ROH Supercard of Honor: Castagnoli vs. Kingston, Joe vs. Briscoe, Ladder Match

Photo Courtesy: Ring of Honor

ROH Supercard of Honor
March 31st, 2023

By: John Siino

Galen Center in Los Angeles, CA

Commentary: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman & Nigel McGuinness

Match Card

  • Tracy Williams vs. Jeff Cobb (Zero Hour)
  • Willie Mack vs. Konosuke Takeshita (Zero Hour) *RECOMMENDED*
  • Miranda Alize vs. Willow Nightingale (Zero Hour)
  • Slim J vs. Stu Grayson (Zero Hour)
  • AAA Mega Championship: El Hijo del Vikingo (c) vs. Komander *RECOMMENDED*
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship: The Embassy (c) vs. AR Fox, Blake Christian & Metalik
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena (c) vs. Yuka Sakazaki
  • ROH World Television Championship: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Mark Briscoe *RECOMMENDED*
  • Daniel Garcia vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi
  • ROH World Tag Team Championship Reach For The Sky Ladder Match: Top Flight vs. The Kingdom vs. Lucha Brothers vs. Aussie Open vs. La Faccion Ingobernable *RECOMMENDED*
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta (c) vs. Katsuyori Shibata *RECOMMENDED*
  • ROH World Championship: Claudio Castagnoli (c) vs. Eddie Kingston *RECOMMENDED*
Tracy Williams vs. Jeff Cobb (Zero Hour)
Right away they go to take each other down on the mat while also pushing each other around, until Jeff Cobb suplexes Tracy Williams back hard. Cobb stays on top of Williams, with a hard Mongolian Thrust sending Williams to the corner. Cobb follows with a vertical suplex after walking around the ring for a two count. Cobb goes for a standing moonsault, but Williams dodges it and puts Cobb in an arm bar that Cobb powers out of and tosses Williams back. Williams gets on the top rope and gets yanked off by Cobb, but Williams hits him with a DDT for a two count. They go back and forth until Cobb hits a German Suplex followed by a hard clothesline and Tour of the Islands for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jeff Cobb by pinfall at 5:20

Nigel McGuinness

Bobby Cruise announces Nigel McGuinness as the third member of the commentary team for the rest of the show.

Willie Mack vs. Konosuke Takeshita (Zero Hour)

They start the match running the ropes each trying to take the other down before Konosuke Takeshita hits a flying clothesline sending Willie Mack spilling to the outside. Takeshita goes after Mack, but Mack takes him out with a clothesline. Mack jumps off the top rope where Takeshita sends him to the outside with a hurricanrana, before diving onto him right in front of the commentary table. Mack runs in and does the same back. Mack starts working on Takeshita’s back and neck then takes him down with a standing Shining Wizard and a Samoan Drop. Mack struggles to get up a bit but when he does he hits a standing moonsault for a two count. Mack runs the ropes but Takeshita takes him out with a lariat for a two of his own. Mack comes back with a pounce and a stunner, but Takeshita hits a stunner of his own as Mack hits him back with another Shining Wizard. Mack blocks a lariat attempt and hits a T-Bone Suplex. Takeshita dodges a Frog Splash and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb followed by a running knee strike for the pin and the win.

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita by pinfall at 9:36

Miranda Alize vs. Willow Nightingale (Zero Hour)

Miranda Alize doesn’t adhere to the code of honor, so Willow Nightingale hits her with a pair of suplexes, a fisherman’s buster and a crossbody for a two count sending Alize to the outside. Willow goes to chase her around the ring, but Alize hits a cheap shot followed by a basement hurricanrana for a two count. Alize keeps Willow cornered, but she turns it around sending her to all the corners with chops. Willow stays on top of Alize, hitting her with a spinebuster for a two count. Alize comes back and hits a DDT for a two count, but Willow comes right back with a Spicolli Driver for her own two. Willow dodges a Drive By attempt and hits a pounce followed by the Doctor Bomb for the pin.

