Arrest footage shows wrestler formerly known as Velveteen Dream telling police: ‘You f**ked up’

Patrick Clark is shown being cuffed and put in a police car outside Orlando gym.

Photo Courtesy: WWE

Patrick Clark, formerly known as Velveteen Dream in WWE, berated police officers who arrested him at an Orlando gym, newly released footage shows.

The 27-year-old was arrested on August 20 for battery after allegedly punching an employee of the Club Orlando fitness center.

On Sunday, TMZ Sports released police footage of the arrest.


In the video, Clark admits to being “a little inebriated” before repeatedly telling the arresting officers that they had not read him his Miranda rights:

Hang up your f***ing phone, sir. I was not given my Miranda rights. You f***ed up. You f***ed up, sir. I was not given my Miranda rights, so go ahead and bring me to your motherf***ing station. You f***ed up.

Later in the video, at the police station, he is heard saying:

You f**ked up, baby. That’s number one. How do you f**k up the Miranda rights, sir? What are you, a rookie? What are you, a rookie? Oh, we got a rookie on deck…He didn’t tell me my Miranda rights.

After the arrest, Clark was charged with two counts of misdemeanor battery and trespass. Those counts were dropped in September after the alleged victim declined to press charges.

About Neal Flanagan 911 Articles
Based in Northern Ireland, Neal Flanagan is a former newspaper journalist and copy editor. In addition to reporting for POST Wrestling, he co-hosts The Wellness Policy podcast with Wai Ting and Jordan Goodman.