GCW: Highest in The Room 2
Ukrainian Cultural Center
Saturday, December 9, 2023
Los Angeles, California
Non-Title Match: JCW World Champion Jordan Oliver vs. Alec Price
Price skillfully escaped a wrist lock, and Oliver swiftly took him off his feet with a shoulder block. They skillfully evaded each other’s attacks, engaging in a series of pinfalls before reaching a stalemate. Oliver then strategically focused on Price’s already injured shoulder, wrapping his arm across the top rope and executing a series of arm wringers.
As they exchanged fists, Price emerged victorious and dropped Oliver with a European Lifter, followed by a springboard crossbody from the second rope that once again brought Oliver to the mat. Price continuously drove his knees into Jordan’s midsection and applied an abdominal stretch briefly, but Oliver countered with a hip toss. Attempting another springboard crossbody, Price was met with a dropkick from Oliver.
Seizing the opportunity, Oliver recovered and delivered a T-bone suplex, followed by a powerful running boot to the side of Price’s head, securing a close near fall. Positioned on the top rope for the Acid Bomb, Price fought back but succumbed to a massive leaping boot. Countering the Acid Bomb with a headscissors, Price executed a half-and-half suplex that planted Oliver on the top of his head, earning a quick near fall.
Price rallied the crowd after a springboard step-up tornado DDT, delivering a step-up running knee/boot combination. Oliver retaliated with the Kleopatra, but ate a boot, quickly recovering to deliver a kick of his own to Price’s jaw—a dazzling display of athleticism. Price blocked an Acid Kick and dumped Oliver on his head with another half-and-half suplex, transitioning seamlessly into a rebound lariat and a fish-out-of-water spot.
In a final exchange, Oliver booted Price in the face multiple times but fell victim to the Acid Bomb, allowing Price to secure the victory.
JCW World Champion Jordan Oliver Defeated Alec Price
Trio’s Match: Deathmatch Royalty and Jimmy Lloyd vs. Los Macizos and Lil Cholo
Jimmy Lloyd came out to Cardona’s WWE entrance theme and was sporting the Zack Ryder WWECW one-legged tights. Cardona immediately tagged in Lloyd, and Miedo and Lloyd engaged in some lucha sequences, exchanging dropkicks before surprising everyone by kissing in the center of the ring. After Jimmy tagged in Cardona, a disagreement ensued, resulting in Cardona eating a boot from Miedo followed by a backbody drop. Los Macizos then seized the moment, delivering a flapjack to Cardona. However, Steph intervened to break up the ensuing pin attempt.
Cholo was tagged in, executing a double-team offense on Cardona for another close near fall. Steph’s distraction allowed Cardona to capitalize with a lariat for a near fall of his own. Cardona tagged Jimmy back in, who hesitated before striking Lil Cholo. Steph tagged herself in, delivering a punch to Cholo for a near fall, followed by a series of suplexes. Despite Deathmatch Royalty executing tandem running boots on Cholo, he managed to get his shoulder up at the last second.
In a chaotic sequence, Steph tagged Jimmy in, who again hesitated before hitting Cholo. Cardona then tagged himself in, but a miscommunication led to Cardona accidentally hitting his partner. This discord allowed Cholo to fire up, hitting Cardona with a neckbreaker and making the hot tag to Ciclope. Los Macizos executed an assisted splash on Cardona, but SDL broke it up with a chair to Ciclope’s back. They exchanged lariats, Miedo kicked Steph in the gut, but she countered with a spear, only to be caught by a cutter from Cholo.
Cardona hit a Codebreaker on Cholo, charged into the corner, but Ciclope got his feet up and followed up with a DDT and a Frog Splash. Despite the punishment, Cardona kicked out. In a controversial move, Cardona kicked Ciclope in the groin and signaled Jimmy to enter with a steel chair. Despite Miedo’s pleas, SDL hit him with a low blow. A conflicted Jimmy Lloyd ultimately struck Ciclope over the head with a chair, paving the way for Cardona to secure the victory with the Rough Ryder.
Deathmatch Royalty with Jimmy Lloyd Defeated Los Macizos and Lil Cholo
DLC Scramble Match: Ninja Mack vs. Cole Radrick vs. Bodhi Young Prodigy vs. Mr. Danger vs. Manders vs. Dark Sheik
Sheik unleashed a flurry of head kicks, running wild on everyone. Manders attempted a lariat on Bodhi but found himself taken over with a head scissors. Bodhi and Mr. Danger gained control, dispatching Manders to the floor, only to be overwhelmed by Ninja Mack. Mack delivered a series of clotheslines followed by kicks to their livers. Cole responded with a slingshot DDT on Mack, sending him to the floor. Sheik reentered the match, sending Cole chest-first into the corner and attempting a spinning wheel kick, but it found no target.
