AEW Double or Nothing 2022: CM Punk wins title, Wardlow is All Elite, Cole & Baker win the Owen, Rush arrives

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Double or Nothing

May 29th, 2022

By: John Siino

T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, NV

Commentary: Jim Ross, Excalibur & Tony Schiavone


*AEW Championship: CM Punk over Hangman Page (champion) in 25:53
*AEW Tag Team Championships: Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus (champions) over Ricky Starks & Powerhouse Hobbs and Swerve Strickland & Keith Lee in 17:16
*Anarchy in the Arena: Chris Jericho, Daniel Garcia, Matt Menard, Ang Parker & Jake Hager over Jon Moxley, Bryan Danielson, Eddie Kingston, Santana & Ortiz in 22:41
*AEW Women’s Championship: Thunder Rosa (champion) over Serena Deeb in 16:49
*Kyle O’Reilly over Darby Allin in 10:35
*Mixed Trios Match: Scorpio Sky, Ethan Page & Paige VanZant over Sammy Guevara, Tay Conti & Frankie Kazarian in 12:04
*Owen Hart Foundation Tournament: Dr. Britt Baker over Ruby Soho in 14:51
*Owen Hart Foundation Tournament: Adam Cole over Samoa Joe in 13:16
*Malakai Black, Buddy Matthews & Brody King over Penta Oscuro, Rey Fenix & PAC in 15:32
*TBS Championship: Jade Cargill (champion) over Anna Jay 7:28
*The Hardys over The Young Bucks in 19:14
*Wardlow over MJF in 7:35
*Buy-In: Danhausen & Hook over Tony Nese & Mark Sterling in 5:25

The Buy In: Hook & Danhausen vs. Tony Nese & Mark Sterling

Good reaction for HookHausen as Hook and Tony Nese start the match. Hook takes Nese down right away as he escapes to the outside to regroup with Sterling. Danhausen tags in as Nese starts laughing at him and challenges Danhausen to put on a headlock just to get shoulder tackled down. Danhausen comes back and puts the curse on Nese before hitting him with a boot and a hurricanrana and puts the curse on Sterling as well before Nese takes him down. Sterling tags in and hits a suplex on Danhausen, before missing a leg drop and tags in Nese. Danhausen stops him with an over-the-head suplex before making the hot tag to Hook. Nese goes to tag Sterling, but Sterling drops down off the apron. Hook hits an over-the-head throw on Nese. Sterling goes to tap Nese on the back and the referee tells him to come in as that’s a tag. Hook takes out both Nese and Sterling with suplexes before ‘cutting the throat’ of Sterling. Danhausen asks for the tag and Hook gives it to him as Danhausen comes in and puts his foot on Sterling for the pin.

Winners: Hook & Danhausen by pinfall at 5:24

MJF vs. Wardlow

As the main show starts, MJF’s music plays and he does eventually come out to a sea of boos and he doesn’t look too pleased. Wardlow was being held in a holding cell before being escorted out with no music, security guards, and wearing cuffs, but got a big reaction from the crowd. As soon as Wardlow gets in the ring and takes off his handcuffs, MJF retreats to the outside and tells the referee to back Wardlow up. MJF finally gets inside and the bell rings, as he goes to the outside yet again. As MJF gets inside and attacks Wardlow from behind, the crowd chants ‘He showed up’. Wardlow goes for the powerbomb right away, but MJF escapes to the outside yet again. Wardlow chases him in and out of the ring for a bit until MJF comes in and tries a sunset flip to no avail. Wardlow tries the powerbomb again, but MJF bites the top of Wardlow’s head. They go back and forth for a bit until MJF counters another powerbomb attempt with a hurricanrana and gets a two-count, as he starts acting like his left leg is hurt, but the fans and Wardlow aren’t falling for it. MJF goes to put on his diamond ring, but Bryce Remsburg catches him and takes it away. MJF begs off and tells Wardlow he will double and quadruple his pay. Wardlow shakes his hand just to hold on to it, kick MJF in the midsection, and finally hits the powerbomb on MJF. The crowd chants for more so Wardlow hits four more, goes for the pin but steps off at two. Wardlow hits the sixth and seventh powerbomb and just starts playing with the crowd. Wardlow hits three more to make it an even 10 powerbombs and finally gets the pin.

