HOG With Glory Comes Pride: KUSHIDA vs. Low Ki, Jacob Fatu vs. Fred Rosser

Photo Courtesy: John Siino

House of Glory – With Glory Comes Pride
March 10th, 2023
NYC Arena – Queens, NY

01: HOG Cruiserweight Championship: Mighty Mante (c) vs. Encore

There was an impromptu dance-off to ‘Apache (Jump On It)’ and they recreated the dance from Fresh Prince that turned into a fun spot, even the referee joined in. Mante was able to catch Encore into a roll-up for the pin at 11:20, to retain.

02: Joey Silver (w/ Scarlett Meidan) vs. Evander James (w/ Mike Verna)

Verna gave James a chair to use, but as the referee took it away, James low-blowed Silver followed by a Falcon Arrow for the pin at 9:22. James went to use the chair, but Meidan stopped him. Verna told James to use it on her, but Ken Broadway made his return and came out to stop him. Broadway got on the mic after and challenged James for next time.

03: HOG Women’s Championship: Ultra Violette (c) vs. Max the Impaler

After two power bombs from Max, Violette rolled up Max for the pin at 8:43, to retain, after playing the underdog for the majority of the match. 

04: Roachie Roach vs. Michael Fain (w/ Smoothe Blackmon & Kiki Van Gogh)

Roach came out to talk trash to the crowd until The Black Hand came out to stop that until Fain challenged Roach to a match. Fain hit a cradle tombstone for the pin at 3:30. After the match, Blackmon told Roach he should be better and join The Black Hand, but Roach told all of them to kiss his ass. When he started talking about Van Gogh, Blackmon knocked Roach out with a punch.

04: HOG Cruiserweight Championship #1 Contenders Suicidal Six Way Match: Smiley vs. Raheem Royal vs. Eden vs. Ichiban vs. Osito vs. Nolo Kitano

There were a bunch of shenanigans in this match with the referee taking a bump, Nolo’s ninjas getting involved, and a double mist spot. Ichiban pinned Eden at 14:52 after hitting a flatliner. 

05: HOG Crown Jewel Championship: Charles Mason (c) vs. Alec Price

HOG Commissioner Jason Solomon came out and said that Carlos Ramirez was banned from ringside and he would strip Mason of the title if he interfered. Mason stopped the referee from counting the pin by spitting water in his face then followed with a jumping Tombstone for the pin at 11:42. Ramirez came out after and joined with Mason to keep attacking Price.

06: HOG Heavyweight Championship: Jacob Fatu (c) vs. Fred Rosser

Grueling match here with Rosser blocking Fatu’s moonsault with his knees, just for Fatu to roll up Rosser for the pin at 14:59. After the match, Rosser handed Fatu his title and showed him respect.

07: HOG Tag Team Title Match: The Mane Event (Jay Lyon & Midas Black) (c) vs. The Bookers (Amazing Red & BXL)

This match was advertised to see who would be the “undisputed” tag champs after The Bookers stole the newly designed belts and started wearing them. Mane Event came in and attacked The Bookers from behind before the match started. The match originally ended by DQ when Red used a chair to stop the Ring of Fire match, but BXL got on the mic and restarted the match, making it a No DQ Match. Violette came out to help Mane Event but turned on them by low-blowing Lyon. Red put Black in a sharpshooter as BXL gave Black a chair shot to the head, forcing the referee to stop the match and declare The Bookers the winners at 12:37, to become the new HOG Tag Team Champions.

08: Low Ki vs KUSHIDA

This is their second one-on-one match after KUSHIDA defeated Low Ki on July 22nd, 2012 at the NJPW 40th Anniversary Tour. Best match on the show without a doubt with the finish coming when Low Ki tried to reverse the Hover Lock just for KUSHIDA to reverse it right back into the roll-up for the pin at 16:04 for the win.

About John Siino 383 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.