Tokyo Joshi Pro’s 10-year anniversary show.
Coming up on January 30th is Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling’s 10-year anniversary show. This is going to be a pay-per-view event and it’ll emanate from the same venue that the first TJPW show took place in.
The TwinBox AKIHABARA in Tokyo, Japan is playing host to the pay-per-view and TJPW noted that there will be no fans in attendance. The card is going to feature a one-night singles tournament.
1月30日(月)20:00よりTwinBox AKIHABARAにてPPV興行『原点を超え、未来へ』が決定!
出場全選手によるワンナイトトーナメント『Princess of the decade』を開催!#tjpw pic.twitter.com/VRIwcpPQ60
— TJPW 東京女子プロレス (@tjpw2013) January 19, 2023
The first Tokyo Joshi Pro event on January 30th, 2013 featured two matches and those are listed below:
- Sambo Competition Rules: Chikage Kiba vs. Daisuke Kiso – Time Limit Draw (3:00)
- Miyu Yamashita def. KANNA