Winner: Wardlow by pinfall at 7:35

With this victory, Wardlow is officially free from his contract with MJF and free to join AEW. A stretcher comes out to take MJF out and put a neck brace on him.

Tony Schiavone joins Wardlow at the top of the stage and says that Tony Khan has announced that Wardlow is All Elite as the graphic comes up and the crowd chants ‘you deserve it’.

The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (w/ Brandon Cutler) vs. The Hardys (Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy)

The Young Bucks have a special video before their music with a ‘Viva Las Vegas’ parody song done to ‘Superkick Party’, as they come out with Elvis Presley-inspired gear. Caprice Coleman joins commentary for this match. Matt Hardy and Matt Jackson start the match before going through a delete/Elite back and forth. They go and sweep each other’s legs before Matt Jackson gets in Matt Hardy’s face. Jeff and Nick come as Nick gets knocked to the outside and the Hardys parody the Bucks doing their pose. The Hardys start double-teaming the Bucks before they go to the outside and try to regroup. The crowd starts chanting for Brandon Cutler and that gets the Bucks upset. The Hardys stay in control and drop Nick on top of his brother Matt. Matt Jackson stops them with a kick, as Matt Hardy puts Matt Jackson up in a Razor’s Edge until Nick superkicks Matt Hardy. The Bucks stay in control until Jeff takes them both down with a double clothesline. Cutler takes Matt Hardy off the apron as well but Rick Knox doesn’t catch it. Nick Jackson tries the Whisper in the Wind, but Jeff moves out of the way, goes to the top, and hits one himself. Matt Hardy tags in and slams Nick Jackson’s head into the turnbuckles before doing the same to Matt Jackson. Cutler gets on the apron and gets the same treatment on both sides of the ring. Matt Hardy hits a side effect to Nick and gets a two-count. Nick dodges a Twist of Fate attempt and sends Matt Hardy to the outside where he hits a kick off the apron. Nick hits a facebuster to Jeff and tries a moonsault to Matt Hardy on the outside but misses. Jeff knocks the Bucks to the outside and tries a moonsault only to be superkicked to the Matts outside by Nick. Nick goes to the top rope and dives to the Hardys on the outside. Inside, Nick hits a running knee to Matt Hardy before the Bucks hit a frog splash moonsault combo. Nick Jackson gets on the apron and accidentally superkicks Cutler but Matt Hardy hits Nick with a back body drop followed by a dive off the apron by Jeff and a Side Effect from Matt Hardy to Matt Jackson on the apron as all five men, including Cutler, are laid out on the outside. The Hardys are able to finally hit Poetry in Motion to Matt Jackson, but Matt Jackson counters a Twist of Fate as Nick hits a double stomp to Matt Hardy. Matt Jackson and Jeff Hardy end up on the top rope, where Jeff hits a jawbreaker but misses the Swanton. Matt Jackson hits the Twist of Fate on Jeff, followed by Swanton from Nick Jackson for a two count. The Bucks miss the BTE Trigger and collide into each other but are able to sit double superkicks on both Hardys. The Bucks hit a bunch of more superkicks to the Hardys, but they get back on their knees and dare the Bucks to hit them with more which they do but they both get two counts. The Bucks set Jeff Hardy on top of the steel steps, but Jeff is able to fight out as Matt Hardy hits Nick Jackson with a Razor’s Edge powerbomb. Jeff Hardy sets Matt Jackson on the steps now before going to the top rope and hits a Swanton Bomb to Matt Jackson. Inside, Matt Hardy hits the Twist of Fate on Nick Jackson but only gets a two. They go back and forth with a bit more offense as Matt Hardy hits another Twist of Fate, tagging in his brother Jeff who hits the Swanton Bomb on Nick Jackson and gets the pin.

Winners: The Hardys (Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy) by pinfall at 19:14

We get a segment with The Acclaimed and the Gunn Club having fun in Las Vegas. We then cut to Billy Gunn who sees all of them passed out in the hotel room.

