MLW Fusion Report: Jacob Fatu vs Real1, Myron Reed defends title

Photo Courtesy: MLW

MLW Fusion #154

November 10th, 2022

Melrose Ballroom in Queens, NY

By: John Siino

Commentary: Rich Bocchini & Joe Dombrowski

I Want Some Chopped Cheese

We see footage of the Samoan Swat Team coming into the arena as Juicy Finau asks Jacob Fatu and Lance Anoa’i for some chopped cheese (I can attest that Queens has some amazing chopped cheese). One of Los Aztecas is blocking them from entering, so they start messing with him as Microman enters the picture and punches him in the balls allowing them all to enter.

MLW World Middleweight Championship: Myron Reed (c) (w/ Mr. Thomas) vs. Lince Dorado vs. La Estrella vs. Arez

Right away all four men go at it, as Lince Dorado gets tossed to the outside by Myron Reed. Reed and Arez start double-teaming on La Estrella, but he comes back and dives onto Reed and Arez on the outside with a tope suicida, spilling over the barricade. Dorado and Estrella go at it before Dorado hits a backbreaker and a running clothesline. Arez comes in and runs the ropes before hitting a sit-out powerbomb on Dorado, which Reed breaks up. All four men take turns diving off the top rope, but all four miss, ending with Dorado putting an armbar on Reed, as Estrella locks on an ankle lock that Arez breaks all up. Arez and Dorado start exchanging chops and kicks, before going into pin attempts with Arez putting on an inverted Texas Cloverleaf, knocking Estrella down with a DDT and keeping the move on before Reed slingshots back in and breaks up the submission. Reed fights off Arez and Dorado, but they catch him and buckle-bomb him knocking him out of the ring. Dorado takes out Arez and Reed with dives to the outside while working on Estrella inside. As Estrella and Dorado go at it, Reed springboards back in and takes them both out with a double cutter, pinning Estrella for the win.

Winner: Myron Reed by pinfall at 6:54, to retain

Sam Leterna tries to get a word with Myron Reed after the match, as Alex Kane and Mr. Thomas join him. Reed calls himself the greatest of all time they sent him wrestlers from AAA and Dragon Gate, and he washed them like dishes and sent them packing back to where they came from.

87 Soulja

We get a video that Willie Mack is coming to MLW.

Title Opportunity

We go to earlier today, where we see Cesar Duran on the phone telling someone he will talk to Court Bauer later tonight about ‘doing something in Mexico that he likes’. Duran yells at one of his Aztecas who was behind him that startled him and tells him that he doesn’t have to be behind him all the time and he creeps him out. Richard Holliday & Alicia Atout enter and say they need to talk. Duran says he’s trying to center himself before his special mini-series begins. Holliday says once again he saved him from Alex Hammerstone and asks how much of his blood does he need to spill before he gets more opportunity. Duran says Holliday will have his title opportunity in two weeks in a falls count anywhere match. Duran hands one his Aztecas a chain and tells him to find Microman and end him once and for all.

KC Navarro vs. Mini Abismo Negro

They run the ropes right away with KC Navarro hitting a head scissors before dropkicking Mini Abismo Negro to the outside, and hitting him with a dive. Navarro goes to the top rope, but Abismo stops him and hits a hurricanrana for a two count. Abismo corners Navarro with chops and kicks, before hitting a suplex for a two. Navarro comes back with a Halo DDT but only gets a two-count as the crowd is behind him. They trade forearms before Abismo takes Navarro down but misses a twisting dive from the top rope. Navarro comes back and hits the Jesus Piece for the pin and the win.

Winner: KC Navarro by pinfall at 4:04

Update on Alex Hammerstone

We get a medical update on Alex Hammerstone from Dr. Nelson Sweglar (MLW league physician). The medical evaluation reveals his x-rays are negative, CT scan reveals rib cartilage damage, listed as day to day, limited movement and power for 2-3 months, and questionable for a title fight.

Mance Loves Monsters

Sam Leterna gets a word with Mance Warner who’s at the bar with a bunch of people and says they all owe him $45 each. Leterna says Warner has been gone for 2 years and asks where he’s been. Warner says he’s been in Canada and he was feuding with a bear for about 3 months hitting him with tubes and a door, but nothing worked. After Canada, he almost moved to Mexico and they wouldn’t let him back as he looked like someone else who had a bunch of scars on his head. Now he’s back in MLW and calls out Mads Krugger, because he loves monsters, and he will take him out.

