AEW Rampage Results: Julia Hart & Skye Blue vs. Statlander & Nightingale in a Street Fight

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Rampage

March 20th, 2024

By: John Siino

Coca-Cola Coliseum in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Commentary: Excalibur, Matt Menard & Tony Schiavone

Saving Darby Allin’s Life

We see Bullet Club Gold who are out catching the sun in Florida as the Gunns talk about Jay White saving Darby Allin’s life and maybe they should take the titles from The Acclaimed, and talk about Max Caster’s failed rap career. Jay White shows off a gold bat and talks about how maybe next year Darby can try to climb Mount Everest, but White is bigger than Everest we see a golden skeleton go down a water slide as they scream that it is Darby and to not do it.

Renee Paquette is on the stage and brings out The Acclaimed, as Max Caster says they should have known about the Bullet Club Gold. They attacked them and Billy Gunn is not cleared to travel after the attack from last week and asks Toronto how they feel about Jay White for doing that. Caster talks about Jay White being so scared he didn’t even show up tonight in Toronto and he has to hide behind his Ass Boys. Caster talks about when White brings his ass back they will be there to ruin his life and hunt him down. Anthony Bowens talks about being pissed off that Bullet Club Gold didn’t show up and talks about them not being Elite enough. Bowens talks about how White should have listened to the internet and ‘signed somewhere else’ and how he lost to MJF with one leg. Bowens then gets everyone to give White the middle finger and says they never needed him and never will, and they only need the fans.

AEW World Tag Team Championship Tournament Wild Card Match: Best Friends (Orange Cassidy & Trent Beretta) (w/ Chuck Taylor) vs. The Don Callis Family (Kyle Fletcher & Powerhouse Hobbs) (w/ Don Callis)

Orange Cassidy & Powerhouse Hobbs start the match, as right away Hobbs hits the spine buster, that Trent Beretta had to run in and break up. They keep attacking Beretta on the outside as Hobbs slams Orange a bunch of times on the apron, sends him inside, and splashes him in the corner, before mocking Orange’s hands in the pocket. Orange is able to fight off Hobbs & Kyle Fletcher and make the tag to Beretta who takes out Fletcher with a clothesline, sending him outside, where he takes out Hobbs & Fletcher with a Swan Dive. Hobbs & Fletcher keep double-teaming Beretta, hitting a pendulum bomb as we head to picture-in-picture.

Orange goes on a flurry, attacking both Hobbs & Fletcher including a DDT on Fletcher, which Hobbs had to break up the count. Hobbs puts on a Torture Rack on Orange, but Beretta tries to break it up with punches, helping Orange roll up Hobbs for two. Orange tries to fight off Hobbs, but he easily takes him out before tagging out to Fletcher. Beretta & Orange start double-teaming Fletcher, before hugging just for Hobbs to take them both out. Hobbs continues to attack Orange on the outside before Beretta helps out as they take out Hobbs with a double team Beach Break/stomp combo. Fletcher joins in, sends Orange back inside, and hits him with a spinning Tombstone for two. Beretta joins Orange & Fletcher on the top rope where he takes out Fletcher with a Half & Half suplex, followed by a diving DDT from Orange. Beretta takes out Hobbs with a spear on the outside as Orange hits the Orange Punch on Fletcher for the pin and the win.

Winners: Best Friends (Orange Cassidy & Trent Beretta) by pinfall at 10:31, to advance

Katsuyori Shibata vs. Kevin Matthews

As soon as the bell rings, Katsuyori Shibata corners Kevin Matthews with punches, downing him where he delivers a dropkick followed by a suplex for two. Shibata stays on the attack before Matthews stops him in his tracks with a big clothesline and lifts him up, just for Shibata to lock on the sleeper hold, followed by the PK for the quick pin and win.

Winner: Katsuyori Shibata by pinfall at 1:23

We see Adam Copeland celebrating in the back along with the Best Friends, Action Andretti, Top Flight, Daniel Garcia & Matt Sydal.

Konosuke Takeshita (w/ Don Callis) vs. Rocky Romero

As soon as the match starts, Konosuke Takeshita places Rocky Romero on the top rope and mocks him, just for Romero to get in Takeshita’s face and start chopping and knocking him down with a strike. Romero hits the Forever Clotheslines before Takeshita stops him with a pop-up and sends Romero outside as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Romero hits a pair of tope suicidas on Takeshita, but on the third attempt gets caught. After escaping, Romero does indeed hit the third dive followed by a running sliced bread for a two-count. Romero puts on an armbar, as Don Callis gets on the apron distracting everyone from breaking it up. More back and forth until Takeshita hits the Tombstone followed by the Blue Thunder Bomb for the pin. Takeshita stops Romero’s momentum with a clothesline followed by a rolling elbow strike and the Falcon Arrow to get the pin and the win.

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita by pinfall at 8:54

Street Fight: Kris Statlander & Willow Nightingale vs. Skye Blue & Julia Hart

Stokely Hathaway goes and joins the commentary team. As soon as Skye Blue & Julia Hart make their way down to the ring, they get attacked by Kris Statlander & Willow Nightingale with chairs and kendo sticks. Statlander wedges up Hart into a chair as Willow stomps her head before Statlander slams her down while still being trapped in it before getting another kick from Willow as Statlander gets a two. Willow grabs a table from under the ring as Statlander sets it up against the corner. Hart accidentally takes out Blue with the spike before getting put through the table in the corner as we go to picture-in-picture.

We see during the break, that Willow took out Blue with a cannonball in the car, with a chair in between as Statlander is attacking Julia in the other corner. Willow sets up tables on the outside and clears the commentary table, before going on top of it with Blue, but Blue stops her and hits the Code Blue on the table, not breaking it. Blue grabs a bag of tacks and pours them in the ring before Statlander brings out a bag of her own. Blue kicks Statlander in the corner and sends her onto the tacks with a powerbomb, for a two. Blue puts the tacks in Statlander’s mouth and superkicks her for another two. Blue heads to the top, but Willow runs up to grab her and sends her through the two tables with a Death Valley Driver. Statlander flips Hart on top of a stack of chairs, and heads to the top rope but misses the 450 Splash. Hart puts on the Hartless as Statlander taps out.

Winners: Julia Hart & Skye Blue by submission at 11:26

Collision Line-Up (in two weeks)

  • AEW World Tag Team Title Tournament Quarter Final Match: FTR vs. The Infantry
About John Siino 383 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.