John Pollock and Wai Ting answer their patrons’ questions about anything and everything in an extra-large August 2023 edition of Ask-A-Wai. This month:
- Should intermissions return to PPVs?
- How does the Attitude Era change if Shawn Michaels never left?
- “Good Match/Bad Story” or “Bad Match/Good Story”?
- Our experience with unionization
- Was Kurt Angle actually good from the start?
- How should AEW book Collision against WrestleMania?
- History of Tape Trading
- “The Wai-In”
- Handling “Wrestling is Fake” people
- Weezer’s original bass player
- … more
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- Forum (Patreon patrons): https://forum.postwrestling.com/t/ask-a-wai-questions-thread/1214
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