I Don’t Say ‘If’

We see a video from Real 1 who has a message for Jacob Fatu.

‘Everybody knows I don’t talk to jakes, but make no mistake, we got a situation not a conversation. So, when I address your fat freaking mouth, it won’t be too hard to put a pin on that double chin. Finish the food in your mouth, before you try talking to me, boy. You sloppy jalopy Samoan son of a bitch. Nobody wants to hear from the kid in the high chair. Me and you don’t sit at the same table, little dog, female dog. You come from a long line of bitches, bro. Bob is your uncle, uce is your cousin, drop a deuce, drop an uce. Dwayne, Ming, Meng, Joe Schmo, Jason Mamo’, Arthur, Afa, Ina, Tama, Moana… attention Walmart shoppers, you’re a poor man’s Rikishi. The Dollar Store General of the Samoan travesty in MLW. You’re an above ground pool and nobody ever aspires to be an above ground pool. I’m in the ground, dog, ten years, ten toes down I lays it down. I have cemented myself as a superstar, mega star, rap star, rock star, pop star, pull up 205 star. You want the key to success, valet my car, dog. You can’t teach this. You step up, you’re getting stepped on. The gas is on the right, if I see you, it’s on sight. I don’t say ‘if’, ‘if’ is poor people language, that’s something you would say. It’s when I’m on TV, when I win titles, when I’m on iTunes, when I’m on Hot 97, when I’m in movies, when I do these things. When I see you, it’s on sight. I’m going to discombobulate you and never be the same.’

Symbols & Donut Holes

We see Savio Vega and Lince Dorado walking backstage and see Budd Heavy laid out in a closet with a card on top of him that has a couple of symbols on it that look like a circle and a triangle.

Jacob Fatu and Microman are backstage sharing donut holes. Fatu tells Microman he loves to eat and cook, before walking off. One of Los Aztecas tries to creep up on Microman with the chain, but Fatu runs back in and scares him off before taking some more donut holes.

Scarlett Bordeaux vs. Clara Carreras

Commentary mentions that Clara Carreras has trained at the Monster Factory making her debut, along with Scarlett Bordeaux also making her debut here as a ‘new face, finally here in MLW’. Scarlett attacks Carreras before the bell rings, and starts attacking her in the corner with punches. Carreras gets out and starts doing the same with kicks, hitting a dropkick for a one-count. Scarlett comes back with a splash and a hip attack in the corner. Scarlett reverses a whip and hits a DDT and the Scarlett Letter for the pin and the win.

Winner: Scarlett Bordeaux by pinfall at 1:47

Up For Any Challenge

Sam Leterna brings out MLW Featherweight Champion Taya Valkyrie and asks about her thoughts on Scarlett Bordeaux entering the Featherweight division. Taya says having a woman like Scarlett is exactly what they need to grow it, with talent, beauty, charm, and badass-ery and says she’s up for any challenge. Brittany Blake attacks Taya from behind and starts choking her out with her belt. Officials come out to split them apart.

We go to the Bomaye Fight Club as Alex Kane says he used to look up to Davey Richards but then he quit on him, his dreams, and himself. Next week: the mission is submission and Richards will tap out as his comeback is all smoke and mirrors.

Next Week

·       MLW National Openweight Championship: Alex Kane (c) vs. Davey Richards

·       Killer Kross vs. Matt Cross

Jacob Fatu vs. Real 1

As Jacob Fatu is making his way to the ring, he gets attacked from behind by Real 1 who is using a lead pipe. Real 1 makes his way into the ring, grabs a mic, and says if Fatu isn’t ‘sawft’, he would join him. Fatu does, as the match officially starts. Real 1 goes right after Fatu’s injured leg, kicking away at it. Real 1 wraps Fatu against the corner and kicks his leg, before wrapping it around the ring post. Real 1 snaps it with a figure four, goes to the top rope but gets stopped with a dropkick as he was heading down. As Fatu goes after him, Real 1 kicks Fatu down low causing a disqualification.

Winner: Jacob Fatu by disqualification at 2:01

Real 1 then gives a low blow to the referee and continues attacking Fatu, who is able to fight back. Officials run out and separate them as Fatu heads to the top rope and jumps on everybody. Real 1 was able to dodge it though and escapes and makes his way to the back.

About John Siino 404 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.