AEW All In 2023 Results: MJF retains, title changes, Wembley return in 2024

Photo Courtesy: AEW

August 27, 2023
Wembley Stadium – London, UK

By: John Kleinchester

All In Results:

  • ROH Tag Team Championship: MJF & Adam Cole over Aussie Open (c) in 6:59
  • FTW Championship: Hook over Jack Perry (c) in 8:24
  • “Real” World Championship: CM Punk (c) over Samoa Joe in 13:58
  • Bullet Club Gold & Konosuke Takeshita over The Golden Elite in 20:28
  • AEW Tag Team Championships: FTR (c) over Young Bucks in 21:45
  • Stadium Stampede: Best Friends, Penta Oscuro, and Eddie Kingston over Blackpool Combat Club and Santa & Ortiz in 21:21
  • AEW Women’s Championship: Saraya over Hikaru Shida (c), Toni Storm, & Dr. Britt Baker in 8:43
  • Coffin Match: Darby Allin & Sting over Swerve Strickland & Christian Cage in 15:49
  • Will Ospreay over Chris Jericho in 14:56
  • AEW Trios Championship: The Acclaimed over House of Black (c) in 10:03
  • AEW World Championship: MJF over Adam Cole in 27:29

Pre-Pre Show

Before 12 pm Eastern time which was the advertised start time for the Zero Hour, Powerhouse Hobbs and Miro signed a contract for their upcoming match at All Out and a brawl ensued.

Tony Schiavone got on the ring to thank the fans for welcoming AEW to London but he was swiftly interrupted by Jeff Jarrett and his crew. Jarrett got on the mic and started running down the crowd saying that the United States paved the way for this event, not England. This led to Paul Wight and Anthony Ogogo interrupting and bringing with them Grado. Paul Wight knocked out Satnam Singh and the threesome decimated Jarrett’s crew ending with a guitar shot on Jarrett by Grado. 

Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship

AEW All In: Zero Hour officially kicked off with Aussie Open defending the ROH World Tag Team Championships against the team of Adam Cole and MJF. Just as Cole & MJF were about to do their crowd chant-a-long of “Adam Cole”, Aussie Open jumped the challengers robbing the crowd of their moment. This led to Aussie Open dominating the early portion of the match. MJF and Cole battled back with MJF finally hitting the Kangaroo Kick to a huge pop. They followed that up with the Double Clothesline for the victory and we have new ROH Tag Team Champions. No dissension was teased between to team ahead of their main event World Title match.

Winners: MJF & Adam Cole in 6:59 (new ROH Tag Team Champions)


Mercedes Tease

After the ROH tag title match, Mercedes Moné was shown seated in the crowd and the fans exploded. 

FTW Championship

Next up on the Zero Hour was Hook attempting to regain the FTW Championship from champion Jack Perry. Perry arrived in Wembley in a limo and Hook marched down the ramp and the two started brawling in, around, and on the limo. Perry executed Rob Van Dam’s Rolling Thunder on Hook on the limo hood.

Perry then looked into the camera and said “Real glass. Cry me a river” referring to the limo’s windshield which he was promptly backdropped onto by Hook. The pair brawled their way back to the ring and Perry continued to dominate, even teasing a Coast-to-Coast dropkick with Hook propped in the far corner with a garbage can on him. But instead, Perry just hopped down off the ropes and gave the crowd the double middle fingers.

In the end, Hook was able to apply the Redrum and make Perry submit to regain the FTW Championship.

Winner: Hook in 8:24 (new FTW Champion)

“Real” World Championship: CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe

The main show started off with Excalibur exclaiming “It’s Wembley, and you know what that means!” 

With that, the first match would be the “Real” World Championship with CM Punk defending against ROH TV Champion Samoa Joe. Early in the match, CM Punk attempted a jump over the top rope onto Samoa Joe only to have Joe do his patented simply-saunter out of the way. Samoa Joe flung then sent Punk through the front-bottom portion of the announce table and that busted Punk open and gave Joe the advantage. 