AEW TBS Championship: Jade Cargill (c) vs. Anna Jay

Anna Jay has on gear that is reminiscent of her original gimmick in AEW while Jade has an elaborate entrance with Vegas showgirls. Kiera Hogan and Red Velvet are sitting ringside in the Baddie Section. Jade takes control right away, but Jay stops her with a boot, and jumps off the top rope only to get caught by Jade. Jay tries the Queen Slayer, but Jade gets out and hits a fall-away slam and a snap suplex. Jade goes to the ropes and hits a double sledge. Jade goes to the top again, but Jay stops her and hits a superplex. Jay keeps Jade in the corner before hitting a lariat that doesn’t quite take Jade down. They head to the outside where Jay pushes Jade into the steel steps. Kiera Hogan and Red Velvet try to interfere but Anna Jay takes them out with a double DDT. As Jay goes back in the ring, Jade hits a big boot and tries a Jaded attempt only for Jay to escape for a near fall before hitting a superkick. Mark Sterling runs out with a neck brace and a crutch before he sends into the ring as he distracts the referee. Jay hits a Russian Leg Sweep with the crutch, but Jade kicks out. John Silver runs out and takes Sterling out with a brainbuster. Jade hits the Eye of the Storm for a two count, before trying another Jaded, but Jay counters it with the Queen Slayer but Jade backs into the corner to break it. Jay goes to the top rope, but Jade stops her. Stokely Hathaway makes his way down and distracts Jay, before Jade hits a top rope Jaded for the pin.

Winner: Jade Cargill by pinfall at 7:28, to retain

The Fallen Goddess

Stokely Hathaway joins the Baddies in the ring before Kris Statlander runs into the ring for a staredown with Red Velvet. We hear music as we get a graphic for the ‘Fallen Goddess’ Athena who makes her way out and all six women go face to face. Hathway tells the Baddies to back down as they exit.

House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King & Buddy Matthews) vs. Death Triangle (Penta Oscuro, Rey Fenix & PAC) (w/ Alex Abrahantes)

House of Black all have matching face paint as PAC comes out in a half Penta/half Fenix mask but doesn’t wear it for the match. Malakai and Fenix start the match and go back and forth with kicks before Fenix sits down crossed legged mocking Malakai, but he does the same. Matthews tags in and faces off with Penta before mocking him. After a bit of back and forth, Brody and PAC come in as Brody holds PAC in the corners with chops before chopping him off the top rope to the outside. Fenix tries to jump on Brody but gets knocked down and to the outside as Brody tries to dive on them but all six men get into the ring for a face-off. They all go at it until Matthews and PAC are the last two in the ring as PAC hits a Poison Rana and a clothesline. Brody comes in and hits a Bossman Slam on PAC before chopping him back down. Brody stays in control until PAC moves and Brody goes crashing into the corner with a cannonball attempt. Fenix tags in and takes out both Malakai and Matthews before Penta comes in and they double team and superkick Matthews. The Lucha Brothers follow that with a double dive to the outside on House of Black. Death Triangle hits a triple-team combination on Brody, but he is able to kick out at two. Fenix tries a tope suicida to Matthews, but he blocks it and hits a suplex before PAC and Malakai join them with dives followed by one from Penta. Brody tries to dive, but ends up hitting the apron but seems to be fine. House of Black starts triple-teaming Fenix, with Brody hitting Dante’s Inferno but Death Triangle breaks it up. All six men start going at it including a triple superkick from Death Triangle to Brody. PAC hits Malakai with a brainbuster but Matthews breaks up the count. Penta hits an amazing destroyer off of Fenix’s back to Matthews before hitting a foot stomp/DDT to Brody. Death Triangle goes back inside and surrounds Malakai and hits him with a flurry of superkicks. Malakai is able to come back and take out Penta and Fenix with kicks, but PAC is able to dodge and kick Malakai down before heading to the top and tries the Black Arrow, before Matthews gets involved so he does a 450 instead before tossing Matthews to the outside on top of Brody. PAC takes out Malakai with a suplex, as Abrahantes gets on the apron. PAC takes down Malakai and heads to the top rope as the lights go out. When they come back on, Julia Hart is in the ring and spits black mist into the face of PAC, as Malakai hits the Black Mass on PAC for the pin and the win.

