AEW Dynamite Results: Like a Dragon Gaiden – The Man Who Erased His Name Street Fight

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Dynamite

November 15th, 2023

By: John Siino

Toyota Center in Ontario, CA

Commentary: Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone

Hook & Orange Cassidy vs. Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley & Wheeler Yuta)

As Jon Moxley & Wheeler Yuta are making their entrance through the crowd, Hook & Orange Cassidy run to them and start attacking them before the match can even start. Moxley & Cassidy start fighting up the stairs for a while before Moxley starts choking him out with his shirt and they head back towards the ring where Yuta & Hook are battling. Yuta & Hook get in the ring as the match officially starts. Moxley tags in as he and Hook have a bit of a face-off before Hook takes down Moxley with a German Suplex. Moxley comes back and tags Yuta, back in who goes for a pin attempt. Blackpool Combat Club stays in control, tagging in and out, as Cassidy is still laid out on the outside. As Yuta & Hook are fighting on the outside, Cassidy dives onto them out of nowhere before all four men start battling in and out of the ring. Hook hits Moxley with a T-Bone suplex, before tagging in Cassidy who hits a diving DDT before he starts his lazy kicks onto Moxley that quickly gets harder and harder. The BCC keeps Cassidy in their corner as they go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Moxley is mocking Cassidy with his kicks, but he comes right back with a dropkick and makes the hot tag to Hook. Hook & Yuta trade numerous strikes before Hook hits a Northern Lights Suplex for two. More back and forth before they take each other down on the mat with a double clothesline. All four go at it until Moxley takes out Hook with a cutter, but Cassidy stops Moxley with the Orange Punch which only angers Moxley. Moxley takes Cassidy out of the ring with a big boot, as Hook puts on Red Rum on Moxley. Yuta helps Moxley break it up as Moxley hits Hook with the Death Rider, followed by Yuta hooking on the Seatbelt pin on Hook to get the pin.

Winners: Blackpool Combat Club (Wheeler Yuta & Jon Moxley) by pinfall at 11:29

Jon Moxley gets on the mic and says Orange Cassidy is nothing and on Full Gear he will grind Cassidy to dust, win the AEW International Championship and there isn’t a damn thing he can do to stop him.

We see footage of Chris Jericho, Kenny Omega, Paul Wight & Kota Ibushi, all decked out in suits ‘Like A Dragon Gaiden’ style, walking into the arena in slow motion.

Swerve & Hangman Face-Off

Tony Schiavone is in the ring and introduces the face-off between Swerve Strickland & ‘Hangman’ Adam Page and says there can’t be any physicality between them or they will be suspended for the rest of 2023, with their Full Gear match being off. Schiavone tries to ask Swerve how he justifies going to Page’s house, but Page gets on the mic and answers for Swerve calling him a coward, phony, and a worthless waste of human life. Page continues by bringing up Swerve getting fired two years ago from WWE, being left by his fiancee, and saying Prince Nana is just using him. Page continues that when the show is over, Nana buys his weed from a high school kid and says he will steal his weed. Page calls Swerve a child and says he will teach him a lesson and that is for him to never come into his house, and they need lawyers or the cops, at Full Gear, he is his judge, jury & executioner and will have him serve an eternity at Swerve’s House at the bottom of hell. Page says how the rule was he couldn’t touch Swerve, not Nana, as he then goes to attack Nana. Swerve, not being able to do anything, tells security to stop them, but Page takes one of them out with the Buckshot Lariat.

Who Is The Devil?

Lexy Nair is backstage with Roderick Strong & The Kingdom as Strong says he knows who the devil is and he needs to tell his best friend. Matt Taven puts Adam Cole on the screen, as Strong asks if he saw his match on Collision before saying 100% he knows for sure that MJF is the devil. Cole says MJF is not the devil, and maybe Strong is the devil. Strong gets upset and reiterates that MJF is the devil.

AEW TBS Championship Eliminator Match: Skye Blue vs. Red Velvet

The winner of this match will be added to the TBS Championship three-way at Full Gear with Kris Statlander defending along with Julia Hart. Statlander is seen in the back watching on, as they start trading arm drags before they have a bit of a standstill. Red Velvet sweeps Skye Blue and hits a moonsault for two, before keeping Blue in the corner with punches. They start fighting on the apron, where Blue takes out Velvet with a DDT off the ropes, before tossing her into the barricade as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, they start trading roll-up pin attempts before kicking each other down. Velvet comes back with a Cazadora but misses Just Desert. Blue catches Velvet off the ropes and hits Skyfall, but Velvet kicks out at two. Velvet catches Blue off the ropes into a powerbomb for two. They start fighting on the ropes, where Velvet hits another Cazadora, getting two. A bit of back and forth before Blue hits a Code Blue to get the pin and the win.

