House of Glory Reckoning Results: Mike Santana vs. Penta, Mustafa Ali vs. Alex Shelley

Photo Courtesy: House of Glory

House of Glory Reckoning
March 2nd 2024
NYC Arena in Queens, NY

The show starts with HOG Commissioner Jason Solomon bringing out MMA fighter Phumi Nkuta, who signed his contract with House of Glory there in the ring

01: HOG Cruiserweight Championship Suicidal Six-Way: Nolo Kitano (c) (w/ The Anunnakis) vs. Raheem Royal vs. Daron Richardson vs. KC Navarro vs. Jay Armani vs. Jay Lyon

Scotland Green came out to personally introduce his client Jay Armani, and as soon as the bell rang they all attacked Kitano. The Anunnakis kept getting involved but Navarro got the pin on Jay Lyon after hitting a low blow and Sliced Bread to get the win at 9:40 and become NEW HOG Cruiserweight Champion for the second time. 

02: “Sweet Cheeks” Joey Silver vs Danhausen (w/ Brian Quinn)

This was billed as a “special attraction” match, and before it started Danhausen said he didn’t have time to make a video to counter the music video Silver did, so instead he brought out Brian “Q” Quinn of Impractical Jokers to be in his corner. Q took a bump on the outside and got involved throughout the match including taking a lollipop from Danhausen. Danhausen put the teeth in Silver’s mouth and hit the GTS to get the pin at 7:46.

After the match, they all got interrupted by Idris Jackson & Dr. Hilary P. Wisdom who ran them all down for being on the show instead of them. They took out Jackson & Wisdom and celebrated together.

03: Diamond Virago & The Ultra Violette vs. Kamar Kouture & Kiki Van Gogh

Van Gogh got the pin on HOG Women’s Champion Violette at 10:58, after impressively lifting both Violette & Virago from the corner and hitting a driver for the win.

04: HOG Crown Jewel Championship: Carlos Ramirez (c) vs. Lance Anoa’i 

Anoa’i was announced as “representing the Bloodline” and got many chants and gestures for it, as he kept doing moves from many of his family members. The big Ramirez though hit a coast-to-coast headbutt followed by a pump handle driver to get the pin at 12:25.

05: The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz) vs. Cash Flow Inc. (Ken Broadway & J Boujii)

The Rascalz were extremely over with this crowd, and they showed out.  Boujii took out the referee as Broadway was about to use a chair just for Encore to run out and take out Broadway. The Rascalz took advantage and hit a double team Meteora on Bouji, as Wentz got the pin at 10:38.

Funny moment where ring announcer David Adams sent everyone to intermission just two seconds later saying he messed up and there was no intermission. This naturally got a “You fucked up” chant.

06: Midas Black (w/ Jay Lyon) vs. Charles Mason

Rare singles match here for Mane Event’s Black who is getting his revenge after being attacked by a returning Mason at the last show. Lyon got involved a bit on the outside and stopped Mason from using a chair, but Mason caught Black off the ropes right into a choke as Black tapped out at 19:41

After the match, Mason attacked Lyon with the chair possibly setting up that as the next singles match. 

07: Alex Shelley vs. Mustafa Ali

The crowd was behind both men with dueling chants in a very good match that saw the finish come out of nowhere with Ali reversing the Border City Stretch into the roll up for the pin at 11:58

After the match, Ali got on the mic and said he is the future X Division Champion but if it wasn’t for guys like Shelley & Chris Sabin he wouldn’t be here and he told Shelley he respects him as they shook hands which got a TNA chant.

Ali then had a message for The Amazing Red saying that his “bitch ass didn’t show up today” after promising him they would be face to face at their match WrestleMania Weekend in Philadelphia; Ali says “You made me, Red.. but I will end you”

08: HOG Heavyweight Championship: Mike Santana (c) vs. Penta El Zero Miedo 

Penta got on the mic before the match and said they have fought for years all over the world in the UK, Canada, Mexico, and the United States but now they fight in New York (we are our own country), but only agreed to this because he wants the HOG Fucking Championship (must be a new division). Alex Shelley came out at the end and distracted Penta as Santana followed with a lariat to get the pin and the win at 9:17

Shelley got on the mic and hyped up his match with Santana for the HOG X Revolver show Mania weekend and said it’ll be for both titles on the line, as Shelley is the Revolver Champion. Santana said he used to respect and trust Shelley but that’s all out the window and he will fuck him up in Philadelphia. Penta put Santana over after he said he would be here for their Cinco de Mayo show and would face off against Rey Fenix at HOG La Casa De Gloria

About John Siino 383 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.