AEW Dynamite Results: RVD Returns, FTR vs. Moxley & Castagnoli

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Dynamite

February 21, 2024

By: John Siino

BOK Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Commentary: Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone

Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli) vs. FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood)

Jon Moxley & Cash Wheeler start the match, but Moxley quickly corners Wheeler and tags Claudio Castagnoli back in as they trade uppercuts. Wheeler goes after Claudio’s knee and tags in Dax Harwood who keeps Claudio in the corner with chops. Harwood & Moxley go at it for a while, including a leg drop from Harwood for a two before he tags out to Wheeler as FTR starts double-teaming on Moxley. Moxley escapes out of a suplex and puts on a sleeper hold, but Wheeler ends up sending him to the outside. Moxley & Wheeler start trading offense before all four start going at it in the ring including a flying double clothesline from Wheeler. They all start fighting on the outside for a while until Harwood takes the bullet from a suicide dive from Moxley, pushing Wheeler out of the way. FTR stays in control, keeping Moxley grounded in the ring until Moxley is finally able to stop Harwood and make the hot tag to Claudio. FTR tries to double-team Claudio, but he is able to fight them off and take them both out with a double-back body drop. Claudio & Moxley eventually take out Harwood with a spiked piledriver on the outside, as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Harwood dodges Claudio who goes shoulder-first into the ring post, before they both make the hot tags to Wheeler & Moxley. Wheeler goes after both members of Blackpool Combat Club, eventually hitting a brainbuster on Moxley for two. Claudio stops a Shatter Machine attempt before Harwood escapes out of a Doomsday Device attempt and hits the superplex on Moxley followed by a splash attempt from Wheeler, but Moxley gets his knees up. Claudio hits the Giant Swing on Harwood with a kick from Moxley, to get a two. They all are grounded on the mat as we hear a two-minute warning. Harwood puts the Sharpshooter on Moxley as Claudio puts on the Sharpshooter on Wheeler before Claudio & Harwood start slapping each other, breaking the moves up. FTR goes for the Shatter Machine on Moxley, but the time runs out.

Winners: The match ends in a draw (20:00)

They all kept fighting after the bell until security, wrestlers and officials had to run out to try and keep them separated.

Barely Cleared

Renee Paquette is in the back with Orange Cassidy and Dr. Michael Sampson, Renee starts running down all the things that Cassidy has done in the last couple of weeks including his appearance at RevPro, and asks if he is medically cleared to compete this week. Sampson says Cassidy is barely cleared to wrestle, as Cassidy says if he’s cleared then he will wrestle.

Alex Marvez is in the back getting a word with FTR after what just happened and they suggest a match with Blackpool Combat Club at Revolution. BCC enters the picture and gets into another scuffle with FTR.

Orange Cassidy vs. Mike Bennett

Orange Cassidy rushes Mike Bennett during his entrance and takes out Matt Taven with the Orange Punch before tossing Bennett into the ring to start the match. Bennett takes control and starts whipping Cassidy hard into the corners and hits a suplex for a one. Cassidy takes control, but Roderick Strong runs out and gets on the apron. As referee Stephon Smith is busy getting Strong ejected, Bennett hits Cassidy with a ‘dick punch’ followed by a piledriver for two as we go to picture-in-picture.

Bennett gets on the commentary headset after and says it’s people like Cassidy that are the problem in AEW, but Cassidy hits a suicide dive to take out Bennett, before running back inside and hitting another dive. Bennett stops Cassidy with a spine buster against the apron and a Death Valley Drive on the floor. Back inside, Cassidy stops Bennett with an Orange Punch. They seesaw back and forth for a while until Bennett eventually hits the Gotch-style Piledriver for two. After some more back-and-forth, Cassidy hits the Beach Break for the pin and the win.

Winner: Orange Cassidy by pinfall at 9:43

As soon as the match ends, Taven & Strong run in and start attacking Cassidy, but out, comes Oklahoma’s own Jake Hager to take out The Undisputed Kingdom to help Cassidy, as they announced Jake Hager vs. Roderick Strong for this Friday’s Rampage.

Ruby & Angelo’s Big Night

Renee is in the back with Angelo Parker who says tonight he’s finally going on a date with Ruby Soho, as Ruby walks in the picture, wearing a dress. Renee says she will leave it to them two as Ruby tells Renee she’ll tell her all about it on Friday. A truck pulls up and Ruby asks if it’s their ride, but Parker says they have a Lyft. Out the truck comes Ric Flair who’s heading to the ring.

