AEW Homecoming Results: Tornado Tag, Hangman vs. Claudio, Starks vs. Guevara

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Dynamite – “Homecoming”

January 10th, 2024

By: John Siino

Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL

Commentary: Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone

Adam Page vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Adam Page attacked Claudio Castagnoli as soon as the bell rang in this first-time encounter, and quickly took it to the outside and started fighting against the barricades. They take it back inside, where Claudio rakes away at Page’s eye to take advantage, followed by a suplex and a double stomp for two. Claudio continues in the corner and teases the crowd while attacking Page, saying he has until five. Page fires up in the corner, as they enter a forearm exchange. Claudio puts on the Giant Swing, before transitioning into the Sharpshooter. As Page almost reaches the ropes, Claudio turns it into a Crossface before Page eventually escapes out into a Death Valley Driver. They go into uppercuts, as Page puts on a backslide for two followed by a fallaway slam that sends Claudio into the corner to regroup. Page comes back with his clothesline from the corner, before hitting a plancha to Claudio on the outside. Page takes a swig of bear that Tony Schiavone says reminds him of the early days of AEW, this is quickly followed by Claudio press slamming Page from the ring to the ramp, with a vicious thud as we go to picture-in-picture.

We come back and see them fighting on the ramp, as Claudio is uppercutting Page all the way to the top of it towards the stage. Page starts forearming back, knocking Claudio back towards the ring where Page clotheslines Claudio back inside, followed by a Buckshot Lariat attempt, that Claudio counters with a pop-up European uppercut for two. They go a bit back and forth, before clotheslining each other to the outside where Page tries a moonsault, just to be caught and rammed into the barricade. Claudio tries once again, but Page reverses into a DDT on the outside, climbs the ledge in the crowd, and hits a moonsault. Back in the ring, Claudio catches Page off the ropes, but Page turns it into a Tombstone for two. Page calls for the Dead Eye, but Claudio reverses and ends up dropping Page face-first into the turnbuckle, followed by a flurry of uppercuts. Claudio stays on the attack, but Page turns it into the Dead Eye for two. Claudio blocks Page off the ropes, with an uppercut, and heads to the top rope but Page joins him as they tussle a bit before Page hits a hurricanrana followed by two Buckshot Lariats for the pin and the win.

Winner: Adam Page by pinfall at 17:11

Orange Cassidy, Preston Vance, Dustin Rhodes & Adam Copeland (w/ Jose The Assistant) vs. Lance Archer, Brian Cage & Gates Of Agony (Toa Liona & Bishop Kaun) (w/ Prince Nana & Jake Roberts)

They had a very nice video package before this match, showing highlights of Brodie Lee here at Daily’s Place and how his handpicked wrestlers Preston Vance & Anna Jay having matches tonight. Dustin Rhodes & Toa Liona start the match, as commentary continues about how this is all for Brodie. Brian Cage & Preston Vance go at it, with Vance getting some cheers from the crowd as he attacks Cage in the corner. Adam Copeland and Orange Cassidy take turns tagging in until Cage catches Orange, just for Copeland to drop-kick him on top of Cage. Orange teases going for a chokeslam on Cage, just for Cage to push him off. Orange comes back with a Stundog Millionaire, as the Gates of Agony starts going after Orange. Orange fights with hands in his pockets, before getting pounced to the outside by Liona as we go to picture-in-picture.

We come back and see Lance Archer in control over Orange, but as Jose The Assistant tries to get involved, Jake Roberts takes him out. Orange kicks away Archer and hits him with a DDT before they both tag out to Vance and Kaun. Vance fights off the Gates of Agony, hitting Kaun with a spine buster and a cutter, that Liona breaks up the pin for. Everybody starts going after each other including Copeland hitting the Impaler on Cage. Orange hits the Orange Punch and a chokeslam on Kaun before getting taken out by Archer. The heels go after Vance, but he’s able to fight them off as Cage & Archer start getting into a scuffle before Cage clotheslines Archer to the outside just for Cage to eat the spear from Copeland. Vance follows with the Discuss Lariat to Kaun to get the pin and the win.

Winners: Preston Vance, Adam Copeland, Dustin Rhodes & Orange Cassidy by pinfall at 10:24

Bang Bang Scissor Gang

Renee Paquette is backstage with the Bullet Club Gold and brings up the Undisputed Kingdom, which The Gunns think is ‘The United Kingdom’ where ‘Jay White is from’. They start talking about trios gold, as The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn walk in and bring up having one single enemy and pictures them all holding gold at the same time. Max Caster brings up how the fans cheer for BCG also, and they should all team up and bring up the ‘Bang Bang Scissor Gang’ super-faction. Jay White says they need a little more time to think about it and tell Billy Gunn to stay by their fax machine, as Austin Gunn seems more into this idea.

