Lola Vice (Valerie Loureda) discusses name change, making in-ring debut at NXT house show

The former Bellator MMA fighter had her first sanctioned pro wrestling match and she looked back on that experience

Photo Courtesy: @valerielouredaa on Twitter

Vice shares that it was Shawn Michaels who selected her new name. 

In November, former Bellator MMA fighter Valerie Loureda made her pro wrestling in-ring debut at an NXT house show as a part of a six-person tag. 

Loureda, now going by the name ‘Lola Vice’, spoke to Jim Varsallone about her experience in WWE thus far. On the topic of her name change, she explained how she came to the conclusion of ‘Lola’ as a first name. She added that she submitted ten first and last names and ultimately, it was Shawn Michaels who decided on ‘Lola Vice’. 

So, ‘Lola Vice’. This is actually my first interview releasing my name and Lola came out because when my sisters and I were little, we had a lady that used to do our makeup, like a Cuban lady and that was always our alter ego name, Lola. So when I was coming up with names and they were coming up too, I was like, oh, let me just throw that in there. I liked it but then, I always had a vision of Miami Vice because I am the first Cuban-American woman [to sign with WWE] and I was born and raised in Miami and I just feel like that’s me, I need to represent. I’m like, how can I do this? I can incorporate it into my name and I thought about Miami Vice, the series from the 80s and I was like, how about Lola Vice? But actually, I gave them ten first names, ten last names and Shawn Michaels chose Lola Vice and it’s just beautiful, it goes and I feel like this is my new era.

Looking back on her in-ring debut, she talked about how proud she is of herself for being fearless, having fun and looking comfortable. 

Vice feels she has a lot to learn and it will take her quite some time to truly understand what she needs to know about pro wrestling. She mentioned that her father and sisters were present for her in-ring debut and commented on how much that meant to her. 

I was so proud of myself because that was my first match and everything went well in the match. I felt comfortable, I was animated, I was connecting with the crowd. I’m proud of myself for going out there and being fearless in a new industry that’s not a fight that I have — truly, I’m so green. I still don’t really know what I’m doing and I probably won’t for the next ten years because this is a business where you’re constantly learning and getting better. But, you know, I just saw it and I am a perfectionist and I’m always mad at myself but this time, like, wow Lerie, you had fun, you looked comfortable, that was your first match in Orlando. It was just great. I had my family there; my dad came, my sisters came and it was like my first amateur fight five years ago all over again. It’s just weird how life comes full circle but I know that as long as I keep working as hard as I did in my amateurs and MMA in my NXT career, I’m gonna make it to the top.

Days prior to Vice’s in-ring debut, a new batch of Performance Center recruits were revealed and to get a look at that class, click here

If the quotes in this article are used, please credit Jim Varsallone with an H/T to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions. 

About Andrew Thompson 8840 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.