DDT Pro and Sun Music enter a business relationship.
Prior to DDT Pro-Wrestling kicking off their ‘D-Oh Grand Prix’ tournament, an announcement came from CyberFight President Sanshiro Takagi that DDT has entered into a business relationship with Sun Music Production.
Hiroyuki Oka, a representative of Sun Music was in attendance on behalf of the company. They’ll collaborate to help with DDT wrestlers’ future in the entertainment industry and if Sun Music’s talents are interested in wrestling, DDT will help them pursue that.
所属選手の芸能活動拡大のため、サンミュージックとの提携を発表! ブッチャーブラザーズのリッキーこと岡博之副社長は「(フェロモンズは)あのままキング・オブ・コント出ます?」
🔽2週間無料トライアルで視聴可能!https://t.co/tqJZAsbaXq#D王GP2022 #ddtpro pic.twitter.com/41a5fOijfa
— DDT ProWrestling (@ddtpro) November 1, 2022
We hope for the best for both of our companies!
🔽2-weeks FREE TRIAL!https://t.co/3NHOZannX3#D王GP2022 #ddtpro pic.twitter.com/MlAddw6Dkp
— DDT Pro-Wrestling (English) (@ddtproENG) November 1, 2022
Results from today’s DDT event will be included in the POST NEWS UPDATE.