Winner: Willow Nightingale by pinfall at 6:59

Slim J (w/ Ari Daivari & Mark Sterling) vs. Stu Grayson (w/ Evil Uno) (Zero Hour)

Slim J kicks Stu Grayson’s hand away at the start, so Grayson goes right after Slim, sending him to the outside. Grayson keeps the attack, dropping Slim on the apron before putting him on the top rope but Mark Sterling and Evil Uno distract the referee on the apron as Ari Daivari goes in and attacks Grayson. Grayson keeps the attack hitting a uranage and a twisting Asai Moonsault for a two count. Grayson pops up Slim and hits him with a power slam for another two. Grayson lifts Slim up but he reverses it into a standing Slice Bread for a two of his own. Grayson dodges a top rope moonsault and lifts up Slim, but Sterling, Uno and Daivari again cause a distraction on the outside. Grayson follows with a pump knee and the Knight Fall for the pin and the win.

Winner: Stu Grayson by pinfall at 6:56

The Righteous Returns

Vincent and Dutch of The Righteous make their return to Ring of Honor and have a stare down with Stu Grayson and Evil Uno to end the Zero Hour.

AAA Mega Championship: El Hijo del Vikingo (c) vs. Komander

Right away, Komander takes El Hijo del Vikingo on the mic and traps his legs for a pin attempt getting a two, but Vikingo turns it into a surfboard. Komander slithers his way off, but Vikingo takes him right back down to the mat. They get in a head stand and start slapping each other before they both go and grab each other’s ankles on the mat before running the ropes and both landing with the same exact pose as if they are two same people from different multiverses. Vikingo dives onto Komander on the outside as they go back and forth holding each other. Back inside, Komander takes Vikingo right back outside with a dropkick where he hits him with a dive. Komander grabs a table from under the ring, but ends up diving from the stage hitting a 450 to Vikingo on the floor. Komander sends Vikingo back inside but misses the Shooting Star off the ropes. Vikingo follows with his inverted Shooting Star into the rana, as they both go right back to the outside. Vikingo tries another Shooting Star but Komander puts his knees up and sends Vikingo back inside. Komander runs the ropes and tries another Shooting Star, as Vikingo puts his boot up. They go back and forth a bit before Vikingo catches Komander and slams him down. Vikingo heads to the top of post, jumps to the rope and bounces onto Komander who hits a power bomb for a two count. Komander goes to the top rope, but gets pushed off followed by Vikingo with another inverted dive from the post to smash against Komander against the barricade. Back inside, Vikingo hits an inside out corkscrew 450 splash for a two count. They start fighting on the apron where Komander hits a nasty looking Destroyer. Komander goes to the other side of the ring, runs the ropes and dives onto Vikingo. Holy shit. Komander goes back to the top, runs the ropes and hits a springboard Shooting Star for a two count. They battle on the ropes, where Vikingo hits another Destroyer, quickly sets Komander on the table, runs the ropes and hits a 630 splash, not breaking the table unfortunately. Back inside, Vikingo misses a 630 splash so Komander goes back to the top where he hits the Hidden Ace, but Vikingo is able to grab the rope to break the count. They head to the top where Vikingo hits a swingout slam. Vikingo follows with double knees to the face and another 630 splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: El Hijo del Vikingo by pinfall at 15:43, to retain

ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship: The Embassy (Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona) (c) (w/ Prince Nana) vs. AR Fox, Blake Christian & Metalik

All six men start fighting before the bell rings, before the babyfaces send The Embassy to the outside where they hit them with dives. Toa Liona and Metalik are the first two in the ring, but Liona tags out to Bishop Kaun, then quickly tags in to Brian Cage. AR Fox comes in and hits a pair of cutters before they take it to the outside and brawl a bit, followed by a senton on the inside for a two count on Cage. Liona and Blake Christian come in, as Christian goes right after the entire Embassy and hits a Fosbury Flop to Liona on the outside. The Embassy takes control over Christian, including a senton to Christian by Liona on the apron. Cage tries to suplex Christian back in but Fox stops him, as Christian hits a 450 followed by an elbow drop off the ropes by Metalik for a two. Metalik runs the ropes, but Cage catches him for a powerbomb. Christian hits a Death Valley Driver on Cage followed by a springboard moonsault. Everybody comes in and hits offense, ending with Metalik hitting a DDT on Liona as all six men are laid out. The Gates of Agony take control of the match, before Metalik rolls up Cage for a very close two count. Cage stops him with a clothesline followed by the Drill Claw for the pin and the win.