Winners: House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King & Buddy Matthews) by pinfall at 15:31

The Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Final Match: Adam Cole vs. Samoa Joe

We see a podium by the entrance with a cup and two covered titles. Mike Chioda is the referee for this match, giving it a nice touch with his connection. Adam Cole has on pink gear for this match. The match starts a bit slow until Joe holds Cole in the corner with punches. Joe stays in control, taking Cole to the outside where he’s chopping him against the barricades. Joe attempts to run into Cole, but Cole stops him with a superkick and sends Joe into the ring post. They go back inside and trade chops before Joe hit a couple of punches but Cole stops him and starts cranking his arm on the ring ropes. Cole tries the Panama Sunrise, but Joe stops him, knocking Cole to the outside before falling down himself. Cole hits an Enziguri on Joe’s shoulder but Joe stops him with an STO in the corner. Joe comes back with more punches and hits Manhattan Drop, a boot, and a senton for a two count. Joe hits a power slam for a two, but his shoulder seems to be bothering him. Cole tries to build up steam but Joe stops him with a lariat for another two. Cole comes back and puts on a crossface, but Joe breaks it with his feet on the ropes. Joe comes back with a powerbomb and into an STF but this time Cole goes in the ropes. Bobby Fish makes his way down and snaps Joe’s arm on the ropes, but Joe comes back and puts Cole in a sleeper hold before knocking Fish off the apron. Cole comes back with a bunch of superkicks before hitting the Boom for the pin and the win.

Winner: Adam Cole by pinfall at 13:16, to win The Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament

The Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Final Match: Dr. Britt Baker DMD vs. Ruby Soho

Rich Ward of Fozzy plays Baker out as Jamie Hayter and Rebel send her to the ring. Rancid plays Ruby Soho out as she has a ‘it’s time for a change’ jacket. They start the match with a test of strength, with Baker holding Soho down with a wrist lock before Soho fights her way out but holds on to the wrist. Soho stays in control before Baker retreats to the outside but Soho meets her quickly with a shotgun dropkick. Baker tries to fight back but Soho hits her with a suplex on the outside before sending Baker back inside. Soho goes to the top rope, but Baker knocks her down and starts stomping away. Baker takes Soho and drives her midsection first into the ring post while stretching her out. Soho comes back with chops, but Baker hits a Russian Leg Sweep and into a headscissors as the crowd chants for both women. Baker knocks Soho down, goes to the middle rope but Soho gets right back up and stops her before joining her up top and hits a superplex. They go back and forth with forearms before they both go crashing down in the middle of the ring. Baker blocks No Future and hits a kick, but Soho rolls her up for a two. Baker comes back with more kicks, but Soho stops her and hits a Saito Suplex. Soho goes to the top rope and hits the Senton for a two. They head to the top rope, but Baker knocks Soho down and hits the curb stomp for a two count. Baker puts her glove on and calls for the Lockjaw, before attempting to put it on. Soho fights out of it, but Baker knocks her back down and tries the Lockjaw again before Soho breaks out and hits No Future followed by a Sharpshooter (kind of). Baker tries to crawl to the ropes before finally grabbing it. Soho ends up on the shoulders of Baker and rolls her up in a victory roll, just for Baker to counter it and get the win.

Winner: Dr. Britt Baker DMD by pinfall at 14:51, to win The Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament

Martha Hart Crowns The Winners

Baker helps Soho get up after the match showing some respect. Schiavone hugs Baker, before teasing and hugging Cole before changing his mind. Cole and Baker embrace and put on Owen Hart t-shirts. Dr. Martha Hart comes out escorted by Tony Khan as she gets ‘Owen’ chants. Martha thanks the audience for the warm welcome before talking about how much an honor it is to be here and be part of this presentation. Martha thanks Owen Hart, Chris Jericho, the producers of Dark Side of the Ring, and the entire crew of AEW, Pro Wrestling Tees, her legal team, her sister Virginia and her children Oje and Athena. Martha says next year she will see everyone again and hope they wear hats like she is wearing. Martha presents The Owen Hart Foundation Championships to Cole and Baker, which have beautiful designs. Martha shows off the Cup before thanking everyone.

