Jaguar Yokota to be in action at STARDOM’s 8/19 event

Photo Courtesy: Etsuo Hara)

40-plus year veteran Jaguar Yokota is going to be in action for STARDOM. 

STARDOM held a press conference on 7/25 and among the announcements is that 40-plus year veteran and former All Japan Women’s Champion Jaguar Yokota is going to be in action. 

She’ll be tagging with Nanae Takahashi and Momoe Nakanishi and they’ll be facing Momo Watanabe, Starlight Kid and Yuu. 

Yokota, at the age of 62, wrestles on a consistent basis. She was most recently in action on July 22nd as a part of a title match for Pro Wrestling ZERO1. 

During the press conference, an update was provided on Saya Kamitani and it was confirmed that she is sidelined with a dislocated elbow and ligament damage.

About Andrew Thompson 10120 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.