AEW Rampage Notes: Takeshita & Akiyama prevail, Ricky Starks advances, Athena turns heel, Hook retains

Photo Courtesy: AEW

November 18, 2022 

Prudential Center, Newark, NJ

By: John Kleinchester

The show began with Lance Archer and Ricky Starks brawling backstage. They fought their way through the crowd and finally to the ring. Lance Archer dominated most of the match until he was able to pull out a spear and and a high-stack pin. After the match, Brian Cage came out to confront his opponent for Full Gear when Lance Archer attacked Starks and chokeslammed him on the side of the steel steps.

Backstage Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara were interviewed and Jericho said that he was counting on Danielson and Castagnoli breaking down and beating the hell out of each other tomorrow night. Jericho also guaranteed that the ROH title would stay with him, walking off confidently. Sammy responded saying “we’ll see about that”. 

Hook defeated Lee Moriarty via Redum submission after a competitive match.

Backstage John Silver and Preston Vance were interviewed along with Rush and Jose the Assistant. Rush suggested that Silver cost Vance a shot at the World Title. Silver responded by saying he only cost “Captain Rushbag” a shot. Vance then walked off and Rush challenged Silver to a match next week on Dynamite.

Athena defeated Madison Rayne. After the match, Athena started attacking Madison Rayne and then punched out Referee Aubrey Edwards cementing her heel turn. ROH Women’s Champion Mercedes Martinez came down to chase off Athena.

Best Friends and The Factory were interviewed in the back and Best Friends challenged The Factory to a five-on-five match at Full Gear. QT Marshall pointed out that Best Friends were only three guys. Suddenly Rocky Romero appeared but Marshall again stated they now only had four people. Chuck Taylor directed them to watch a “spooky video” which featured Danhausen and his collection of teeth.

A new House of Black video aired featuring all four members beating up unsuspecting jobbers in the pitch black. The video ended with the narration saying “Members of the House of Black, please rise!”

In the main event, Konosuke Takeshita & Jun Akiyama defeated Eddie Kingston & Ortiz.


Announced for Dynamite Next Week in Chicago, IL:

*John Silver vs. Rush

Announced for Full Gear Zero Hour:

*World Title Eliminator Tournament Semi-Final Match: Ricky Starks vs. Brian Cage

*Best Friends, Rocky Romero and Danhausen vs. The Factory

AEW Rampage Results:

*Ricky Starks over Lance Archer in 5:22

*FTW Championship Match: Hook over Lee Moriarty in 8:37

*Athena over Madison Rayne in 2:47

*Konosuke Takeshita & Jun Akiyama over Eddie Kingston & Ortiz in 12:16

About John Kleinchester 171 Articles
New Jersey born and raised. Wrestling fan since Lex slammed Yokozuna on the deck of the USS Intrepid. Favorite Wrestler of all time is Owen "The Rocket" Hart.