Championship Challenge Protocol

New AEW World Champion Samoa Joe makes his way to the ring and introduces himself as ‘your World Champion’ as the crowd chants ‘Thank you, Joe’. Joe says he was destined for this and tonight they make some changes to the championship challenge protocol. Joe says even a Devil who made a bad deal is looking for him. Joe says no more wining here, or on social media making ‘hoe ass comments’, and you can bring your record and reputation to the championship committee, and if deemed worthy gets the pass to get stomped out by Joe. And for those who want a piece of him, your champion will be waiting.

Swerve Strickland’s music hits, as he comes out with the entire Mogul Embassy. Swerve gets on the mic and has the entire Daily’s Place behind him. Swerve tells Joe that this isn’t personal between them, he just wants that AEW Championship, and he’s going to take it. However, after he takes it and Joe makes it personal he’ll be more than happy to. Adam Page’s music plays as he joins Joe & Swerve in the ring and talks about his accomplishments last year, but says the thing he’s lost sight of this year was the AEW World Championship and in 2024, he will make it his. Prince Nana holds Swerve back, as they head to the back. Page gets in Joe’s face and says he didn’t forget what he did to him, and he’ll take his title from him for it.

As Page leaves, Hook’s music plays along with a ‘Hook’ signal that Joe sees in the rafters. They get into each other’s faces as Hook says ‘One week’, which Taz is caught by surprise.

Sounds Italian

Renee Paquette is in the back with Toni Storm and asks for her reaction to everything that happened last week. Mariah May asked if she saw her match, as Toni Storm says she got a screener but didn’t see one frame but asked if she did an arm drag. Renee brings up the new signing, which Toni thinks is Wendi Richter before being told it’s Deonna Purrazzo. Toni says the name sounds familiar and it sounds Italian and tells Luther to set up a meeting between her and “Donna Palazzo”.

Sammy Guevara vs. Ricky Starks

They announce that Samoa Joe vs. Hook for the AEW World Championship is made official for next week, as Ricky Starks & Sammy Guevara start the match slow with lock-ups before running the ropes. Guevara takes control and connects a dropkick sending Starks to the outside before mocking his pose. Guevara trips up Starks to the outside again, heads to the top rope, and hits a moonsault. Back inside, Guevara keeps Starks in the corner, before they start brawling on the apron for a bit. Guevara hits a chop, but Starks comes right back with a Butterfly Suplex, sending Guevara face-first onto the apron as we head to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Guevara is in control and heads to the top, but Starks holds him by the leg, joins him, but gets knocked off as Guevara tries a moonsault, just to get Starks’ boot, a lariat, and a sit-out powerbomb for two. They go back and forth a bit with offense and pin attempts until Guevara hits a super kick and rolls up Starks for the pin and the win. A little bit of an awkward ending.

Winner: Sammy Guevara by pinfall at 9:29

Guevara goes to shake Starks’s hand after, but Big Bill runs out and joins Starks in attacking Guevara. Chris Jericho runs out with a bat and goes after Bill, taking him out with a Code Breaker and the dropkick off the corner. All four men start brawling through the crowd ahead of their Street Fight this Saturday on Battle of the Belts IX. Judas blared the entire time during this segment, covering up any sort of crowd noise as we saw Jericho high-fiving the fans in the crowd.

Willow Nightingale, Kris Statlander, Anna Jay & Thunder Rosa vs. Julia Hart, Skye Blue & The Outcasts (Saraya & Ruby Soho) (w/ Harley Cameron)

We see Stokely Hathaway in the crowd hiding behind a Kris Statlander sign. The babyfaces take turns tagging in and working on Ruby Soho who keeps extending out to try to get the tag. Thunder Rosa keeps working on Ruby in the corner, before tagging out to Willow Nightingale. Faces stay in control before Harley Cameron knocks Willow off the corner as they go to picture-in-picture.

We come back as Statlander is going after Saraya, hitting her with a driver for two, before Ruby joins in. All the women join in now as we get an eight-woman suplex. All six women go at it next hitting each other with strong offense until it’s Anna Jay & Julia Hart going face-to-face in the ring as commentary brings up that they used to be best friends outside of the ring. Skye Blue tags in during all this, but Anna Jay is able to put on the Queen Slayer as Blue taps out.