Men of the Year (Scorpio Sky & Ethan Page) & Paige VanZant (w/ Dan Lambert) vs. Frankie Kazarian, Sammy Guevara & Tay Conti

VanZant’s husband Austin Vanderford is sitting ringside. Kazarian, Guevara, and Conti are all out with the UFC titles they stole, as Guevara and Conti come up from the old Cody Rhodes elevator in Maleficent-inspired gear. Kazarian and Scorpio start the match, but Guevara quickly tags himself in as Ethan wants in as well and starts attacking Guevara and screaming ‘he’s been waiting for this’. Ethan goes for the Ego’s Edge but Sammy escapes out and hits a corkscrew dropkick. Ethan comes back before tagging in Scorpio, but Sammy runs away and tags in Kazarian again. Scorpio dropkicks Kazarian down before Kazarian comes back with a body slam and springboard leg drop. Sammy tags in and starts taunting the crowd before Scorpio corners him with punches. As Sammy distracts Aubrey Edwards, Conti rakes Scorpio’s back. Sammy comes back with a springboard cutter on Scorpio before giving VanZant a double middle finger. As Aubrey tries to hold her back, Tay and Sammy hit a double suplex on Scorpio. Kazarian is able to fight off Sky, but Conti runs in and knocks VanZant off the apron. Kazarian is asking for a tag but Sammy and Tay are too busy making out outside the ring. Kazarian tries the crossface chicken wing as Sammy smacks Kazarian’s back and goes inside. Kazarian is furious at this and he and Kazarian go crashing into each other with headbutts after Sky pushes them into each other. VanZant and Conti both tag in and get in the center of the ring as VanZant mounts her and suplexes Conti down. Sammy comes in and Paige hits him with a DDT before tripping Conti into him. Paige comes back and hits Conti with a Michinoku Driver for a two-count, but Conti comes back with a throw and a kick in the corner. Conti follows with more pump kicks before hitting another one for a two-count. Conti hits Paige with a facebuster that Jim Ross asks what the hell was that. As Sammy and Tay start making out, they get surrounded by Scorpio, Ethan, and Paige. They ask Kazarian for help, but he flips them off and leaves as Tay and Sammy get attacked. Kazarian comes in and hits Scorpio with a DDT before tagging himself in and hits a DDT to Scorpio off the ropes for a two. Conti comes in and gets in Kazarian’s face and starts yelling at him before Sammy goes to superkick Kazarian only to hit Conti instead. Kazarian tosses Sammy to the outside before getting hit with a roundhouse kick and the TKO as Scorpio gets the pin on Kazarian.

Winners: Men of the Year (Scorpio Sky & Ethan Page) & Paige VanZant by pinfall at 12:04

As a result, Sammy Guevara and Frankie Kazarian could never challenge Scorpio Sky for the TNT Championship again.

Kyle O’Reilly vs. Darby Allin

Right away, O’Reilly knocks Allin down and tries a cross arm breaker. O’Reilly busts Allin’s face up with a knee but Allin comes back and hits a Code Red for a two. Allin comes back and hits a Scorpion Death Drop. Allin tries a Coffin Splash, but O’Reilly stops him. Allin comes back with a Stunner and goes for a suicide dive but it was a very very ugly dive and he ended up crashing down in front of O’Reilly. Allin tries it again, but O’Reilly traps him outside in the Dragon Sleeper. The commentary calls for a replay of the botched dive, but they don’t get it. Allin goes for a couple of roll-ups, but O’Reilly comes back with a brainbuster for a two of his own and right into the cross-arm breaker. Allin escapes and applies a Scorpion Death Lock but O’Reilly is able to grab the rope. Allin comes back with a dragon screw on the ropes before hitting the Coffin Drop to O’Reilly on the apron as they both spill to the outside. Allin tries another Coffin Drop, but O’Reilly catches him with an armbar. They go back and forth with slaps before both falling onto the mat. O’Reilly goes to choke Allin with his chain, breaking it before hitting three PKs and a diving knee drop for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kyle O’Reilly by pinfall at 10:35

