AEW Dynamite Report: Moxley pins Punk quickly, many All Out announcements

John Siino's coverage of AEW Dynamite featuring CM Punk vs. Jon Moxley, Will Ospreay & Aussie Open vs. Death Triangle, and Dax vs. Lethal.

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Dynamite

August 24th, 2022

By: John Siino

Wolstein Center in Cleveland, OH

Commentary: Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone & Taz

You’re A Wrestler/You’re A Sports Entertainer

Chris Jericho came out to start the show as the crowd sang along to ‘Judas’. Jericho welcomes everybody to Dynamite and says last week there was an issue between himself and one of his favorite members of the Jericho Appreciation Society and they’ve agreed to work it out face-to-face, before introducing Daniel Garcia. As Garcia enters the ring the crowd chants ‘you’re a wrestler’, but Jericho tells them to shut up and tells Garcia not to listen to them. Jericho says last week Garcia ‘slayed the Dragon’, but he understands that emotions ran high and Garcia put his hands on him and asked Garcia for a simple apology. Garcia says Jericho knew how special that moment was for him to share the ring with his hero Bryan Danielson and he hung in there with him for 30 minutes. Garcia continues saying wish he could inspire someone else with the match and says that Jericho ruined the moment. Jericho says there’ll be more moments like this for him as he’s the greatest technical sports entertainer and just wants to hear him say it as the crowd chants ‘you’re a wrestler’ again. Before Garcia can say anything, Bryan Danielson’s music hits.

Danielson says that his ‘mentor’ Jericho is trying to bully Garcia into saying he’s a sports entertainer. Danielson says Garcia can be whatever he wants to be but he agrees with all these people that he’s a wrestler. Jericho keeps yelling at Garcia to say he’s a sports entertainer, but Garcia gets upset that he’s being told to make his decision right now and tells Jericho to leave him alone. Jericho reaches for Garcia, but Garcia knocks him down as Danielson laughs at the situation. Garcia looks conflicted at what he just did and leaves. Danielson says he’s not the biggest fan of sports entertainment but admits that was pretty entertaining. Jericho says people telling him Danielson is the best wrestler in the world today makes him mad, and he’s never seen that. Jericho continues how people have called himself the greatest wrestler and says he’s the Lionheart and knows more about wrestling than Danielson ever will. Danielson says who would Stu Hart or Owen Hart choose to be the better wrestler and if they had a match right here in Cleveland who would win? Jericho says they can have a match at All Out, but the last time they were in the ring he choked him out and he will do it again and watch his back. And on cue, Jake Hager attacks Danielson from behind.

Dax Harwood vs. Jay Lethal

Cash Wheeler, Sonjay Dutt, and Satnam Singh all came out during the entrances just to get sent to the back. Right away they trade arm drags and pin attempts as the crowd give them a nice ovation. They go into trading some loud chops before Dax Harwood hits a big back body drop and starts pulling on Jay Lethal’s face. Lethal comes back with a Russian leg sweep off the ropes before they go into picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Harwood stops Lethal from jumping off the top rope, just to join him up there to get knocked down by Lethal. Harwood comes back with three German Suplexes, before Lethal hits Lethal Combination for a two count. Lethal stays in control and puts on the Figure Four, but Harwood grabs the bottom rope to break it up. Harwood tries the Sharpshooter, but Lethal gets out. Harwood blocks the Lethal Injection and hits a slingshot Liger Bomb for a two count. They go back and forth until Harwood is able to put on the Sharpshooter but before Lethal can tap out, Sonjay Dutt returns and gets on the apron and butts heads with Harwood. They trade back and forth near falls as the crowd is behind Harwood. The pin attempts continue until Lethal is able to hold the tights and get the win.

Winner: Jay Lethal by pinfall at 12:50

Sonjay Dutt gets on the mic and says he has a message for FTR, and that he never said who was part of their team for All Out before showing a video on the screen for the Motor City Machine Guns.

Thunder Rosa Vacates Championship

We go to Tony Schiavone who is backstage with Thunder Rosa who is in tears and says she has to step down as the AEW Women’s World Champion and at All Out there will be a new Interim Women’s World Champion and she hopes that Toni Storm’s dream comes true.