Let’s Talk

After the break, Renee stops Flair and gets some thoughts about Sting’s final match coming up. Flair says he’s disappointed and thought he’d be a bigger part of this and was hoping he would be more involved and thought he should be right in the middle of all of this. Flair said he was going to explore some options and knocked on the door of the Young Bucks. Flair asks if they have time and Matthew Justice said ‘Let’s talk’ and lets him in.

I Want To Be Your Father

Tony Schiavone is in the ring and brings out Daniel Garcia and brings up how Adam Copeland is on the shelf no after what The Patriarchy did to him. Schiavone says that at AEW Revolution, Garcia will get his TNT Championship title shot against Christian Cage. Garcia says the ‘you deserve it’ chant means a lot to him and he was always told by others, that he would be great, but he started to lose that confidence and feeling. Garcia said he took advantage of the three seconds and they changed his life, and every time he was down, the fans brought him back up and danced with him. Garcia thanks them for helping him restore that feeling. Garcia says if the match with Copeland had been longer, he would have made Copeland tap out and they would see each other again but when they do, Garcia will have the TNT title. Garcia starts talking about Christian, as he comes out along with The Patriarchy.

Cage says Copeland won’t have another chance at his TNT title ever and tells Tulsa to sit down and shut their mouths as he conducts his business. Cage talks about what happened just because he was in a ring with Copeland, but now he gets a title shot out of it. Garcia says as much as he would like to step in the ring with Garcia, he doesn’t think it should have at Revolution, because he doesn’t think Garcia is ready. Cage says he likes Garcia’s dance moves just fine, but they are just distractions and Garcia just wants to entertain the fans. Cage brings up Garcia’s dark childhood and his happy memories, before asking if Garcia knows Jackie Garcia at 2 Baker Court in Buffalo, New York who was married to David Garcia, and says he knows that his father is dead. Cage brings up how Garcia’s dad was a piece of crap and a loser alcoholic who lost his life to the bottle and unlike ‘him’ he doesn’t want to hurt him, but help him. Cage says at Revolution, he doesn’t want to be his opponent, but he wants to be his father. Garcia says if Cage ever mentions his mother again and if he knows so much about his dead father, he can put Cage right on the ground next to him. Nick Wayne runs to the ring but gets taken down and put in the Dragon Slayer. Cage sends Killswitch to break it up, but Matt Menard takes out Killswitch with chair shots.

Renee is in the back with Rob Van Dam, Adam Page & Hook and asks Page how he’s feeling going into tonight’s match. Page says tonight is about opportunity and brings up how Hook & RVD can redeem themselves tonight. Page & RVD get into a couple of words before Page tells them both to get on the same page as RVD asks if Prince Nana is there tonight.

Toni Storm (w/Mariah May & Luther) vs. Sydni Winnell

Toni Storm goes after Sydni Winnell (local wrestler Stormi Renee) right away, but Winnell tries to fight back. Storm takes her down with a press slam before splashing her in the corner and hitting a running bulldog. Storm follows with a hip attack and the Storm Zero, but instead of going for the pin, she puts on the ankle lock that she calls ‘Break A Leg’, before letting go and putting on the Venus De Milo as Winnell quits.

Winner: Toni Storm by submission at 1:51

Deonna Purrazzo comes out as she and Toni Storm cross paths ahead of their Revolution match.

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Madison Rayne

Deonna Purrazzo & Madison Rayne take it to the center right away, trading side headlocks before Rayne keeps Deonna in the corner with a boot, choking her. They go back and forth until Deonna sends Rayne out of the ring with a boot, hitting a sliding dropkick, as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back they are trading blows back and forth until Deonna spikes Rayne down pretty hard, but Doc Sampson checks in and says she is fine. Deonna puts on the ankle lock as Rayne taps out.

Winner: Deonna Purrazzo by submission at 7:19

Toni Storm runs out and tries to attack Deonna, but she is able to dodge her. As Mariah May distracts Deonna, Storm takes down Deonna and puts on the ‘Break A Leg’.

Rampage Line-Up

  • Anna Jay vs. Mariah May
  • The Young Bucks in action
  • We’ll hear from Sammy Guevara
  • Roderick Strong vs. Jake Hager
  • Matt Sydal & Private Party vs. Penta El Zero Miedo, Komander & Bryan Keith vs. Top Flight & Action Andretti

The Fight Of Your Life

We go to a video where Darby Allin talks about the material objects they chase that don’t mean a simple thing before asking Sting if it’s ok that they show the Young Bucks some old photos they found. We see a picture of Sting and his sons when they were young, and when this photo was taken they were the same age as the Young Bucks kids currently are. Darby says family is the only thing that matters in the end, as Sting walks in and says family is all that matters and in all the years he’s been a wrestler nobody has messed with his flesh and blood until the Young Bucks did. Sting talks about having a rough couple weeks and how his father just passed away last week and his father was a hero to him and taught him right. Sting says it makes him think a lot about his own mortality and how he used to think he was invincible, and sometimes he feels that way. Time catches up with everyone and it caught up to him for sure, and truly he is not invincible but one thing that he does know is that everything that he has left in him he is bringing to Revolution, and the Bucks have a fight on their hands. The fight of their life.