AEW Women’s World Championship: Thunder Rosa (c) vs. Serena Deeb

Right away they lock up and start rolling around the ring as the crowd is pretty split. Deeb keeps Rosa grounded with side headlocks before Rosa does one herself. They stand and get into a test of strength with Rosa attempting a couple pin attempts, but Deeb powers her way out. They go back and forth until Rosa puts on a Pendulum spot with another pin attempt. Rosa hits a pair of arm drags followed by a roll-up for a two. Rosa tries a backslide, but Deeb gets out as Rosa hits a Dustin Rhodes-like uppercut. Deeb gets on the apron but gets kicked off as Rosa tries a baseball slide but Deeb dodges it. Deeb hits a neckbreaker to Rosa on the apron before tossing her into the ring post followed by another neckbreaker on the ropes sending Rosa to the outside. Deeb comes back with a swinging neckbreaker and gets a two. They go into the corner where Deeb stretches Rosa into it before the referee has to break it up. They start trading uppercuts and forearms before Rosa hits chops and lariats followed by a body slam. Rosa whips Deeb face first hard into the corner followed by a clothesline in the corner and a jumping double knee. Rose hits a running dropkick, a Northern Lights Suplex and gets a two count. They trade wristlocks back and forth until Deeb puts on an Octopus Hold. Deeb comes back with a reverse DDT off the middle rope and gets a two-count. Deeb tries Deeb Tox but Rosa escapes out and puts on a crossface. Deeb gets out and puts on a Stretch Muffler but Rosa fights it off. Rosa comes back with a double stomp off the ropes and hits the Death Valley Driver for a two. Deeb puts on a figure four as they start smacking each other until they roll over and both spill to the outside. Deeb comes back and hits Deeb Tox but Rosa puts her foot on the rope to break the count. Deeb stays in control and puts on the Cloverleaf. They go back and forth with pin attempts until Rosa hits a roundhouse kick before crashing knee first into the corner. Rosa stops Deeb on the top rope and hits a superplex, holding on and hitting the Fire Thunder Driver for the pin.

Winner: Thunder Rosa by pinfall at 16:49, to retain

Anarchy in the Arena Match: The Jericho Appreciation Society (Chris Jericho, Jake Hager, Daniel Garcia, Matt Menard & Angelo Parker) vs. Jon Moxley, Bryan Danielson, Eddie Kingston, Santana & Ortiz

As Justin Roberts is about to announce the match, he says that ‘shit is about to hit the fan’. J.A.S. all come out to matching boy band-like white outfits with Kangol hats. Moxley, Danielson, Kingston, Santana and Ortiz all come down through the crowd before J.A.S. meets them and starts brawling as the bell rings. They all start brawling throughout as ‘Wild Thing’ continues to blare, ala New Jack looping back over. Total anarchy as expected with Jericho stabbing Moxley with sunglasses. Matt Menard is fully covered in blood as Kingston digs into him. Ortiz, Santana and Hager actually make it inside of the ring and we see a pin attempt (what’s that). Jericho rips the soundboard off stopping the music after 4 minutes and 30 seconds of it playing nonstop. Moxley and Jericho continue going at it as Danielson and Parker are on the other side going up the stairs. Kingston and Menard are fighting out in the lobby as Santana and Ortiz crash Hager into tables. Moxley hits Jericho with a jib camera. We go back to Kingston and Menard who is now covered in blood and mustard. Garcia and Ortiz start brawling on the apron as Garcia hits a piledriver right onto the steps. Kingston tosses Menard into the merch area. Moxley, Danielson and Parker all seem to be busted open as well before we cut to Garcia attacking Kingston. Jericho suplexes Moxley onto chairs followed by Moxley tossing a cooler into Jericho’s face. Jericho tries a Walls of Jericho on Moxley on top of the table but it comes crashing down. Moxley hits a tope suicida to Jericho putting on a figure four, that Hager breaks up. Danielson starts kicking Hager up against the barricade as Moxley starts removing the turnbuckle and starts removing the ropes and attacking Jericho with it. We go to the back where Kingston and Garcia are fighting in a freight elevator. Santana and Ortiz set Menard and Parker on tables before setting up a huge ladder. Santana and Ortiz head to the top of the ladder and hit double splashes to 2point0 through the tables. Moxley sets up a barbed wire board before getting sprayed with a fire extinguisher. Jericho, Hager, Danielson and Moxley all get in the ring and start brawling with punches before Moxley and Danielson start raining down elbows followed by the LeBell Lock and Bulldog Choke. Kingston comes out all bloody with a can of gasoline and heads to the ring. Kingston pours the gasoline all over Jericho, but it gets on Danielson who pushes the lighter out of Kingston’s hand as he and Kingston start brawling until Moxley breaks them up. Jericho comes in with a chair and starts swinging away as Hager tosses Moxley into the barbed wire board. Jericho hits Kingston with the Judas Effect and starts wiping the gasoline off himself. Jericho and Hager start attacking Danielson with the turnbuckle but Danielson kicks out at two. Danielson fights them off with punches and kicks before hitting Hager with a Busaiku knee followed by another one to Jericho while he was holding a chair but he still kicks out at two. Danielson starts hitting his Yes Kicks to Jericho knocking him down with a roundhouse and screams that he’s going to kick his fucking head in. Danielson goes to but Hager attacks Danielson’s knee with a bat. Jericho puts on the Walls of Jericho, as Hager is choking Danielson with the ring rope. Danielson passes out and Aubrey Edwards calls the match.