Samoa Joe then set up for his Muscle Buster finisher but Punk countered and landed a big roundhouse kick to level Joe. Punk then mimicked Hulk Hogan with a leg drop on Joe but Joe kicked out at 1. Samoa Joe recovered and did the Hogan “you” pointing spot. Punk then went for the Spinning Toe Hold in honor of Terry Funk but Joe countered. CM Punk then bit Samoa Joe and hit the Pepsi Plunge for the victory.

Winner: CM Punk in 13:58

Bullet Club Gold & Konosuke Takeshita vs. The Golden Elite

Next up was Jay White, Juice Robinson, and Konosuke Takeshita taking on Kenny Omega, Kota Ibushi, and Hangman Adam Page. Bullet Club Gold was in full force with The Gunns accompanying them to ringside. Don Callis joined the commentary desk as he was out with Takeshita. Callis pointed out that he was very familiar with all of Kenny Omega’s previous injuries and their plan was to attack those areas on Omega that he had surgery on in years past. Because of that, the heels dominated a good portion of the match, keeping Omega down and away from his partners, including The Gunns pulling Ibushi & Page from the apron to prevent a tag. 


Hangman was finally tagged in and singlehandedly took down all three of his opponents to a huge pop from the crowd. At one point Omega and Takeshita faced off alone in the ring and Nigel McGuinness wryly exclaimed “Finally we are getting the one-on-one match everyone wanted to see.” After a flurry of offense from the faces, Page hit an avalanche Blockbuster on Takeshita. As he set up to hit the Buckshot Lariat, The Gunns distracted him and they were hit with a moonsault for their efforts. Omega was hitting V-Triggers to all of the opponents when Takeshita surprised him with a roll-up for the victory. 

Winners: Bullet Club Gold & Konosuke Takeshita in 20:28

AEW Tag Team Championship: The Young Bucks vs. FTR

The Young Bucks were out first with a brief intro mini-theme with the lyrics “Superkick Knocks You Out” which seemed to confuse the crowd a bit until “Superkick Party” finally hit. FTR was out second to a big response. The crowd seemed pretty split down the middle for these two teams and the match went back and forth with each team evenly having control. Dax Harwood and Matt Jackson had a memorable sequence exchanging a myriad of different suplexes that ended with FTR applying dueling Sharpshooters to the Bucks until Nick Jackson was able to break things up. 

The Bucks then attempted a Power Plex but FTR countered and Nick Jackson accidentally took out Matt. FTR then hit Nick with a Spike Piledriver for a nearfall. The Bucks then blocked a Shatter Machine attempt from FTR and got another nearfall. Then Dax accidentally hit Cash allowing the Bucks to hit multiple superkicks on Dax following that up with a Stuff Piledriver for a nearfall. The Bucks then missed a BTE Trigger allowing Dax & Cash to hit an FTR Trigger on Matt followed by the Shatter Machine but Matt was able to kick out to a huge pop. 

Cash then missed a 450 splash which is what cost FTR the match back in 2020 but Cash was able to kick out. The Bucks then hit a BTE Trigger and it looked like Nick Jackson pulled Cash off the mat before the three count even though Dax was diving to break up the pin. The Bucks then hit the Shatter Machine and another BTE Trigger on Cash for another huge nearfall. The Buicks then attempted the Meltzer Driver but FTR countered and hit the Shatter Machine for the victory.

After the match, FTR offered handshakes but The Young Bucks turned and left.

Winners: FTR in 21:45

Stadium Stampede

Blackpool Combat Club and Santana and Ortiz were out first with BCC in custom peacoats and sunglasses as Nigel McGuinness referenced the absence of The American Dragon “Brittle” Danielson. Best Friends, Eddie Kingston, and Penta were out second with Kingston pushing by everyone and charging down the ramp to get to Claudio Castagnoli as the match began with all participants brawling in the aisle. Santana & Ortiz squared off with Best Friends referencing back to their Parking Lot Brawl from a few years back. Meanwhile, Eddie Kingston and Claudio Castagnoli were brawling on their own on the side of the stadium.

Jon Moxley was bleeding early and used a branding iron in homage to Terry Funk. Penta then hit multiple unprotected chair shots on Santana & Ortiz in the ring. Moxley then pulled skewers out only to have them brutally used against him in a very memorable moment. Penta was then powerbombed through chairs and seemingly injured as he was taken to the back.

