AEW Dynamite Report: New champions, Ortiz loses hair, New Japan talent appear, Miro qualifies

AEW Dynamite – “Road Rager”

June 15th, 2022

By: John Siino

Chaifetz Arena in St. Louis, MO

Commentary: Jim Ross, Excalibur & Tony Schiavone

Hair vs. Hair Match: Chris Jericho (w/ Jake Hager, Daniel Garcia, Matt Menard & Angelo Parker) vs. Ortiz (w/ Eddie Kingston)

William Regal joined commentary for this match, which has a barber chair outside of the ring. Ortiz rushes the ring and starts to attack Chris Jericho before the bell rings and goes right for the pin attempt, before they take it to the outside. Ortiz tosses him against the barricade before placing him in the barber chair to deliver the ten punches. Back in the ring, Ortiz hits a dropkick for a two count before biting Jericho’s face. Jericho tries a hurricanrana off the top rope, but Ortiz power bombs him off and hits a flying headbutt for a two count. They go on the apron, where Jericho suplexes Ortiz off of to the floor as they go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Jericho is in control and putting the boots to Ortiz. Ortiz comes back with chops and a hard clothesline taking Jericho down. Ortiz hits a cutter from the corner, getting a two count. Jericho comes back with the Walls of Jericho, but Ortiz turns it into a roll-up, followed by a DDT for another two-count. Ortiz tries a twisting dive off the ropes, but Jericho moves out of the way and hits a Codebreaker for a two. Ortiz tries a hurricanrana, but Jericho catches him for the Walls of Jericho, but Ortiz crawls over and grabs the ropes. Angelo Parker tries to attack Ortiz, but Eddie Kingston attacks him just to get jumped by the rest of the Jericho Appreciation Society. Santana and Wheeler Yuta run out and join in on the brawl. As the referee is distracted, Kingston runs in and hits Jericho with the Uraken, as Ortiz covers him for a close two count. Jake Hager tries to get involved, but Fuego Del Sol runs in with a bat and attacks Ortiz with it for Jericho to get the cover.

Winner: Chris Jericho by pinfall at 11:49

Fuego Del Sol unmasks to reveal himself to be Sammy Guevara, reuniting with Chris Jericho. The barber comes into the ring to shave Ortiz’s hair, but he snatches the clippers from him. Ortiz starts cutting his own hair as Kingston says he’s a man of his word and Ortiz starts screaming ‘Blood & Guts’ over and over as he starts bleeding from the haircut.

20-on-1 ‘Class Action’ Handicap Elimination Match: Wardlow vs. the Plaintiffs (w/ Mark Sterling)

As the bell rings, they all surround him in the ring and right away Wardlow eliminates a couple over the ropes. Wardlow grabs one and powerbombs him to a couple more on the outside. A few more get tossed and powerbombed as Wardlow stacks four of them to eliminate them. Wardlow power bombs a few more and eliminates three more. A couple more power bombs as numbers 11, 12, and 13 are pinned and eliminated. You guessed it, more power bombs including grabbing one off the top rope that he power bombs onto a pile of plaintiffs as he pins and eliminates the final seven plaintiffs for the win. That sounded better on paper.

Winner: Wardlow by pinfall at 4:09

Wardlow chases Mark Sterling into the ring, but Dan Lambert and Scorpio Sky who are up in the stands cut him off and say that American Top Team are coming after him as we cut to former UFC Welterweight Champions Matt Hughes and Tyron Woodley in the front row, who hop over and get in the ring. Wardlow says they are smarter than this to take orders from a rich asshole in the skybox, and they can fight if they want to but something tells him they are cut from the same cloth. Woodley attacks Sterling and sends him into Wardlow who powerbombs him. Wardlow celebrates with Hughes & Woodley to end this bizarre segment.

