Brock Lesnar returns to WWE & takes out Bobby Lashley, Seth Rollins beats Lashley for U.S. Title on Raw

After enduring two F5s from Brock Lesnar, Bobby Lashley was defeated by Seth Rollins for the United States Championship

Lashley loses the U.S. Title after being ambushed by Brock Lesnar.

As Bobby Lashley was getting ready for his United States Title defense against Seth Rollins on the 10/10 Monday Night Raw, Brock Lesnar came out to the ring. Lesnar was last featured on WWE programming when he lost to Roman Reigns at SummerSlam in a Last Man Standing match.

Lesnar gave Lashley an F5, a German suplex, another F5 and then followed it up with a double wrist lock. This past January at the Royal Rumble, Lashley defeated Lesnar for the WWE Championship.

Seth Rollins then came out and began to call Lashley out about not being soldier and a disgrace to his country. Lashley made his way back into the ring and after kicking out of a Pedigree and a frog splash, it was two Curb Stomps that put Lashley away and kicked off Rollins’ second U.S. Title reign.

As he was walking backstage, Lashley was interviewed by Byron Saxton and said he’ll deal with Seth Rollins another time but he wants Lesnar to show up on Raw next week.

About Andrew Thompson 8840 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.