AEW Dynamite Report: Trios Championship Match, MJF’s Re-Bar Mitzvah

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Dynamite

March 15, 2023

By: John Siino

Canada Life Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Commentary: Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone & Don Callis

The Re-Bar Mitzvah Celebration

Show started with the ring filled with balloons and streamers as MJF came out for his Re-Bar Mitzvah with four women to bring him down to the ring. Right away in Canada, MJF said that Shawn Michaels was better than Bret Hart and said that Judaism is the only religion that matters, to a string of boos. MJF talked about turning 13 and losing his virginity at his first Bar Mitzvah and becoming a man and to now have a Re-Bar Mitzvah since he retained his title against Bryan Danielson and is now calling himself ‘Iron Man’. MJF hits for Hava Nagila to play as a bunch of guys ran out with a chair and starting doing a celebratory dance with MJF until Jack Perry’s music hit.

Before Perry can say a word, Sammy Guevara walks out as MJF warns him not to touch his cake. As Guevara goes to talk, Darby Allin heads to the ring. MJF has enough of this (while wearing a beautiful Burberry bucket hat) and asks them what they want as all three say ‘I want a title match’ at the same time. Perry talks about how when he fought MJF, MJF cheated and won and was handed every opportunity in the book while Perry was wrestling the rest of the time on Dark in Jacksonville. Perry asks if MJF has ever even wrestled on Dark, Dark: Elevation or Rampage and talks about how they all busted their asses while MJF has been doing the same old bullshit. Perry says everything revolves around MJF, which MJF agrees with and says that’s because he’s actually a star.

Guevara says MJF talks too much just like he’s done his whole career and he lied and cheated to get where he’s at. Guevara said he had to grind in the indies for 10 plus years and had to work at Whataburger and Subway, and when he got here he was only supposed to be the Inner Circle’s job and bump guy but he overcame everything. Guevara ends by saying whether anybody likes it or not, he will be world champion. MJF said that was cute and everybody appreciates Guevara taking time away from his backstage brawls but Allin interrupts him.

Allin says in 2013 he turned a movie in film school and them rejecting it, so he dropped out instead of changing anything. This gave him the balls to become a pro wrestler and he told himself he might fail as Darby Allin, but he won’t change a simple thing. Allin said everybody in this company is on Twitter complaining and said MJF knows what he will do if he doesn’t give him a championship match, which he said he will just go complain about it on Twitter. Allin says he’s kidding and he will just beat up MJF. MJF gets mad and takes off his sunglasses and shows up black eyes. MJF gets on all three of them, including making fun of Guevara proposing to a new girl in 7 months. Guevara said that’s funny coming from MJF since his fiancé left him. MJF brings up how they all had Christian Cage, Chris Jericho and Sting and unlike them he didn’t need to be enrolled into AEW Daddy Day Care. MJF admits they are the Pillars but says he’s the only Pillar that can keep that place up and he has beat all of them in singles competition and they don’t deserve a shot at his World Championship. MJF says they all have to leave now since they weren’t invited and now he can eat his cake, which he deserves. MJF pie faces Perry, just for Perry to attack him form behind. Guevara and Allin get involved and in this scuffle MJF gets tossed into the cake that was ringside.

We see footage of Chris Jericho earning his own ‘Chris Jericho Way’ at which was his childhood street.

Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) vs. Adam Page & Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson)

Wheeler Yuta and Evil Uno start the match, as right away Uno knocks down Yuta and they go to the corner and exchange chops. Yuta, Claudio Castagnoli & Jon Moxley all take turns tagging in and working on Uno as the crowd chants for Stu Grayson. Uno and Yuta start exchanging blows until Yuta goes and knocks down Adam Page, followed by Uno making the hot tag to Grayson who goes after the BCC including a Meteora to Claudio. Grayson goes at it with Claudio, but as he lifts him up Claudio gets out and tosses Grayson to the outside where he follows him. BCC triple team on Grayson and hit him with a spiked piledriver on the outside as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Moxley is on the attack and hits Grayson with a piledriver for a two count. Page finally gets the hot tag and attacks all of BCC including a left arm lariat to Yuta. Uno tags in and hits a senton to Yuta, as all six men start going at it. It ends up being Page and Moxley in the ring and they have a bit of a face off before exchanging blows as the crowd is really into it. Page goes for the Buckshot Lariat, but as Moxley distracts Paul Turner, Yuta knocks out Page with the ring bell. Uno and Grayson run in and start going at it with Claudio and Moxley, but Yuta runs in and assists his partners by hitting a chop block on Uno. Grayson fights off Yuta before diving over the top rope onto Claudio. Uno hits a Paradigm Shift on Moxley, followed by a dive from Grayson for a two count. Grayson and Uno hit the Fatality on Moxley, but Yuta breaks up the count at two. Claudio tags in and him and Moxley double team on Grayson until Moxley puts on a rear choke on Grayson until he taps out.

