D-Von Dudley would be open to going on another run if he feels good after Team 3D reunion at IMPACT 1000

Photo Courtesy: Gordon Harris/PCW

Team 3D is coming back in September. 

The 1,000th episode of IMPACT Wrestling TV is scheduled to take place on September 9th. The company has formally announced The Beautiful People (Angelina Love & Velvet Sky), Kia Stevens (Awesome Kong) and most recently Team 3D (D-Von Dudley & Bully Ray) for the show. 

Both TNA Hall of Famers were on Busted Open Radio to discuss the news. It is confirmed that they’ll be in action at IMPACT 1000. D-Von is excited to get back in the ring and see what’s left in the tank. He feels there will be a lot left with Bully in-ring. 

Dudley mentioned that Tommy Dreamer will be with them so if he gets winded and Bully is not on the apron, he’ll tag Dreamer in. 

I’m excited about that, I’m really am (Team 3D reunion). It’s been almost 10 years since I’ve been in the ring and it’s like riding a bike and getting off it and getting right back on it again. I think I’m excited about that. I’m waiting to see how much I got left in the tank for me to go, and you know, for me and Bubba to go back and do our thing, I can’t wait. 

And now having the opportunity to get back with Bubba and be on the 1,000th episode of IMPACT and to relive the glory that we once had, I think it’s great. I’m really looking forward to this and I’m ready to see how much — like I said earlier, how much I got left. I think there’s a lot left to go back in the ring and to do things and if I’m not mistaken Tommy (Dreamer), I believe you’re gonna be along with me. So if I breathe heavy or if I need to tag out and Bubba ain’t on the apron, I’m tagging you. I’m letting you know that (he laughed). 

Bully then asked D-Von if he is feeling good after the match at IMPACT 1000, would he want to go again and here’s how he responded: 

Absolutely (he’d be open to doing it again if he feels good after IMPACT 1000). Like you always say, I want us to be KISS. I want us to really put the makeup on for the last time, go out there and hit the greatest hits, have a great time with the people, have a great time with each other and just make history again. I would love that.

Team 3D have won championships in WWE, TNA, New Japan Pro-Wrestling and ECW. D-Von weighed in on current teams calling themselves the greatest of all-time. He stated that Team 3D is for sure the most decorated team of all-time. He does not feel they are the best team ever, but does think they’re the best team from their era of tag wrestling. 

Well I’m gonna say this, we (Team 3D) are the most decorated tag team in the history of this business. (There is no team) that has held more title reigns than us but I’ve always said this, you’ve said this in interviews as well is that we’ve always thought that The Road Warriors were the greatest tag team in the history of this business. You have teams like The Hart Foundation, The British Bulldogs, The Midnight Express, The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express, Arn (Anderson) and Tully (Blanchard). You have all of these great tag teams that have come before us. What I like to say is people ask me, they go, ‘Do you consider yourself the greatest tag team of all-time?’ And I’m gonna be honest with you, I tell ‘em no. I say, ‘It’s like Michael Jordan, Dr. J and LeBron James. For the 60s and 70s, Dr. J was the man. Then you take Michael Jordan in the 80s and 90s and maybe early 2000s even when he was with the (Washington) Wizards and Michael Jordan reigned supreme. There was nobody better than Jordan. But now you come to this new generation. You have LeBron James and I’m not excluding Kobe (Bryant) because Kobe, I put in the same category as Michael. That’s the only thing that can get close to Michael is Kobe Bryant, and so in my opinion, I think the era that you grew up in, the era that you’re in, I like to say we’re the greatest tag team of our era. I don’t wanna say all-time because again, we’ve had so many people that have come before us that have honestly said that they’re the greatest of all-time. I like to say that we’re the greatest tag team of all-time during our era.

Bully Ray is going to be in action on the 8/10 IMPACT on AXS. He is teaming with Moose and Brian Myers to take on Samuray Del Sol, Laredo Kid and Black Taurus. 

If the quotes in this article are used, please credit Busted Open Radio with an H/T to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions.

About Andrew Thompson 10143 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.