Winners: The Embassy (Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona) by pinfall at 8:22, to retain

ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena (c) vs. Yuka Sakazaki

Athena’s entrance included her stepping on and crushing a porcelain doll and a newly designed Women’s World title. Athena starts the match in control while teasing the crowd. Yuka Sakazaki takes Athena to the outside and hits a cannonball. Athena tries to escape into the crowd, but Yuka stops her as they brawl around the ring. Yuka tries a missile dropkick back inside, but Athena gets out of the way and mounts her with punches. Athena stays in control and starts dancing as well. Yuka comes right back with a lariat for a two count before kicking Athena in the corner. Yuka runs the ropes and tries a hurricanrana, but Athena catches her and hits her with three back to back powerbombs, with the third being a sit out for a two count. They head to the outside, where Athena starts ramming Yuka against the steps before hitting her with a wheel barrel into a German Suplex on the floor. Athena goes to dropkick Yuka, but Yuka moves as Athena goes crashing into the barricade. Yuka follows this with a slam, sends Athena into the steps and runs off the stage to hit a crossbody. Yuka springboards off the ropes for a splash, but Athena kicks out at two. They go back and forth until Athena knocks Yuka out with a hard right, but Yuka grabs the rope to break the count. Athena heads to the top, but Yuka stops her and hits a superplex followed by a spinning front face slam for a two count. Yuka goes for the Magical Splash, but Athena sends the referee into the ropes, followed by a springboard O Face for the pin and the win.

Winner: Athena by pinfall at 11:38, to retain

ROH World Television Championship: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Mark Briscoe

Right away, Samoa Joe heads to the outside of the ring and slowly walks around, taking his time to get back in. Back inside, they go at it with punches until Mark Briscoe hits a pair of big boots. Briscoe tries to springboard in but Joe stops him as they get into a chop exchange, with each one getting louder and louder. They head to the outside where Joe catches Briscoe and flips him over with a suplex. Joe keeps at it with headbutts and kicks before hitting a suplex for a two count. Joe keeps Briscoe in the corner and hits an Enziguri, sending Briscoe to the outside. Joe sends Briscoe to the outside where he hits him with a dive right in front of his family. Joe grabs a chair, but as he starts talking trash to the crowd, he gets taken out with a dropkick. Briscoe sets up the chair and flips over to Joe on the outside before going to kiss one of his daughters. Briscoe tries to set up a table, but Joe stops him. As the referee tries to stop Joe from setting the table up, Briscoe flies off the apron with a blockbuster going through the semi setup table. They start trading more chops until Briscoe sends Joe down with a forearm. Briscoe slowly gets up and acts like he’s going for a tag to his brother, which amps him up as he tries to go for a Jay Driller but Joe stops him with a power slam for a two. Joe hits a power bomb and puts Briscoe into the STF, as Joe is bleeding down from his mouth. Briscoe is able to reach the bottom rope to break this up. Joe hits a suplex and a clothesline, as Briscoe kicks out at two. Joe sets up for the Muscle Buster, but Briscoe escapes and hits a bit off the apron. Briscoe heads to the top rope and hits the Froggy Bow, but Joe kicks out at two. Briscoe calls for the Jay Driller, but Joe counters it. Joe puts a choke on Briscoe until he hits a Sleeper Suplex, puts the sleeper back on as Paul Turner ends the match.

Winner: Samoa Joe by referee stoppage at 14:26, to retain

Daniel Garcia vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi

Hiroshi Tanahashi starts the match pressing Daniel Garcia against the ropes, as Garcia claps at that. Garcia starts pulling Tanahashi by the hair, and teases ‘Go Ace’ to the crowd. They take it to the outside, but Garcia hits a drop toe hold to Tanahashi onto the steps. Garcia keeps working on Tanahashi’s left leg before teasing the air guitar and dances a little. Back inside, he continues working on it as the crowd starts chanting ‘you’re a wrestler’ to Garcia, which pisses him off. Tanahashi mounts a comeback, hitting a cannonball for a two, but Garcia comes back with a scissor kick for a two. They go back and forth with kicks to the knee until Garcia trips Takahashi down. Tanahashi comes back with a dragon screw leg whip before putting on a Lion Tamer style Cloverleaf. Garcia tries a piledriver, but Tanahashi reverses it into a neck breaker followed by a sling blade for a two count. Tanahashi heads to the top for High Fly Flow for the pin and the win.

Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi by pinfall at 11:59

ROH World Tag Team Championship Reach For The Sky Ladder Match: Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis) vs. Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin) vs. La Faccion Ingobernable (Rush & Dralistico) (w/ Jose the Assistant) vs. The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) (w/ Maria Kanellis-Bennett) vs. Lucha Brothers (Rey Fenix & Penta El Zero Miedo) (w/ Alex Abrahantes)

Matt Taven is in tears making his entrance as this match means a lot to him. As soon as the match starts, they start fighting on the outside, as The Kingdom & La Faccion Ingobernable are holding fort in the ring, before The Kingdom take them out. LFI starts going after Top Flight, setting them in the corner, where Rush hits them with the Bull’s Horns with a ladder in between them. Aussie Open comes in and faces off against LFI taken them both off. Lucha Brothers join and take out Mark Davis with a superkick, before putting a ladder and Kyle Fletcher on top of them as they hit an inverted code red. Rey Fenix hits a Pele kick to Davis off the ropes, as Penta El Zero Miedo takes out Fletcher on the other side. LFI follows with dives to the outside. The Kingdom lifts up Darius Martin and hit him with a Doomsday Device to the outside, as a tribute to The Briscoes from a match they did it with them in 2015. The Kingdom start setting up a whole bunch of tables as LFI takes out Penta. The Kingdom go for double Jay Drillers on the top of the stage, but Aussie Opens reverse it to hit a piledriver and a tombstone instead. Aussie Open runs with very large ladders and sandwich Dante Martin in between them. A whole bunch of craziness ensues until a blood Mike Bennett and Rush decide not to climb the ladder and instead start brawling back and forth with chops. Everybody gets laid out except Dralistico who starts climbing the ladder where Darius runs up to meet him at the top. Darius gets knocked down where he slingshots Dante up there who almost grabs the title before Dralistico takes him down. Rush tries to bring a chair inside but Dante kick his face as he’s holding it. Aussie Open stop Top Flight from climbing next followed by tossing Penta onto a ladder in the corner. Fletcher starts climbing but Dante dropkicks him off as Darius starts climbing next. Taven follows him but Darius takes him off the ladder with a Spanish Fly. Bloody Bennett starts climbing, but Dante meets him at the top and hits him with a sunset bomb off the ladder. Aussie Open catch Dante with the Coriolis before flipping Darius from inside to the outside on a ladder in a nasty looking move. Dralistico takes Davis out with a DDT, heads to the top rope and sends Davis into the commentary table with a hurricanrana. Bennett powerbombs Dralistico onto a ladder where Taven hits him with a frog splash, breaking the ladder. Rush and Davis fight on the apron, where Rush tosses Davis to the floor. Jose and Abrahantes start fighting for some reason that leads to nothing. Fenix and Dante are on the top of the ladder, knocking Fenix off. Penta meets Dante on the top, where they walk on the ladder that’s in between the other ladder and the ropes and hits a Fear Factor crashing on the row of tables on the outside, where Dante looks to awkwardly land. Taven gets kicked off the ladder by Fenix, who then grabs the titles for the win.

Winners: Lucha Brothers (Rey Fenix & Penta El Zero Miedo) at 20:14 to become NEW ROH World Tag Team Champions

Mark Briscoe comes to the stage, and brings out FTR as they embrace the Lucha Brothers and congratulate them on becoming champions. Mark then embraces The Kingdom.

ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta (c) vs. Katsuyori Shibata

Jon Moxley surprisingly comes out as Wheeler Yuta’s second as Pat Buck, Madison Rayne & Christopher Daniels are the today’s for the match. A minute into the match, Moxley heads to the back. They start the match a bit slow, as Katsuyori Shibata takes Yuta down and puts on a head scissors. Shibata puts on a figure four, as commentary mentions how William Regal trained Yuta to never grab for the ropes. Yuta tries to fight his way out, then reaches for the ropes but Shibata pulls him to the middle of the ring. Eventually Yuta grabs the rope to use his first rope break. Funny moment here when Bobby Cruise announced ’55 minutes’ remaining as you heard a collective groan from the crowd who’s probably been watching wrestling at shows for the past 10 hours straight. Yuta starts driving his knee down and going for pin attempts, before he starts working on Shibata’s left arm. Shibata powers out and lands a kick to the throat. Yuta tries to come back with chops, but they don’t phase Shibata at all. A frustrated Yuta hits a low blow and a closed fist, but the referee only sees the fist and gives Yuta one warning. Yuta continues with more chops, but Shibata eats them and knocks Yuta into the corner with a hard shot before stomping away at Yuta followed by a dropkick in the corner. Shibata follows with a suplex for a two count and quickly puts on a chin lock. Yuta uses his second rope break, as he’s now down to one left. Shibata hits a flurry of kicks to Yuta’s chest, but he reactions back with a spit in the face. They go back and forth before Shibata hits a crazy slap and puts on the sleeper followed by the PK for the pin and the win.

