DDT’s Yusuke Okada announces he’ll be undergoing anti-cancer drug treatment

An update from Yusuke Okada. 

In January, DDT Pro-Wrestling’s Yusuke Okada stepped away from in-ring competition as he underwent surgery to remove a tumor from his lower abdomen. 

DDT held a press conference on 2/29 to provide an update on Okada. He was seated alongside CyberFight President Sanshiro Takagi. 

Okada shared that after speaking with multiple doctors, he could have chosen not to have treatment but it was recommended that he begin anti-cancer drug treatment. He stated that the cancer was found in its early stages and he’s thankful to be alive. 

He added that he’ll do his best to recover and return to the ring. Sanshiro Takagi expressed how glad he is that the cancer was caught early. He agreed with the move to get treatment immediately. 

The 30-year-old Okada has been working with DDT since 2021. His most recent match was on January 14th. 

About Andrew Thompson 8840 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.