Winners: Anna Jay, Thunder Rosa, Kris Statlander & Willow Nightingale by submission at 9:03

Mr. Rampage

We see a video promo from Wheeler Yuta who is pissed at Eddie Kingston for calling him a ‘young boy bitch’ and won’t take that from him. Yuta continues that Kingston beat everybody else in the Blackpool Combat Club during the Continental Classic, but he didn’t beat him. Yuta brings up sending Katsuyori Shibata packing and challenges Eddie Kingston to come meet him on ‘his turf’ on Rampage this Friday.

Roderick Strong (w/ Adam Cole, Wardlow, Mike Bennett & Matt Taven) vs. Bryan Keith

They start the match both trying to take each other down, before Bryan Keith starts delivering strong chops to Roderick Strong on the ropes. They start fighting on the apron, as Strong sends Keith crashing down onto it. Back inside, Strong starts stomping Keith out in the corner before they start trading strikes and punches. Strong comes right back with an Angle Slam for a two. They head to the top rope, where Keith headbutts Strong off and hits him with a Diamond Dust. Strong reverses a Tiger Driver and hits a knee strike and End of Heartache for the quick win.

Winner: Roderick Strong by pinfall at 4:22

Adam Cole sits on the chair and gets on the mic and says people are so concerned about earning their respect, but says that the Undisputed Kingdom isn’t trying to since they deserve it. Cole brings up Roderick Strong being a 20-year veteran and pound-for-pound the greatest pro wrestler today and the AEW International Championship has Strong’s name on it. Cole brings up Mike Bennett & Matt Taven being ROH World Tag Team Champions and them never being given the respect they deserve. Cole brings up Wardlow and how ‘we’ will win the World Championship soon and tells everybody to get comfortable because they will be there for a very long time.

Is That Your Stirring Arm?

Renee Paquette is backstage with Deonna Purrazzo who says she is still on cloud nine but she set her sights on Toni Storm and says she hopes she’s watching this Saturday on Collision as she’ll make her debut. Red Velvet interrupts and accepts the challenge, as Deonna asks if that’s her ‘stirring arm’.

Tornado Tag Match: Sting & Darby Allin (w/ Ric Flair) vs. The Don Callis Family (Powerhouse Hobbs & Konosuke Takeshita) (w/ Don Callis)

Jim Ross joins commentary for this main event. All four men start going at it before quickly taking it to the outside as Sting starts swinging away at Powerhouse Hobbs with a chair. Konosuke Takeshita starts chopping away at Darby Allin while looking over at Ric Flair. Sting & Hobbs are fighting all up and down Daily’s Place, as Darby drop kicks Takeshita off the apron and tries the Coffin Drop, just to be caught into a Rolling German Suplex as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Takeshita & Hobbs are in control and swing Darby with no remorse, as he spirals before slamming down on the mat. Sting tries to fight them off, but Takeshita takes him out with a jumping knee. Ric Flair enters the ring and chops away at Hobbs before poking him in the eyes. Sting enters and takes out Takeshita before Allin dives on Takeshita. Sting takes out Hobbs with a spinebuster. All four start going up the ramp as Takeshita rams Allin against the barricade. Allin climbs up the stage and crashes down onto Takeshita with a Coffin Drop. Hobbs picks up Sting and walks along the stage’s ledge, but Sting reverses and sends Hobbs off the stage through tables on the floor, putting his arm over Hobbs to get the win.

Winners: Darby Allin & Sting by pinfall at 9:53

The Mature Bucks

Tony Schiavone joins Sting, Darby & Flair in the ring and asks Sting who his opponent will be for his final match. Before Sting can say anything, The Young Bucks’ music hits as they make their way out, Nick Jackson in a white suit, and Matt Jackson in a black suit, both with mustaches.

Rampage ‘Homecoming’ Line-Up

  • Continental Crown Championship: Eddie Kingston (c) vs. Wheeler Yuta
  • Hikaru Shida vs. Queen Aminata
  • Swerve Strickland vs. Matt Sydal

Collision Line-Up

  • Deonna Purrazzo vs. Red Velvet
  • Brian Cage & Gates of Agony vs. Lance Archer & The Righteous
  • Adam Copeland Open Challenge
  • Adam Page will appear

Battle of the Belts IX Line-Up

  • AEW World Tag Team Championship: Big Bill & Ricky Starks (c) vs. Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara
  • TBS Championship: Julia Hart vs. Anna Jay

Dynamite Line-Up

  • AEW World Championship: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Hook
About John Siino 383 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.