The Uncrowned King

Tony Schiavone is in the ring and brings out Wardlow, who kicks out Schiavone and says he’s pissed off and has been pissed off for a long time. He talks about how he used to have people cheer for him but the rocket has been taken off his back and he has been driven to the ground over and over again. Wardlow talks about the one true day one AEW original and how he should have been champion a long time ago and people in the back should be in jail for that not happening. Wardlow talks about ‘kings and gods’ being here and what that makes him, before alluding to taking out CM Punk and how his body is still falling apart because of him. Wardlow talks about squashing MJF more than anybody else has in his career. Wardlow brings up the current champ in Samoa Joe, and talks about choking out Joe and beating him also, and says shiny suits look better on him. Joe brings up Punk, MJF, and Joe’s catchphrases and calls himself the uncrowned king of AEW and it’s time he starts eating like one. Wardlow says there is nobody bigger than him or that can stop him, and if anyone wants to try and stop him, this is no longer wrestling, but war.

Collision Cowboys

We see footage of the Bang Bang Scissor Gang after Rampage as Jay White & Billy Gunn bring up some of the issues they had in their match, Jay White suggests on the next Collision, that he, Colten Gunn & Billy Gunn should team up.

Meat Madness

They announced that Will Ospreay will be on Dynamite next week and that Wardlow will compete at something at Revolution called ‘Meat Madness’.

Renee is backstage with The Don Callis Family and asks Don Callis if he’s thought about how this will help his family. Callis talks about how Ospreay didn’t go back with Tony Khan in his jet but with Callis instead. Callis brings up how Powerhouse Hobbs will also be in the Meat Madness before bringing up how he’s not done with Sammy Guevara yet. 

Hook, Rob Van Dam & Adam Page vs. Samoa Joe & The Mogul Embassy (Swerve Strickland & Brian Cage) (w/ Prince Nana)

Hook & Samoa Joe starts the match, as Joe pushes Hook away while laughing. Hook is able to dodge Joe and use his speed to keep Joe in the corner, but Joe comes right back with strikes. Brian Cage & Rob Van Dam tag in, as Cage catches RVD and drives him into their corner as Swerve Strickland tags in and takes out RVD. Adam Page makes the blind tag and gets right in Swerve’s face as they start brawling around the ring, just to get separated by their partners as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Cage is holding Hook up in a big vertical suplex, getting a two-count. RVD comes in and takes everybody out including a Rolling Thunder on Swerve and the Five Star Frog Splash on Cage, that Joe breaks up the count for. Swerve takes Page off the apron with a boot as Joe takes out RVD with kicks in the corner for two, as we go back to picture-in-picture.

After the break, RVD fights off Joe with a kick in the corner as both men are laid out. Page comes in and takes out Cage with a hurricanrana, before fighting Swerve on the outside. Page tries a diving crossbody on Cage, who catches him into bicep curls. Page gets out and hits a Death Valley Driver for two. Everybody runs in, hitting moves including a pump handle driver from Cage to RVD. Page goes to the top rope, but Cage stops him and joins him on the top, as Hook joins in and takes out Cage with a suplex, as he is holding Page. Hook puts on the Redrum on Cage, but Joe is able to tag in. Hook puts the Redrum on Swerve as Page hits the Buckshot Lariat on Cage. Swerve, Joe & Page all have a face-off before Swerve & Joe start double-teaming Page including Joe taking out Page with a tope on the outside. Swerve takes out Joe with ak ick on the apron by accident, before putting powerbombed through the commentary table by Page. Joe dodges a Buckshot Lariat in the ring and hits a power slam for two. Joe tries the Muscle Buster on Page, but he escapes out as RVD tags in. Hook takes out Joe with a T-Bone suplex, as RVD gets on the top rope just to get pushed off by Cage. Joe puts the rear-naked choke hold on RVD, who eventually passes out as Aubrey Edwards ends the match.

Winners: Samoa Joe & The Mogul Embassy (Swerve Strickland & Brian Cage) by referee stoppage at 21:36

About John Siino 383 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.