El Bendito stormed the ring, taking out everyone. He caught Sheik mid-air with a crossbody and executed a Backbreaker on Bodhi. Ninja Mack then hit the Sasuke Special to the floor, and Bendito followed with a dive of his own. Mr. Danger attempted a dive, but Bendito intercepted him, sending him crashing back-first into the ring apron. Manders and Bendito exchanged big overhand chops, but Manders gained the upper hand with a powerful lariat.
Cole introduced a ladder into the ring, using it to break up a pin attempt that Bodhi had on Sheik. Putting the ladder on his shoulders, Cole executed the Terry Funk spot, taking out everyone. Mr. Danger returned to the ring, sending Cole to the floor with a dropkick. He retrieved a larger ladder, set it up in the center of the ring, climbed to the top, and delivered a beautiful Swanton Bomb to the floor.
Manders called for the lariat, but Mack countered with two superkicks. Sheik then hit the Air Sheik on Manders off the apron through a door on the floor. Cole set up a door inside the ring, was sent to the floor, and went through the door. Mack returned to the ring and executed a 630 through the door, securing the victory.
Ninja Mack wins the DLC Scramble Match
Singles Match: Santana Jackson vs. George South
Jackson skillfully moonwalked out of a lock-up and engaged in the dancing Greco-Roman knuckle lock spot. George, growing impatient, took Jackson down with a lariat and mockingly performed a moonwalk of his own. Jackson retaliated with a burst of energy, delivering chops and executing a rope walk lucha arm drag.
South countered with a butterfly suplex, prompting Jackson to roll to the floor. Upon his return, Jackson sported the Thriller wolf head and attempted to unleash a flurry of offense on South. However, South thwarted his efforts by striking him in the stomach with a chair and executing a belly-to-back suplex.
Undeterred, Jackson fired back with a spear, followed by a big elbow drop, and concluded with the Moonwalk DDT, securing the victory.
Santana Jackson Defeated George South
GCW World Tag Team Championship Match: Violence is Forever (Champions) vs. GCW Ultraviolent Champion Rina Yamashita and Masha Slamovich
All four competitors immediately started throwing fists. Rina and Dom went to the floor as Ku and Masha exchanged blows in the center of the ring. Ku caught Masha attempting a dive and dumped her on the apron, while Dom did the same to Rina on the other side of the ring. Masha connected with a series of kicks on Dom, but he quickly responded with a lariat that wiped her out on the floor. On the opposite side, Ku and Rina headbutted each other, with Ku rolling back inside and hitting Rina with a Dragon Screw Leg whip for a quick near fall.
VIF began making quick tags back and forth, isolating Rina on their side of the ring. Rina managed to make the hot tag to Masha, who ran wild on both members of VIF with running boots. Rina followed up with two suplexes for a quick near fall on Masha. All four competitors traded forearm strikes in the center of the ring, and Ku and Masha exchanged stiff kicks. Masha crumbled to the mat after a kick to the back of her head.
Rina fired up with a flurry of forearms, but Ku leveled her with a single shot. Dom then hit Rina with a brutal side suplex, and Masha came flying in with a spinning heel kick on Dom. This gave them the chance to hit Ku with a double powerbomb. Dom made the save for his partner, Ku kicked Rina in the head, and Masha did the same to Ku. Masha endured a gutbuster from Dom followed by a brutal lariat from Ku, but she managed to kick out at the last second.
Rina and Masha executed a double Splash Mountain on Ku, but Dom pulled the referee out of the ring before the three-count. VIF retained the titles after hitting Masha with the kick to the back-brainbuster combination.
Violence is Forever Retain the GCW World Tag Team Championships
Deathmatch: Sawyer Wreck vs. Big F’n Joe
After a bit of chain wrestling, the two started trading punches and slaps to the face. Sawyer struck Joe over the head with a chair and attempted to hit him with a big boot, but Joe countered by propelling her onto the top rope. They continued to battle on the apron, where Joe executed a DDT and then struck Sawyer across the back with a steel chair. In response, Sawyer delivered a cannonball and a big boot to Joe’s head.
Eventually returning to the ring, Joe wiped Sawyer out with a DDT and embedded a gusset into Sawyer’s forehead, followed by a sidewalk slam. Despite the brutal assault, Sawyer managed to kick out at the last second. She retaliated by headbutting a gusset plate into Joe’s head and hitting him with a suplex. Joe quickly popped back up but fell victim to a running forearm from Sawyer.