Dax Harwood vs. Will Ospreay

The crowd gives both men a great reaction as the bell rings. Harwood runs the ropes, but Ospreay takes him down with a hurricanrana. Ospreay starts working on Harwood’s arm, but he comes back and delivers a couple hard chops to Ospreay in the corner before hitting a snap suplex and a leg drop for a one count. Harwood follows that with a big back body drop for another one count before taking him down to the mat with a side headlock. They start fighting on the apron, where Harwood tries a suplex, just for Ospreay to escape and trap Harwood in the ring skirt followed by a fast dropkick sending Harwood into the steel steps as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Ospreay gets caught from a springboard off the ropes into five German suplexes. Harwood comes back with another one before trying a flying headbutt, but Ospreay gets out of the way and hits a 450 splash for a two-count. Ospreay goes back on the ropes, but stops him with punches and tries an avalanche back body drop just for Ospreay to turn into a pin attempt. Ospreay hits a powerbomb, but Harwood turns it into a two-count. Harwood goes to the outside where Ospreay hits a big crossbody before sending Harwood back inside where he hits a flying elbow for a two count. Ospreay tries the Os Cutter, but Harwood stops him, places him on his shoulders, and hits a slingshot Liger bomb for a two count. They start headbutting each other while on all fours before transitioning into a forearm exchange. Ospreay hits another Liger Bomb for a two before hitting the Os Cutter, but Harwood kicks out of it. Ospreay comes right back with the Hidden Blade for the pin and the win.

Winner: Will Ospreay by pinfall at 13:42

Jeff Cobb, Aussie Open, and the Great-O-Khan of the United Empire come into the ring after, but Cash Wheeler, Rocky Romero, and Trent Beretta run out for the save. Orange Cassidy’s music hits as he makes his way to the ring and stands tall with Roppongi Vice and FTR as it looks like we have our 10-man match for Forbidden Door.

We see a promo for Jon Moxley and Hiroshi Tanahashi with comments from Kevin Kelly, Jim Ross & Tony Schiavone.

Jon Moxley & Hiroshi Tanahashi Face-to-Face

They literally go face-to-face as the crowd chants ‘holy shit’. Jon Moxley says he’s been chasing Tanahashi for a long time and finally here he is in all his glory. Moxley said he chased him across Japan and in NJPW Strong and it’s always been about Tanahashi with his work there. There are a lot of championships in this business but there’s only one man they call Ace, and that’s him but not for long. Moxley says that he is the best professional wrestler on this planet and a lot of people pretend it, but he lives it night in and night out. There’s more on the line than the AEW World Championship belt as everything he worked for is on the line. Moxley says when the dust settles at Forbidden Door, Tanahashi will call him ‘Ace’.

Before Tanahashi can say anything, Chris Jericho comes out along with Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti. Jericho says the only reason Moxley is standing in that ring is that he wasn’t there last week and if he doesn’t leave he will burn his face with a fireball because he’s a wizard. Jericho says the last time he saw Tanahashi he beat him in the main event of the Tokyo Dome but Tanahashi tells him to ‘shut up’. Jericho says ‘get them boys’, as the rest of the Jericho Appreciation Society rushes the ring. Lance Archer and El Desperado from Suzuki-gun attack Moxley and Tanahashi from behind. Jericho introduces Guevara and Conti as the newest members of the Jericho Appreciation Society and announces that at Forbidden Door, he will team up with Minoru Suzuki and Sammy Guevara to face Eddie Kingston, Wheeler Yuta, and Shota Umino. Kingston, Santana, and Ortiz run to the ring to end this segment.

We see a video promoting Darby Allin vs. Bobby Fish this Friday on Rampage.

Tony Schiavone is backstage with Toni Storm ahead of her match tonight with Dr. Britt Baker DMD. Storm says Baker is a smart woman since she’s a dentist, but she’s not stupid enough to play the type of games Baker does. Storm says she will take the women’s division where it should be and everybody wants to see her as World Champion.

AEW All-Atlantic Championship Qualifying Match: Ethan Page (w/ Dan Lambert) vs. Miro

As the bell rings, Ethan Page keeps escaping to the outside, refusing to lock up with Miro. Miro eventually chases him back inside, as Page starts beating down on him. Miro comes back with blows to the back of Page before tossing him shoulder-first into the ring post as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Miro is delivering blows to the chest of Page while on the apron, but Page comes back and snaps Miro’s arm on the rope. They fight on the outside, as Page tosses Miro into the steel steps. Miro takes advantage hitting a leg lariat in the ring and calls for Game Over but Dan Lambert gets on the apron. Miro knocks him off, super kicks Page and puts on the Game Over as Ethan Page taps out.

Winner: Miro by submission at 9:32, to advance

We hear from Dante Martin as he says he will take on Jon Moxley on Rampage, and Matt Sydal says it’s not about Martin’s potential as everybody has to catch up.