Winner: Wheeler Yuta by pinfall at 13:15, to become NEW ROH Pure Champion

Shibata reaches for a handshake after, but Yuta flips him off and leaves.

Dynamite Line-Up

  • Tony Khan has a very important announcement
  • AEW Women’s World Championship: Jamie Hayter (c) vs. Riho
  • MJF Day
  • AEW World Trios Championship: House of Black (c) vs. Orange Cassidy & Best Friends
  • We hear from Blackpool Combat Club
  • Sammy Guevara vs. Komander
  • The Acclaimed give their answer to the J.A.S.
  • FTW Championship: Hook (c) vs. Ethan Page
  • AEW World Tag Team Championship (Titles vs. AEW Careers): The Gunns (c) vs. FTR

They also announce that Athena will defend the ROH Women’s World Championship against Miyu Yamashita on Thursday’s ROH on HonorClub. No mention of the previously announced Ricky Starks vs. Juice Robinson match for Dynamite.

ROH World Championship: Claudio Castagnoli (c) vs. Eddie Kingston

As soon as the bell rings, Eddie Kingston goes right after Claudio Castagnoli, but Claudio sends Kingston spilling to the outside. Kingston goes to grab a chair, but it’s taken away so instead he hits a back suplex and a chop to Claudio before working on his neck with a headlock. Kingston starts working on Claudio’s left knee as he goes to the outside to regroup. Kingston teases diving onto Claudio, but he stops him with an uppercut. They start fighting on the apron where Claudio hits a bunch of slaps before pulling to the outside with a suplex. Claudio comes back with a flying headbutt but shows a bit of a limp. They start trading slaps, but Claudio takes Kingston down and tries the Giant Swing, but can’t hold on for too long because of his ankle. Claudio sets Kingston on the top rope and hits a bunch of uppercuts and a dropkick, knocking Kingston down. They head back to the top, where Claudio hits a superplex for a two count. Claudio follows with a double stomp, but Kingston goes for Claudio’s face to stop the pin attempt. Claudio heads to the outside where Kingston hits him with a suicide dive. Kingston follows that with a bulldog off the second rope for a two. They start trading blows, until Kingston puts on the stretch plum, but Claudio falls and grabs the rope. Kingston hits a back drop driver for a two count. Claudio comes back with a hard German Suplex. Kingston counters a Ricola Bomb and hits the Uraken, but Claudio kicks out. They fight on the apron, where Claudio hits a gut wrench suplex, crashing Kingston to the floor. Claudio starts attacking Kingston with the barricade before sending him back inside where he hits him with a running uppercut, that Kingston kicks out of. Claudio starts smacking Kingston saying he will never get his respect. Kingston hits a pair of Uraken, but Claudio does a choke swing followed by the Neutralizer. Kingston gets right back up, so Claudio hits a European Uppercut that Kingston kicks out of. Claudio hits a flurry of strikes and uppercuts, followed by a Ricola Bomb attempt. Kingston tries to reverse it, but Claudio reverses back for the pin.

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli by pinfall at 20:07, to retain

Fuck. Shit. Mother Fuck. I Don’t Care.

Castagnoli & Yuta start cornering Kingston, until Katsuyori Shibata makes his way out as he raises Kingston’s hand as Claudio raises his with the title. Once Yuta & Claudio leave, Kingston grabs a mic that doesn’t work at first. He asks if he’s on PPV and is told he has one minute left, so he says ‘fuck, shit, mother fuck, I don’t care’. He tells HR they can fine him before asking everybody to give it up for living legends Shibata and Tanahashi. They tell him he’s got 25 seconds, but he says he doesn’t give a shit a shit and they can go off the air. He says they usually give MJF 30 minutes on TV, so he asks for 5. Kingston ends it by saying he’s not going anywhere and tells Claudio he’s going to beat his ass.

About John Siino 424 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.