Joe set up a door in the corner, but Sawyer was ambushed by SDL, who struck her with a steel chair. Seizing the opportunity, Joe hit Sawyer with a DVD through the door in the corner, securing the victory.
Big F’n Joe Defeated Sawyer Wreck
Tag Team Match: SGBUSSY vs. Jacob Fatu and Juicy Finau
Mance Warner entered the ring already bleeding, and EFFY and Jacob Fatu commenced the match for their respective teams. EFFY connected with a flurry of strikes, successfully evading the Samoan Drop and landing two superkicks on Fatu. However, he fell victim to an STO followed by a senton, prompting Fatu to tag in Juicy. Fatu then delivered a running hip attack on EFFY in the corner, and Juicy “flew” off his partner’s back into a cannonball.
Mance returned to the ring, unleashing brutal chair shots on Fatu and Finau, sending them to the floor. EFFY soared off the top rope, hitting a crossbody on Finau and Fatu. Fatu Sabu’d a chair into Mance’s face and struck him across the back. EFFY followed up with a cannonball off the apron onto Fatu, while Mance and EFFY sent Finau crashing through a door in the corner. EFFY attempted a Sack Ryder, but he was countered with a spinebuster for a close near fall.
Fatu then hit EFFY with a Swanton Bomb, and Finau climbed the ropes, coming off the second with a big splash. Mance intervened, breaking up the pin with a chairshot to Finau’s back. Finau retaliated by sending Mance crashing through a door with a powerful shoulder block. Climbing to the top rope, Finau executed a moonsault, and Fatu did the same, securing the pinfall victory.
South Pacific Savages Defeated SGBUSSY
Post Match: EFFY and Mance Warner hugged, EFFY turned to leave the ring and Mance Warner hit him across the back with a steel chair and Sabu’d him and laid him out with a running knee.
GCW World Championship Match: Blake Christian (Champion) vs. Starboy Charlie
Charlie avoided the lockup and drove Blake back first into the turnbuckle. Christian responded with a snap mare, but Charlie eventually hit him with an atomic drop followed by a standing shooting star press for a close near fall. Charlie unloaded on Blake with some right hands followed by a back suplex to the champion. Blake then sent Charlie to the floor and hit him with a tope, sending Starboy flying into a sea of chairs.
Blake bounced Charlie’s head off the ring post and apron. He hit Charlie with a pump handle backbreaker into an attempted half-and-half, but Charlie countered with an arm drag. Blake then bounced Charlie’s throat off the top rope and was able to hit him with the half-and-half suplex for a close near fall. Charlie trapped Blake in a crossface, but Blake made it to the ropes and nailed him with a dropkick. Blake booted Charlie in the head, but somehow Charlie hit a desperation DDT into a corkscrew splash for another two count.
Charlie followed up with a shotgun dropkick and a hesitation dropkick. He went for another springboard corkscrew, but Blake avoided it and hit a splash of his own, followed by an attempted rope double stomp. Charlie moved out of the way but was hit with a backbreaker into a kick to the back of his head for a close near fall. They traded fists in the center of the ring and got to their feet, exchanging chops. Charlie attempted another poisonrana, but Blake countered with a high-angle butterfly DDT for another close near fall.
They pulled each other back up to their feet, and Blake got an inside cradle, but Starboy was able to get out of it. He hit Blake with a piledriver, but Blake managed to get his foot on the bottom rope at the last second. Blake connected with a handspring back elbow into the curb stomp to retain the GCW World Championship.
Blake Christian Retains the GCW World Championship
Tag Team Match: Maki Death Kill vs. Johnny Game Changer and Taya Valkyrie
Maki and Johnny kicked off the match, with Maki doing some posing. Johnny flipped her off, prompting Maki to start ‘crying.’ They locked up, and Maki was swiftly shoved to the side. Maki retaliated with a headbutt that took Johnny off his feet. Johnny threw a kick, but Maki dodged it and hit a DDT out of the corner with assistance from Nick Gage. Gage tagged himself in, inviting Johnny to chop him. Johnny hesitated at the last second and tagged in Taya, who began exchanging forearms with Nick Gage. Gage responded with a series of chops followed by a boot scrape in the corner. After tagging in Maki, they hit Taya with double Kokeshis, but Taya managed to kick out at the last second.
