AEW Dynamite Results: Copeland Makes Christian Quit To Win TNT Title, Kazuchika Okada Wins Continental Title

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Dynamite

March 20th, 2024

By: John Siino

Coca-Cola Coliseum in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Commentary: Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone


We see footage of Adam Copeland, Christian Cage & Kazuchika Okada arriving at the arena from earlier today, with Okada arriving in a red Ferrari.

Tony Schiavone is in the ring and immediately brings out Mercedes Mone’. Mone’ tells Toronto to say hello to their new CEO and talks about how she missed all of this and how excited she is to be here in AEW. She continues about how all of this almost got taken away from her ten months ago in her match against Willow Nightingale, with a career-threatening injury. She knows this is in the past and a lot of people might know who she is, so she cuts to a video that she put together to get a ‘taste of Mone’, as we see clips of her in Hollywood, runways in Paris and her time in NJPW and Stardom. Mercedes talks about how she was kicking butt all over the world until it got taken away from her, and she needed to be here as minor setbacks make for major comebacks. She says she’s not here to lead a women’s revolution, as she’s done that before, but to lead a women’s global revolution. She continues talking about last week with Julia Hart & Skye Blue attacking Willow, who is her business, and with anybody that messes with her business, you have a price to pay.

The lights go out, but when they come back, Julia Hart is on the outside as Skye Blue tries to attack Mercedes, but Mercedes fights her off. Julia tries to attack Mercedes, but as Mercedes tries the Mone’ Maker, Skye pulls her off. Skye & Julia go to grab chairs as Kris Statlander & Willow Nightingale run out with chairs to stand with Mercedes. The lights go out again and when they come back on, Julia & Skye are gone as Willow is standing there with a chair facing Mercedes. Mercedes catches Willow who drops it, as Mercedes asks if Willow was going to hit her, before leaving Willow & Statlander.

Okada’s Personal Producers

We see Alex Marvez from earlier today who was trying to get a word with Kazuchika Okada, but the Young Bucks cut him off and told him to show more respect next time and speak his native tongue of Japanese. They talk about crushing it in Duolingo, as Okada & Matthew Jackson start talking in Japanese. Matthew continues about how handsome Okada is and if there is anyone who can rise to the occasion, it’s Okada for the Continental Championship tonight, and they can’t be ringside, as they will be being the curtain with headsets on being Okada’s personal producers. Okada says to Eddie Kingston, that he’s coming for his title.

AEW Continental Championship: Eddie Kingston (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada

Renee Paquette is at ringside with a report and said she spoke to Eddie Kingston earlier today, and said he will dispel the legend of Kazuchika Okada. Only one of the three titles is on the line here for Kingston. The crowd is split between the two, as they lock up as Okada corners Kingston on the ropes, but that pisses off Kingston who goes to town on Okada with chops and strikes. They go back and forth before taking it to the outside, where Okada suckers Kingston in just to take him out with a DDT on the mat, as we see the Young Bucks in the back with Tony Khan all with headsets on producing the match, as they cut to a replay. Back inside, Okada takes control with a dropkick as we head to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Kingston catches Okada off the ropes into an abdominal stretch. Kingston catches Okada in the corner with machine gun chops before delivering a German Suplex and a sliding elbow for two. Okada takes control here, taking Kingston down with a body slam, and heads to the top rope, but Kingston is able to dodge him and hit the Uraken, but is too slow to make the cover, as Okada kicks out at two. They start trading strikes while on their knees, as the crowd is split between the two. Back and forth, as Okada hits the Rain Maker, but Kingston has his arms up when taking it. As Kingston has Okada, he grabs the referee distracting him before hitting an eye rake on Kingston. Okada ducks the Uraken and hits a slam, followed by the Rain Maker to get the pin and the win.

Winner: Kazuchika Okada by pinfall at 15:52, to become NEW AEW Continental Champion

We cut to a pretty delayed reaction of the Young Bucks backstage, reacting to the win as Okada gets a bunch of pyro, not before getting interrupted by PAC who stares down Okada.

Swerve’s Open House Challenge

Renee is in the back with Swerve Strickland & Prince Nana, as Swerve is still carrying the chain from last week and says his intentions are still the same; the AEW World Championship. Samoa Joe tried to choke him out and humiliate him, but Swerve has a history of choking people out himself. Swerve says he’s been inspired by Mike Tyson’s sparring, so he wants to spare tonight and offers an open challenge to anybody to come face him.

Stat Meets The CEO

After the break, Renee is in the back with Kris Statlander, Willow Nightingale & Stokely Hathaway and says they are familiar with street fights but asks how tonight will be different. Willow says after tonight she’ll be in more street fights than anyone else on the AEW roster. Statlander says tonight this will be the end, as Mercedes Mone’ steps into the picture. Statlander thanks Mercedes for having Willow’s back, as Mercedes says a CEO stands up for what she believes in and says it’s nice to meet her. Willow tries to get a word with Mercedes, but she cuts her off and says she’s done enough, as Stokely puts his hand out just for Mercedes to walk away. Stokely says there is nothing for her to worry about, as she broke her ankle.

