, I write it in moods more than anything but it’s essentially a collection of short stories that I think people will find entertaining, some that have been told here on the podcast, others that I’ve never shared. But it’s not a tell-all, it’s not a ‘who done it’ or any dirt or anything like that. It’s just a fun book of stories and life lessons that I’ve learned in my years in the business.

He has been back with WWE since 2019. His most recent on-screen appearance was during the 2020 Money In The Bank event where he made a cameo as ‘Brother Love’.

If the quotes in this article are used, please credit ‘Something to Wrestle with Bruce Prichard’ with an H/T to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions. 

About Andrew Thompson 8840 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.