Billy Corgan announces two television deals for NWA

Photo Courtesy: National Wrestling Alliance

Two TV deals for NWA. 

To promote NWA’s Samhain pay-per-view on October 28th, the organization’s owner, Billy Corgan, guest appeared on Busted Open Radio

Corgan broke the news that he’s finalized two television deals for the National Wrestling Alliance. Corgan said he has to remain vague to an extent, but their programming will be featured on a ‘top 20 network’. He added that they’ll still use YouTube to push out content. 

YouTube is a terrible partner for wrestling. I’m just gonna say that flat out and lately, because who knows how these A.I. systems work? They’ve been squeezing all the wrestling content creators. No one can quite figure it out but everybody’s numbers are down and that’s across the board. So God knows why YouTube’s doing what it’s doing but it’s very mercurial and we can’t even put ads on YouTube because they keep labeling — even if it’s just Jim Mitchell saying, ‘Come watch Samhain,’ the pay-per-view, it gets banned for being offensive and we can’t find anybody to talk to-to tell you why you can’t put an ad on there so even when we’re trying to spend money to get people to watch our programming, we can’t. So, five years ago, yes, YouTube, great place to start. It helped us build the brand. Starting with the debut of Powerrr which we just past our fourth anniversary and thanks to people like The Rock for putting it over. It kind of put us on the map and so it’s been an effective way. But now, and this goes back to Bully’s question, I can now say for the first time and I have to be a bit vague because there’s some other political aspects to this but I can now say that we finally have signed not just one, but two television deals and an announcement as far as where and who will be coming soon but we finally now will be available to move off YouTube. Not exclusively because we still wanna do stuff on YouTube but we now will be moving with a network partner… I can say it’s a top 20 network and very excited. I’ve been working on this for over a year and like I said, not just one but two television deals are involved. Two totally different wrestling-related products we will be offering so 2024 is looking very, very bright. We’re very excited…

Speaking about the venture of NWA having territories, starting with Exodus Pro, Corgan stated that since the announcement, they’ve received requests from 40-50 people that want to be involved. 

He said in the short-term, NWA is going to focus on their already-existing relationships. He feels they can help territories by supplying top talent from NWA and in turn, NWA can be involved with the next crop of up-and-coming talents. 

The reaction to the announcement of the first sort of new regional territory under my watch, the response has been incredible. We received requests from all over the world. I mean, probably somewhere in the neighborhood of somewhere from 40-50 people wanting to be involved so we’re sorting through those now and we certainly take all those requests seriously. In the short-term, we’re gonna mostly work with people we have existing relationships with and I think the opportunities are self-evident. Not only can we bring some of the top NWA stars into a particular territory to help their houses and their local focus but also, we need to develop the stars of tomorrow which I think is pretty important, especially for a company like the NWA.

To get a look at the updated Samhain lineup, head over to this link here on POST Wrestling’s website

If the quotes in this article are used, please credit Busted Open Radio with an H/T to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions.

About Andrew Thompson 10141 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.