Itoh followed up with a neckbreaker in the ropes, climbed to the top rope, and hit Taya with a crossbody for another two-count. Taya and Johnny isolated Maki in the corner, taking turns working over the smaller Itoh. Maki attempted to make a tag to Nick Gage, but Taya dragged her back into the corner and continued the assault. Maki fought out of a hold from Taya, connecting with a big DDT, and made the hot tag to Nick Gage, who ran wild on both Taya and Johnny.
Maki tossed Nick Gage two Kendo Sticks, and he threw one to Johnny, leading to a duel. Gage emerged victorious, unleashing consecutive Kendo stick strikes to Johnny’s midsection and head. Maki brought a door into the ring for her tag team partner. Both teams began brawling on the floor, with Johnny choking Maki using the broken Kendo stick as Nick Gage and Taya exchanged fists among the crowd. Maki sent Johnny headfirst into the ring post, and Taya went for a dive from the ring but held up, allowing Johnny to take everyone out with a corkscrew.
Johnny set Gage up in the corner for Starship Pain, but Gage somehow kicked out at the last second. Gage retaliated with a chair-assisted facewash, piled plunder on top of Game Changer, and came off the top rope with a corkscrew. Taya quickly followed with a spear through the door. Maki tried to rescue Gage but was swiftly rolled up by Taya, who had hold of Maki’s tights.
Johnny Game Changer and Taya Valkyrie Defeated Maki Death Kill
Singles Match: Andrade El Idolo vs. Joey Janela
The two men shook hands before engaging in a stiff lock-up. Andrade initiated a waist lock, followed by a front face lock from Janela, and a wrist lock from Andrade. They continued going hold for hold, with Andrade muscling Joey down with a front facelock, followed by a big shoulder block that once again took Joey off his feet. Andrade applied the front face lock again, slowing the pace of the match. Joey managed to create some separation and hit a diving European Uppercut, transitioning into a series of chops to Andrade.
Joey grabbed a headlock, and they traded headlock takeovers before standing face to face, neither gaining the advantage. Joey went for a chop, but Andrade moved, countering with a big chop of his own. Joey responded with a running back elbow that sent Andrade to the floor, and Joey followed up with a big tope as they battled around ringside. Andrade hit Joey with a bucket of ice and attempted to chop him, but he connected with the ringpost instead. Back inside the ring, they traded forearms again, with Joey in firm control, delivering more forearm strikes.
Joey attempted to bounce off the ropes, but Andrade met him with a boot, followed by a DDT that spiked Joey on the apron. Janela hit a chin breaker into a rebound German suplex, and Andrade responded with a vicious chop to Janela’s chest. A reeling Janela somehow fired up and connected with a second rope swinging DDT for a close near fall. Joey started focusing on Andrade’s back with a series of knee strikes and was locked in a headlock.
They battled on the apron, trading forearms, and Andrade threw a big boot that connected with the side of Joey’s head. Joey responded with a Death Valley Driver. Andrade followed up with a big lariat that turned Joey inside out. They returned to hitting each other with forearm strikes, and Andrade got the best of the exchange, popping back up to his feet and hitting Joey with a running double knee. However, Joey kicked out at the last second.
Andrade attempted a hammerlock DDT on Janela, but Joey backed him up into the corner and hit him with a series of superkicks. Andrade refused to go down until the third superkick, which finally gave Joey the opening to hit the top rope double stomp. However, Andrade knocked Janela off the top rope and strung him up for a double foot stomp, sending Joey crashing to the floor, but it still wasn’t enough to put Janela away.
Andrade climbed to the top rope, Joey hit him with an uppercut, and they battled on the top rope. Joey took Andrade up and over for a superplex, earning a close near fall. The two men started trading vicious chops, and Joey rushed in for a big forearm, but Andrade responded immediately with a superkick to Joey’s face. They both collapsed and traded more forearm strikes. Andrade went for the three amigos, but Joey blocked the third one and chopped Andrade.
Andrade transitioned that into a figure-four, but Joey countered with an inside cradle and a boot to the face, sending Andrade to the floor. Joey came off the top rope with a moonsault, taking out Andrade on the floor. Joey went for the top rope double stomp, but Andrade moved out of the way and took Joey off his feet with a dropkick to his knee. Andrade climbed to the top rope and went for his double moonsault, but Joey blocked the second with his knee and hit him with a package piledriver for a close near fall.
Joey climbed the top rope and planted his feet on Andrade’s chest, but again it was only good for a count of two. The two men traded big open-hand chops, and Andrade took Joey’s head off with a big boot, tapping him out with the Figure Four.
Andrade El Idolo Defeated Joey Janela