Teddy Hart details getting his release from MLW, texting with Young Bucks about CM Punk-All Out fallout

Teddy Hart speaks candidly about getting his release from MLW along with conversing with The Young Bucks about the fallout from All Out

Photo Courtesy: Major League Wrestling

Hart is hopeful that an MLW return could happen.

It was in 2019 that Teddy Hart wrestled his last match for Major League Wrestling. He dropped the organization’s Middleweight Championship to Myron Reed. In a March 2020 interview with POST Wrestling (Andrew Thompson Interviews), Myron shared that Hart was not too pleased about dropping the championship.

Hart responded to that during his appearance on the Great North Wrestling Podcast on Hannibal TV. He said he did what was asked of him but prior to the match, he had been told he was not going to be used for the foreseeable future due to allegations surrounding his name.

Teddy went on to request his release from MLW but claims that initial request was not granted. He then informed the venue that MLW was planning on using a pyrotechnic which was not allowed. He said that “lit a fire” under MLW that led to him getting his release.

When I left [MLW], I left there with, ‘Hey, can you put over Myron Reed?’ ‘Sure’ and I got Myron Reed a couple months later saying, ‘I was upset that Ted didn’t put me over’ or, ‘He didn’t wanna put me over.’ It’s like f*ck, I don’t wanna just lose the belt. I’m going to ask them why but when you ask me to lose, I lost. I did my job. I laid my back down. You threw a fireball in my face which actually burned my eye and I lost, one, two, three and I went in the back and then they yelled at me. I’ve never been yelled at by someone in MLW in my life except for Tom Prichard. If he wanted to say something, I would have listened but if anyone else is gonna yell at me in the back there, I’m going to say, ‘Guys, I started MLW with Court when I wrestled Bryan Danielson 21 years ago’ and I was the guy who helped build H2 [Pro Wrestling] which was another company that Court and I did together. ‘I’ve known Court longer than all you guys so please don’t come yell at me about something where I didn’t give Myron Reed enough in my match.’ They told me before the match, ‘You’re probably not gonna be wrestling for a while. We got cold feet towards pushing you because there’s controversy outside the ring. So we’re gonna have you drop the belt and we’re gonna say you’re injured with this fireball.’ I said, ‘Sounds great.’ Then I hear that, ‘We’re not using you for the next six months.’ I said, ‘Then I want my f*cking release Court.’ ‘Oh, we can’t give you your release.’ I said, ‘Truth is truth.’ I asked for my release, they didn’t wanna give it to me so I pushed the buttons with the lawyer and I made a few threats and I called the building and the code and you’re not allowed to do a fireball in that type of building and if you check code and violations and stuff and if you check the law, they would have to get written permission from that bar to do any pyrotechnics and doing a fireball could be considered pyrotechnics with the right lawyer and I probably could have sued ‘em and I didn’t want to do that but I lit enough of a fire under their ass that guess who got his release? Me.

Despite the way his time with MLW came to an end, Hart is hopeful that the organization will see that he’s ‘cleaned up’ his life. Hart added that his lawyer is good friends with Court Bauer and works with AEW President Tony Khan on occasion along with other wrestlers. The feedback that Hart has gotten is that he has not been tested yet to see if he can be reliable.

I would hope MLW says, well this guy’s done a tremendous job cleaning up his life. My lawyer Tony is good friends with Court [Bauer] and good friends with M.S.L. [Mister Saint Laurent] and he works with Tony Khan sometimes and he represents a lot of other wrestlers that are in the industry and his feedback from people was that I haven’t been tested since the probation situation to see how I could react under pressure, make flights, what type of shape I’m in and so the first thing to do is to jump back on the horse.

Elsewhere during the conversation, he was asked for his thoughts about CM Punk’s post-AEW All Out media scrum. Hart said he wishes he could show the messages he and The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) had about the situation.

I wish I could show you my phone with the stuff The Young Bucks and I were texting back and forth about that situation [CM Punk’s post-AEW All Out media scrum] and how disappointed I was that CM Punk went to a company and I thought they were treating him like gold and really were pushing him and it was nice to see him getting that kind of pop and it really made me think that if CM Punk was getting that kind of pop and I always thought he was a mid-card type of wrestler with an average body and really not that much of a look that maybe Teddy Hart could’ve got that type of pop in AEW if they brought me back as a legend, as an independent king. I don’t think those are all just WWE fans cheering his name. I think there are a lot of fans from Ring of Honor that watched him start there and they have some appreciation that he came from the indies and he built himself up like Samoa Joe and A.J. Styles.

The Young Bucks, Kenny Omega nor CM Punk have been mentioned on AEW programming since the reported physical altercation involving them post-All Out.

If the quotes in this article are used, please credit the Great North Wrestling Podcast with an H/T to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions. 

About Andrew Thompson 8840 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.