Colten Gunn (w/ Austin Gunn) vs. Billy Gunn (w/ Max Caster & Anthony Bowens)

Max Caster came out with Billy Gunn and his freestyle says that Billy should have used a condom and they should have had another talent meeting. Colten takes down Billy as the crowd chants ‘who’s your daddy?’ Billy takes control as they go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, they show that it’ll be Toni Storm vs. Dr. Britt Baker DMD vs. Jamie Hayter vs. Hikaru Shida for the AEW Interim Women’s World Championship at All Out. Stokely Hathaway makes his way ringside and helps Austin attack The Acclaimed with the boombox. During all this, Colten hits the Colt 45 on Billy and gets the pin.

Winner: Colten Gunn by pinfall at 6:17

Stokely enters the ring and hands Colten and Austin his card as they seem to have joined him and continue beating down on Billy and The Acclaimed before Swerve Strickland and Keith Lee run to the ring and chase them out. Swerve in Our Glory ends up helping Billy Gunn and The Acclaimed up.

Tony Schiavone is backstage with Death Triangle, Will Ospreay & Aussie Open where Ospreay says they have one mission and that is more gold. PAC comes back and says they will find out the hard way who is better.

Dr. Britt Baker DMD vs. KiLynn King

Right away, Britt Baker takes KiLynn King down with a sling blade, but King comes back with a missile dropkick. The crowd starts chanting ‘Pittsburgh Sucks’ at Baker, but she comes back by dropping King face first into the corner before she starts stretching her out against the ring post. King comes back and takes control, getting a close two count. Baker comes back with a couple thrust kicks and the stomp, before putting on her glove and the Lockjaw as King submits.

Winner: Dr. Britt Baker DMD by submission at 3:53

Baker gets on the mic and says it’s ‘sad’ about Thunder Rosa, but when Baker was the champion she wrestled her entire title reign with a broken wrist, because that’s what a champion does. Baker brings up Toni Storm and now people will give a damn because she’s in the ring with her. Storm heads to the ring, but gets attacked from behind by Jamie Hayter. They continue to beat down on Storm until Hikaru Shida runs out with a kendo stick and chases them away.

Everybody Loves The Acclaimed

Tony Schiavone is backstage with Swerve in Our Glory and The Acclaimed where Keith Lee says The Acclaimed are ranked and they saved them because they think they would be worthy opponents for them at All Out. Max Caster says they are the most winning tag team and Anthony Bowens says everybody loves The Acclaimed and they will become champs.

AEW Undisputed World Championship: CM Punk (c) vs. Jon Moxley (interim)

Jon Moxley gets a good reaction, while CM Punk gets a bunch of boos during their introductions. As the bell rings, there is a back and forth chant for both men before they lock-up. Moxley is able to corner Punk with punches, but Punk comes back with a smack and punches of his own before knocking Moxley down with a big kick, but it’s the foot that he just came back from injury with so he goes right to it as Paul Turner goes to check on him. Moxley goes right after Punk with a lariat and drops elbows before he starts stretching his injured foot. Moxley hits with two Death Riders and gets the quick pin. Wow. Just wow.

Winner: Jon Moxley by pinfall at 3:09, to become NEW AEW Undisputed World Champion

Commentary talks about how CM Punk might have come back too early as officials are checking on Punk right after the match in the ring.

Not In My League

Tony Schiavone is backstage with Christian Cage, whose arm is in a brace. Schiavone says Jungle Boy has challenged Cage to a match at All Out, but Cage says he gave him one last opportunity to apologise. Cage says he wasn’t coming from a place of place but he was trying to motivate Jungle Boy, but he isn’t smart enough to see that but he’ll never be as smart as Christian Cage. Cage says Jungle Boy has the audacity to challenge him, and to make it better he tries to injure him. It’s fine, as he’s seen and done it all so at All Out he will find out that he’s not average, like this crowd in Cleveland and at All Out, Jungle Boy will find out that he’s not in his league and he accepts his challenge.

Bring Your Five Dollar Ass

Ricky Starks comes to the ring and says he’s not in the best mood as he’s hurt and pissed off from dealing with Team Taz being over, losing the FTW title, and Powerhouse Hobbs turning his back on him. Starks thought he was the exception as he had a partner-in-crime in Hobbs and he trusted him, and Starks broke his neck, Hobbs checked on him regularly. Starks brings up when Hobbs used to play background by being Britt Baker’s security guard and he shared the spotlight with him. Starks said he should have known when Hobbs turned his back on a ‘nightmare’ but he can’t believe he attacked his neck. Starks gets emotional and quotes New Jack City by telling Hobbs to ‘bring his five dollar ass’ to Chicago and fight him at All Out.