Winners: The Jericho Appreciation Society (Chris Jericho, Jake Hager, Daniel Garcia, Matt Menard & Angelo Parker) by referee stoppage at 22:40

Rush is All Elite

We went backstage to Andrade El Idolo and Jose the Assistant backstage. Andrade says he hates the name AFO and calls them all losers. Jose talks about Andrade’s new business partner being one of the best wrestlers in the world as we hear a knocking on the door. In comes, Rush as Andrade welcomes him to AEW.

SCU in SoCal

Lexy Nair is backstage with Men of the Year and Dan Lambert who say they feel pretty damn golden as they have all their titles back. Ethan Page said it felt really good to get his hands on Sammy Guevara but it feels even better to be finished and done with those pieces of trash and finally moving on to bigger and better things. Scorpio Sky says the book is finally closed as Sammy and Frankie Kazarian can never challenge again as Sky asks who is next up to step up and face him as Dante Martin steps in. Martin says just because Sammy can’t challenge him for the title, doesn’t mean he can’t. Sky says Martin’s not ready for the title, but he’ll give him the shot at SoCal.

AEW World Tag Team Championship: Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus) (c) (w/ Christian Cage) vs. Powerhouse Hobbs & Ricky Starks vs. Swerve in Our Glory (Swerve Strickland & Keith Lee)

Taz joins commentary for this match. All six men start brawling right away with Jungle Boy diving to the outside before hitting Starks with a flying elbow drop as Luchasaurus gets a two. Lee and Swerve attack Hobbs in the corner with splashes before Swerve tries a jackknife cover that Jungle Boy breaks up. Jungle Boy comes in and takes Swerve out with a hurricanrana before hitting him with a tope suicidas before trying a dive that Lee catches and power bombs him into the back of Luchasaurus. Starks gains control and attacks Jungle Boy while showboating. Swerve and Hobbs go at it before Swerve moonsaults off the chest of Lee onto everybody else on the outside. Swerve takes Hobbs down with a hurricanrana and a kick and gets a two count. Luchasaurus gains control and splashes Hobbs and Starks in the corner before going to chokeslam Hobbs, but he powers his way out. Lee tags himself in smacking Hobbs, who isn’t happy about it. Luchasaurus, Hobbs and Lee all go face to face as the crowd gets into this. Lee and Hobbs team up and hit a double chokeslam on Luchasaurus before going blow for blow. Lee ends up tossing Hobbs over to the top rope to the outside and follows with a dive to everybody on the outside. Lee tosses Luchasaurus inside and trades headbutts before Luchasaurus picks up Lee and drops him awkwardly down. They start trading punches before Hobbs hits them with a double neckbreaker. Starks and Jungle tag in as Starks tries to cover with his feet on the ropes, but Christian pushes them off just to be tossed into the ring steps by Hobbs who gets taken out by Jungle with a dive. Jungle goes to check on Christian before heading back inside and getting hit with a spear from Starks who gets a two. Starks tosses Swerve to the outside and hits a slingshot Rochambeau on Jungle Boy but Luchasaurus breaks it up. Hobbs takes Luchasaurus down with a spinebuster but Swerve takes Hobbs out with a Swerve Stomp. Luchasaurus takes Jungle Boy out with a kick by accident, followed by Swerve and Lee hitting the Swerve Bomb, but Hobbs breaks it up. With the referee not looking, Starks takes Lee out with the FTW Championship. Swerve and Jungle Boy go at it before Starks tries to take Jungle out with the FTW belt but Christian pulls him out. Swerve tries the Swerve Stomp, but Jungle dodges and tries a Poison Rana, before Luchasaurus comes in and they hit Thoracic Express for the pin and the win on Swerve.