Winners: Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) by submission at 13:25

The BCC continue to attack Uno, before John Silver & Alex Reynolds run out for the save.


We see a video from Juice Robinson with highlights from last week where Juice asks Ricky Starks what’s he going to do about getting beat up by him and says he won’t do jack-diddly-squat about it.

AEW TBS Championship: Jade Cargill (c) (w/ Leila Grey) vs. Nicole Matthews

This was Jade Cargill’s Canadian Open Challenge. This was very quick, with Jade going right after Nicole Matthews and hitting Jaded for the win to become 54-0.

Winner: Jade Cargill by pinfall at 43 seconds, to retain

Taya Valkyrie

Renee Paquette comes out and asks Jade what kind of competition is she looking for, as Jade gets right in Renee’s face and says isn’t she from Canada. Jade then asks if that’s all Canada has to offer as Taya Valkyrie makes her way to the ring. Excalibur brings up how Taya is now a free agent and could be the next TBS Champion. Taya and Jade go face-to-face before Leila Grey gets in between them. As Jade goes to leave, Leila goes after Taya who hits her with Road to Valhalla, which happens to be the same move as Jaded.

Starks Challenges Bullet Club

Tony Schiavone is backstage with Ricky Starks and asks him about Juice Robinson’s comments. Starks says Juice is jealous because he’s getting attention and he deserves it and Bullet Club hasn’t been relevant since 2015. Starks says you think he would know about getting involved with groups, but challenges them to bring it anytime and anyplace.


We go to QTV where it’s QT Marshall, Powerhouse Hobbs, Aaron Solo, Harley Cameron, RJ City and a couple other people basically doing a parody of TMZ. They show footage of Hobbs’ car getting broken into just to reveal it was Solo. Hobbs ends it by holding the title and says it’s Will’s World as they announce a TNT Championship Open Challenge for this Friday’s St. Patrick’s Day Slam edition of Rampage.

AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/ Sonjay Dutt & Satnam Singh)

Jay Lethal, who’s sporting an arm sling, goes to the back before the match starts. Jeff Jarrett starts the match in command and keeps stopping to strut before doing a parody of Orange Cassidy with his kicks. There is Shazam! Fury of the Gods advertising in the ring and around the barricade as they cut to picture-in-picture with a sneak peak of the movie.

When we come back, we see Satnam Singh fling Cassidy back inside the ring. Jarrett puts on a Sharpshooter to a flurry of boos from the crowd, before Cassidy puts on his own Sharpshooter, before Jarrett grabs the bottom rope with an assist from Singh and Sonjay Dutt. Jarrett puts on a sleeper hold, but he is able to counter out of it. With some help on the outside, Jarrett is able to put on a Figure Four next, but this transitions to a punch trade off. The referee gets knocked out by headbutting Cassidy, but as Jarrett goes to use his guitar, Aubrey Edwards runs out to stop him. Cassidy goes to use the guitar, but Singh takes it from him as Cassidy does the old Eddie spot and lays out. Aubrey ejects both Singh and Dutt, as Bryce Remsburg gets back up. Cassidy sets up for the Orange Punch, but Jarrett distracts the referee. As this is happening, Jay Lethal runs out and hits Cassidy from behind with the Golden Globe, as his sling injury was fake. Lethal goes to grab the guitar, but Trent Beretta runs out and takes him out. Cassidy goes for the Orange Punch, but his knee gives out. Cassidy reverses out of The Stroke and hits the Orange Punch for the pin and the win.