My Time Is Now

We go to Jon Moxley backstage who sarcastically says ‘oh I’m sorry, is that not how it was supposed to go?’. Moxley says people wanted to write him off and call him Interim champion, but it doesn’t matter because the answer to every problem is Jon Moxley and there is nobody who can do what he can do and he is professional wrestling. He isn’t just some guy, but the guy and he has no limitations or follows any rules. Moxley says his time is right now.

Rampage Line-Up

  • AEW World Trios Championship Tournament Rampage Semifinal: House of Black vs. Dark Order (John Silver, Alex Reynolds and a mystery partner)
  • Sammy Guevara & Tay Melo vs. Ortiz & Ruby Soho
  • TNT Championship: Wardlow (c) vs. Ryan Nemeth
  • We’ll hear from Jade Cargill
  • ROH World Championship: Claudio Castagnoli (c) vs. Dustin Rhodes

Dynamite Line-Up

  • Jake Hager vs. Bryan Danielson
  • Toni Storm & Hikaru Shida vs. Dr. Britt Baker DMD & Jamie Hayter

All Out Line-Up

  • Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Jericho
  • AEW World Trios Championship Finals
  • AEW Interim Women’s World Championship: Toni Storm vs. Dr. Britt Baker DMD vs. Jamie Hayter vs. Hikaru Shida
  • Jungle Boy vs. Christian Cage
  • FTR & Wardlow vs. Jay Lethal & Motor City Machine Guns
  • Casino Ladder Match
  • AEW World Tag Team Championship: Swerve in Our Glory (c) vs. The Acclaimed
  • Ricky Starks vs. Powerhouse Hobbs

AEW World Trios Championship Tournament Dynamite Semifinal: Death Triangle (Penta El Zero Miedo, Rey Fenix & PAC)(w/ Alex Abrahantes) vs. Will Ospreay & Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis)

Don Callis joins commentary for this match and says he’s here for ‘scouting’. Rey Fenix and Will Ospreay start the match as they show the Best Friends, Orange Cassidy and Danhausen sitting in the crowd. They go at it quick and fast before all six men come in and they start brawling with Fenix hitting a double cutter on Aussie Open. They end up sending them all outside, before Death Triangle all dive onto them on the outside. PAC keeps Ospreay in their corner with chops before tagging in Penta El Zero Miedo who continues the chops. Fenix comes in and takes control as they go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Aussie Open is in control, attacking Fenix on the outside as Ospreay hits a sky twister dive to PAC and Penta on the other side. Penta comes back and fights off Aussie Open and goes for the Fear Factor on Mark Davis, who escapes out of it. Ospreay comes in and attacks Penta as Aussie Open takes control and gets a two count that Fenix breaks up as they go to picture-in-picture again.

When we come back, PAC hits Ospreay with a German Suplex and tries another deadlift suplex, but Ospreay holds on to the ropes just to get kicked in the face by Fenix, as PAC hits the suplex for a two count. The Lucha Brothers and Aussie Open start brawling by trading kicks but PAC and Ospreay get back in the ring and hit stereo Poison Ranas. They go back and forth until Ospreay hits an Os Cutter as both him and PAC are now laid out. PAC places Ospreay on the top rope and hits an avalanche brain buster off the top as they take their final break.

When we come back, Death Triangle is in control and has Ospreay laid out before Penta and Fenix dive onto Aussie Open on the outside. Inside, PAC hits the Black Arrow but Ospreay is able to put his knees up and gets a two count, followed by the Storm Breaker attempt that PAC turns into a hurricanrana for a two count. All six men start fighting in the ring including a destroyer from Penta to Fletcher. PAC hits a moonsault standing from the top of the ring post onto Aussie Open but goes to remove the box from Kip Sapian ringside just to reveal it wasn’t Kip but someone else. Kip Sapian appears from behind though and attacks PAC before taking his box back. Inside the ring, Mark Davis hits Fenix with a lariat as Fletcher takes out Penta. Ospreay and Aussie Open triple team on Fenix with Ospreay hitting an Os Cutter with a bit of an assist from Aussie Open for the pin.

Winners: Will Ospreay & Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis) by pinfall at 25:20, to advance

As they are celebrating, Kenny Omega and the Young Bucks come out and go face to face with Ospreay and Aussie Open, as commentary brings up how taped up Omega is. Omega starts heading to the ring, but Don Callis stops him.

About John Siino 383 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.