Winner: Skye Blue by pinfall at 10:34

We see Julia Hart watching backstage, along with Statlander.

Dance With The Redeemer

We hear from Miro who says his wife CJ Perry is bringing in a storm with all these things that will bring her under. His eyes have been open for a while, and CJ brings the worst out of herself as well as him Daniel Garcia will find out this Saturday on Collision.

Not Toni Storm

RJ City & Mariah May are standing in front of a door that says ‘Not Toni Storm’, but when May knocks on it, Lutha opens up and everything turns black and white. City asks for May to only get a minute with Toni Storm, as May tells Storm how much of a huge fan she is. May talks about how much she loves Storm, as Storm tells Lutha to call up ‘Mr. Khan’ for a tune-up match for Rampage on Friday.

Samoa Joe vs. Jon Cruz

Samoa Joe locks up with Jon Cruz, who is definitely not Serpentico before Cruz tries to kick away at Joe. Joe quickly stops him with a boot, then delivers a flurry of punches in the corner. Joe continues the attack in the corners. Cruz escapes and tries a dive from the top rope, as Joe gets out of the way. Joe hits a big lariat and puts on the Coquina Clutch as Cruz taps out right away.

Winner: Samoa Joe by submission at 1:31

Joe gets on the mic and says his name and that he comes from Southern California which gets a big pop. Joe says since MJF is in his hood, he offers his hand in friendship and the time is limited because MJF will find out that Joe is inevitable.

Komander & Penta El Zero Miedo (w/ Alex Abrahantes) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)

Komander & Nick Jackson start the match, as Tony Schiavone reads out loud the tweet from Tony Khan hyping up a new signing to be revealed at Full Gear. Matt Jackson & Penta El Zero Miedo join in as all four men start going at it. Show of respect from all four, before The Young Bucks superkick Penta & Komander, sending them to the outside where they hit them with dives. The action continues, as Penta gets sent to outside before we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, the crazy action continues until Penta hits a sling blade to Matt Jackson before diving onto Nick on the outside, followed by a sling blade to him. Matt Jackson catches Komander off the ropes for three back-to-back Northern Lights Suplexes, with the last one including Penta. The Young Bucks end up bumping heads, as Komander & Penta take over. Komander hits a destroyer to Nick after running off of Penta’s back, as Penta gets a two on Matt. As the referee is distracted by Matt, Nick hits a couple of low blows to both Penta & Komander to a sea of boos here in their hometown. Nick follows with a Judas Effect before they hit the BTE Trigger on Komander as Matt gets the pin.

Winners: The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) by pinfall at 11:58

We Just Want To Talk

After the break, Lexy Nair is backstage with the Young Bucks and asks them why they cheated in their hometown. Matt Jackson says they no longer give a damn about rules, as Kenny Omega asks if this is the best version of them. Omega asks if they can keep it clean at Full Gear, as the Bucks say their heat is just with Chris Jericho. Jericho walks in and tells Omega not to waste his time with them, as they all start to brawl. Omega says they just wanted to talk.

The Gunns (Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn) (w/ Juice Robinson) vs. Peter Avalon & Jacoby Watts

Quick work from The Gunns, as they send Peter Avalon to the outside and hit the 3:10 to Yuma to Jacoby Watts (formerly known as Dean Alexander) as Austin Gunn gets the quick pin.

Winners: The Gunns (Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn) by pinfall at 22 seconds

Colten Gunn gets on the mic and says if that’s two on two, what can only happen when it’s one on two at Full Gear and says that everything is gone from MJF now and those ROH Tag Team titles are about to be gone also.

Make The Devil His Bitch

We see another video from Wardlow who says he saw fear in MJF’s eyes and his time is running out. The days of the Devil ruling over this company are coming to an end and as God is his witness, he’s going to make the Devil his bitch, as we then cut to an image of the Devil.