Winner: Orange Cassidy by pinfall at 13:36, to retain

We see a new music video from The Acclaimed where Max Caster raps about the fans and getting the tag titles back.

The Outcasts

The Outcasts’ Saraya, Ruby Soho & Toni Storm make their way to the ring with their own theme music and graphics. Ruby starts talking about how the grass used to be greener here until a couple bitches pissed all over them. Saraya says they show these housebroken bitches that it’s their house and the fans should be kissing the ground they walk on as without them there wouldn’t be a division. Saraya calls herself a miracle and doesn’t expect anything less from neckbeard stinky twats and tells Toni to take over. Toni talks about nobody appreciated when she was ‘interim’ title and runs down Skye Blue, Willow Nightingale, Riho, Dr. Britt Baker DMD and Jamie Hayter, which prompts Hayter and Baker to run out. Baker is about to take out Ruby with her belt, but Saraya and Storm attack them on this 3 on 2 attack. Storm hits Storm Zero on Hayter, as Riho, Willow and Skye Blue all run out for the save. The Outcasts need two more women to even up this storyline that you can look, but can’t touch…

We Love Rap Music

We go to Angelo Parker & Matt Menard who talk about The Acclaimed’s music video and keep saying how they love rap music and they deserve a Tony Award. They bring up how The Acclaimed have ignored their challenges and tell them to tune into Rampage to see how they are the epitome of sports entertainment.

Rampage – St. Patrick’s Day Slam Line-Up

  • Matt Menard & Angelo Parker vs. Bollywood Boyz
  • In-ring debut of Taya Valkyrie
  • TNT Championship: Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Rey Fenix

Dynamite Line-Up

  • No Disqualification Match: Hook vs. Stokely Hathaway
  • More matches to be announced Friday on Rampage

AEW World Trios Championship: House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King & Buddy Matthews) (c) (w/ Julia Hart) vs. The Elite (Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (w/ MT Nakazawa & Brandon Cutler) vs. The Jericho Appreciation Society (Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara & Daniel Garcia)

We see Chris Jericho’s dad Ted Irvine sitting front row for this match, as Don Callis makes his way to commentary. Sammy Guevara and Brody King start the match with King tossing Guevara around until Chris Jericho tags in to a huge pop. Kenny Omega then tags in and gets an even louder pop, as the House of Black attacks them both to a chorus of boos, before we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Jericho hits a backbreaker on Malakai Black for a two count. Guevara and Daniel Garcia start double teaming Black, until Nick Jackson tags himself in and takes out both Guevara and Garcia. Nick gets caught by Buddy Matthews on the outside and tossed right into Malakai and a knee strike. Omega tags in and hits a top rope crossbody on Matthews. All nine men come in next and hit insane offense to each other including a snap dragon from Omega to Matthews, but Jericho stops him from doing a V-Trigger and puts him in the Walls of Jericho. The Young Bucks break it up with super kicks, before hitting super kicks to everybody else as well, before King stops them with a double lariat as they go to commercial.

After the break, Jericho and Omega are going at it, as Jericho goes spilling to the outside where Omega meets him with the Terminator dive. Jericho and Omega work together and hit a superplex on King, but Jericho follows this with a Codebreaker on Omega, which he kicks out at two. We cut to the back where we see John Silver, Alex Reynolds, Adam Page and the Blackpool Combat Club brawling where they mention Evil Uno was sent to the hospital and Stu Grayson went with him. They all go at it again, with Guevara hitting a Shooting Star Press on Matt Jackson. House of Black triple team Jericho, with King hitting him with Dante’s Inferno, but Omega breaks up the three count. Jericho takes King out with the bat, as Guevara hits a Shooting Star Press on the outside to everybody else. King kicks out of a pin attempt, before Black takes out Jericho with his back heel kick. House of Black start triple teaming Garcia and King hits him with Dante’s Inferno for the pin and the win.

Winners: House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King & Buddy Matthews) by pinfall at 21:44, to retain

Jake Hager runs out, but gets attacked by House of Black. As they are all fighting, the Blackpool Combat Club, Adam Page & Dark Order run down and join in as well. As BCC go to confront Page, he is backed up by The Elite who seems confused caught in the middle.

About John Siino 383 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.