AEW Collision Results: House of Black Defeats FTR & Garcia

Photo Courtesy: AEW

January 13, 2024
Chartway Arena – Norfolk, VA

By: John Kleinchester


The Cope Open But No Cold Open

AEW Collision kicked off with Adam Copeland coming down to the ring for his now ongoing open challenge. Answering this week’s challenge was Lee Moriarity accompanied by Shane Taylor. Taylor threw to a promo package that showed Moriarty’s highlights and then Lee got on the mic and called himself the “prizefighter” of Shane Taylor Promotions and one of the best young technical wrestlers in the world and he would prove it by making Copeland tap out. Throughout the match, Moriarty worked Copeland’s arm and shoulder and attempted the Border City Stretch submission hold. Shane Taylor was able to distract Copeland, getting a spear for his troubles.  Copeland picked up the win with the “Grindhouse” which is the new name for his submission finisher. After the match, Copeland got on the mic and said he was still coming for Christian Cage.


Lexi Nair interviewed FTR and Daniel Garcia and asked if they could stay on the same page tonight. FTR said tonight was all about revenge and they all had like mindsets. Garcia said Collision was the place for him if he wanted to get back on track.

Jericho & Guevara

Lexi Nair had Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara in the back and it seemed as though the live crowd audio was prerecorded as there was cheering that didn’t match up with what was happening on screen. 

ROH Six-Man Tag Team Championship

This match was set up this past week on Dynamite after Lance Archer could not coexist with Brian Cage and Gates of Agony. The crowd wasn’t all that into this match to start but by the end was cheering for Lance Archer and The Righteous. Archer went for a Blackout but Prince Nana grabbed Kaun’s leg to block it. This led to Jake Roberts punching out Nana which then seemed to upset Lance Archer who had a yelling match with him. Bishop Kaun picked up the win pinning Dutch.

After the match, Prince Nana got on the mic and ran down Bullet Club Gold noting that Jay White couldn’t beat Swerve in the Continental Classic. With that, he challenged BCG to a title match this coming Wednesday on Dynamite. 

Preston Vance & Roderick Strong

Lexi Nair interviewed Preston Vance about his International Championship match against Orange Cassidy later tonight. Roderick Strong interrupted and wished Vance luck but Vance wasn’t happy and said he would kick Roddy’s ass too after he was done with Cassidy. 

Dustin Rhodes vs. Willie Mack

Next up was Willie Mack taking on Dustin Rhodes. Rhodes won with two different variations on the Cross Rhodes in just over four minutes. After the match, Dustin helped Willie up and the two hugged.

After the break, Renee Paquette was about to interview Rhodes when Christian Cage and company interrupted and said “If you’re a friend of Adam Copeland, you’re an enemy of mine.” Dustin said he had been chasing the TNT Championship since he got to AEW and challenged him to a match this Wednesday on Dynamite. Christian said, “That would be a beautiful Dream if your father were alive.” 

BCG Responds to Nana

Jay White and The Gunns cut a backstage promo answering Prince Nana’s challenge to face Gates of Agony & Brian Cage for the ROH 6-man titles on Wednesday.

Hangman vs. JD Drake 

The Young Bucks are not the only members of The Elite with ever-growing mustaches as Hangman Adam Page took on JD Drake. During this match, Tony Schiavone announced that Hook had gone to Tony Khan and requested to wrestle tonight which the announce team was aghast about with his world title shot a mere few days away. Meanwhile, Hangman and Drake had a good back-and-forth with Page impressively hitting a Death Valley Driver on Drake at one point. Drake then missed a moonsault, Hangman set up for the Buckshot Lariat but Anthony Henry attempted to stop him but Page was able to overcome that and hit his finisher for the win.

Debuting Deonna

Next up was the in-ring debut of Deonna Purrazzo taking on Red Velvet. The commentary team talked about how Mariah May and Toni Storm likely made an enemy out of Purrazzo after saying bad things about NJ where Purrazzo is from. Purrazzo made Velvet submit with the Venus de Milo aka double-arm Fujiwara armbar.

The Hook Signal Lights Again

Hook had his request granted by Tony Khan and got a last-minute match against Kevin Matthews on Collision ahead of his World Championship shot against Samoa Joe on Dynamite. Hook won in just over one minute with the Redrum to make it 29-1.

Main Event

The main event of the (first 2/3 of the) evening saw House of Black taking on FTR and Daniel Garcia. The bell rang at 9:33pm Eastern so it was obvious that this was either going to be a long match or they had something planned for the post-match. Daddy Magic Matt Menard was on commentary for this match, as he has been for all recent Daniel Garcia matches and we were reminded that Brody King has had an issue with Menard in the weeks prior. Early in the match, Daniel Garcia got into the typical Malakai cross-legged sit and Malakai teased doing Garcia’s dance only to give the finger to Garcia. Shortly after all three faces sat cross-legged and gave House of Black the finger themselves. 

The face team continued to hit several impressive triple-team style moves much to the crowd’s delight. Ultimately Dax was hit with a spinning heel kick and a curb stomp and the House of Black was victorious in an almost 25-minute match.


Afterwards, Brody King threw Daddy Magic into the rin and House of Black started in on their attack. Daniel Garcia and FTR returned with chairs to fight HOB off hitting a 3-man Shatter Machine on King.

Before the show ended, Tony Schiavone said something was going on backstage and they cut to Jericho & Guevara and Starks & Bill brawling out by the production truck.

Announced for Dynamite This Wednesday in North Charleston, SC:

  • ROH Six-Man Tag Team Championship: Brian Cage & Gatest of Agony vs. Bullet Club Gold
  • TNT Championship: Christian Cage vs. Dustin Rhodes
  • We’ll Hear from The Young Bucks

AEW Collision Results:

  • Adam Copeland over Lee Moriarty in 11:11
  • ROH Six-Man Tag Team Championship: Brian Cage & Gatest of Agony over The Righteous & Lance Archer in 11:45
  • Dustin Rhodes over Willie Mack in 4:05
  • Adam Page over JD Drake in 10:38
  • Deonna Purrazzo over Red Velvet in 6:12
  • Hook over Kevin Matthews in 1:09
  • House of Black over FTR & Daniel Garcia in 24:39
About John Kleinchester 171 Articles
New Jersey born and raised. Wrestling fan since Lex slammed Yokozuna on the deck of the USS Intrepid. Favorite Wrestler of all time is Owen "The Rocket" Hart.