Winners: Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus) by pinfall at 17:16, to retain

Christian Cage puts Jungle Boy on his shoulders to celebrate, but Luchasaurus looks on and looks a bit bothered by that.

They announced for Dynamite this Wednesday a 10 man tag between Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus, Christian Cage & The Hardys vs. Undisputed Elite

AEW World Championship: Adam Page (c) vs. CM Punk

Crowd chants for CM Punk as the bell rings. They slowly walk to the center of the ring before going face to face. Crowd gets really loud and this time sounds more split as they lock up and Punk pushes Page into the corner. They start trading chops before going back to a lock-up and then back to chops. Page keeps Punk in the corner and stomps him out as boos start coming down a little. Punk takes control and hits a leg sweep for a two count. Punk starts hitting a couple body slams and now he is getting some boos as well. Punk hits another body slam and then goes to the top rope and hits a flying crossbody, but Page holds on and hits a fall away slam sending Punk to the outside. Punk tries to get back inside but gets clotheslined off the apron before Page dives onto him. Page tosses Punk right into the barricade before taunting the crowd by doing a CM Punk taunt. Page stays in control for a while and hits a clothesline before setting up for the Buckshot Lariat. Punk gets up quick and knocks Page off the apron as he goes crashing into the barricade. Page picks up Punk and power bombs him onto the apron. Page goes to the top rope and hits a flying lariat to Punk and gets a two count before throwing him right back to the outside. Page goes to the top rope, but Punk joins him and hits a superplex. They go back and forth until Punk hits a leg lariat and a rising knee strike in the corner followed by a bulldog. Punk follows that with a springboard lariat as the crowd seems a bit split. Punk goes for a sharpshooter, but Page punches him out. Page escapes out of a GTS, but Punk hits a neckbreaker for a two. Punk heads to the top rope, but Page gets up and knocks him off. Page heads to the top and hits a moonsault to the outside on Punk. Page shows a bit of a knee injury and goes for the Buckshot Lariat, but Punk catches him and puts on the Sharpshooter. Page is able to reach and grab the rope. Punk tries a Buckshot Lariat, but trips up as Page tries a GTS but his knee gives up. Punk goes and hits his ‘Punkshot Lariat’ but trips up right before connecting. Punk calls for the GTS, but Page escapes and tries it himself but isn’t able to. Page catches Punk and hits a Last Ride power bomb followed by the Dead Eye for a two count. Page does the GTS taunt as fans boo. Page goes for it, but Punk grabs the ropes, hits a roundhouse kick but Page catches him and hits the GTS as Punk kicks out. They get on their knees and start trading punches. They stand and keep going until Page hits a boot, followed by one from Punk before they go spilling to the outside with a clothesline where Page tosses Punk over the ring keeper’s table. Page lifts his table and says this is his and Punk will never have it. Page sets up for the Buckshot Lariat, but Punk catches him in a GTS but it knocks the referee down, before they both come crashing down as well. Page goes and grabs his title and tells Punk to get up so he can hit him with it. Page seems conflicted and tosses the title down, instead going for the Buckshot Lariat again, but Punk counters it and hits the GTS for the pin and the win.

Winner: CM Punk by pinfall at 25:53, to become NEW AEW World Champion

About John Siino 383 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.