Hook vs. Chris Jericho

Right away, Hook grabs Chris Jericho and suplexes him right on top of his head. Bryce Remsburg checks on Jericho for a bit, before Jericho tells him he’s fine. Hook goes right after Jericho in the corner with punches, and Jericho comes right back with chops, but Hook hits a T-Bone suplex for a two. Back and forth before Hook hits three more German Suplexes as we go to picture-in-picture.

We come back, just to see another German Suplex from Hook as Excalibur says this is a lop-sided affair with Hook dominating with suplexes the entire time. Hook continues with them, before Jericho eventually counters and tries to put the Walls of Jericho on, just for Hook to punch him off. Jericho tries to jump off the top rope but gets caught right into another suplex, followed by a clothesline, but Jericho stops Hook with a boot and the Lionsault for two. Jericho catches Hook in the corner and tries to toss him, but Hook goes flat on his face. Jericho places Hook on the top rope and starts punching away until Hook turns it into the Redrum, Jericho gets off the corner with Hook still on top of him with the move. Hook brings Jericho down to the mat, but Jericho is able to get out with punches and tries the Walls of Jericho, just for Hook to turn it into an inside cradle for the pin.

Winner: Hook by pinfall at 10:51

Jericho shows Hook a sign of respect, before leaving.

Wardlow Had One Job

We go to a produced video of Adam Cole. Cole talks about hating feeling disappointed, and last week Wardlow disappointed him and failed. Cole said Wardlow had one job and he failed, and he should be the AEW World Champion. Now Wardlow has a new goal, and that’s to make sure Roderick Strong, Matt Taven & Mike Bennett all keep their titles and then maybe they’ll forgive him. Cole wants Wardlow at his full potential and tells him not to screw it up.

Proposition For Hook

Renee catches up with Chris Jericho in the back and asks if he earned his respect. Jericho talks about Hook living up to more than he expected and admits Hook is as good as everybody says he is, and next week on Dynamite he has a proposition for Hook.

Walking In Bryan’s Shoes

Tony Schiavone welcomes Will Ospreay to the ring. Ospreay says the last time he was here was a bit naughty and he apologizes as he is to give them elite levels of professional wrestling, but in return, he needs some maple syrup. Ospreay talks about watching Bryan Danielson vs. Katsuyori Shibata and hopes everybody in the back studied that, as that’s professional wrestling. And what Danielson said after, though, about being grateful in one breath but Ospreay not being able to walk in his shoes, in the other breath. Ospreay talks about seeing Danielson’s shoes in Japan, and talks about not being able to fit in them because they were too small. Ospreay talks about elevating wrestling in Japan and lists all his accolades, including winning the World Heavyweight Championship. Ospreay asks if he wants Danielson to prove it, so he brings up Shibata and how the last time he faced him, Shibata beat the piss out of him. Ospreay then challenges Shibata next week on Dynamite, which gets some boos from this Toronto crowd maybe expecting this to happen later on Rampage.

Mariah May & Toni Storm (w/ Luther) vs. Deonna Purrazzo & Thunder Rosa

All four go at it before the bell rings, before it’s Deonna Purrazzo & Mariah May to officially start the match, while Toni Storm & Thunder Rosa are going at it on the outside. May stays on top of Deonna with a dropkick, before tagging in Storm but Deonna fights them both off with a clothesline. Deonna & Rosa keep Storm in their corner before Rosa hits a sliding lariat on Storm for two. Luther distracts Rosa, as Storm takes control while on the apron, going into picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Rosa takes out Storm & May with a double crossbody before making the hot tag to Deonna who goes right after May with a boot for two. Rosa tags herself in, which seems to upset Deonna a bit. Rosa hits a Death Valley Driver on May before Storm takes Rosa out with a snap German Suplex. Storm follows with the hip attack and goes for Storm Zero, but Rosa quickly turns it into a roll-up for the surprise pin.

Winners: Thunder Rosa & Deonna Purrazzo by pinfall at 7:12

Swerve Strickland (w/Prince Nana) vs. The Butcher

Out to accept the open challenge is The Butcher, since Swerve Strickland asked for someone ‘big’. Right away Swerve sends Butcher in the corner with a headbutt and kicks in the corner. Swerve stays in control, including hitting his elbow off the corner, but Butcher starts attacking Swerve’s shoulder before hitting a backbreaker. A bit of back and forth before Swerve bounces up from a clothesline to hit a stomp to Butcher’s back followed by the House Call. Swerve heads to the top rope and hits the Swerve Stomp, but instead of going for the pin, he puts on a short arm scissor as Butcher taps out.