Like A Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name Street Fight: The Don Callis Family (Konosuke Takeshita, Powerhouse Hobbs, Kyle Fletcher) & Brian Cage vs. The Golden Jets (Kenny Omega & Chris Jericho), Kota Ibushi & Paul Wight

Don Callis joins the commentary team, as Chris Jericho & Paul Wight both come out wearing suits, and the heels run up the ramp to attack them to start the match. Right away, Wight grabs Kyle Fletcher and choke slams him off the ramp onto a table as Wight and Powerhouse Hobbs start heading to the back. In the ring, Konosuke Takeshita and Kota Ibushi are going at it with strikes and kicks. The Golden Lovers hit their moonsaults to the outside from the corner, as we see Wight chopping away at Hobbs outside against a car. Jericho & Omega start using crates and other props to promote the video game, including Omega trying to rake a barbed wire bat against Takeshita’s head. We then see Ibushi riding a bike down and around the ring while attacking his opponents with a lead pipe, before Brian Cage stops him with a clothesline, knocking him off the bike. We see Hobbs body slam Wight on top of the car on the outside as Takeshita is using the bike against all his opponents. The medical team is checking on Wight as Takeshita hits Ibushi with a brainbuster on top of the bike, as we head to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Wight is still being attended to as Takeshita & Jericho are fighting in the back. Cage & Fletcher have Omega in the ring, as a pallet is set up which they suplex him on top of for a two. Omega starts using a glass bottle, as Cage takes him down with a lariat. Ibushi knocks Cage down with a dropkick as Takeshita yells into the camera in the back about destroying Jericho. Takeshita climbs the fridges in the back and dives onto Jericho, but he’s there to stop him with a fire extinguisher, followed by the Judas Effect. The Golden Lovers are about to go for the Golden Trigger on Cage, but Hobbs runs in and stops them. Cage sends Omega to the outside with a suplex from inside to the outside onto a stack of tables, as Hobbs hits a spine buster on Ibushi, going into picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Fletcher goes after Ibushi and sends him through a table stacked on top of chairs with a piledriver off the apron. Jericho & Omega start double-teaming on Hobbs, including duct-taping him onto the ropes, as well as taping his mouth shut. They start attacking Hobbs with weapons before Cage stops them. Omega escapes out of the Drill Claw and hits the Poison Rana on Cage, with a bat hit from Jericho thrown in. Omega hits both Cage & Hobbs with V-Triggers and hits the One Winged Angel on Cage to get the pin and the win.

Winners: The Golden Jets (Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega), Kota Ibushi & Paul Wight by pinfall at 21:02

Collision Line-Up

  • Dax Harwood vs. Rush
  • Saraya & Ruby Soho vs. Hikaru Shida & Kris Statlander
  • Miro vs. Daniel Garcia

Rampage Line-Up

  • Renee Paquette sitdown interview with MJF
  • Renee Paquette sitdown interview with Jay White
  • Toni Storm vs. Emi Sakura

Two Words: Get Him

MJF comes to the ring and right away gets the music cut off. MJF says after the attack on The Acclaimed last week, it’s become apparent to him that his past is going to keep up with him, and the people he brings in, will continue to get hurt. MJF says sometimes he feels cursed so he says sorry to The Acclaimed for getting caught in the crosshairs and hopes they feel better. MJF talks about always wanting to be a world champion and being proud to be on the top of the mountain top, but the air up here is thin and as he looks down he sees men climbing with the only intention to shove him off the top. He’s man enough to admit that he is afraid and he’s afraid that he can lose everything he worked for in the blink of an eye and he’s afraid he’s going to let the fans down. MJF talks about being afraid, but not willing to quit or give up his spot, and you better send a whole damn army to get his ass to come down. MJF brings up Jay White having a shot to take him down, but he doesn’t think he can or think anyone can. MJF ends with a message to the man who stole his Devil mask, he is going to find out who he is, and when he does there will be hell to pay.

Jay White makes his way out to the ramp and tells MJF to drop the act as he’s embarrassing himself. White says MJF always has been and always will be the villain, and he’s not fooling anybody. White continues about MJF not being anybody’s hero how they will drop you and they mean nothing to MJF, as he hasn’t changed. White says he knows MJF  and his days as the official World Champion are numbered and continues before ending with the two words ‘get him’. The Gunns & Juice Robinson run in from the crowd and go after MJF, with Juice knocking MJF out with his left hand. The Gunns follow with 3:10 to Yuma. White hits the Blade Runner as Juice does the act of the three count with White on MJF. As Bullet Club Gold stands above MJF, we see Samoa Joe in the back watching on to end the show.

About John Siino 383 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.