Eddie and Claudio were shown on the split screen brawling backstage and later emerged in the 200-section level of the Stadium which the announcers described as “The Royal Box”. Meanwhile, Moxley mauled Orange Cassidy with a fork and then suplexed him onto a chair. Meanwhile, Wheeler Yuta and Chuck Taylor were shown fighting in the backstage area. Yuta and Taylor then joined Claudio and Eddie and used umbrellas on their foes.

Eddie Kingston then started attacking the security in the Royal Box VIP area until Yuta hit him over the head with a bottle. Back in the ring, Trent Beretta took multiple brutal drops onto a ladder propped up in the corner and then was dropped onto a barbed-wire board and then subjected to a piledriver onto the steps by Moxley. Ortiz then bloodied Orange Cassidy with a fork. 

At this point, Yuta, Claudio, and Chuck returned from the Royal Box when Sue drove into the stadium with a mini-van only to have Moxley force a kiss on her. Sue then handed Trent trays of cookies. Suddenly Penta returned as Penta Oscuro and a ladder briefly broke before he hit a Sunset Bomb on Ortiz through two tables.

The Best Friends gave the people what they wanted with a group hug around their former friend Yuta and then promptly beat him down. Yuta then attempted to hit Taylor with a screwdriver and missed, sticking it into the turnbuckle. Claudio made the save on the pin and subjected Cassidy to the Giant Swing, managing twenty-one rotations. Legos then appeared at ringside as someone was put into them. Trent then perplexed Ortiz off the top to the outside through a table. Cassidy then hit three Orange Punches on Claudio but Claudio was able to kick out. Cassidy then put tape on his fist and dipped it into broken glass but Moxley stopped him and then rubbed broken glass onto his chest.

Eddie Kingston then re-emerged from the back with a barb-wired-wrapped chair and went right at Claudio. Moxley then stopped him and Eddie hit spinning back fists on both as Cassidy finally hit the Orange Punch with glass on his fist on Claudio for the victory.

Winners: Best Friends, Penta Oscuro, and Eddie Kingston in 21:21

AEW Women’s World Championship 4-Way Match

Saraya was out first, entering along with her family to Queen’s “We Will Rock You”. Toni Storm was not to be outdone as she entered next to “God Save the Queen”. Dr. Britt Baker and AEW Women’s Champion Hikaru Shida both entered with their traditional themes. The story here was the two Outcasts members working together early on but they quickly fell apart. Toni Storm then decked Saraya’s mother who was sat ringside amplifying their issue and the two went at it. Ruby Soho ran down and tried to stop Toni but Storm hit Soho as well who stomped off angrily. Saraya then got a submission on Toni Storm but Baker ran up and stomped Storm’s head into the mat for a near fall.

Britt Baker then attempted to hit the Lock Jaw on Shida but couldn’t fully lock it in. Saraya then got Toni Storm in the eyes with spray paint, hitting The Nightcap for the victory. After the match, Saraya brought her family into the ring to celebrate her title win.

Winner: Saraya in 8:45 (new AEW Women’s Champion)

Coffin Match

Swerve Strickland was out first and was flanked by Prince Nana, DJ Whoo Kid & Flash Garments. Sting and Darby Allin were out next coming to the ring to Seek & Destroy by Metallica. Nigel also noted the “Fireflies” in the crowd tonight as the Wembley fans put their phone lights up. 

Sting and Darby donned thumbtack-covered jackets and executed dueling Stinger Splashes in the corners and were in control until Swerve and Christian hit dueling spears on them. Christian then taped Darby’s hands behind his back as Swerve attacked Sting with a Cricket bat on the outside. 

Darby with his hands restrained hit a second-rope moonsault and and a dive to the outside where Sting freed him. Sting was about to slam Swerve into the coffin when Christian kicked it closed at the last second. Sting then attempted to splash Swerve through a table but it didn’t break so he made a second attempt and succeeded. 