Dr. Britt Baker DMD (w/ Jamie Hayter & Rebel) vs. Toni Storm

Right away they take it to the outside where Baker tosses Storm into the ring post. Jamie Hayter gets in her face, which causes Baker to attack her from behind. Back inside, Storm hits a cross body off the top rope for a two count. Rebel gets on the apron, as Hayter trips Storm and brings her to the outside. Thunder Rosa runs out and chases Hayter to the back as they go picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Baker is choking Storm out in the corner with her boot. Storm comes back with a tornado DDT sending Baker to the outside, where she hits another one off the apron. Back inside, Storm hits a German Suplex followed by a hip attack. Storm continues on the attack as Baker seems to be hurt, only to play possum and go for the pin attempts. Baker puts on the glove and goes for the Lockjaw, but Storm escapes and hits a German Suplex and the Storm Zero for the pin.

Winner: Toni Storm by pinfall at 7:32

Thunder Rosa comes back ringside and points to Toni Storm.

Willow Accepts

Tony Schiavone is backstage with Stokely Hathaway who says this Friday on Rampage, Jade Cargill has issued an open challenge as Stokely makes his commentary debut. Willow Nightingale walks in as Stokely asks if she wants to be a Baddie but Willow asks if Stokely remembers her. She wants to prove herself so she will accept Jade’s challenge for Rampage. Stokely calls that ‘crazy as hell’, but accepts the challenge.

The Forbidden Title Shot

Adam Page comes out and says he called his shot and wanted a match with Kazuchika Okada for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship, but didn’t take into account that he could lose that title, in which he did. The sentiment has not changed and the challenge still stands, but he gets cut off by Adam Cole. Cole congratulates his good friend Jay White on winning the championship but says Page shouldn’t challenge for the title, and it should be him. Cole says Forbidden Door is about the Undisputed Elite and Bullet Club and it should be himself vs. Jay White and Okada isn’t even going to be there as he says someone wants to say hello. Jay White’s music hits as he comes up from behind and takes out Page with the Switchblade. White calls himself the catalyst of professional wrestling and the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion and asks Page what makes him think he calls the shots as he lost to CM Punk. White says he won’t defend his title against Page or Cole at Forbidden Door as he holds the power and this is the Switchblade Era.

AEW World Tag Team Championship Ladder Match: Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus) (c) vs. Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)

As the match starts, Luchasaurus clotheslines down both Bucks and goes and grabs a ladder from the outside just to get drop kicked down. Matt Jackson tries to go in the ring with a ladder, but Jungle Boy takes him out. Jungle Boy springboards off the ropes to Nick Jackson on the ladder and hits a hurricanrana and starts climbing the ladder, but Matt stops him. The Bucks try to take Luchasaurus out with the ladder, but he kicks it out of them as they double team Nick with Jungle Boy hitting a top rope elbow drop. Jungle Boy bounces off the ladder and hits a cross body to the Bucks and then hits a hurricanrana to Matt Jackson sending him through a table. Nick Jackson comes back and powerbombs Jungle Boy through another table. Nick Jackson hits a Canadian Destroyer on Luchasaurus followed by a 450 Splash to Luchasaurus on top of a table on the outside as they go to picture-in-picture.

During the commercial, we see the Young Bucks stacking four tables on top of each other. When we come back, the Bucks catch Jungle Boy off the ropes with a superkick. Luchasaurus tries to climb the ladder with Matt Jackson on his back but Jungle Boy takes Matt out with a ladder. All four men start climbing to the top of the ladders and start trading punches and get knocked down until it’s just Luchasaurus, but the Bucks powerbomb him off onto a ladder. Nick takes Jungle Boy out with a hurricanrana, as Matt places Luchasaurus on a table and hits a top rope elbow drop to the outside. Matt and Jungle start climbing the ladders, but the shoe slips off of Matt and he keeps climbing until Jungle takes him out with a German Suplex. They start fighting on the top of the ladder as the Bucks try a BTE Trigger, but Jungle pushes them off. Luchasaurus was on the ladder and got pushed off onto a table on the outside. The Bucks take Jungle Boy out with a BTE Trigger, as Nick is bleeding from the face. They climb the ladder and retrieve the titles for the win.

Winners: The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) at 14:40, to become NEW AEW World Tag Team Champions

Christian Cage goes to assist Jungle Boy after the match, only to take him out with the Killswitch. Cage grabs a couple chairs and hits the Conchairto.


About John Siino 383 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.