Winner: Swerve Strickland by submission at 3:22

Swerve, Joe & The Don Callis Family

Swerve gets on the mic and says to Samoa Joe, that before he met him he had the utmost respect for him but as he met him, he stopped liking him and now he’s getting him real close to hating him. As he stands there with the chain in his permission he thinks about choking out Joe with it every day, but Joe’s big ass neck is too big for the chain. Swerve says he will take out Joe’s security week after week until Joe gives him exactly what he wants.

This prompts Samoa Joe to come out and ask what does he do with Swerve. Logic dictates that he ignore him since he beat him at Revolution and Swerve got pushed down the ladder. Joe says Swerve still believes that the impossible is still possible and that he can box with a God. Joe talks about someone like him smashing Swerve’s face and taking everything he had and with that realization he knew exactly what to do with someone like Swerve and that’s to give Swerve exactly what he wants, as he starts rushing the ring. He gets stopped by Don Callis on the mic who says it strikes him that Swerve & Konosuke Takeshita have the same amount of wins, but the difference is Takeshita is undefeated outside the Don Callis Family and maybe Takeshita should teach Swerve a lesson, as Callis says this is the Don Callis Family House, not Swerve’s House. Swerve said if it wasn’t distracted he’d burn the Don Callis Family House down, but he will accept Takeshita’s challenge, but after that, he is coming for Joe.

Dynamite Next Week Line-Up

  • Konosuke Takeshita vs. Swerve Strickland
  • AEW World Tag Team Championship Tournament: The Young Bucks vs. Private Party
  • Will Ospreay vs. Katsuyori Shibata

AEW TNT Championship I Quit Match: Christian Cage (c) vs. Adam Copeland

Big feel for this match, with the introductions and ‘holy shit’ chants. Adam Copeland goes after Christian Cage right away and sets up for the spear, but Christian escapes to the outside where Copeland quickly takes him out with a basement dropkick. They take it into the crowd and start fighting in the penalty box. Copeland takes a Boston Bruins jersey from someone and puts it on Christian, before putting on a Toronto Maple Leafs jersey himself and starts attacking Christian. The crowd chants ‘Go Leafs Go’ as they keep fighting up the stands and right into picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Copeland is setting up a ladder against the ring as the crowd chants ‘TLC’. Copeland puts the ladder in between the barricade and commentary table before Christian & Copeland both get on top of it where Copeland drives Christian back first onto it. Back in the ring, Copeland sets the ladder up, upside down against the corner and drops Christian front-first onto it, as he tells the referee he doesn’t quit when asked. Copeland sets up a table against the barricade, but Christian dodges a spear attempt from him. Copeland gets up all bloody as Christian dives onto him from the top rope, as they both go through the table. Back in the ring, Christian catapults Copeland right into a ladder that was wedged in the corner, but Copeland tells the referee he doesn’t quit. Christian heads to the top rope but misses the Frog Splash as Copeland locks on the submission. Back and forth as they both take each other out with a spear as we go back to picture-in-picture.

We come back just in time to see Copeland toss Christian off the stage, but Christian tells Bryce Remsburg that he still doesn’t quit. Copeland sets up a hockey net and sends Christian right onto and into it. As Copeland and Christian are heading closer to the ring, Shayna Wayne shows up with a hockey stick and takes out Copeland with a low blow with it. Christian breaks the hockey stick over Copeland. Christian keeps attacking the bloody Copeland with another stick, driving it into Copeland’s throat as the ref is asking if he quits, who takes a while to say no. Christian tosses a chair into the ring before finding a barbed-wired covered chair that he enters the ring with. Christian sets up for the Conchairto, but Copeland gets out of the way. They block each other from doing the Killswitch on top of the chair, as Copeland attacks Christian with the hockey stick, but Christian doesn’t quit. Copeland uses his drawstring from his tights to choke out Christian, but Nick Wayne & Killswitch run out to attack Copeland. Shayna enters the ring and slaps Copeland, which prompts Daniel Garcia & Matt Menard to run out and even up the odds. Copeland takes out Killswitch with an Impaler on the barbed-wired chair before Garcia & Menard send Nick Wayne to the outside on top of Killswitch. Copeland climbs the ladder inside the ring and dives onto The Patriarchy on the outside. The faces start hand-cuffing Nick Wayne & Killswitch to the corners, before surrounding Shayna Wayne who just escapes to the back. Garcia, Menard & Copeland start attacking Christian before Copeland hits a spear and handcuffs Christian to another corner. Copeland goes and grabs ‘Spike’ from under the ring, hits numerous low blows to Christian, grabs ‘Spike’ and hits Christian down low with it as the match has spilled over to Rampage at this point. Before Copeland can do any more damage with ‘Spike’, Christian says he quits.

Winner: Adam Copeland by submission at 25:46, to become NEW AEW TNT Champion

About John Siino 383 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.