Darby then hit a top-rope shotgun dropkick on Christian who he put seated in a chair on the floor. The faces almost had Christian closed in the coffin when Luchasaurs arrived and lawn-darted Darby into the coffin, denting it severely. Nick Wayne then appeared hitting Luchasaurus with a skateboard but Luchasaurus headbutted him and then chokeslammed him onto the skateboard then carried him to the back.

Darby then attempted to hit a Coffin Drop on Swerve on top of the coffin but Swerve moved at the last minute and Excalibur called it a “Coffin Flop”. Sting got Christian in the Scorpion Deathlock and Swerve hit Sting with a chair which he no sold and knocked the chair into Swerve’s face. Christian then used Sting’s bat to low blow him and Swerve then double-stopped him from the top rope. Swerve put Sting into the open coffin and then spat on Sting’s bat and threw it in with him but Sting positioned the bat to stop the lid from closing. 

Swerve then slammed Sting on top of the coffin and attempted to a 450 him but Sting moved. Meanwhile, on the outside, Darby hit Christian with the TNT Championship. Sting then hit the Scorpion Death Drop on Swerve on top of the coffin. Sting tried to close the coffin on Swerve but his fingers prevented it from closing. Darby then hit a Coffin Drop on Swerve who was half out of the coffin and they closed it for the victory.

Winners: Darby Allin & Sting in 15:49

Chris Jericho vs. Will Ospreay

Chris Jericho’s band Fozzy played “Judas” live in the stadium to kick off the next match. Jericho was accompanied to the ring by Sammy Guevara and Will Ospreay was cornered by Don Callis. A clip was shown from last night at the RevPro show with Chris Jericho under a mask attacking Will Ospreay. At one point early in the match, Jericho hit Ospreay with a huge belly-to-back suplex on the apron that looked brutal for Ospreay landing on his neck.

Ospreay blocked Jericho’s Judas Effect and hit an Os Cutter for a near fall. Ospreay went for Storm Breaker but Jericho reversed it into the Walls of Jericho. Callis jumped up on the ring distracting the referee which allowed Sammy Guevara to hit Ospreay with Jericho’s bat. Will then powered out of the Walls and got a near fall with a Spanish Fly. Jericho then attempted an Os Cutter of his own but landed awkwardly. Ospreay kicked out before one and hulked up. He attempted Storm Breaker again but Jericho lowblowed him without the ref seeing it. Jericho hit the Judas Effect but Ospreay kicked out at 2 to a big pop.

Ospreay finally landed the Storm Breaker on his third attempt but Jericho kicked out. Will then set up for the Hidden Blade but Jericho turned around and gave him the finger. Ospreay hit the Hidden Blade to Jericho’s face and then landed another Storm Breaker for the pinfall victory. After the match, Jericho shoved Sammy Guevara away and left him in the ring. 

Winner: Will Ospreay in 14:56

AEW Trios Championship

House of Black was out first and again the announcers referenced the “fireflies” in the crowd and sent their condolences to Bray Wyatt’s family. 

The Acclaimed came out and Max Caster made references to Prince Andrew, Megan Markel, and Harry Potter. The announce team noted that there was no scissoring of Daddy Ass as Billy Gunn was “Badd Ass” indicating a more serious character. It was announced this would be a “House Rules” match and they chose a No Holds Barred match. 

Early on Julia Hart got into the ring to which Billy Gunn yelled “suck my d*ck” and the trio did the Scissor drop to Julia. Mercedes Moné was shown again in the crowd in the middle of this match to another big pop. Brody King tried to hit Max Caster with a steel chain but accidentally nailed Malakai Black. The Acclaimed each hit Fame-Assers on House of Black and had the match won but Julia Hart pulled the referee out of the ring. Malakai hit “The End” spinning heel kick on Billy Gunn but he was able to kick out. Bowens hit Brody with The Arrival and Caster hit the Mic Drop but Brody King kicked out at 1. Gunn then hit the Fame-Asser, Bowens hit a second Arrival followed by Caster hitting a second Mic Drop and the trio scored the victory and captured the Trios titles. 

After the match, House of Black grabbed the belts and handed them over to The Acclaimed. Bowens got on the mic and told Billy that they promised gold back around his waist. The trio then scissored and Wembley went nuts.

Winners: The Acclaimed in 10:03 (new AEW Trios Champions)

AEW World Championship

Adam Cole was out first and finally was able to do his “Adam Cole, Baby!” spot that was denied in the opening match. MJF came out to an orchestral version of his theme perched on a throne with his devil mask on and women bowing to him as he passed by. 

Before the match started, MJF and Adam Cole each donned their “Better Than You Bay Bay” shirts to show they were both going to play things fair and even shook hands after the opening back-and-forth exchange. MJF then called for a “Sportsmanship” chant and shook Cole’s hand again only this time he poked Cole in the eyes which led to the crowd chanting “he’s our scumbag”. MJF helped Cole up and Cole slapped him. Cole’s heel tactics increased as time went on and pulled the champion’s hair multiple times until MJF reciprocated. 

MJF teased a dive to the outside on Cole but stopped himself. Cole then screamed they might be friends but he was better than MJF and ripped off MJF’s “Bay Bay” shirt. MJF retorted by pounding Cole in the corner and biting his forehead. MJF then finally acquiesced to the crowd’s wishes and dove onto Cole on the outside and was shocked when the maneuver was successful. 

MJF then attempted a Panama Sunrise but was met with a superkick from Cole. Cole responded with MJF’s Heat Seeker and scored a near fall after MJF got his foot onto the bottom rope. Cole then hit a sheer-drop brainbuster on the steel ring steps in an insane-looking spot as Taz noted that MJF’s parents were sitting right there at ringside. MJF just barely got back into the ring avoiding a count-out. 

MJF then had to talk himself into attempting a Tombstone piledriver through the announce table but ended up balking and not following through with it. Cole then turned it around and tombstoned Max on the table which didn’t give whatsoever. Cole rolled MJF back into the ring but MJF was able to kick out at 2. 

MJF and Adam Cole double-clotheslined each other and both pinned each other, the bell was rung and the result of the match was announced as a draw at 19:02

Adam Cole asked for five more minutes and MJF said “No…five minutes isn’t enough! We’re going until we got a winner in f*cking Wembley!” and the match resumed with the ref getting knocked out almost immediately. MJF grabbed a chair and he and Adam Cole both tossed the chair back and forth attempting to get the Eddie Guerrero spot. Max finally collapsed on the mat with the chair around his neck and the ref admonished Cole but the match continued. 

MJF then hit the heat seeker for a near fall. Cole then Straight-Jacket German Suplexed MJF on the apron. Cole then hit the Panama Sunrise on MJF on the floor and rolled MJF back into the ring but MJF kicked out. Cole then went for another Panama Sunrise but MJF pulled the referee in the way and Bryce Remsburg took the move. MJF then pulled out the Dynamite Diamond ring and seemed conflicted about using it before putting it back into his tights. 

Roderick Strong appeared and low-blowed MJF. Cole then successfully hit the Panama Sunrise followed by The Boom but the ref was still down. The ref came to and began an extremely slow count as MJF was able to kick out again. Strong then threw the AEW Championship to Adam Cole and screamed “Do it, I’m your best friend!” and Cole responded by ripping off his “Better Than You Bay Bay” shirt. Cole picked up the belt and was about to use it before throwing it out of the ring. Strong then stormed off to the back. 

After the match, MJF told Cole that the people still loved him and it could have gone either way and he got lucky as the crowd chanted “Hug it out”. MJF grabbed the ROH Tag Titles but Adam Cole threw them away. MJF started screaming at Adam Cole and threw the World Title at him saying to “f*cking take it” then turned around begging Cole to hit him with it. Roderick Strong re-emerged egging Cole on but he threw the belt down and the two hugged it out again as their “Better Than You Bay Bay” theme played. Cole then held MJF’s hand high as confetti fell in the stadium. The Kingdom then appeared holding Roderick Strong in the entranceway as a fireworks display began out of the roof of Wembley. 

Winner: MJF in 27:29

Before the show went off the air, Excalibur announced All In 2024 returning to Wembley on Sunday, August 25th.

About John Kleinchester 171 Articles
New Jersey born and raised. Wrestling fan since Lex slammed Yokozuna on the deck of the USS Intrepid. Favorite Wrestler of all time is Owen "The Rocket" Hart.